Hey everyone! So, here it is, the end of this little AU that popped into my head. It got a lot bigger than I thought it would, but hopefully you all liked the story and hopefully you like the ending! So far, I haven't really thought of any future stories for this one, but there could be oneshots of Alec growing up if there's enough interest. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, followed, and favorited! Hope you all enjoyed!

She took a deep breath as she walked from her car to Bobby Singer's front steps. She had gone to the hospital to check on Alec, but had found that they had all disappeared. She kept telling herself that she shouldn't be mad that they didn't call her, they had a lot on their minds and Alec was the priority. If he was feeling better, then he should be at home and they didn't need to worry about her.

But she couldn't stop feeling like she should check up on them. If they were gone, then fine, she would just have to get over it, but if they were still here, then maybe she could talk to them again and make sure they were going to visit her.

Her hope rose when she spotted Dean's car in the driveway, so at least they were still here. But she was nervous to see the boys again, especially Alec. She knew Alec as a little kid…how was she going to talk to Alec who was all grown up. She couldn't even understand what had happened to him, let alone talk to him about it. But she pushed all of that aside and took another deep breath as she rose her hand up to knock.

She froze though when she heard laughter from the other side of the door, and it wasn't just the deep chuckle from Dean, but there was also a high-pitched giggle from a little kid.

She immediately knocked, and she heard the sound of running footsteps, but no one answered the door. There was more running and giggling and screaming, and she smiled hearing how much fun they were having. She was still confused though, so she reached out and tried the door. She wasn't surprised to find the door unlocked, Bobby wasn't the type you would rob and even if someone would try to rob him, she was pretty sure he could handle it himself.

She opened the door and started to step inside, but she was immediately ambushed.


A child, correction a naked little boy, threw himself at her, and she caught him in surprise. He wrapped his tiny little arms around her neck and hugged her close. "Alec?" Jody asked in confusion.

"Jody, you're back!" Alec yelled in delight.

"Alec?" Dean called out from another room. He appeared after a moment and his eyes widened when he saw her. "Jody! Hey…I'm sorry about him. He's supposed to be taking a bath, but he thought it would be more fun to take off and have me chase him…" He reached out and took Alec from her and teased, "Alec, you're naked! Jody's got a full view of your little butt!"

"You said butt," Alec said, poking Dean's cheek.

"So did you," Dean pointed out.

"Daddy, I don't want to take a bath," Alec said. "I want to play with Jody."

"You can play with Jody after you take a bath," Dean said. He looked over at her and winked before he said, "He'll fall asleep right after I give him a bath, and then I'll tell you everything."

She nodded in understanding and watched as Dean carried Alec up the stairs. Alec turned and waved at her, and she smiled and waved back.

It couldn't be possible, but she had the proof right in front of her. But it didn't make any sense; first Alec was a kid, then he was suddenly grown up, and now he's a kid again…How was it even possible? Did she even want to know?

She heard a high-pitched giggle, and it made her smile. Alec was one happy kid and she couldn't help but love him. She felt terrible for thinking it, but she was grateful that he was back.

She walked further into Bobby's house and ended up sitting on the sofa. Toys littered the floor and there were pictures scattered across the coffee table. She smiled seeing Alec's smiling face in every single one.

"Sorry about that," Dean said, suddenly walking in the room again. Alec was in his PJ's, snuggled against Dean's chest as he carried him into the room. "But he should fall asleep in just a few minutes." Dean grabbed a sippy cup and walked into the kitchen before he came back and settled in on the sofa next to her. Alec drank whatever was in the sippy cup, but his eyes were drooping as he snuggled against Dean.

"So…" Jody said, unsure how to ask what had happened.

"It's complicated…" Dean said, shifting Alec around so he was lying across his lap.

"Dean, Sam and Bobby already filled me in on what they knew about adult Alec getting turned into baby Alec, and then back again. The last I knew, Alec was still an adult. I went to the hospital to check on you boys, and you were gone. I came here, and somehow Alec's a baby again. So, you just need to tell me how Alec is suddenly a baby again," Jody said.

"Ok, so there was this chick," Dean said. "She appeared in Alec's room at the hospital and I guess told him he had a choice, he could either stay an adult, or he could be a kid again. He chose to be a kid again."

"What?" Jody asked back. "She made him choose?"

"She says she always gives the ones she changes a choice, and Alec asked me and Sam what we thought he should do, but I couldn't make that choice for him…" Dean said. "She told us that he wanted the second chance, and honestly, I'm grateful he took it."

"Me too," Jody said with a small smile.

Dean chuckled suddenly and said, "You know, he's been sick since we left the hospital? Today was the first day he actually started acting like himself. He took off as soon as I got all his clothes off and ran around yelling for me to chase him."

She laughed and said, "I'm glad he's feeling better, and, I'm glad he's a kid again."

Dean smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I am too."

"Uncle Sammy?"

Alec's quiet voice stopped him in his tracks. He was trying to be quiet as he snuck through the living room, but Alec's hearing hadn't changed. "Hey buddy," Sam whispered, trying to let his brother still get some sleep. Alec had been sleeping on the sofa since he'd been changed back since he was still sick, and Dean slept with him on the sofa. He knew Dean wasn't comfortable on the sofa, but his brother wasn't going to leave Alec alone, and Alec had been getting sick about this time every night, so he had to stay on the sofa. "Do you feel sick?" Sam asked. Alec's lip trembled and he nodded, so he carefully picked him up and carried him to the bathroom.

He held Alec as he threw up, and then helped him rinse his mouth out when he was done.

"Ok, here we go," Sam soothed, sitting down in the rocking chair that Bobby had built. He held Alec and rocked slowly, trying to settle his stomach and get him back to sleep at the same time. He was surprised Dean was still asleep, but his brother was exhausted from constantly worrying about Alec. It had been three days since Alec had been changed back, but he was still pretty sick from his time out in the rain. Dean had said Alec had been excited when Jody visited, but that must have worn him out.

"Uncle Sammy, I don't feel good," Alec whispered.

"I know, buddy, but hopefully in a couple days you'll feel better," Sam said. He stood up with Alec in his arms and walked upstairs to Bobby's room. He knocked before he opened the door, ignoring Bobby's growl of annoyance, and said, "Bobby, we need to get him on an IV again. He just threw up and his fever's back."

"I thought Dean said he was acting like himself again," Bobby grumbled.

"Bobby, he just got sick," Sam said. "Help me get him on an IV, please?"

"Alright, alright…" Bobby said, slowly getting up. He rolled his eyes when Bobby gave Alec a small smile and said, "Hey there, kiddo. I hear you're not feeling good…"

"My tummy hurts," Alec said.

"Ok, we're gonna get you feelin' better," Bobby said. Bobby put his hand on Alec's forehead and frowned, "Where's Dean?"

"I let him sleep," Sam said. "He didn't wake up when I picked up Alec, which means he's exhausted, we need to let him sleep."

"Fine, but when he wakes up all pissed off that you put his kid on an IV again, you're takin' the blame," Bobby said.

"Big bad hunter is scared of my big brother…" Sam muttered in amusement.

"When it comes to you or Alec? Yeah, I'm scared of your brother," Bobby grumbled.

He chuckled, but then asked Alec, "Do you want to sleep with Daddy again or with me in the rocking chair?"

"I might get sick again…" Alec whispered.

"Ok, how about I hold you until you fall asleep again," Sam suggested. "That way I can get you to the bathroom if you get sick again."


He sat down with Alec again and held him against his chest. Even though Alec was sick right now, he couldn't ignore how happy he was that Alec was a kid again. He was going to miss having a little brother, but he and Dean had a second chance just as much as Alec did. They were going to have a normal life now, a mostly safe life. They wouldn't have a completely safe life, he knew that; Dean wasn't as reckless now, and Alec was too young to get into too much trouble, but they both liked helping people too much to turn a blind eye. There were going to be times that Dean couldn't ignore a cry of help, and he'd put himself in danger to help them. That's just who his brother was, and he knew without a doubt that Alec had that same trait. When Alec was older, he and Dean were going to be a mess worrying about him, but he wouldn't change it for the world.

Bobby rolled his eyes when he walked back into the room and muttered, "You boys are gonna be the death of me…" Bobby grabbed a blanket and draped it over him and Alec before he gently grabbed Alec's little hand. "Ok, this is gonna hurt just a little bit, remember? But just for a minute."

Alec nodded, and didn't even flinch when Bobby inserted the needle into one of his veins. "You did so good," Sam praised, rubbing Alec's back. "Do you think you can get some sleep now?" Alec nodded again and rested against his chest. "Can you wake Dean up?" Sam asked. "He needs to know…"

Bobby huffed, but walked over to Dean and shook his shoulder. "C'mon kid, Alec got sick again," Bobby said.

Dean jolted awake and immediately looked around for Alec. He relaxed when his eyes landed on Alec, and he slowly got up and walked over. "Is he ok?" Dean asked, looking at him.

"His fever's back and he threw up," Sam said. "I thought we should get him back on an IV just in case."

Dean nodded in agreement, and then asked, "You ok sitting with him? I don't want to move him as long as he's comfortable, but if he's too heavy or your leg falls asleep or something, then we'll move him."

"No, he's ok," Sam said, trying not to laugh. Alec barely weighed anything now that he was a tiny baby. He was just surprised Dean didn't just take Alec back. He wouldn't blame his brother if he did; Dean was Alec's Dad and he knew it killed him to be away from him, but this was a pretty big step for Dean.

Dean smiled a little, like he knew what he was thinking, and said, "Sam, I trust you with him. I know I'm overprotective, but I do trust you with him."

"I know you do," Sam reassured.

"How are we gonna get him feeling better?" Dean asked.

"I don't know…" Sam said.

"You two have a lot to learn," Bobby said with a smirk. "He's gonna be ok. He went through a traumatic event, and then he was changed from a kid, to an adult, and then back to a kid. He needs some time to adjust. He needs some sleep and some fluids, and then he'll be back to normal. You boys just need to give him some time."

"You know, you're not really making me feel any better," Dean said with a scowl.

"Believe it or not, I don't care," Bobby grumbled. "Now, don't wake me up again unless Alec needs somethin' else."

He and Dean shared a look as Bobby walked back up the stairs.

"I don't care what he says, I won't relax until Alec's better…" Dean muttered.

"I'm with you there," Sam said, looking down at the sleeping little boy. His cheeks were flushed from the fever, but other than that, he seemed to be sleeping soundly. Hopefully, he really would start feeling better after some sleep and some fluids. He kissed the top of Alec's head and settled in to wait.

"Daddy, what are we doing?" Alec asked. His little boy reached for him as soon as he got him unbuckled, and he immediately picked him up. Sam and Bobby got out of the car too, and he walked around to meet them.

"Well, since you're feeling better, we thought we'd do something fun today," Dean said.

"Like what?" Alec asked.

"I was going to let you pick," Dean said. "Do you want to go to the park, go see a movie, or go to the zoo?"

"What's the zoo?" Alec asked.

"That's where you can see a bunch of different animals that you wouldn't be able to see normally," Dean explained. He wasn't so sure if the zoo was a great idea since technically Alec was created with some cat DNA and he'd been kept in a cage for part of his life. But it was pretty cool to see some of the animals there since they would never be able to see them in real life.

"What kind of animals?" Alec asked, playing with his collar.

"Like…tigers, monkeys, penguins…um…"

"And bears, dolphins, whales," Sam said when he stopped. "There are tons of animals there."

"Daddy, do you want to go to the zoo?" Alec asked.

"I want to do whatever you want to do, ok kiddo?" Dean said.

"If I don't like the zoo…can we do something else?" Alec asked.

Well, yeah!" Dean said with a smile.

"Ok, let's go to the zoo," Alec said.

So, right after they ate breakfast he drove them to the zoo, and it was even better than he thought it would be. Alec was excited every time they walked to a new exhibit, and then it took at least 15 minutes before he even thought about moving onto the next one.

It took a lot of convincing and even a bribery of ice cream to get Alec to agree to even stop for lunch. He had to explain multiple times that they weren't actually leaving the zoo, they were just going to find somewhere to eat that was inside the zoo. Alec was so focused on the animals, he hadn't even noticed that there were places to eat every so often too.

They ate and walked around until Alec was so tired, he was practically sleep walking. He picked Alec up and started heading for the exit, but stopped when Alec asked, "Daddy…do we have to leave?"

"Alec, you're already almost asleep," Dean said. "And the zoo closes pretty soon."

"Oh…ok…" Alec mumbled, resting against his shoulder. He started walking again, but then Alec asked, "Daddy…can we go to the zoo tomorrow too?"

He chuckled, "Yeah Alec, we can go to the zoo tomorrow too. We can do whatever you want." They could do anything they wanted for the rest of their lives. He didn't care if Alec wanted to go to college or if he found out about hunting. He would be proud of his son no matter what he decided to do.

Alec snuggled against his neck while Sam and Bobby walked on either side of him. He smiled; he couldn't imagine ever being happier in his life. And for the first time in his life, he was excited to find what the future would hold.

The End.