"I have a bounty for you."

"Such a high price for a man. Am I allowed to ask why the high amount?"

"He... slaughtered my servants and I caught him in the act. He ran away after that and I have no idea where he is."

"So you're paying me to go find him?"

"Aren't you the most successful bounty hunter this side of the seven kingdoms?"

"Stroking my ego?"

"Do this for me and you get to keep his bounty. All of his bounty."

"... You have a deal."

"I can't believe you took on something like this."

Akira looked down to the white footed panther running along beside him and his horse. "It was an impressive amount."

"Did you not hear what he said? He slaughtered all of his servants in one night. One night!"

"Morgana, please. It's not like you to reject a bounty."

"I like living Akira!"

Akira shook his head and looked back at the slowly retreating shapes of Kamoshida's kingdom. To put a bounty on a man like Sakamoto is understandable, but to make it that high? Surely, other hunters have attempted to take the bounty for themselves. That price could cause even a farmer to make an attempt at it, yet there had been no record of a successful catch. Akira sighed and directed his gaze toward towards the midnight forest that quickly approached. The black-haired hunter pulled back on the reins of the stallion, who reared back and stood still, Morgana came to a stop besides them.

"We'll stop here for tonight. I'm not traveling into the Midnight Forest at night. I don't want to fight Werewolves."

"Fine by me." Morgana stretched before laying on the ground.

Akira sat beside him and made a fire pit; the stallion lay nearby, already asleep.

"You over worked Arsene." Morgana said.

"I know. I won't push him so hard come tomorrow." Akira reached into his pocket and unfolded the bounty paper.

Ryuji Sakamoto

Dead or Alive

Reward: 5 million worth in gold and jewels

Akira's eyes fell to the picture they used for him. Flatten, black, short hair with brown eyes that felt like they were staring deep into the hunter's soul. The hair framed the handsome face it was attached to and Akira started to wonder if Sakamoto was really the mass murderer Kamoshida made him out to be. He pocketed the bounty, snuffed out the fire, and laid down to sleep. Morning brought the trio to the outskirts of Madarame's Kingdom, Akira watched as various people and creatures roamed the beautiful area in high suits and gowns. He and Morgana tended to avoid the beautiful kingdom, they seeked anything worth creating and destroyed anything that wasn't beautiful enough like them. Akira was happy never to enter the Musuem Kingdom ever again, ever since he had convinced Yusuke to leave the terrible place.

The trek through the various kingdom took days, each town that Morgana and Akira visited yielded the same results. No one had heard or seen of Ryuji Sakamoto and as the days went by, Akira felt his confidence waver in return. Eventually, the edge of a port village came into view and Morgana let out a happy sounding purr as he breathed in the smell of fish. The black haired man urged Akira to spur Arsene faster, fueled by the images of eating various fish. The hunter shook his head and urged the black stallion into gallop, passing a small house on the outskirts in the process. Akira slowed the horse to a stop and leapt off the saddle, directing the stallion around the village as he looked for an inn.

Morgana jumped off and transformed, stretching out his weary arms as he turned to follow the hunter. Akira looked back at the werecat, watching as the fluffy haired male straightened out his golden and black waistcoat, fixed his silver and red sash, and brushed invisible dust off his black pants and dark blue boots. Morgana's sheathed scimitar bounced off his leg, red, black and silver handle glistening in the sun, as he walked over to where Akira stood. Most of the villagers had taken note of the two black haired newcomers as the walked towards the inn.

Akira handed Arsene's reins to the werecat. "Go and get a room for us. I'm going to look around and see if any recognizes Sakamoto's bounty."

Morgana look at him, disappointment clearing showing in his bright blue eyes. "But my fish..."

"I'll buy some for you later."

"Including fatty tuna?"

"Including fatty tuna."

Morgana smiled, showing off his set of sharpen canines and lead Arsene to the inn. Akira stuffed his hands in his pockets and casually walked towards the port, perhaps some sailors or fishermen had seen Sakamoto. Akira pulled out the bounty poster and approached an elderly fisherman.

"Have you seen this man?"

The elder stared at the picture and rubbed at his gray beard. "Can't say that I have. What's he in for?"


"Hey, Old man Floe! Gotta net full of Dragon Trout for you!"

Akira and the old man directed their attention towards the approaching white and dark green hooded vest wearing man. The hooded man was carrying two sets of full and dripping wooden boxes and had a net full of the thick scaled fish tied to his hip. The man set down the boxes and untied the net and Akira took the time to fully take in the mysterious man. Dark gray sailor pants clung loosely to thin hips with only a silver and golden dragon skin belt holding it up. Long black wristbands and black armbands clung to the man's muscular arms as he reached up to pull the hood off his head. Akira's eyes snapped to the blond hair of the man and the small scar on his cheek. Warm brown eyes greeted him as the man turned to look at him and Akira felt that the eyes were staring deep into his soul.

"Why 'ello there, Kidd. Fish swimmin' good today?"

Brown eyes snapped back to the old fisherman. "Yeah. They were practically jumpin' into my boat!"

"Now, son, how much I owe you for the fish?"

"It's free, old man."

"Well that ain't right. You went to all that trouble to get them for me so I at least owe you somethin'."

Kidd rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, Akira felt his stomach tighten at the sound.

"Whatever you think is best."

Floe reached into the worn satchel at his hip and pulled out fifteen gold marks and ten silver marks before putting them in Kidd's outstretched hand.

"Thanks again, Kidd!"

"No problem, Old man."

Akira watched as the blond pocketed the money, picked up the crates, and walked further into the market place.

"Now what were we talking about, sonny?"

Akira directed his attention back to Floe. "Uh..." He pocked the bounty. "Who's Kidd?"

"The Innkeeper found him hobbling his way into town. He looked mighty beaten up, clothes were torn and he was bleeding somethin' fierce and his left leg was bent outta shape. He collapsed before she could get to him and the village elders decided to nurse him back to health. He got terribly sick at the start and almost attacked one of the elder's in a feverish haze, yet they continued to help him. He's been here for roughly a year after that, keeps himself busy with fishin' and whatnot.

"He lives on the outskirts of town despite Tomoe tellin' him he could stay at the inn." The fisherman rubbed at his beard. "An odd one he is though. Every time we ask him about where he's from, he clams up. We eventually learn to stop askin'."

Akira looked in the directed Kidd had gone, steel gray eyes trying to catch a hint of yellow through the crowd.

"Now, sonny."

The hunter directed his attention back to the elder.

"Why are you askin' about him?"

"Just curious is all." Akira lied somewhat. "He looks like someone I know."