
Jem: You just couldn't help yourself, could you?

Star: No, I couldn't...

Jem: *writing in a notebook* Star writes a new story with other stories still not even halfway finished.

Star: Please forgive me! Also, hello new readers! This is my first story for Miraculous: of course Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir!(not counting my crossover one) Ever since watching I have become a fan and it has inspired me to write once more despite the fact of my other stories that aren't finished... Anyway, along with how the whole love thing goes around and honestly, it's wonderful and funny although I do like Marinette with Chat Noir. Thus, inspiring this AU story of mine(unless already thought of I dunno I haven't really read any other fanfics here..) and maybe turning it into Ladybug and Chat Noir? I'm not sure yet. Anyway, some things that may not or isn't true in the series. Aside from that, I will do my best in updating! Anyway without further interruption, onto the story! And I own nothing but the plot! Enjoy~!

The morning streets of Paris were busy as usual with all the people rushing all over the place to work, meeting, school, etc. yet still a wonderful peaceful morning for everyone well...all except for one.

"God damn it! I'm going to be late for school! Again!" A teenage girl shouted as she ran around her room getting ready. Said girl was none other than Marinette Dupain-cheng. Quickly, she started to put on her usual clothing as she started to put her things inside her bag as well. Quickly, she ran downstairs giving her parents a goodbye kiss on the cheek and out the door she went. Upon reaching the school grounds, she stopped just a second to regain her breath until she continued to run once again. That is until she bumped into someone once making a turn in the hallways. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" She quickly started to apologize after rubbing her head from the pain, while she picked up her bag along with the things that fell from it.

"No, I should be the one apologizing." She heard as she reached for her final book in which another hand already did. Looking up, her eyes met with green ones. Blinking a few times did she realize the person before her.

"A-Adrien?!" She asked; shock. He only chuckled at her reaction.

"I do recall that being my name." He said as he handed her back her book, which she took while feeling her cheeks heat up.

"A-Ah, Thanks.." She said as she shoved the book into her bag just as the bell rang. "Oh no, I'm going to be late!" She started; forgetting slightly about the boy in front of her. "S-sorry Adrien, Got to go. See you later!" She said as she ran off to her first-period class without hearing a response from him.

"Yeah..." Was all he said as he watched the girl leave, with a small sigh he turned and proceeded on making his own way to his own classroom.

"Safe.." Marinette said as she sat down in her seat with a sigh of relief. A giggle was heard as she turned to face her best friend, Alya who she shared a desk with.

"Well you were lucky the teacher is running a bit late." She said and Marinette gave her a smile and nodded in agreement. Moments later, the teacher arrived as she apologized for her lateness. She began her class as the students focus on what was being taught. Well, almost all of them. Marinette, on the other hand, continued to doze off once in a while; thinking of a certain green-eyed boy. Time flew by as Marinette continued to day dream until she came to her favorite class: Design. Humming, she walked to class next to Alya, who only laughed at her behavior, until she remembered something.

"By the way, Marinette, have you heard?" She asked her friend; bringing her back to reality.

"Eh? About what?" She asked and Alya only sighed. Of course, she wouldn't know.

"Well, what else has been the talk on my blog?" She asked; hands on her hips.

"Oh.. Him." Marinette responded as she looked at her friend; still curious. "What about Chat Noir?" She asked and Alya sighed once again.

"He stole another jewel and he returned it! Again!" Alya complained to her friend for being naive. Does she even actually look at her blog? Alya wondered.

"Eh? Really? Why does he do that though? He's a thief, yet he still returns the jewel; what's the point in it?" Marinette asked. She knew how much her friend obsessed over Chat Noir: A thief that appeared not long ago, a few months ago perhaps. He soon became what everyone kept on talking about. He stole jewel after jewel, paintings after painting, artifacts after artifacts yet, in the end, he just returns them back to the way they were. So one would think what he returns would be just a replica of the original, but in fact, he returned the real thing. Although, he is still known as one of Paris' most wanted thief, so the police still go after him yet up to now he still isn't caught. Thus, becoming something interesting for Alya; for who knows what reason why or what goes through her mind to think of doing a blog for a thief. But then again, she wasn't going to ask; knowing that Alya would end up rambling on about the topic. But still, Alya did always look forward to when Chat Noir would appear in order to one day figure out his reasons for stealing.

"One day, we'll figure out why. And by we I mean me, in which later I will tell you and then later to the public." Alya said as she wrapped around an arm around Marinette's shoulder. Who only smiled at her. Of course, as a friend, she will always support her. Both girls soon entered their class just as the bell rang as they made their way to their seat.

"Hey you two, for a moment there I thought you guys would have ended up skipping." A boy who sat in front of Alya said as he turned around to face them.

"Ha, you would have thought, Nino." Alya responded and Marinette nodded in agreement.

"Right, plus this is one of my favorite classes. So, of course, I wouldn't skip it nor will I ever skip any other class." Marinette said.

"You sure do sound passionate about fashion" Adrien, who sat in front of Marinette said as he also turned around. Marinette once again felt the heat rise up to her cheeks. In which Alya just shook her head slightly as she saw her friend make a fool of herself by stuttering on every word as she talked to her crush- while Adrien just tried to understand as to why. He always heard her speak normally to everyone else, so why is it that to him she can barely make out a sentence? Then again, he barely did talk to her if it wasn't for Nino who talked to Alya in which also then involves Marinette.

"Of course she does." Alya finished Marinette's sentence; not wanting to see her friend embarrass herself any more than what she already was. Marinette on the other hand already felt embarrassed as she imagines banging her head against the table for being such an idiot. After all, she did barely make out a full word without stuttering and getting a weird look from Adrien. How hard was it to talk to him? 'He's just like any other regular guy well, expect that he is a fashion model, his dad does own a fashion industry, he is cute, and smart, and- well okay so maybe I can see why...' Marinette thought but it still wasn't an excuse. Plus, she does have a crush on him and any other girl would end up with her head spinning around trying to stay calm in front of her crush so it was normal, right? She shook her head slightly as she noticed class has already started. Quickly catching up, she decided it's best to concentrate on her work. She'll have time for thoughts when she gets home.

"Really Marinette, you have to pull yourself together, or else one of these days, Adrien might as well be taken by another girl." Alya said as she nudged the side of her friend who only looked at her in fear and soon in panic mode as she rambled on about her horrible future without Adrien. Alya in the mean time just sighed. "Calm down, girl." She said as Marinette finished her illusions with a desperate sigh. "Look, why don't we distract you from all of this for once," Alya said as she wrapped her arm around Marinette's shoulder. "And by that, why don't we go here?" Alya said as she showed Marinette her phone.
"A Pharaoh Exhibition?" Marinette asked as she took Alya's phone; reading the article.

"Of course, we're not going for the exhibition but.." Alya started as she saw her friend read up to the part she wanted.

"Chat Noir declares he's going to steal another artifact?!" Marinette asked with a shocked expression. She turned to face her friend and then back at the screen.

"Of course!" Alya said proudly and Marinette just stared at her friend. Of course, this would be her form of distraction. Well, it doesn't hurt to try, huh?

"Alright then, but in the article, it says the museum will be closed by that time. How are we suppose to get in?" Marinette asked.

"Just leave that to me." Alya said with a wink.

"Hey, Alya?" Marinette questioned in a whisper.

"Yes, Marinette?" Alya answered also whispering turning to face her best friend who just looked at her with a slight glare as she gave out a sigh.

"Exactly what were you thinking of sneaking into the museum after it's closed?!" Marinette whisper-yelled at her friend.

"Relax, Marinette," Alya said with a laugh.

"This is no laughing matter, Alya! We could get caught! Not only that, but also be mistaken as thieves and then we could get thrown in jail and then there will be no possible way for Adrien to fall in love with a criminal! And not only will my love life be ruined, but also my life in general! I will never be able to become a famous designer!" Marinette said.

"Relax, Marinette. I was only playing around with you." Alya said, now talking normally while coming out of the hiding spot. "Now hurry, we have to make it before Chat Noir arrives!" she yelled as she started to run ahead. Marinette, confused to what was going on, just followed her friend. They reached a wide open area with many other artifacts. "Hey, uncle!" Alya waved at one of the officers who looked at her and waved back.

"Hey there, Alya." He said as Alya hugged her uncle.

"Uncle?!" Marinette asked; shocked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you my uncle was a police officer?" Alya questioned and Marinette shook her head. " Hm... I thought I did at some point before... Oh well, either way, he is and has allowed us to be here to film and even put the video on my blog!" Alya said excitedly.

"Of course. As long as you don't interfere with police work." Alya's Uncle said and she nodded as she waved for Marinette to follow her, which she did. Soon they were in a new hiding spot, a bit away from the artifact that's about to get stolen and the traps that have been set up to capture Chat Noir. Only four policemen surrounding the artifact. Alya looked at the time: Only two minutes before Chat would arrive. The officer in charge was already finishing giving orders to a few policemen as the lights of the museum turned dim; most of the light were going to the artifact, which was in the garden. By now, Alya was already recording; putting the phone on a table next to another artifact to get a good angle. They all focused on the artifact in front of them.

"Here we go.," Alya said once the clock struck eleven. Before anyone knew it, all the lights turned off; causing panic within the room.

"Everyone, stay calm!" The chief yelled out as the lights were turned back on.

"We caught Chat!" A policeman yelled out.

"What?!" The chief along with Alya who couldn't believe it asked.

"It's not possible.." Alya said; walking near the policemen with Marinette tagging along. The chief was going on to investigate. Everyone's attention was lead to the person struggling within the ropes.

"I'm telling you, I'm not Chat Noir!" the person kept on yelling as he continued to struggle. Sure, he looked like Chat Noir with his blonde messy hair, his black mask, and green eyes and chat ears along with the outfit. But something felt odd for both teens as the police still suspecting the person before they started attacking him with questions. Marinette noticed something. She reached out the person and pulled what was suppose to be his hair and to reveal that it was only a mask as it revealed the face of one of the officers.

"W-wait, but aren't you suppose to be one of-?" The chief cut himself off as he quickly turned to where the artifact was supposed to be...only to see a policeman there; his hat covering the upper half of his face as he let out a chuckle with a smirk appearing. "Chat Noir!" The chief yelled; shocked.

"Hehe, seems like I won this round, chief." Chat Noir said as he took off his hat, revealing his Black cat ears, Black-masked and green eyes. As he now had the artifact, a necklace to be exact with a rare jewel to it, in his hand. "Better luck next time!" He soon started to run away.

"After him! Don't let him get away!" The Chief yelled as police officers went after him. Only for Chat to dodge every single one of them and then running back as he started to make his way up some stairs.

"Let's go!" Marinette yelled out; pulling Alya with her out of instinct as she followed Chat Noir. Letting go of her friend's hand, she proceeded to chase after him. Not knowing why she just did. Something told her to do so. Chat escaped through one of the windows as it led to the rooftop. Marinette followed along and soon she noted the Police cars out of the museum and the helicopters around along with some people staring at what going on. A helicopter light caught Chat Noir as he ran on the roof. Marinette chased after him before she knew it Chat had jumped from the roof top as she came to stop at the edge, but upon doing so, she tripped; falling off the edge as she let out a scream as she was now falling. Chat upon hearing her scream turned and notice her falling; extending her hand upward towards him. Reacting quickly, he reached out her, managing to grab her arm with one arm while the other getting his staff hooking onto the building nearby.

"Seems like I just found myself a damsel in distress," Chat said as he pulled Marinette up his hand, soon wrapping around her waist. "And a troublesome one at that." He noted only to receive a glare from her. Sure, she would be struggling against him if they weren't high up, hanging by a building where she could might as well die. "Hold on tight, kitten," Chat said as the light of the Helicopter spotted him once more.

"Marinette!" Alya yelled as she saw her friend hanging from another building along with Chat Noir.

"Alya!" Marinette called back, wanting to be with her friend now to her dismay though the roof had some policemen there. Chat wasn't taking the risk, instead he climbed up the building he was hanging from soon putting Marinette over his shoulder once on top.

"Hey!" Marinette yelled at him that was till a gunshot was heard as Chat moved quickly away while Marinette let out a small yelp.

"Hey, careful my friend is there too!" Alya yelled at one of the cops. Chat took the chance and ran off, Marinette still in his arms.

"Hey, put me down!" Marinette yelled.

"Sorry, Princess. Unless you want me to drop you several feet up in the air." Chat said as he jumped onto another building as Marinette hold on to him tighter out of slight fear. "Plus, you are quite a trouble for someone to be caught in this situation with me. After all, you got one life while I got nine." at this, Marinette glared at him. He only gave her a cheeky grin as he set Marinette down on top of a building a bit far from the Museum.

"You'll be safe here, Princess." Chat said as he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her hand. "And maybe one day we'll meet again." He said with a wink as Marinette pulled her hand away. Before she could even respond, he was already gone. She was left there in silence and shock at the events of her day. She never thought that any of her days would end up like the one today.

Star: The end!

Jem: So what will happen next?

Star: Wait and find out next time in "Chat Stole My Heart"! Review, follow, and favorite please! all support is appreciated!