Sorry about the late update guys, had a little internet trouble over the past week. But here it is! Hope you enjoy.


Chapter Twelve

Rose POV

I woke up in a panic. There was no way my walls were this white and my bed defiantly wasn't this soft. I tried to move, but something was weighing me down. Then this morning came flooding back to me.

Not jumping him the second that bathroom door opened revealing a shirtless Dimitri was the hardest thing I have ever done. He had packed a spare set of clothes thankfully, though he had chosen to only change into his boxers, giving me full view of his sculpted chest. I swear, a little bit of drool came out of my mouth.

I tried to keep my eyes away from his chest, staring at his face instead. He had looked better than when he had first arrive, though he still looked tired; the bags under his eyes were prominently black and he looked like he was ready to collapse. He came over to the bed, climbing in him got himself comfortable next to me, before pulling me into his arms. And that is how we had fallen asleep. We hadn't spoken – we were both too tired for that – but we didn't need too. Soon, my back was against his chest as I curled into him, his arm wrapping around my waist to pull me in tighter. With a small kiss on my shoulder, we both fell asleep.

He was still asleep now so moving was a bit difficult, but I managed it. I was facing him, his arm still around my waist – I wasn't going to lose contact if I could help it. He looked so peaceful sleeping, beautiful even – though I would never say that to his face. He would probably get embarrassed by that compliment.

Brushing a lock of hair that had fallen in front of his face away, I was able to study him. It was crazy; I could look at him all day. And I had never had a moment like this with anyone else. Truth be told, most of my "romantic entanglements" before this had lasted a night. Alright a couple of hours complete with an awkward goodbye. Or no goodbye at all if the guy was quiet enough to make it out of my room without waking me. And with Jessie, well I could just say that he wasn't the most romantic of people. And I defiantly didn't want to spend time admiring him. He had nothing on Dimitri.

"Are you having fun there?" Dimitri said gently, surprising me. His eyes opened.

"I am actually. I do love admiring a good view." He chuckled, the sleep still evident in his voice. Damn it was sexy.

"I'm pretty sure I have the best view in Boston."

"You are so full of crap." I laughed, rolling away so I could get out of the bed. But he pulled me back. In a second, he was on top of me. "You are beautiful Roza." He whispered leaning down, capturing my lips with his.

Janine POV

My daughter is going to pay for everything that she has ever done for me. She is such an ungrateful bitch. Abe was such a bastard for leaving her with me. He should have taken her away when he left, but no. The bastard wanted me to suffer. So my dearest Rosemarie stayed with me becoming a real thorn in my side.

Seriously, I did everything for that girl. I made sure she had a roof over her head and clothes on her back. I couldn't afford the best because Abe had left me with nothing, but the bitch got everything she needed. And I fucking worked for it too. I became a Doctor whilst she was still in diapers; I made a name for myself as one of the best psycho therapist this side of the Mississippi. Everybody knew my name; that's what drove Abe away.

The bastard, seriously, that mans ego couldn't handle the attention I was getting. Of course I wasn't going to fucking cheat on him, I loved him but he didn't trust me. He didn't like me sitting in with patients, especially the male ones. He just didn't fucking understand that it was my Job. Yes it was important to me, because I had worked so fucking hard for it. But no, he couldn't accept that.

Apparently being a mother should be the most important thing to me. That was what he kept saying to me. Who the fuck did he think he married? There was no way I was going to become his pathetic little housewife, trapped in a house with only a baby to talk to when he went out and did whatever he wanted.

But then he left. He couldn't take it anymore, he had said, leaving me with a screaming child and a shit load of debt. I had to handle everything on my own from that point on, and Rosemarie really didn't understand how hard that was on me.

She drove me crazy until she turned about

And I certainly wasn't responsible for her mistakes. I didn't like her fucking around, but it wasn't as if I could control her. There was no way she was ever going to listen to me – she was way too much of a daddy's girl. Even though he had abandoned us, she still thought the sun shone out of his fucking ass. It wasn't fair. I was there for her. For years I was the one that did everything for her. And did she fucking appreciate it? No. Of course she didn't.

What hurt the most was she looked so much like him. She had his fucking smile. It wasn't fair. Every time she was happy was like a knife to my heart, because all I saw was his smile.

"Janine Hathaway." A guard said, coming up to my cell. Thankfully, I was the only one in here "You're free to go."

Thank fuck my one phone call worked. Of course he would come and get me, Jessie was my good boy. He certainly was handsome too. A little young for me, but a couple of bottles of vodka helped me get out that little fact.

Yeah I know Rose had walked in on us, but she had to find out at some point didn't she? When they had broken up, I was so relieved. Finally, we could stop sneaking around behind her back and – best of all – she didn't know about us. It wasn't that hard to hide, I didn't come to Boston often. But every time we did, he would always sneak away from her to come see me. Such a good boy he is as well. And I did a good job covering up as well, like that whole confrontation in the kitchen. There was no way she was every going to suspect that I was one of the women Jessie had been cheating on her with if I pushed her to get back together with him.

"Hey." I smiled, but he didn't respond. In fact, he actually looked angry. "Let's go." He grunted.

"What's wrong baby?" I smiled, getting in the passenger side of his car. The alcohol I had drunk last night had worn off by now but I didn't have a hangover. I could handle my alcohol pretty well. Sunlight on the other hand was always a bitch. My eyes started to hurt as he drove. "You're fucking daughter is what's wrong."

"Hey, at least you didn't end up getting locked up. I can't believe she fucking did that to me."

"She's got a new guy."

"You're joking right?"

"She thinks can replace me with a Russian cowboy; she's got another thing coming."

"Calm down baby. Look, is it really so bad if she has a new guy? I mean, because now we can be together." I smiled. It would defiantly be nice if I could settle down again. Kirova would give me a permanent job – that's why I was here really. Yeah she had asked me to give a talk to the psych interns but as per usual, she had a different agenda. She had offered me the job before, but I hadn't wanted to take it. Maybe I should now. Then I could be close to Jessie.

"He's not right for her okay?"

"You're still looking out for her?" I loved how caring he was, but a little jealousy flared. He had me, he didn't need her anymore.

"Of course I am." He smiled at me, making my insecurities melt away. A new start in Boston might be exactly what I needed. The only problem would be Rosemarie.

Rose POV

"So, Jessie came by the hospital yesterday." Dimitri said, biting into his sandwich. We were sitting in the bed eating room service – there was no way I was going to leave this room if I didn't have to. But his words had made my stomach drop.

"He did what now?"

"He wanted to talk to me."

"What?" That boy wouldn't give up. For fuck sake, he really was the gift that kept on giving wasn't he – note the sarcasm.

"Rose –"

"If you tell me to calm down I'm going to slap you." I threatened, but he smiled. Putting his food down, he had me on his lap in seconds, his arms circling my waist.

"He scared me Roza."

"Excuse me?" I was shocked. Dimitri didn't seem like the type of guy to get scared easily – in fact I was pretty sure nothing scared him. Well, until now. What had Jessie done?

"I should have put him in the psych ward myself, the way he was rambling on. Yeah, psychology isn't my strong suit, but I can see he has a pretty deep obsession with you."

"Oh fuck" I rested my head on his chest, wanting to get lost in him. I had been thinking about it too, and Dimitri's words were making sense. "What the hell am I going to do Comrade?"

"Don't you mean what are we going to do?"

"Dimitri, I don't need-"

"I don't care. I am not going to let you go through this alone."

"Look, if you're involved you could get hurt. Who knows what Jessie would do? Yeah, he may have used words this time, but next time-"

"You think I can't handle him?" He sounded offended. Pulling away from his chest, I looked at his face. I could see the worry lines forming on his forehead. The urge to kiss him was strong, the care evident on his face sending my emotions haywire. Except Lissa – and by extension Christian – I wasn't used to people caring about me.

My voice softened, trying not to offend him. "I don't want you to have to handle him. He's my past, my mistake to fix."

"We all make mistakes Roza."

"Ever made a mistake like Jessie?"

"Yes, I have. There are some things that have happened in my past that I am not proud of."

Those words sparked curiosity in me, but I could tell he wouldn't talk about it now. I would have to wait to find out about it. He was too focused on Jessie right now to divulge any of his secrets; though I couldn't picture anyone cheating on Dimitri. He was too damned perfect.

"I need you to promise me something Roza."


"Be careful, please. I wouldn't be able to handle it if anything happened to you." His words hit me hard. I hadn't spent much time thinking about how deep we were getting. But his words made me think that this was more than just a fling to the both of us. Even if he hadn't told me yet, the emotion was evident in his eyes.

This was going too fast. Oh god, what was happening between us? We hadn't even gone on a freaking date yet, but this man had already save me from one awkward encounter with my ex, had comforted me after a very traumatic breakfast with Janine and – I was guessing here since Dimitri hadn't actually told me what he had said – had been threatened by Jessie. And he hadn't run away or stopped texting me or any of the usual tricks guys pull to get out of a relationship. In fact, he had come straight to me about this. No tricks or lies, there was genuine care in his voice. He was worried about me.

I wasn't just falling anymore. I knew I was in love with this man.

"I promise I'll be careful." I whispered, sealing the promise with a kiss.

It was gentle and soft, the kind that made me feel safe and wanted – which was still a feeling I had to get used too. But the kiss didn't stay that way. He deepened it, becoming a little desperate as his arms kept me pinned to his chest – though I didn't feel trapped. Twisting around, I was straddling him again for a minute, until he flipped us over. Now that he was on top the kiss become fast. I had never been so turned on in my life; the urge to kick off all my clothes so I could have him in me was so strong. The only thing stopping me was his hands that were pinning my wrists above my head.

He broke the kiss, allowing me to breathe again, but his lips didn't stop. Travelling down my neck as he kissed and sucked at the sensitive skin he found one of my weak spots in seconds, making me moan as he attacked it with his teeth. I could feel him harden against me as I started to move my hips; I wanted as much contact with him as possible. But he had me stuck between wanting the torture to stop, and not wanting the pleasure to end; his mouth driving me crazy making me feel like I was going to explode with every touch.

I didn't think it was possible to cum from a kiss, but the way he was driving me crazy had me so on edge, just a little touch would make me explode.

My phone vibrated on the bed side table. And, just like that, the spell was broken. He broke away panting, sitting up as he let my wrists go. I missed the contact immediately, wanting to pull him back down to me. Whoever was texting me better have a good fucking reason for interrupting the hottest make out session I had ever had in my life.

Dimitri swore under his breath as he moved. I could see a sizable bulge forming in his pants that made me want to jump on him all over again. This guy was turning me into a mad woman. He made his way to the bathroom, muttering something about resisting temptation as I looked at my phone.

Janine made bale. Jessie picked her up earlier. – Ivan

For fucks sake.