"So she's finally revealed herself huh?", a woman asked as she took a sip of her tea, vanilla Thai sadly. Her accent hinted her Italian heritage and the man who stood outside of the room dressed in an expensive Italian suit, which hid his gun with ease, clearly showed her underworld connections.

"Yes, well anyone in her misfortunate situation would hide as well, but I don't see why she revealed herself, especially with Hagoromo Gitsune*1* dying so quickly without her magic to leech on?", the girl who spoke next clearly voiced her curiosity and annoyance over Tsuna's decision, her British accent made her sound snobby in her question, but the three ladies knew better. Silence overtook the room in contemplation.

The room was dark, but none of them needed to see one another, the speed they had just performed drained them and their reserved magic to hide their faces. It was an unspoken rule to never show their faces to one another when they were low on their magic, for if they do then they could curse one another just like they did to Hagoromo Gitsune just then. The clatter of China on China, or more specifically the tea cup setting itself in its saucer, signified the teapot to come and refill the cup. It was then that the last of the hidden ladies spoke. The youngest of the three, her voice clearly sounding as if it has yet to go through puberty, finally voiced her own thoughts. She usually kept quiet for the others only saw her as the child with a southern accent that she was, not someone who was wiser than the other two combined (a fact that Tsuna's clearly knew and utilized effectively thankfully), "It is a curious thing, love is. To protect someone you love deeply in the name of love itself can be a strong motivator for anyone to reveal themselves, especially when you know that your love is powerless in a magical hostage situation that she was forced into. You really should talk to your Sun Arcobaleno about his actions that day, this is his fault after all."

The Italian woman chuckles, "yes Reborn can be bull headed and blinded by his convictions, but he has a big heart. He's most likely already kicking himself for his actions, despite being left in the dark, but I supposed I should have told him before he left to train Swada Natsuyoshi. But, at least we can tease Tsuna for revealing herself over a crush and on her 'knight in shining armor' no less."

Everyone chuckled a little maniacally at that. Despite Tsuna being the second eldest of them all, "by only a couple of months," the British girl usually stated defensively, she was the purest and most innocent out of all of them and due to that innocence, she was seen as the adorable baby of the group. "Well, we need to finish off our dear "Hag Git" and to do so we need to keep Tsuna far away from her, what are our plans for that?", the youngest asked, her accent made her sound like they were talking about a party about to come up.

"I've asked my Arcobalenos to go to Namimori and meet me there for an important announcement. You can come and visit with me if you'd like, but this trip is mostly business and little pleasure, so don't expect fun things to happen. I need to set up wards and cast glamor spells to protect Tsuna and her 'lover' (We should call him that just to embarrass them.)", the Italian spoke next as the sound of a chair scraping against the floor rang loudly in the cavernous sounding, pitch black room.

"That sounds like fun South, count me in." The British child who was not yet an adult like South, but was going through the harsh stages of puberty unlike the southern bell in the room, said to South with an amused unseen smile.

"I must agree with North here South, it's been too long since any of us seen the future East Witch, besides glamors are a specialty of mine remember?", the southern child agreed with North, something not too uncommon but still surprising seeing how they didn't care for one another(North still believed that the American Revolution should have been won by the British despite not being there), thankfully for South's sanity they worked out a truce that would make fewer arguments pop up in meetings like these some time ago.

"Then I'll see you at the airport at your latest convenience then."

They say you sneeze when someone talks about you, a truth Tsuna knew all too well. But when she went into a sneezing fit, Tsuna knew something was going to happen, something on the bad side of the scale of fate. She wished that it was a hiccup fit, those typically mean a good thing is coming her way. It was Takeshi who passed her a tissue while everyone else said "Bless you," over and over again until the fit finally stopped."Thank you, Minna," Tsuna replied with a sniffle.

The kids were hanging on to Ryohei, who found it a challenge for three kids of average weights for their respective ages to hang off of him. The kids laughed as Ryohei pulled Lambo and Ipin up and down on his arms and Futa hung off of his muscled neck. Hard and Kyoko talked about cake shops and what to get at each one to Tsuna and Chrome(who had yet to go out for herself without Mukuro). Takeshi listened as well, through in a few comments about another genre of restaurants in the area. Mukuro was silent and hanged at the back of the group, Takeshi headed the front without hesitation. Ryohei stayed in the middle, ready to grab the girls without hesitation if needed to. Tsuna was proud of her friend/crush's guardians adapting to the mafia life quickly as they did, but she also sympathized with them because she knew what it was like to have dreams yet know that she'll never be able to achieve them because of her family or friends.

Tsuna did her best to listen to both girls and keep an eye out for the boys, but soon the allure of normalcy drove off her caution. The store was not far off from Natsu's home and was a quaint store owned by an elderly couple with the help of their children and grandchildren. "Hello Tsuna-San, it's been awhile!", a young boy greeted from behind the counter. Takeshi recognized him from their school, Namimori High school, first year Akashi Yui, a quiet boy who Takeshi didn't really know.

"Hey Yui, yes it has been awhile, I've been busy lately, but I'll be here for a while now since Natsu's mom asked me to cook for him.", Tsuna replied as stopped by the counter to talk to Yui. "Ah, I see. I remember when my mom told me the story of Nana-San tried to teach Natsu to cook one time. He nearly burnt down the kitchen and lost all cooking privileges from what my mom told me." Tsuna giggled, "Yes, I remember that. He's still banned today even!" Yui and Tsuna laughed at that and then Tsuna went off to look for what she needs while Ryohei took the kids to the candy aisle to pick out ONE piece of candy, Mukuro and Takeshi stayed neared the entrance, and the girls went shopping a smaller list for Tsuna.

They all met back at the counter with a smile nearly thirty minutes later. "Alright let's go home!", Tsuna said once the food was paid for by a Vongola credit card. Ryohei took hold of the heavier bags, the girls and the kids took the lighter ones, and Takeshi and Mukuro went back to their positions.

At first, nothing seemed wrong, it was a normal trip from and to home, but then the clouds and fog slowly crept up behind the and out was Mukuro who drew them closely together with his pitchfork and his eye activated. Takeshi and Ryohei were seconds apart when they took out their box weapons and ready to fight. The girls and children hid behind Lambo's shield as the fog got worse. The three guardians surrounded their innocent burdens with a focused look and powered weapons.

"I'm not here to attack you this time, last time I checked we were on the same team,: a monotone and familiar voice spoke through the fog, "I'm just here to ask for a free meal from my old student for information."

Tsuna stood up from behind Lambo, "Of course Mammon-sensei, you'll always be welcomed to eat, and I'll always love to cook for you, but next time doesn't scare us all please." The day returned suddenly and a small baby covered by a black cloak greeted them, her indigo pacifier and her frog upon her head were key defining features besides her twin tattoo indigo fangs on her cheeks. Mammon without hesitation went over to Tsuna's opens arms and created an illusion butler to carry her and the other girl's bags. The conversation returned slowly and little awkwardly to the group. Takeshi and Mukuro were still on high guard, but Ryohei seemed to calm down enough to entertain Futa. Kyoko and Haru held Ipin and Lambo who were tired of walking and exhausted after the big scare from Mammon. They finally returned home in one piece and on high nerves.

Now I have to be frank with you, my dearest readers, Tsuna was a calm girl, clumsy, a little bit ditzy, and even oblivious, but Natsu knew better than to piss her off. After all, if your best friend was a powerful magical being that could summon evil beings that would love to kill him slowly for no reason at all, would you piss them off? Now Natsu knew better, he always did thanks to his Hyper Intuition and common sense, but with Tsuna going in her cat former so long that sixth sense of detecting 'what would make Tsuki mad' has diminished greatly compared to his 'that'll kill me detector.' So when Tsuna walked in to see the house in total disarray covered in bullet holes, miniature fires made by both Reborn and Natsu, and broken furniture and walls, Natsu finally remembered what his 'that makes Tsuki Angry', detector was going off like it was the apocalypse for another round. Natsu has only seen Tsuna angry for only a handful of times, each time was worse than the last.

Tsuna turned around to the curious friends beside her, "Minna, dinner will be ready in an hour and a half, and I need to get the mess 'cleaned', so please go home and rest. Kyoko, Ryohei, could I bother you to babysit for that time?" Kyoko smiled, "No Tsuna, it's fine we'll see you in an hour and a half." They all left without an argument, Mammon hid herself to see the horror her ex-student was about to release.

The front door closed quietly, and as it did the house lights dimmed and every lock in the house that led to the outside world locked itself. A demon turned around to face Natsu who had started to back away slowly, with a flick of her fingers Natsu and Reborn floating was before her, hell came to Earth in that moment.