It was the annual Stark Christmas party and Loki was exceedingly bored. Since he had started working with S.H.I.E.L.D, he was having to curb his desire to make mischief more and more often. It was maddening. Being a trouble maker by trade, when Loki saw the mortal woman, Jane, with his brother, he could resist no longer. It was time to shake things up. He downed his glass of champagne before slipping up behind her.

"I believe that it's a human tradition to kiss someone under mistletoe, am I right?"

Jane spotted Darcy looking hopeful underneath said plant. "Yes. You know it is." She said suspiciously.

His lips twitched into his usual smirk. "Then who am I to spurn tradition?"

He snapped his fingers, causing a sprig of the parasitic plant to form above them. Before she could protest, he pulled her into his arms.

Jane froze. She would be lying if she said she didn't harbour a strange sort of fascination for him. Stemming, of course, by the way he had reacted to her slapping him. He had smiled and even complimented her. Hitting Thor had been like hitting a puppy. At the thought of her current boyfriend, Jane stiffened in Loki's arms.

We cant be having that. He cupped one hand around the back of her neck while holding her tight against him with the other. Gently, he nipped her bottom lip, causing her to gasp. He took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Jane felt electricity race through her veins. His kiss tasted of heaven and hell. Sin and salvation. She almost cried out when he ended it.

His blue eyes burned into hers, glowing with satisfaction. "Merry Christmas, Jane." He whispered. Having accomplished his mission, he spun on his heel and left. Behind him, Loki heard the shatter of glass. Thor had tightened his hand around his bottle of beer to the point that it broke. My work here is done, Loki thought smugly.

Hours later, he heard a soft knock on his door. His wolf, Fenrir, growled at the noise. Loki silenced the animal with a look. He carelessly flicked his hand at the door, causing it to open. Jane stood there. She felt her mouth go dry.

Loki was reclining on his bed, an Asgardian tome clasped loosely in his hand. He still wore the same black jeans he had worn to the Christmas party, but his matching dress shirt was carelessly unbuttoned, giving her a glimpse of smooth muscle. His dark hair was deliciously mussed. He looked like an incubus, relaxing after a long night in some lucky virgin's bed.

"Like what you see?" He asked in a mocking tone.

She shook her head, mentally. "Can I come in?" He inclined his head at the foot of his bed. As she sank down, her eyes widened at the softness of his mattress. " Where is Fury hiding these beds?"

"I like my creature comforts." He said, casually. "There was no way I was sleeping on that pitiful excuse of a cot."

Loki gestured to the wall opposite him. "I even brought a few of my books." As Jane turned, she lost all thought of having a serious conversation with him. "A few? The lab has fewer books than this!"

He couldn't help but smile at her child like wonder as she stroked the spines, reverently. "You may borrow some if you like."

She wasted no time in perusing the shelves. He watched her curiously. None of them had ever turned their back to him. They didn't trust him. Jane seemed to have no such qualms. Well, he was never one to pass up an opportunity.

Loki rose with the grace of a panther and quietly stood so close behind her, she could feel the heat of his skin. "This one is my favorite." He whispered in her ear. "I insist you read it first."

Jane allowed herself a moment to enjoy the strange intimacy before turning, only to find him towering over her. She was suddenly aware of how tall he was. And how small she was in comparison.

He ran gentle fingertips down her arms. "Are you afraid of me, Jane?" He murmured.

She broke free from the spell of sensuality he was casting with just a touch. "No. While you did try to take over the earth, you didn't do anything directly to me, so..." she trailed off.

"What about trust?"

"Hell no."

He nodded slowly. "I understand." He backed away from her. "At least trust me enough for this." He knelt down and gently tugged her hand til she followed suit. He called Fenrir over to them. "Let him get used to the smell of you. Otherwise, he will attack you if you enter without my being present." After a few cursory sniffs, the huge animal pushed his nose into her palm. She obliged him my sinking her fingers into the thick fur of his neck.

"He likes you." Loki remarked. "Are you still afraid?"

She shook her head. "He's so beautiful."

"Many beautiful things are dangerous, and many dangerous things are beautiful."

She glanced at him. "Which one are you?"

His smile was secretive. "Would you like to find out?"

She shook her head. "I'm with Thor, Loki."

He gave a negligent shrug. "Iv seen him share before. How do you think he and Fandral became such close friends?"

As she digested this news, he rose and extended a long fingered, elegant hand to her. As she slipped her own hand into his, she marveled at the strength of it.

He looked into her eyes again. "I, however, am a selfish creature at heart and share with no one." His tone was almost a whisper as he brushed his lips across her hand.

She forcibly pulled away and almost ran for the door. The last thing she heard was his soft laughter. "Good night. My Jane."