I realized at 3:30 a.m. that I forgot the disclaimer. Nothing belongs to me, mores the pity, and I'm only borrowing them. This chapter reaaaaaly didn't want to be written. Fn2187 girl, that's what I was aiming for. Chafing, your wish is my command.

Jane made it back to her room within a minute. Clutching the book to her chest, she cursed herself. She had wanted to confront him about his behavior at the party, but he had manipulated her again. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. All she needed was a moment to just organize her thoughts. To just clear her mind. It wasn't meant to be.

"Hey, boss lady. You look like you were rode hard and put away wet."

A kaleidoscope of images spun through her mind at the suggestive comment. "No. I just got mind freaked by Loki."

"So, the same thing then?"

She glared at Darcy, the look promising death.

"Sooo, why did you go see him?" Darcy asked nonchalantly.

"To tear him a new one for that damn kiss!" Jane said savagely. Even as she said it, her mouth was flooded with the taste of spiced wine and magic. Even when he wasn't around, he still haunted her.

Darcy's face hardened. "Well, you didn't seem to mind it this much when it happened."

Jane winced at her tone. She remembered that Darcy harbored a crush on the trickster. "It's not fair!" She continued. "You already have Thor, but one isn't enough for you, is it?!" The brunette woman stormed away. Jane was crushed. She hadn't asked for the kiss. Loki had taken it, damn him. Now she had lost her best friend right when she needed her most. Jane sank to her knees, hugging the forgotten book to her chest. Painful sobs tore from her throat.

It wasn't long before the sound reached Loki's ears. He followed them until he reached Jane's door. Turn around, he told himself. She's just a pathetic mortal. She's no concern of yours. he wanted to listen, to remain unfeeling, but he couldn't. In his short time on midgard, he had come to admire her for her mind and spirit. Her unflagging loyalty to her friends. He couldn't just leave her there. Neither one said anything as he crossed the room and knelt at her side.

"Please don't cry." He whispered. "Tell me who has hurt you so, that I may torment them til they beg your forgiveness."

She looked at him through red-rimmed, glassy eyes. "That may be difficult."she said sarcastically.

"Nothing's impossible for a God."

Her eyes darkened, causing him to wonder if her soul really was clear of the aether. "You. You insufferable bastard."

He was surprised at the venom in her voice. "What have I done?" He asked, his tone as cool as his akin

You kissed me."

Loki crossed his arms. "Most women enjoy my kisses."

"That's the problem."

His expression changed subtly. "I don't follow."

"You kissed me knowing that Darcy has a thing for you, knowing that Thor and I are together. You don't care! You only care about what you want and damn the consequences!"

She struck him across the face faster than a snake. "No matter what it is , if Thor has it, you want it! Your just a spoiled child!"

She drew back to slap him again but he caught her wrist.

"Make no mistake, Milady, if you hit me again you will regret it. First, I made no promises to Darcy. I never gave her any false hope. I owe her nothing." He hissed. "As for you and my brother, he has made no formal request of your love, so I have a right to contest if if I wish."

He placed an icy kiss on her palm. "Plus, there is nothing child-like about me. Yes, I did kiss you, partially out of mischief, but mostly because I wanted to."

She ignore the hot flush that came over her. "Why?"

He grinned. "That remains to be seen."