Disclaimer: RWBY is property of Roosterteeh, not me.

As always, feedback is always appreciated. Please leave a review on anything you liked or you think could be improved upon. Thank you and have a good day.

From Cinders Comes Fire - First Steps

The headmaster's main office was dead silent. Though not an uncommon occurrence, the silence often being seen as soothing and comforting after a hard day, this particular silence bore with it a heavy chill. There was a tension now that did not previously exist lingering in the air, as if there was something out of sight just waiting to pounce on them the moment they let their guard down. It was difficult in the extreme for everyone to try and power through it, the Grimm's attack still fresh in the minds of everyone, student and faculty alike. Trying to rub away his incessant headache as it made itself known again, Lionheart released a sigh, hoping it would alleviate the chaotic swirl of emotions running through him as he went over his report once more.

Unsurprisingly, it did not.

Both Hyacinth and Mordin were in the room as well. Neither one made so much as a sound as they waited, the unease enough to drive a man mad if they let it get to them. All they could do was glance at the Headmaster, and then to one another with looks of concern, wondering how exactly they were going to go about explaining the events that had transpired, and how well it would be received.

Finally, the door swung open, and Azure slipped in. In his one arm, he was holding his primary data scroll. Glancing about the room, he nodded quickly before taking a step towards the table, "I take it that everything is prepared then?"

"Everything," Lionheart confirmed, his voice grave. "They're waiting for us to report in right now."

"Good, good. Shame I couldn't have studied things a bit more, but alas…" he glanced about. Hyacinth and Mordin were as sharp as ever, like a lion and a dragon sizing him up, both ready to strike at the first sign of trouble – and really, why shouldn't they be, this early in the morning, so soon after the attack on the testing grounds? He didn't typically like being woken up early either, but this was an exception to the norm. And then there sat Lionheart, eyes closed… for all his skill and ability to study anything to the last detail, he could never tell exactly what the Headmaster was thinking.

Focus on the real issue now, Azure, he mentally corrected himself, shaking free of his wandering thoughts, Lionheart had you analyzing the gathered information for a reason.

Hyacinth leaned forwards every so slightly, the crimson eyes focusing on him sharply as he rook his position beside her. "Azure, this is not the time for one of your study sessions. Do try to focus on the important matters."

"Can't I get a moment to enjoy the mystery? It isn't often we have most of the Headmasters gathering to discuss such fascinating discoveries." Azure smiled, adjusting his glasses as his lips split into an inquisitive grin.

Almost immediately, one could easily feel the chill in the room, the tension growing, Hyacinth's expression seeming to sharpen into the stare of particularly irritable state. Seems she was not in the mood for his particular brand of humour. A pity about that…

"Azure," Lionheart's tired voice rang out, erasing all the irritation from the room… as well as any sense of mirth the named professor might have had, "We're about to begin. Make sure you have everything prepared to report."

The man in question felt his expression turn into a properly chastised look, then he nodded, adjusting his glasses slightly, "As you wish. I was hoping to take some time to move into this; it's not exactly a weather report," he gestured to the window for emphasis… then glanced outside, eyes suddenly bright, "Oh wow. It really is shaping up to be a brilliant day. Nice and sunny. Perfect for the experiment I've been saving for a—"


"…R-right, sorry. Back on task now…"

Returning to proper attention, his focus once again on task and away from his various studies, the four of them all waited in silence as the lights began to dim. The projector emitted a faint blue glow as it flared to life, and after just a few more moments, the call connected and transferred them in, projecting several holograms, one for each person present for the meeting.

As expected, Ozpin was the first to appear, clearly having been expecting them. There was no sign of his usual coffee mug, a rarity in itself. It only helped to underline the seriousness of the conversation at hand. At his side was Gylnda Goodwhich, the frown on her face even more pronounced than usual. The other image was of General Ironwood, trying his hardest not to scowl as he folded his arms over his chest. No doubt he wanted to know what had happened, both to the students and the Atlas Tech that had been shot down seemingly without effort by an unknown force.

Not everyone was present. Qrow was off in the fields gathering intel elsewhere, while Professor Theodore and their units in Vacuo were currently unavailable entirely. They would have to be informed later and, hopefully, their efforts would pay off in the long run.

It was Ozpin who spoke first, dipping his head in greeting. "Good afternoon, Leo. It's good to see you again, though I wish it was under more pleasant circumstances. Did you find out what happened?"

"We did indeed," Azure took over, and for once, Lionheart was happy to have someone else take over, "We recovered data and the recordings from several of the surveillance drones that had been overseeing the tests, and I believe I was able to put together a full series of events."

"Is there any indication of what she is planning?" Ironwood piped up, seeming every bit as tense as Leo felt. "How exactly did a single grimm cause so much damage so quickly?"

"Patience, Ironwood," Ozpin admonished, silencing any further questions from the General, "We will hear your report, from the beginning. I want to hear everything you know."

Azure nodded, and stepped forwards, typing in the commands needed to download his findings so that everyone could see. He waited just long enough to see everyone had received them before straightening to his full height, preparing to deliver the bulk of the report.

"At the start, Haven Academy's initiation test proceeded as expected." he began. "The kids were launched precisely on schedule, and other than a few minor injuries during the landings and when facing off against the usual grimm within the forest, there was nothing that our reports and forecasts hadn't missed out on. The incident did not occur until a couple hours into the test, when our scanners suddenly picked up on a single grimm that, completely on its own, was able to generate a threat level of 6. This is the same threat level expected for a substantial horde of grimm, or a Goliath pack on the move."

"On the surface, the unexpected encounter seemed fairly normal," Hyacinth interjected, "Nothing we couldn't handle. But once we tried to get an actual read out, the drones suddenly went completely blind. Only a few cameras were operable, the rest receiving only static the deeper they went in. Furthermore, our attempts to call off the test were similarly blocked. The students had no idea they were in any danger. Had we not sent airships into the area to start gathering them, they would have wandered straight into the creature. … Some, I'm afraid, still did."

"…How many were lost?" Ironwood's face was concerned.

"Surprisingly few, given what could have been. Of those we rescued that encountered the beast directly, only two were killed in the conflict. The rest only suffered minor injuries."

Lionheart stood as he took his spot. "Unfortunately, there are still twenty students that are currently unaccounted for. We've sent security detail to investigate the surrounding area, but…" He trailed off.

Everyone was silent for a moment. There was no need for him to elaborate.

"Even with an army marching shoulder to shoulder through the trees and advancing as a single formation, it would take some time to find anything within." Ironwood crossed his arms. "The grimm lurking would just make things harder. But what about the one that caused all of this in the first place?"

Azure adjusted his glasses again. "Based on the information we had at the time, combined with what the students told us during debriefing, I had only a temporary hypothesis to go on. Searching through the archives, there was only one such grimm that came up that matched the descriptions provided. In truth, I was hoping they were incorrect about what attacked them, I really was. However, the more I looked into it, the more it became apparent that, no, the students were very much correct. It appears that an old demon from the legends has returned to the present day."

He tapped a few commands into the console, which summoned his findings, both in the archives as well as a pair of video screens.

The first screen showed the recovered footage from the drone, watching as it soared over the treeline until it came across a black mass lumbering through the trees. Its massive, armoured back and horns were visible even from a distance, but as the drone moved in closer to better capture the grimm, its head suddenly spun towards the drone, a glow of azure blue in its maw. A flash of azure, and the drone jerked violently. The last few seconds of its life were spent plummeting towards the ground in a death spiral before the footage cut off, restarting from the beginning.

The second screen showed the camera view of Mordin's airship, soaring over the abandoned castle where the students had tried to defend themselves. No longer concealed, fighting out in the open, the grimm's entire fearsome visage was visible along the cliff edge. It was arguably even more intimidating out in the open, like a monster out of nightmare as it played its game of death with children powerless to stop it. Even as reinforcements came to the rescue, the monster was simply too strong to take down, retreating only out of necessity.

If possible, the tension in the room grew even stronger.

"It can't be…" Ironwood appeared almost shaken at the sight.

"That's impossible…" Gylnda breathed, voice equally quiet. "That grimm hasn't been seen since the height of the Great War."

"I didn't want to believe it either, but I'm afraid this isn't some fabrication." Azure confirmed their fears. "The grimm could have only been a Komodusk. The grimm that all other grimm fear. The Shadow of Death itself. Few in number even during the most harrowing, terrible of times, but only one is needed to burn entire cities to ash. What we thought was an anomaly could have easily turned into something far worse. In truth, we're lucky we didn't experience a massacre of the entire academy."

They all seemed to have questions they wanted to ask, but one by one, they turned their gazes to Ozpin, who so far had not reacted outwardly towards the revelation. For a long moment, Beacon's Headmaster remained silent, his fingers interlocked and expression blank behind his glasses. Finally, he stated, "I suppose the most important questions now are how she was able to create such a monster, and why she would use it so recklessly. For all her machinations, she has never attacked the academies directly like this before."

There was no need to elaborate on who she was. Salem was known and feared by all present.

Recognizing the statement for what it was, Lionheart had to swallow the urge to offer a hasty response. Ozpin at times held his emotions in check a little too well, and had been that way ever since her news of the attack was first sent to him. Still, now was not the time to be arguing amongst themselves.

He shrugged, his personal thoughts on the matter hidden from everyone present, "From what we can tell, there doesn't seem to be any specific motive for the attack. It never made any move to approach Haven itself. More like it was simply hunting, waiting for the students to come to it. It almost seemed to treat having students capable of fighting back as a welcome distraction."

"... If it's hunting... then what is it hunting for?" Mordin cupped her chin, her tail sweeping back and forth, tensing as her tone darkened. "Grimm are usually just engines of destruction, but when they do act with measured intelligence it's to inflict as much damage as possible. The hell does it get out of exposing itself now?"

"It could be a trap," Glynda pointed out, "An attempt to draw us out into pursuing it. Or maybe it's a message of sorts. Maybe it wanted us to encounter it the way it did."

"I don't think so." Hyacinth seemed especially thoughtful. "It didn't want us to find it once it was wounded."

"And how do you figure that, Hyacinth?"

"Because it would have made sure we followed it once it chose to retreat were it looking to continue the fight, not disappear without a trace." Hyacinth frowned, "Even when the goal was obvious, Salem's never been so brazen as to use herself, her agents or even her grimm for something like this. This seems more like a mistake. It's as if this grimm went rogue."

"A rogue grimm? You mean to say Salem wasn't controlling this thing?" Ironwood's hand shifted, running along his hairline, trying to keep his expression as unchanging as Ozpin's as he turned his attention to the man. "Is such a thing even possible?"

Ozpin did not answer right away, instead working to remain calm before this new development. He had to keep himself focused on the bigger picture, knowing that Salem was similarly focused on that as well. He needed to take a step back and examine the scenario from all angles, all facets. Only then could he have a chance at figuring things out.

A grimm deviating from her command could mean any number of things. Could this Komodusk have encountered something even scarier than Salem? He immediately dismissed that idea: it was far too unlikely for anything becoming as powerful as Salem without warning. He also dismissed the idea that the creature had succumbed to bloodlust. It would have been destroyed by Salem herself if that were indeed the case. It's decision of self-preservation over destruction further proof it wasn't consumed by a need to slaughter.

So what was this all about? What was Salem planning with this latest move in their struggle that required such a beast revealing itself so suddenly?

"I don't like this at all." Ironwood spoke again, breaking Ozpin from his thoughts. Evidently the others had been continuing the debate without him. "I think it would be better to err on the side of caution. If this thing really is going rogue, we can't let it come and go as it pleases. Too many lives are at stake. Perhaps if we prepared Atlas' fleets to start—"

"Azure. Your conclusion?" Ozpin spoke once more, silencing the others.

The man in question frowned a bit more deeply at this – even he wasn't entirely sure what was going on. If everything that had transpired was the result of a rogue grimm, then…

"… to be honest, Ozpin, I would say that this is less the act of a rogue grimm and more sending a message. Salem wanted us to know she has a new weapon at her disposal. One she can move apparently anywhere she needs at a moment's notice, and we can't do anything to stop it once it does so."

"If that is indeed the case, it would be foolish to act rashly in response." He fixed Ironwood with a stern stare, "We need to keep these developments under wraps as best we can. If word gets out a monster from the Great War has returned, it will cause a panic. Sending the full Atlas fleet after one grimm, even a monster like this one, will only result in disaster."

Mordin growled, frustration bleeding into her tone. "So we can't fight back, and we can't go after her new pet either. Agh... Why are things never simple with her?!"

"We can't just pretend it isn't out there! For all they know, it's already preparing to attack again. At least let me prepare a few ships to find and go after this thing! Quick and under the radar. If we're lucky, we can take it out before anyone is ever aware."

Lionheart fixed his gaze on Ozpin once more, "Ozpin, what is it you want us to do?"

Ozpin closed his eyes, not so much as letting his breaths make any sound for a long few moments. Finally, he opened her eyes, his decision made. "For now, focus on keeping the students calm and tended to. They need to return to the calm before this all happened if anyone is to heal." he glanced at each of them before he spoke again, "Ironwood, I am leaving the task of locating this Komodusk in your hands. I want you to keep things quiet – a few ships chosen at your discretion, but not the whole fleet. No one must know more than the bare minimum required to locate and eliminate the target."

"If they catch wind of the Komodusk, report it immediately. Do not engage it directly unless it forces your hand. If forced directly into an engagement, it may flee, and this will all have been for nothing."

The general nodded, finally satisfied at a doable course of action. "Understood."

"Furthermore," now Ozpin's attentions turned to Lionheart, "You are to protect the students, Leonardo, and make sure they are recovering from what has happened. Try to smooth things out, ease them back to into normal routines. They're still kids after all. Glynda and I shall do the same here in Beacon."

Lionheart smiled, giving a small bow, "I will make sure things are good as new before you know it. The team naming ceremony is later today. That should be a great way to get things back on track."

Ozpin nodded, and then stood, "You all know what you need to do know. Salem may have gotten a drop on us, but we won't let her break us. This meeting is dismissed."

With that, the holo images faded as the call was ended. Lionhearted waited until the last one had faded before returning to his seat, a small sigh leaving him as he did so.

"Well then… I can already tell this year is going to be an interesting one."

"Nothing we haven't dealt with before." Mordin smirked, driving one fist into her palm. "If Oz wants things to be back to normal, then that means I get to have fun with the hazing periods!"

"Do try not to drive them too hard into the dirt, will you?"

"Heh! I make no such promises!"

"You didn't mention your plans about recruiting Ms. Fall." Hyacinth's stoic expression showed no hint of emotion. "Are you sure that's wise? You were quite insistent before."

"You heard Ozpin," Lionheart shook his head. "And you were right as well. Cinder is still quite young and new to all of this. Better to wait until things are under control before we bring it up to him, and her as well."

"… but you still plan on recruiting her to the cause." It was more statement than question.

"We shall see. But I stand by what I said. Given enough time, she could prove to be a very valuable ally."

She raised an eyebrow at that, expression unmoving. "She is still a child."

"True," Azure cut in, "But a child who managed to half-blind a monster capable of facing entire armies. Lucky shot or not, that's still impressive. As is living to tell the tale."

Hyacinth didn't give either of them an answer this time, instead turning on her heel and starting for the door. A moment later, Mordin was following at her side, already discussing plans for the hazing period ahead.

Lionheart let them go, his mind focused on his own task. A change in focus, forgoing the long game and moving to attend to more immediate matters. He gave a slight grunt as he pressed a hand to his temple; if only his headache would go away. Why did he feel like he was being watched all of the sudden?


He glanced up again to see Azure at the open door. His expression was as resolute as ever, but there was something beneath the look that he had not heard in a very long time; worry, "Are you alright?"

He smiled, "I'm fine, Azure. Let's just… focus on today for now. Will you be able to perform your duties during the ceremony today?"

"I can do that much. Don't start losing faith in me now," he smiled.

"… very well. See you at the ceremony then." he smiled back, a bit more strained, but no less genuine.

Properly dismissed, Azure pulled into the hall, closing the door behind him and leaving Haven's headmaster alone.


Haven was known for its natural beauty. In all Cinder's studies she had read during her time travelling alone, she knew that Haven's forests were luscious, rich and vibrant, like a painting brought to life. The forest canopy was not only beautiful to the eye, it served a practical purpose as well, being able to conceal animals and refugees alike from from grimm and other dangerous attackers. In a sense, it was a haven meant to protect those who couldn't defend themselves from danger, hence its name.

As she sprinted and evaded the branches and foliage all around her, she could see how a grimm could have difficulty getting through it all. The paths frequently travelled were easily missed amidst the greens and browns, and if not for Stone's large size to serve as a guide up ahead, she could have easily gotten lost. So unlike the forests she had grown up hunting in, where she could mark her progress with ease. Perhaps time would help her figure out some familiarity with it all, but for now she had to rely on the help of her teammates just to navigate the area.

Training as part of a team was an entirely new experience for her. Having to account not just for herself, but for the training of three others as well, was a responsibility she had never dealt with before. Three different people, three completely different styles from her own. Each one sporting their very unique perks and drawbacks, and she was expected to somehow make them mesh together into a single team. To lead said team forward as they studied and trained to become Huntsmen and Huntresses.

She was way in over her head. Just three days in, and she could tell she was starting to get overwhelmed.

Leaping up and over a fallen log, then sliding under several branches as they swung back after Stone's passing, it was all she could do to keep up with the big man. She may have been faster in an all out sprint, but Stone's endurance far surpassed her own. Being able to take a single stride for every three or four of her own certainly didn't help her in keeping up with him. Was he even winded yet? It didn't look like it. She had tried covering her mouth as she ran to conceal how badly she was panting, but had quickly given up. The whole run had been a great test of her endurance, and her energy reserves were running low. Nevertheless, she continued to push herself forward, not wanting to be seen as weak.

After what felt like an eternity, though in truth was really closer to ten minutes, the forests abruptly disappeared, and after a few moments more the academy dormitories slowly came into view. Stone began to slow to a brisk walk, waiting for Cinder to catch up to him as their morning run finally came to an end. As soon as she stopped beside Stone, she all but collapsed forward, hands on her knees, breathing deep lungfuls of air and ignoring the burning in her stomach and the sweat dripping off her face.

"Hah… Haah…Haaah… Done…" She rasped.

"Well done." Stone's hand gently rested itself on her shoulder. "To think you can already run the whole twenty kilometre of power sprinting and jogging on just the third day. Impressive."

"This... This much... is nothing..."

Stone's rumbling laugh answered her in response to that. It wasn't meant to be mocking, though she still had to resist the urge to snap or glare at him. Not that she could blame him for his laughter in this instance. The first day she had attempted the 'morning jog' as he called it, she had been forced to give up halfway through. On the second day she had fared somewhat better, but had nearly lost her breakfast along the way on two different occasions.

At least now she could say she could handle the full distance without needing to stop, even as her stomach was in a painful series of knots, lungs demanding more air than she seemed capable of giving them at the moment.

Looking up, she could see Stone was still relatively fresh, or at least had recovered much quicker than she did. Only a light sheen of sweat on his brow and slightly faster than normal breathing were the only indications he had been running at all. His endurance was truly incredible. It had to be, given he did this sort of thing every day.

Lucky him.

Another gulp, a few more panting breaths, and finally Cinder's breathing was back under her control. Mostly. At least enough that she could stand properly, ignoring the sweat running down her brow and the back of her neck. They strode over to the water barrel. Stone reached for the ladle first, pouring the first scoop over his head, drank the second and third, then passed the ladle to Cinder. "You did well. You maintained your speed the whole way through, and had a good eye for openings within the trees. Repetition every day will certainly take care of the rest."

Cinder did not reply right away, instead drinking greedily from the water barrel with the ladle. In all seriousness, she had thought her endurance was better than what it was. She had tracked more than one animal over long distance in the past, dragged and carried her various and often heavy kills across miles of rough terrain without difficulty. To be this worn out was surprising, a wake up call for the future.

Granted, her previous feats of endurance didn't necessarily involve running full tilt after a giant. One who seemed incapable of tiring, even when running at a speed she could barely keep up with from start to finish.

Another spoonful from the ladle, and her thirst was satisfied. She discarded it back into the water barrel, turning to address Stone directly again. "You don't see anyone being a natural? Or maybe learning quicker in a 'learn fast or die' situation?"

"There are some that can learn like that." Stone nodded. A small chuckle escaped him without much warning. No doubt he was also recalling the battle they had all fought in just days ago. "It's rare to be naturally talented and possessing a hard work ethic. And I don't recommend that other option for obvious reasons. But overall, no; most people, huntsmen or otherwise, don't become strong without training for it."

Cinder smiled at that. "I had a feeling you would say that. You strike me as someone who worked every day to get as strong as you are now. That said, I feel like anyone can become much stronger overnight, with the right incentive.

Lifting her hand, palm up, Cinder let the fire within her core surge forth up into her chest and then through her arm. It took but a moment for a small ball of flame to materialize in her hand as commanded. It glowed strong and proud, giving off a substantial wave of heat in spite of its proportionally small size.

"I had a quick start with my semblance, but ever since discovering it, I've practiced every day to master my control over the fire that burns deep inside me. When I play with fire, there's little I can't do with it."

A deep rumbling laugh emerged from Stone at the sight. "Impressive." he declared, eyes drawn into the flame with an equal mixture of respect and awe evident in his tone. "So much flashier than mine. It suits you well, I must admit."

Honest praise. Simply put and without any attempt to press for more information and accepting what was offered. It was rare for Cinder to see that, and she felt her smile grow a little bigger as a result.

Ever since that day more than four years ago, Cinder had been quite proud of her semblance and her talent in using it. As Stone had said, repetition and practice had allowed her to master it in a myriad of ways. Even still, it was rare that she showed it off so willingly to another, preferring to keep it in reserve, or as a last ditch attempt in battle. But since she and Stone were going to be partners from now on, she saw no harm in letting him know what she could do.

Still, she appreciated Stone's high opinion all the same.

"And what about you?" With a small flourish, she made the ball of flame dissipate, the fire within retreating into her core once more. "What type of semblance do you have? How does it work?"

The giant paused a moment, hand cupping his chin, considering her question.

"Hmm… I guess that's fair. You showed me yours, so I'll show you mine as well." He cracked his knuckles, probably to help prepare himself. "All right then. First things first, I want you to punch me in the face."

Cinder blinked.

Then she blinked again. There was no way she had heard him right. "Come again?"

"I want you. To punch me. In the face. As hard as you can." Stone repeated, enunciating each word slowly and clearly. "It's much simpler to show you how mine works rather than telling you."

She blinked again, still not entirely convinced. After a moment, she shrugged her shoulders. "Alright... But don't blame me if I hurt you. I hit harder than you think."

"All the better for demonstrating then." With a small grunt, the giant lowered himself to a knee, back straight and shoulders broad. Even now, he still towered over her. "Whenever you're ready."

Habit made her pause. A part of Cinder was still doubtful, not fully certain this wasn't some sort of prank Stone was trying to pull on her. Still, he was waiting intently, no hints at fighting off a smile or anything underhanded. After a moment to get rid of any misgivings, she pulled her fist back and aimed for—

His hand shot up and caught her by the wrist before she even got close to connecting. Gentle so as not to hurt, but firm enough that the sudden stop startled her.

"I said hit me as hard as you can." Stone's voice rumbled, faint traces of amusement audible. "And you didn't set your wrist right. You could hurt yourself if you don't take this seriously."

Annoyance flashed across Cinder's face, ripping her arm free. "Well maybe I didn't want to hurt you. Ever think of that?"

"I did. Hence why I caught your first punch. And you don't have to worry; I know you'd never deliberately hurt a teammate."

It was amazing how easily he could antagonize her one moment, then pacify her the next.

"Alright. This time though I'm not going to hold back. Got it?"

Stone nodded, and his serious demeanour returned. He made no move to back away, ready and waiting.

Drawing in and slowly releasing a breath, Cinder prepared herself. No holding back. Then, launching herself as fast and as hard as she could, she drove her fist straight into Stone's cheek, holding nothing back.

She connected with a solid crack. To her surprise, Stone hadn't budged an inch. It had felt like she had punched solid rock. No, a mountainside would have been a more accurate description.

Then it registered what she was seeing. Stone's cheek, jaw and even parts of his neck had changed, darkening to a mix of stony grey and a darker ebony hue. The affected area was completely solid, like some sort of shield had formed over it before her punch had hit him. If not for her aura, she realized she could have really hurt herself.

Stone smiled. She noticed how his expression was a bit stiff around the hardening, not quite moving naturally with the rest of his face. His ability to speak seemed unaffected though. "Not what you were expecting, huh?" As quickly as it appeared, he made his skin change back to normal. "I call it Stone Wall. Pretty simple name, but it fits its purpose and how it works quite well."

He held his arm up next, keeping it up at eye level. As Cinder watched, the entire limb starting from top of the shoulder down to his fingers began to harden, first turning a rigid and stony grey, then gaining an all black sheen. Again his movements were slightly stiffer than a normal limb's movements, but still retained its full flow of movement as Stone twisted it back and forth. "I can harden any part of my body, consciously or by instinct alone, to defend against any kind of impact, no matter how big. I'm as impenetrable as a mountain."

"That's incredible…" Cinder breathed, truly impressed. His semblance was powerful, and so different from any others she had seen. A flash to the battle against the grimm came to mind; how Stone had grabbed her, pulling her to safety, shielding her from the debris and shrugging it off like it had been nothing. And even before that, when fighting the silver tooth pack, he had taken a slash to the chest, yet hadn't even been scratched. Now it made total sense.

"You used your semblance to protect me back then, didn't you?"

"I did." Stone confirmed. "I've always been a shield to protect others. I can take the hits no one else can. My body is my armour. Wether it's on the front lines as the unstoppable juggernaught, or serving a support role as the ultimate defence, you can put me wherever you think I'm best needed as squad leader."

As squad leader…

Again the thoughts of her new position and the responsibilities that came with it started to weigh on her. Even with the knowledge Stone had just gifted her, a part of her still wasn't certain if she knew how to properly use him wisely. She was a hunter, one that was used to making all the decisions for herself and no one else. The Black-Haired Flaming-Eyed Hunter, as others had saw fit to call her, had never worked with others during her travels. How was she supposed to lead a four person team?

"Are you alright?" Stone's voice interrupted her doubtful musings. He looked concerned at her sudden silence.

"I-It's nothing really, I just…" she paused, uncertain how to express her personal problem to him.

"… You're afraid of having to lead the team, aren't you?"

Evidently, she wasn't doing a good job hiding her doubts from him. "… I am." she admitted, ashamed to say it out loud. "I just… I'm a simple hunter from a small, middle of nowhere village. I've never had to lead others before."

During her time training and travelling, it was easier to keep the realization what her position entailed at bay, focusing only on what had to be done next. But in moments like this, it was impossible to brush aside. "I'm going to get us all killed."

"I do not believe that." The softness of the giant's voice robbed it of none of its certainty. "You would not have been chosen as our leader if we did not believe you capable of it. I believe that we were meant to become a team that day, and that you were meant to lead us."

"Despite the fact I've never lead before?"

"You sell yourself too short." Stone shook his head. "You're a former hunter, correct? That means you already know how to be independent, how to adapt to a new situation as it develops and succeed where others might not. Also, don't forget that it was you who gave most of the orders during our battle against the grimm."

"I'm not that - thank you." Cinder sounded flustered, embarrassed even...but pleased. "That means a great deal, coming from you."

"I simply spoke the truth," Stone replied, then grunted as he rose to his full height. "It's good that you are worried about these things. Doubt in yourself is a natural response to a new responsibility. It means you don't want to fail; you care about your team and what's best for them. You are better than you think you are, and that is what makes you suitable as our leader."

Cinder smiled, gratitude plain on her face, replacing most of her self doubt. "And you're willing to help me along the way as I try to get my bearings?"

"I would not be able to count myself a good friend and partner if I did not." He offered his hand then, a clear offer to help her. "Partners?"

The smile grew larger, and she took his hand. "Partners."

Now she seemed more relaxed, calmer than she had been before setting out that morning. Stone really was an enigma of sorts to her. How could someone so big and silently imposing be so gentle and supportive at the same time? And why was she so willing to accept his help? In the end, she supposed it didn't really matter.

"We should probably meet up with the others." she said after the moment passed. "Let them know we're back."

Stone nodded, taking a step back and allowing her to take the lead. Their walk continued in relative silence as the conversation came to a close, the silence between them only occasionally being interrupted by idle discussion when other comments or topics popped up of their own accord. As they walked, Cinder began to notice that each step she took slowly felt easier and easier. Maybe the conversation with Stone had simply lightened her mood, or perhaps it was because the weight that had been pushing down on her suddenly felt a little bit lighter.


Cy huffed as he again exchanged blows with Ivory, Torchy's blade and Ivory's saber glinting in the sun as they clashed back and forth.

"Good technique," Ivory stated, nodding faintly as they pushed against each other, "But you rely too much on using standard strikes."

He grunted, nodding in return before pushing forwards again, hoping to get an edge on her, shifting stances, trying to go for the unorthodox. Beginning the most complicated series of attacks he knew, he attacked Ivory with everything he had, eager to impress her. He flowed from one pose to another, recklessly combining and modifying them in every possible way, trying to win by sheer unpredictability.

It didn't work. No matter how inventive he was, Ivory's blade always stopped his, deflecting Torchy away if not stopping it outright with a perfectly timed block. She matched his actions with an effortless grace and precision that he couldn't hope to match.

A moment later, as she sidestepped another wild, downward swing, Cy found himself flat on his back, having been flipped over her back and shoulder, the side of his head feeling like it had been nearly split open from the elbow that had connected and left him seeing stars. Blinking away the bright sunlight above, all he could see in front of him was the point of Ivory's saber at his throat.


He sighed as the sword was replaced by an open hand before clasping it, allowing Ivory to help him to his feet, grumbling under his breath. He swallowed his pride, putting on a more relaxed demeanour. "So what's your verdict? Ready to go another round?"

"No." Ivory sheathed her saber, showing no emotion on her face as she assessed him. "I'll admit you have some potential, Cyrus. Maybe even more natural talent than even I did when first starting out. But you have to remember that in terms of experience, you and I are on drastically different levels. Charging and swinging at me like an idiot won't suddenly let you beat me."

She certainly doesn't hold back in her criticisms… Even now that they had been sparring together to get a better feel for how the other one fought, she was still as sharp as ever. Cy mentally sighed. At least she was honest about it…

He nodded again in acknowledgement before crouching down to pick Torchy back up off the ground. Looking it over, he asked, "Is there anything I can do to improve my style?"

"Start taking the fights seriously for one. Even if it's just a simple sparring match." Her eyes narrowed somewhat. "And I would appreciate it if you stopped pestering me with your needless questions."

"It's called trying to get to know you as a person, Iv." He placed Torchy on his back, hearing the metallic click as it was held in place. "Is that really such a bother to you?"

"I already told you about my qualifications. You don't need to know anything else—"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it. You're from Atlas, and you're part of the Mineko military family, but other than that? I don't know a thing about you."

"We are partners, Cyrus. Not friends. We operate in a professional capacity and only in a professional capacity."

He had to resist guffawing at that. Still, he couldn't quite hide his mirth as he pointed out the obvious. "You're only seventeen! We've only just started our journey to become Huntsmen and Huntresses of the future. If this is how it's gonna be for the next four years, I don't think you're gonna get far as a huntress."

If possible, her eyes narrowed further. The mismatched eye colour did wonders with making it look even more intimidating than it already was. "This coming from the man who just lost every round of sparring to his opponent?"

"This coming from the guy who actually understands how people work." When she did not respond right away, he continued. "We're gonna be partners—hell, we're technically gonna be family—for the next four years. All I want is to get to know you a little better. That's not a bad thing, is it? You would probably enjoy loosening up a little."

"You don't know a thing about me."

"Exactly. Because you won't tell me anything. That's why I keep asking."

Ivory turned away then, folding her arms over her chest, avoiding eye contact. It seemed he had hit a sore spot of some sort, try as Ivory did to hide or deny it.

Gotta tone it down a bit then. Sorry Iv. Didn't mean to upset you.

It was true though. In the few days since they had unofficially joined as a team here, Ivory had always been somewhat of a closed book to him. Sure, the same could be said of Cinder, but she at least was willing to answer some of his questions about her when they first met back during the initiation tests. She had her secrets, but so did everyone. That part didn't bother him. Ivory however was making it a point to firmly conceal everything.

Cy could gleam a personality trait here or there through their sparring and her short and terse responses, but other than that, he knew next to nothing about the young woman. He knew that she carried a very stern and strict demeanour, even for someone born into a military family. And that she often appeared very cold, arrogant, and somewhat distant…

But, other than that, he really knew nothing. Hence his curiosity.

"Can I ask you something then?" The question was sudden, her mask was again in place.

Oh! Last but not least, and probably the most important thing to remember about the Atlesian woman, was so far she had never asked anything without a purpose behind it. Was she trying to distract him now? Or genuinely curious?

"Go ahead."

"Why do you want to become a Huntsman?"

Cy rose an eyebrow. Whatever he had been expecting her to ask, that hadn't been it. Why was she so suddenly wondering why…?

And then he met her eyes. A pair of bright orbs, one sapphire blue and one metallic grey, that never stopped evaluating him.

Ah, so she's testing me… Okay then. This was more than just a simple question from her then.

"Honestly?" he replied. "I've always wanted to be a Huntsman. Helping others is just what I've wanted to do, be it big or small."

If he wasn't watching her closely, he might just have missed the faintest tensing at the edge of her eyes.

"I had a feeling you might say that." Was that the faintest traces of a smile he spotted, ever so briefly? "But, if you don't mind my asking, that doesn't seem like much of an answer. To try and become a Huntsman on such simple reasons almost seems…"


"Your words, not mine," This time Ivory did smile, still restricted but genuine all the same.

"I suppose that's just the way I've been taught," Cyrus shrugged, making an exaggerated rolling motion in one shoulder. "My family always told me that good huntsmen take a job for the right reward. Great ones took a job to help others. I've always strived to be a great Huntsman."

Ivory blinked a few times, but otherwise betrayed no emotion. "With all due respect, that doesn't sound like some of the other huntsmen I've met over the years."

Probably used to the more militaristic lifestyle of Atlas Huntsmen.

"Guess I'm of a different breed then. The jobs I'd take would probably involved helping those who needed it. Protecting towns from bandits, clearing out a den of thieves, eliminating grimm that most can't fight against. You know, stuff like that."

"But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Which part matters more to you, the mission or the people?"

Once again, Ivory's mismatched eyes adopted the same look they always did whenever she asked an important question. Firm and unmoving, as if they were just waiting for a response. There were obviously two choices here, and one of them was clearly the wrong one.

"I want to help people-"

Her features relaxed. Clearly the response she was expecting.

"-but, I also see it as a way to make my own person, if that makes sense. You can go on any number of missions, but if you don't know who you are as you fight, you end up losing what makes you human."

Ivory's eyes widened. For the first time in the entire conversation, he felt like he had truly caught her off guard, something he didn't think was possible.

"I see…"

She dipped her head ever so slightly. Almost like she didn't realize she was even doing it herself. There was still a barrier there, raised high to keep him from prying too deep, but he could tell his words had made an impact.

"While I'm... not sure if I agree with everything you said... but I appreciate your answer all the same. Thank you, Cyrus."

He smiled at that. "Anytime. …Is it okay if I ask my question about you now? Like why you want to become a huntress? You asked about my reasons."

Instead of answering, Ivory drew her saber again.

"You said before that you wanted to go another round, didn't you? There's still enough time for one more match before Cinder and Roderick arrive, if you wish."

"The Big Guy prefers to go by Stone."


Cy had to suppress a sigh. So you're still not willing to open up about yourself. He drew Torchy once more. He could wait until she was more willing. No need to step in where he shouldn't until her silence forced him to do so.

Still, a part of him liked to think his answer to her question had made some progress, no matter how small it was.

After that exchange, the two went about the rest of their sparring in relative silence. Occasional bits of dialogue were exchanged here and there in between the clashes of steel, things such as Cy asking if Ivory was growing accustomed to their new home, or inquiries about their fellow teammates. Outside of their one major discussion, though, nothing else they spoke of was as heavy as beforehand.

They continued to spar, with Ivory continuing the trend of beating him into the dirt time and time again without too much difficulty, until Cinder and Stone arrived from their own training sometime later. All that remained was to gather their things and make for the main hall, where the ceremony would begin shortly.

He never once managed to land a single hit. At least not in terms of their combat sparring. But he could live with that. He had already won another battle today.


Just like the first day they had arrived, the students were assembled in the main hall, with the teachers once again standing on the upper level. This time the students were divided up into the teams that had been made during the initiation, waiting their turns to be called forward and officially announced. Professor Lionheart was right up front, overseeing the entire process and ready to announce the new teams of Huntsman and Huntresses that would be studying together the next four years.

"Otho Rost, Elowen Fig-Koa. The two of you recovered the golden knight pieces. Garrick Rowan, Cedric Linden. The two of you managed to retrieve the golden rook pieces. Due to the circumstances that transpired from the initiation, your two teams have been selected to become a single unit. From this day forward, you shall be working together as Team FORC (Force), lead by Otho Rost."

The audience clapped as Professor Lionheart shook hands to each member of the newly christened team. Despite the losses both team had suffered, all four were standing resolute and strong, their expressions serious and unbroken. Their first challenge would be getting to know their other halves, but the hope was that they could bond without issue. Despite Cinder's misgivings regarding Otho as a person, she could respect his strength to keep moving forward. No doubt the loss of his friends was still nagging at him. That he refused to let any of it show was impressive.

She released a small breath as her group of four moved forward next. Team FORC was already gone by the time they took the first few steps. It was just them and Lionheart now. The professor smiled as the four of them took position in front of him, a mix of pride and support plain on his features. Whatever turmoil he was experiencing from the attacks on the testing grounds were completely concealed in the current moment.

"Cinder Fall, Cyrus Reiner, Ivory Mineko, Roderick Stone…you four retrieved the four silver knight pieces. From this day forward you shall work together as Team CRMS (Crimson) lead by Cinder Fall."

Cinder dipped her head in thanks. The audience gave a round of applause, amplified by the student's off stage joining in moments later. Now it was official. She was the team leader now. This was the first step to becoming the huntress she wanted to be, but was she ready for what all that responsibility entailed? She could see Stone giving a nod of approval, yet Ivory would not meet her gaze. She remained resolute and unmoving, her thoughts on the situation hidden.

"Way to go!" Cy clapped Cinder on the back, huge grin on his face. "Told ya you were going to be the boss!"

She nodded in thanks again, then turned to Stone. "Roderick? That's your name?"

"Just call me Stone." the big man grunted, turning and looking away from the team abruptly, as Professor Lionheart turned to address all four of them.

"Congratulations Ms. Fall, I wish all of you the best of luck in the days ahead. I have no doubt you all have promising futures ahead of you."

As the auditorium cleared, Professor Hyacinth went on to announce that in three days time, there would be a eulogy to honour and mourn those who had been lost during the initiation's grimm attack. Anyone was free to attend, though it was entirely optional. Classes would begin bright and early the following Monday, but otherwise the students were free to settle in and prepare themselves for the new year ahead in any way they desired.

"So…" Cy broke the silence, patting Cinder on the back of a shoulder as the the new team made their way out of the main chambers. "Team Crimson huh? Has a nice ring to it. How's it feel to be the official team leader now?"

Nerve wracking. Scary even. But she managed to muster a small smile all the same. "I hope I can prove myself worthy of the position. Still… It feels nice."

He laughed, clapping her on the back a second time. "That's the spirit! Come on! Let's celebrate!" He turned to Ivory. "What do you say? We could all head to a restaurant and—"

But Ivory was ignoring Cy entirely. Without a word, she departed the main hall, walking in the direction of the dorms. She didn't give her team so much as a single glance, her focus entirely elsewhere.

"… Seems she's not interested in opening up at all." Cy frowned, looking disappointed.

Stone said nothing, but his expression was grave, watching as Ivory moved away from the rest of her team. Cinder had to resist the urge to call out after her. Despite her best efforts, the wave of doubt resurfaced. Was she already failing as team leader? Had she said something wrong?

She jumped a little as Stone's hand rested on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw him shake his head. A simple gesture, but the message was clear. Do not blame yourself. Remain strong.

Unconsciously, her hand came up to rest over his much larger one, grateful for the support. Whatever her misgivings about being the team leader, she knew she at least had one person in her corner, ready to offer their support.

She imagined she would need all the help she could get for the journey ahead.