Ice Pranks

In between jumping off his staff and before his feet touched the ground, an idea had had manage to form in Jack's head. Almost silently thanks to winds help jack landed on the ground and gently tab the floor with his staff. Soon a patch of ice sprong to cover the wood. It quickly made its way under the two fighting guardians. jack gave a sly smile looking up knowing wind would take care of the rest. Wind gave a roar and blew hard at both Bunny and North, that plus the fresh ice cause them to fall. The roar from wind had caught tooth's attention, sandy was silently laughing wiping a fake tear from his face.

"So, hows everyone doing?" You could here the laughter in Jacks' voice. North, spread like a starfish on the ground and wide-eyed began a hefty laugh followed but Tooth. Bunny quickly tied to lift himself off the floor and ice only to slip and fall back down, it almost looked like really crapy break dancing.

"That's it! You better watch yourself Frosty cuz, I'll be comin for you." Bunny yelled from his position on the ground.

"oh no, this can't be, the horror." sarcasm dripped from Jacks voice as he swooned. Jack smirked at how well he could rile up Bunny, it was definitely one of his favorite hobbies.

After a few more heated comments North had gotten himself up.

With a Few more fading chuckles, North started the meeting. "Alright, is everyone ready for meeting?" North Asked

Sandy and Tooth both gracefully floated to their chosen seats. North taking the head chair at the table and jack taking the chair across from Tooth. Bunny had by that time manage to crawl his way off the ice and grudgingly took the seat next to Jack.

Jack feeling only slightly guilty looked over at Bunny and smirked. Bunny having seen Jacks look only glared back. Jack could have felt badly about Bunny's reaction but he was too happy about Bunny having chosen the seat next to him.

The meeting processed with only a few interruptions and ended as all things do.

Authors Note

That is the end of the chapter (obviously). I know that was kind of boring but the next chapter get exciting! Thank for reading and let me know if there is something wrong. Also just so you all know, I DO NOT own Rise of the Guardians. :P