This is so over due! I am so sorry for the horrible wait on this guys! Life took over, but I promise you this story is continuing as well as my others. I been trying to figure out what type of format to write the next couple chapters as well as how OOC should I make Yugi. He needs to be OOC a little bit, but not too much. It's a struggle I have

Shout out to my beta reader and awesome lady, HakusSpiritMaiden! She is like totally awesome and puts up with me so well!

Anyway please enjoy the next chapter and hopefully I can get started on the next one soon! I got so many ideas I want to do and yet not enough time in the day, week, or year, to do it all T_T

Read and Review!

A month had passed since Yugi was released from the hospital. He was adjusting the best he could to his new life without legs, without working legs to be exact. He had fallen often the first couple weeks, mostly because he wanted to be back on his feet, and any feeling he got gave him hope. Yugi just wanted to feel normal again, and even with the encouragement from his therapist, it didn't build any confidence for him. He didn't see any 'improvement', he just wanted to be 'normal' again, as normal as it got for him at least. Yet here he was still in a wheelchair and he still couldn't move his legs. "Dammit!" He groaned out loud.

Yami, who sat next to Yugi, jumped slightly. "Are you okay?" He asked turning to look at Yugi instead of the movie playing on the TV.

Yugi blinked, remembering where he was and what he was doing. Yami had asked if they could watch a movie, he wanted to just wanted to try and cheery Yugi up after physical therapy this morning. Yugi's therapist was trying to help him build some upper body strength, so that he could attempt to stand without the feeling from his waist down. Yugi was a weakling however and that was one of the most exhausting part of his therapy. "I'm fine." He said harshly.

"You sure?" Yami asked putting his hands on Yugi's lap. Ever since he got his own body, he had noticed he was touching Yugi at any chance he could get. On top of that they shared Yugi's room, and though Yami had a cot, he ended up in Yugi's bed most nights. Mainly due to the nightmares Yugi had. His feelings for Yugi continued to grow, which made the bitterness in Yugi's tone of voice, hurt even worse. He didn't once say he blamed Yami, but that didn't stop the ancient Pharaoh from blaming himself. "You can tell me anything, Aibou."

Yugi looked down at the hands in his lap. "I was just thinking to myself." He sighed.

"Yet you cursed out loud?"


"You're making progress!" Yami squeezed Yugi's hands, smling. "Shugo has said that. You just got to take one step at a time."

"Except I can't take steps." Yugi snapped at the Pharaoh.

Yami flinched at the harshness in Yugi's voice. "That was wrong of me to say." He sighed, pulling his hands away from Yugi's.

Yugi looked over at his wheelchair. "I think I want to go to my room and work on some homework." Yami stood up and retrieved the chair. Yugi thankfully had learned to get in and out of the chair without a lot of help.

"Would you like me to push you there?" Yami asked with a soft smile. Yugi just nodded. "Okay." He began to walk out of the living room. Down the hallway, Yugi's room was the last door on the left. The other two doors were Solomon's room and a broom closet. Two doors on the right, one was for storage, the other was a spare room that they used for company. Once in Yugi's room, Yami helped him sit at his desk, he moved the wheelchair close to the desk where Yugi could reach it on his own. "Do you need anything else?" He asked as he walked over to the bed.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Aren't you suppose to be a king not a servant?" The words came out like venom and he just opened up a book and began to read, not looking at Yami at all.

Sitting on Yugi's bed, Yami frowned, looking down at the floor. "Ouch." He sighed. "I'm going to go get us something to drink." He stood up and left before Yugi could protest with another snarky remark. "I know he's struggling, but does he really have to be so mean to me." Yugi had been pretty snarky with the Pharaoh the last few days, it was starting to take a toll on him, and the attitude he was receiving from Yugi was getting worse. One side of him was wanting to ring Yugi's neck, the other side was wanting to just let Yugi rant and eventually he would get better.

Once in the kitchen Yami opened the fridge and grabbed a soda can, he also grabbed a small bowl that was in there. "Watermelon." Yami smiled big. "A small treat can't hurt." Closing the fridge, he walked over to the counter top and searched the cabinets for a mug. He knew his way around the kitchen as if he had lived there his entire life. In a way he had, Yugi shared his memories with him, so he knew what Yugi knew. Once he found a mug he began to warm up some water, he preferred coffee over soda. Though it was already afternoon, he felt he needed it.

Just as the water began to boil, Solomon walked into the kitchen. "Good afternoon Yami." He said with a big smile on his face.

"Oh!" Yami jumped startled. "Good afternoon." He turned and looked at Solomon and returned the smile. "How is the shop today?"

"Not too busy, thankfully." Solomon stretched and his back popped, causing him to cringe.

Yami walked over to him quickly. "Are you okay?" His voice concerned.

"Yeah, that happens all the time." He groaned.

Yami rolled his eyes. "I've noticed." He helped Solomon over to the table and got him in a chair.

"Thanks my boy." He groaned again.

"No problem." Yami returned to finish making the coffee. "Would you like a cup?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Why thank you." The old man flashed a smile and saw he was already pouring the water into the cup. When Yami brought over the two cups he sat down across from Solomon.

"Yugi's not doing well today." He sighed looking into the cup of black liquid in front of him. "He's pulling away from me."

Solomon took a sip and nodded. "Yeah, I've noticed he has been a little snappy at you."

"A little?" Yami groaned. "Every time I open my mouth, he's angry with me."

"He's adjusting Yami. He isn't used to needing this much help since he was 4." The old man chuckled. "He was fighting his mom then with just wanting to wipe himself."

Yami blushed. "I know all his memories, so I know that. I guess I just wasn't expecting him to fight me so much."

Solomon took another drink of his coffee and gave the Pharaoh a small glare. "Do you think if you were still sharing his body he would treat you like this?"

Taking a quick drink of coffee and then staring into the cup, he sighed. "I think he wouldn't be so distant from me."

"Because he would have no other choice?"

"Yeah. We seemed closer then. Now I feel like I can't get close enough. He's put up this wall and won't let me in." Yami took one big swig and finished his coffee.

"I don't think it's that he doesn't want you in, it's more he is afraid of what you think of him." Solomon sighed. "Yugi loves you, but he's most likely afraid of dragging you into something like this. After all, you are leaving eventually." His eyes flashed at Yami. "Right?"

Ignoring the look he got, Yami sighed with frustration. "What if you're wrong then? What if Yugi doesn't love me?" Yami shook his head. "I can't ruin the relationship we already have."

"It'd be ruined no matter what, once you get to Egypt." Solomon placed his elbows on the table, crossing his fingers in front of his mildly annoyed face. "So what's the point of this conversation?"

"What are you getting at?" The Pharaoh returned Solomon's glare with one of his own.

"Look at you." He pointed to the Pharaoh across from him. "You have a body."


Solomon sighed. "Has it not crossed your mind once, Pharaoh?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Yami fought back a growl.

"Yes." Solomon replied sharply.

Yami gritted his teeth. "Everything both Yugi and I have gone through would just be in vein."

Solomon sighed once again. "That was before,"

Slamming his hands onto the table, Yami stood. "I know Solomon!" He shouted louder than he intended. "I thought this through and though it gives me butterflies in my stomach to even consider it," He bit his bottom lip, tears formed in the corner of his eyes. "I couldn't do that to Yugi."

"Couldn't what? Give him your heart? Your love?" Solomon questioned. "Isn't that all you want? Or is your memories more important than Yugi?"

Yami's eyes widened and before he knew it he was across the table, clutching Solomon's shirt in his hand. Through gritted teeth he said. "Don't you ever say that to me again! Nothing is more important to me than him. Nothing!"

"What you are two doing!?" Yugi shouted. "Get your hands off my grandpa!"

Yami was trying to catch his breath. "Aibou?"

Glaring, Yugi huffed. "Let him go!"

Yami let go and took a couple steps back. "I'm sorry, grandpa."

"No you don't get to call him that!" Yugi wheeled himself into the kitchen. "He isn't your grandpa and you're not his grandson." He placed his hand on Solomon's back. "Are you okay?"

"Yugi." The hurt in Yami's voice was blunt, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"I'm fine. We were just discussing some things." Solomon looked at Yugi and smiled. "Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

Yugi glared at his counter part. "I know you can." He smiled at his grandpa. "But I worry. Especially since I can't help you in the shop anymore. You must be tired." He saw out of the corner of his eye that Yami had walked out of the kitchen. "What were you guys arguing about?"

Solomon sighed. "Nothing important."

"You mentioned me. I think it's important."

"Yugi, my boy. It's not my place to talk to you about it. You will have to ask the Pharaoh." Solomon stood up and went over to the sink, placing his cup in it. "I'm sorry I can't discuss it with you."

Yugi frowned. "I get it." He stared at the doorway that led out of the kitchen. He than heard a door slam and his grandpa sigh behind him.

"He needs time. He's confused."

"About what?" Yugi asked, furrowing his brows.

"Hopefully he will tell you that soon, my boy." Solomon had walked over to Yugi and put his hands on the wheelchair. "Let's get you back in your room, you need to finish that homework." He winked and Yugi gave him a small smile.

Having grabbed his jack and slamming the door behind him, Yami left the house, needing to get away from the situation he just caused. He walked down the street as quickly as he could, not knowing where he was going, just knowing he needed air. "I can't believe it!" He said to himself. "I can't believe I grabbed Solomon and threatened him! The man who has opened his home to me. I attacked him." He gritted his teeth. "All because of what? Being told I am wrong for thinking the way I am?" He sighed. "Am I wrong?" He asked out loud. "Maybe I can be with Yugi. Maybe my memories aren't that important. But what about all that we have been through? Just to get this close." He let out a shaky sigh and clenched his fists tightly. "I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" A voice behind him spoke.

For the third time today, Yami was startled. He clutched his right hand over his heart and turned around to see that Tristan was the one who spoke. "You startled me."

Tristan laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry about that." He apologized. "What are you scared of?" He repeated once more.

Yami sighed and looked down at the ground. "It's nothing to worry about." He lied.

"You look pretty upset to me." Tristan took a couple steps towards his friend. "You can tell me. I won't judge ya." He placed his hands on Yami's shoulders. He felt them shaking. "Dude, you okay?"

Yami looked back up at his friends, tears falling from his eyes. "I love Yugi so much and I'm just so confused by all of this." He sobbed. "My body, his legs, my memories. I don't know what it all means!" He clenched his jaw closed, fighting back the sobs that laid within him.

Tristan pulled his friend close, letting him cry into his chest. "For once, we all are on the same page."

Yami just stood there and cried into Tristan's chest, not moving at all. People walked by and took glances, but no one stopped for long. After he had calmed down some, Yami pulled away and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry." He spoke, clearing his throat.

Tristan just grinned. "Don't be. Sometimes we all need a little cry." He looked at his friend who was still wiping his face and eyes. "Or a big cry."

Yami sighed. "I guess you know now as well."

"It was obvious after what happened in America. You didn't cry for Joey or Mai, but you cried for Yugi. It sorta screams." Tristan raised his hand in the air. "I love you." He chuckled but noticed Yami still was staring at the ground. "He doesn't know does he?"

Yami nodded. "I fear the what ifs."

"Like what?"

"Like what if he doesn't love me back. What if he hates me for feeling this way. What if our relationship changes and it never goes back to the way it was." Yami scrunched his face up. "I can't imagine losing what I already have with Yugi, just for some stupid feelings."

"Love isn't stupid. It's confusing as fuck, but it's not stupid." Tristan spoke softly. "You don't have to tell him, you don't have to let him know. But you also can't just let it boil inside." He wrapped his arm around Yami's neck and they both began to walk.

"And explain to me how I don't let it boil inside?" Yami questioned his taller friend.

"You tell him without telling him." Tristan winked.

"If you mean like hugs and hand holding, I already do that." Yami sighed. "I feel like he is pushing me away."

"No he's not pushing you away, he's pushing the sadness away. Or he's trying to but is failing. Yugi isn't upset with you, he's upset with the fact that he's in a wheelchair." Tristan squeezed the Pharaoh's shoulder. "He hasn't really talked to us much lately either." He admitted.

"I've noticed that myself. He doesn't want to be around anyone really."

"Exactly! He is suffering from that one thing." He snapped his fingers, trying to remember. "Uhm, dammit what is it." He snapped once more and smiled. "Depression! Why the hell did I forget that word?" He asked himself more than anyone else around.

Yami sighed. "I've tried to bring him out of it, but he just wants to be alone."

"We can't let him be alone." Tristan stopped, noticing they had arrived to the destination.

"It's hard when he doesn't want me near him. I got into a fight with his grandfather, Yugi told me I wasn't part of the family."

Tristan gave his ancient friend a weird look. "That's the anger talking. He knows how much gramps loves ya!" He smiled and pointed to the door to the game shop. "Here ya go buddy!"

"You brought me home?" Yami asked blinking in confusion.

Grinning, Tristan nodded. "Sure did! You can't leave Yugi alone." He opened the door. "Now go inside and try to figure out this relationship of yours. Before it kills ya, again, I think. Maybe, I don't know!" He pushed Yami into the shop and smiled. "You got this Pharaoh!" He winked and closed the door, leaving him alone in the dark shop.

Yami had noticed that Solomon had closed the shop, but left the door unlocked. Most likely for when Yami returned. The clock above the counter top read it was after six, everyone was probably worried where he was, or maybe they weren't. He sighed, locked the door, and walked upstairs and into the home that was above the shop. "I'm back." He called out as he took his shoes off.

Solomon walked out of the living room and sighed happily. "Oh thank goodness, just in time!" He smirked. "Yugi needs to use the restroom."

Yami face dropped. "Really?" He groaned. "You haven't helped him once."

Solomon chuckled. "You should know by now, he won't trust me." He looked down the hall and back at Yami. "You are my grandson, not yet, but soon." He winked. "Just put a ring on that and we can call it even."

Yami threw his hands in the air and made a inaudible noise. He then walked down the hallway quickly, trying to get the red on his face to go away. Once he was satisfied that his face was back to a normal color, he knocked on Yugi's door.

"Yeah." Yugi's voice was louder that time, closer to the door.

Yami sighed contently and was about to reach for the knob when he heard the sound of it being unlocked. "He never locks his door." The look of confusion and hurt was on his face, his eyes remained on where the door handle once was.

"Hey." Yugi said with a soft smile on his face, he noticed the look in Yami's eyes. "Everything okay?" He asked reaching out to touch his hand.

When Yami noticed Yugi reaching out for him, he gasped and held onto the hand tightly. "I'm sorry." He said locking his crimson eyes with Yugi's amethyst eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt your grandpa." Yugi's eyes were wide, watching at Yami tried to keep his voice steady. "We were talking about you, about me, about things and I honestly I don't know what to do or think. I just know I can't lose you!" As he rambled, he held onto Yugi's hand tightly. "You mean so much to me and I have this body, so for now, for now. I am going to use it to help you in any way I can." Tears formed in his eyes. "But please stop pushing me away! I can't take it anymore!"

Yugi's bottom lip quivered as he heard Yami's pleas. He watched as the man, who he thought was so strong, begin to break right in front of his eyes. Was he crying because of Yugi? "I've been, down right mean to you. Haven't I?" He asked trying to hold back tears. Yami couldn't speak anymore, he didn't trust his voice, he sobbed and just shook his head. "I'm sorry." Yugi closed his eyes, tears falling from them. He pulled his hand away and placed it in his lap, next to the other. "I'm so sorry."

Yami fell to his knees, he wrapped his arms around Yugi. "I forgive you." Was all he could say. They both stayed that way for a while, neither spoke, just cried into each other's shoulder.

Eventually Yugi pulled away. "Yami?" He said wiping his eyes.

"Yes, Aibou?" Yami swallowed the last lump in his throat and looked at Yugi.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Yugi laughed as he spoke.

Yami laughed as the last few tears fell from his eyes. "I can help you, if you'd like me to." Yugi nodded and gave him a smile. Returning the smile, Yami stood up, pushing the wheelchair towards the bathroom.

A few days passed, the fighting had stopped and Yami and Yugi were once again adjusting to the changes. Therapy, homework, friends, and letting Yugi learn how to do things on his own. He needed that and Yami respected what Yugi requested, even though he really wanted to help. As Yugi sat on the floor, his legs stretched out in front of him. He was doing his final exercise before he got ready for the day. He reached for his toes making sure to stretch his back, though he couldn't reach his toes, the main point was to help his back. Yugi came back up, stretching his back as straight as he could, he leaned back onto his hands and looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder what they will find out today?"

Yami had walked in, carrying a small tray of food. "The MRI?" He asked as he placed the tray on the desk.

Nodding Yugi gave a small smile. "I hope the swelling has gone down."

"What do you think? How do your legs feel?"

"I still don't feel them. But I've been doing my exercises daily and going to therapy." Yugi leaned against his bed.

Yami walked over and sat down next to him. "I'm so proud of you." He smiled at Yugi. "You've come a long way."

Yugi looked at the former Pharaoh and returned the smile. "It's because of you. You've given me the strength I need to keep moving forward." He sighed and looked down at his legs. " But what happens if I can't walk again?"

Yami took Yugi's hand in his own. "I will be right here, to make sure you will walk again." He tightened his grip. "I'm not going anywhere."

Solomon walked in and gave a small grin. "Now what are you two doing?" He asked, eyeing the hand holding.

Yami pulled away, clearing his throat. "I brought Yugi his breakfast, wanted to make sure he ate before we left."

Yugi had looked away, fighting the color that wanted to appear on his face. "I'm not that hungry, thanks though."

"Could you at least eat the rice?" Yami bent down and began to help Yugi up. "That way something is on your stomach." He had Yugi in his arms, bridal style, and walked him over to the desk.

"Yami's right. You will end up burning those calories anyway, so the more in, the better you'll feel." Solomon added.

Yugi looked down at the tray in front of him, the Miso soup was still warm, the rice was still steaming, and Yami had prepped his chicken the way Yugi liked it. With the smell of the food surrounding him, his stomach growled. He really was hungry, just nervous. "You made it just how I like it." Yugi looked up at Yami.

"Why wouldn't I?" Yami gave Yugi a comforting smile.

"Thank you." He returned the smile and began to eat, before long he had ate most of his meal. Solomon had left to get himself something to eat and Yami went to take a quick shower. "I hate this empty feeling when he isn't around." Yugi sighed, laying his head down in his arms that had rested on the desk. "Why do I love him so much?" He asked himself. "He wouldn't understand. Besides, he's just going to leave anyway. He needs to find his memories, he needs to go home. I promised him." He fought back the tears. "I can't..."

"Can't what?"

Yugi gasped and turned his head to see Yami in the door way. He was in just a pair of jeans, had a towel around his neck that he was using to dry off his hair. "I can't do today, I don't want to do today." He lied.

Yami walked over to the desk and placed his hand on Yugi's shoulder. "You'll do great. I'll be right here, always."

"Not always." Yugi thought. "I know." He faked a smile. "I just got nervous, thinking of the worse."

Yami squeezed Yugi's shoulder. "Well don't. We've faced death before, we won against that. We can win against this."

Yugi sighed. "You didn't defeat death." He watched as Yami walked over to the closet and began looking through it, taking his time, but Yugi knew better. He was hesitating, again. "You can wear whatever you want. What's mine is yours."

Yami sighed. "I know, I just feel bad."

"Well you can't go out in town dressed the way you are."

Yami chuckled. "You got a point." He pulled out a red shirt and put it on. "I could pass this off, right?"

"I don't know fashion. I mean look at me!" Yugi pointed to his clothes. "I'm still wearing my school uniform and I'm not even going to school right now!"

"It's one of the best fitting clothes you have." Yami winked. "Besides, it brings out your eyes."

Yugi blushed. "Let's get going." He said looking down at his lap.

"Okay, I'm ready." Yami smiled and helped Yugi into his wheelchair.

Arriving at the hospital, they got Yugi's MRI done quickly. While they waited for test results, Yugi had therapy with Shugo, scheduled accordingly. "Good job, Yugi." Shugo said with a big smile.

"You think so?" Yugi asked timidly.

"Yeah! Your upper body strength is building up." He nodded. "This is the longest you've been able to hold yourself up."

Yami sat in a chair off to the side, he had a big smile on his face that Yugi noticed. He looked away trying to hide the blush. "Thanks. I have been able to feel my feet at times. I haven't tried to stand on them, but I sometimes can feel them."

"More awesome news! What you're doing at home and what we're doing here, is helping."

"Maybe that means the swelling has gone down?" Yugi said more in a question than a statement.

"I'm just a therapist, so I can't say for sure. But I can say that you are making progress." Shugo looked over at Yami. "You've got a great support system."

Yugi followed Shugo's eyes. "I do. Between my friends, grandpa, and Yami. I feel like I can do anything."

Shugo smiled at Yugi. "I bet if he could give you the world, he would."

Yugi shot Shugo a look. "Don't you think that's a little personal for a therapist?"

Shugo nodded. "I'm only pointing out what I see."

"No, you're pointing out what you want to see. We're just friends."

"Just friends is how it always starts." Shugo winked and looked at his watch. "Okay, let's see if I can get you to stand on your feet." He pushed the wheelchair, that Yugi was sitting in, over to the bars. Yugi felt the nerves kicking in, he hadn't done so great with this and falling was most likely going to happen. "You got this." Shugo spoke when he noticed Yugi's nervous face.

With one bar on each side of him, Yugi looked over at Yami, who just smiled and gave Yugi a thumbs up. "Okay." Yugi pulled his feet out of the holders, he placed his hands on the bars and took a couple of deep breathes before he began to pull himself up. He closed his eyes, to prepare himself for hitting the ground. But when he opened his eyes, he was holding himself up with no issues. He smiled to himself, overjoyed that he was able to keep himself up. But now he needed to place his feet on the ground. He looked over his shoulder and noticed Shugo was behind him, right there to catch him, in case he fell.

"Now, when you're ready, put your feet flat on the ground." Shugo gave Yugi a reassuring smile.

Yugi closed his eyes once again, imagining what it felt like to be on his feet again, to be walking again. He sighed and lowered his feet to the ground. He didn't feel anything, he was hoping he would, but there he was, standing, for the first time in a long time. "This feels so weird." He pointed out.

"It will. But this is the start of telling your body that you have legs, that are needing to be used." Shugo stood there with a smile on his face. He looked back at Yami, who also was smiling with pride lighting up his face. "Okay, I think that's good for today."

Yugi lowered himself back into his wheelchair and sighed. "I'm exhausted." He placed his feet back in the holders.

"That's normal."

"You say that every time."

"I do cause it's true." Shugo wheeled Yugi over to Yami. "We're done for the day. I will see you next week, same time and place."

"Thank you." Yami bowed and then he and Yugi headed to the office of Dr. Ichizo and waited for Yugi's named to be called, once a nurse came and got them, they headed back to a room.

"You'll need to put this on." The nurse handed Yugi a robe.

"What for?" Yugi asked taking it from her.

"Dr. Ichizo is going to check your stomach today." She replied.

Yugi looked down at his stomach and sighed. "Okay." The nursed nodded and left, letting them know the doctor would be in soon. "No one but you has seen it since I left the hospital."

Yami sighed and walked over to Yugi, taking the robe."I know, but they want to make sure it's healing properly."

"I know." Yugi sighed again and took his shirt off, revealing right below his belly button a long white gauze, held on by medical tape. "Do they want me to take the bandage off?"

Yami nodded. "No, I think he will do that and even put a clean bandage on." He smiled handing Yugi the robe back. Once Yugi had finished getting dressed, Yami spoke. "Want me to help you on the table?"

"Yeah." Yugi didn't look at him or really sound okay, but Yami ignored it, knowing Yugi was most likely ready to go home. He helped him up and once he knew he was positioned, took a step back. "Thanks."

Sighing he sat back down. "No problem." Yami crossed his arms and closed his eyes, fatigue and frustration coming at the same time.

A soft knock was on the door just a few moments later. "Come in." Yugi replied.

Dr. Ichizo opened the door and walked in with a smile. "Hello Yugi." He nodded towards Yugi, looking to his right, he noticed Yami. "Hello Yami." He shook the Pharaoh's hand. "How are you two doing?"

"I'm good." Yami replied.

Yugi smiled. "I'm tired."

"I bet, today has been rough. But you have been making progress I've heard." Dr. Ichizo looked at his chart. "You got an MRI, therapy, and now this. I bet you're ready for a nap."

Yugi nodded. "That sounds great, but I also got some homework to work on."

Dr. Ichizo chuckled. "That's one thing I don't miss!" He walked over to the side table that was under the window. He pulled out some gauze, medical tape, and some sort of cream. "Okay Yugi, I need you to lay back. I need to check that the wound is healing. We have been so focused on your spine, but I want to be certain the cause of all of this is properly healing." He spoke and Yugi did as he was asked. Yami had stood up and was now next to the table, holding Yugi's hand.

Yugi winced as the bandage was removed and the tape pulled on his skin. He scrunched his face and kept his eyes closed tight.

"Sorry." Dr. Ichizo said with sympathy in his voice. "Who's been cleaning it?"

Yami raised his hand lightly. "I have been."

Dr. Ichizo smiled. "You've done excellent work. It seems to be healing pretty good." He turned around and grabbed the gauze.

"Thank you."

"Do you recall what I spoke to you about while you were in the hospital?" Dr. Ichizo asked as he redressed the wound. Yugi just shook his head. "Well, you see, the stabbing. It wasn't as bad as it appeared. Yes you were bleeding, tremendously, in fact. The knife did in fact cut your intestines and that's one of the major reasons you bled so much. It's the reason your heart stopped." He finished bandaging the wound and helped Yugi up. "You had all those ER doctors scared. They lost you, twice."

The Pharaoh swallowed the lump in his throat, just the thought of Yugi dying made him cringe, and most likely it would be all his fault."Twice? I know in the ambulance they lost him."

Dr. Ichizo nodded, looking at the chart once more. "Yes, on the ambulance, he had stopped breathing. Coding, as we say in doctor term. He arrived at the hospital, unconscious. They brought him back within a few minutes, but while he was in surgery, they had lost him again." He smiled at Yugi. "But destiny is on your side. You are meant to be here Yugi."

"You have no idea how destiny treats me." Yugi coffed out. "If the actual injury wasn't bad, how did my spine become effected by it?"

"It was trauma, Yugi." Dr. Ichizo sighed. "The human body is a crazy thing. When you were stabbed, the blade was inside of you, touching your insides. Nothing is suppose to touch you like that. It swelled up, your spine, by reacting to the trauma."


Yami squeezed Yugi's hand. "What about the MRI? Are the results back?" He wanted to change the subject, wanted Yugi to not wallow in the past, because he did enough of that for the both of them.

Dr. Ichizo blinked. "Yes, I do have those." He looked through some papers in the chart. "I have looked over them and I have good news and bad news." He waited for Yugi and Yami to take in what he said.

"What's the good news?" Yami asked.

Dr. Ichizo smiled. "The swelling is going down." He declared. "It's amazing to see that in only a month, you have made amazing progress."

"That's great." Yami sighed happily. "Is that meaning Yugi could possibly walk again?"

Dr. Ichizo nodded. "Yes the percentage of him being able to walk again has gone up with just these results."

"What's the bad news?" Yugi finally spoke, ready to hear the bad news. The good news was great, but there was always a catch and he wanted to know what it was.

Dr. Ichizo sighed. "You'll need another surgery. Soon." He watched as their jaws dropped, shock filling their faces. "You see, the MRI showed that though the swelling is going down. The fluid in your spine is beginning to form a pocket on your tailbone."

"What does that mean?" Yugi asked.

"It means that the pressure is getting off your spin and moving to your lower back. Partial paralysis could possibly turn into quadriplegia, which isn't fixable." He sighed once again, allowing the boys to absorb the information he gave them. "I have to ask Yugi." He cleared his throat. "How has using the bathroom been?"

Yugi was confused by the question but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He was struggling with the feeling of if he had to go or not. "It's hard to tell when I have to go sometimes. It's like my bladder can't tell if it's full or not."

"That's a symptom that your nerves are becoming damaged."

"So wait, what will the surgery do?" Yami asked harsher then attended.

"If we get in there quickly, we can drain the fluid and hopefully reverse any damage that he may have. The sooner we remove it the better chance Yugi has at healing and getting back on his feet, permanently." Dr. Ichizo looked at his watch. "I was going to call the surgeon and speak with him after our appointment, the sooner I get you in, the better it is for you."

Yugi nodded, shock filled him, he couldn't believe that what he thought could be temporary, was leading down to a permanent issue. "How soon do you think you could get me in?"

"Today's Monday, I was hoping for either Friday or next Monday."

"That's pretty soon." Yami looked worried.

"The sooner the better." Dr. Ichizo nodded, showing the seriousness in his voice.

"Okay." Yugi said. Dr. Ichizo looked over at him. "Get it done soon. I have a promise I made to a friend and I refuse to let this stop me." He squeezed Yami's hand slightly.

Yami looked down at their hands and back to Yugi. "My memories." Yami sighed. Yugi kept him as the focus, even though it was Yugi who needed to be the focus. It wasn't fair to see Yugi still put others before himself. "Why can't you be selfish for once in your life, Aibou?" He nodded his head and looked down at the ground.

"Okay. I will call you as soon as I hear what day works for him. Any other questions or concerns?" Dr. Ichizo asked. Both boys shook their heads. "Alright, you are free to go. Rest Yugi, homework can wait." He patted Yugi's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile and then walked out the door.

Yami and Yugi both stayed in the room for a few more moments, none of them spoke, until Yugi chocked out a sob. "I can't break my promise." He sobbed.

"You don't need to worry about that, Aibou. Right now, my goal is to be there for you." Yami turned to face Yugi just to see the tears falling down his face. "Please don't cry."

"I can't help it." Yugi softly spoke. "I'm scared." Yugi leaned towards his friend and wrapped his arms around his upper body. "Hold me, please?" Yugi asked and Yami obliged. He wrapped his arms around Yugi and just let him cry for as long as he needed to.