Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for my OC Alexis Firestone. If I did, I would lock River Song and Jack Harkness in a room together.

Author's Note: This is my first Fanfic so please have Mercy. I'll try to publish a new chapter every week. This is actually a Multi-Fandom crossover with DoctorWho, BBC Sherlock, Harry Potter, True Blood, the world of Tolkein and the world of Marvel. I might add more fandoms to it by request later, so please tell me what you would like. You don't need to have watched all the series or Movies to understand the story but there might be spoilers if you plan on watching them. I will try my best not to make Hex a Marry Sue a lot of characters will feel protective of her because she does just look like a little girl. I hope you enjoy :)

The rain kept hitting the bedroom window mercilessly as the thunder grew lounder and the flashes of lightning came closer. Alexis Firestone, called Hex by her friends, was sitting on her bed with her phone grasped tightly in her hands. Scars painted the skin of her arms that were illuminated by the screen of her smartphone as she scrolled through her last conversation with her boyfriend. Well, he's her x-boyfriend now. They had been together for almost a year and she had called her boyfriend earlier that day to find out that he was with some other girl from yoga. Typical. Hex was proud to say that she was no longer a cutter, though she still sometimes had those urges. Her scars showed that it hadn't been too long since she's quit. As Hex scrolled through the last bit of the conversation though, she felt the urge for that physical pain more than she ever had, but she had made a promise.

The thing about an Alexis Firestone promise was that it was never broken. Hex made sure never to make a promise that she couldn't keep. So when she promised herself never to cut again, she knew that she could keep that promise, especially if she could keep herself distracted with all the sports she was doing. When she couldn't do sports, she would rely on her favourite TV series or movies. One thing Hex knew for sure was that she really needed a distraction now. It was close to midnight and it was raining so she could hardly go out and do sports so she would have to rely on the stack of DVDs beside her computer and the saved episodes of her favourite series. There weren't too many options of what to watch but that didn't matter too much to Hex because she loved all the movies and series that she had there. The DVDs were of the Harry Potter series, The Avengers movies, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy amongst others. The series that she watched on her laptop were Doctor Who, True blood, BBC Sherlock and some others she hadn't watched in quite some time. Hex, being in true need of a distraction of course went for her favourite of the lot: Doctor Who.

That was how it all started. Hex was watching Doctor Who on her laptop with the stack of DVDs next to it while clutching tightly onto the pocket watch that hung around her neck on a thin bronze chain. The pocket watch itself was nothing special. It was a bronze watch with a button at the top which can be used to to set the time or open the watch. The exterior of the watch was decorated with an engraved rose on the front and a vine like pattern on the back. Hex was never really sure how the watch worked because she never dared to open the back to find the mechanism but she found it peculiar that the watch never seemed to run out of battery. Hex had had the watch since she was born and it had never once broken, nor had it ever needed a new battery. It was a gift from her father before he had passed away. Hex had never met him. She only had some pictured of him and the watch which she never let out of her sights.

So while watching the first episode with the ninth Doctor: Rose, Hex clung onto that pocket watch as if it would save her life. She often imagined it would have a Time Lord inside and one day she would open it and be rescued from her miserable life, but that never happened. The watch was just seemed to be an ordinary watch within. What Hex didn't know was that the lightning outside was getting closer and closer to her house. She was too engrossed in the episode to notice the thunder which got so loud that it seemed defining to anyone who listened out for it.

It was also because Hex was staring so intently at her screen that she didn't see the lightning which had hit the house, travel through the wire of her computer, across the edge of her screen, to the set of DVDs and then right to the pocket watch held tightly between her hands from which a golden glow spread to the rest of her body. Too absorbed, with the Doctor as he explained who he was to Rose, Hex didn't notice how her eyes suddenly felt heavy and she slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

It wasn't until she awoke that Hex felt that something was wrong. There was a breeze that blew her golden hair into her eyes as she slowly opened them. Wait… golden hair? The last time Hex had checked, she had definitely had dark, almost black, brown hair in a pixie cut. Hex sat up from where she had been lying and inspected her hair. It was indeed now golden and reached down to her waist. She groaned at her new discovery. "I only had it cut a month ago" Hex grumbled to herself as she looked around at her surroundings. That was when she noticed that she was no longer in her bedroom but in some kind of park and it was late at night. What? Hex decided that she definitely still too tired and too much of an emotional wreck to deal with what was going on. Had she just been kidnapped? Why did some of the buildings look so familiar?

Deciding that sitting around wouldn't help her situation, Hex slowly got up from where she was and moved to the building that seemed most familiar. It wasn't until she passed a sign that read Powell Estate, did Hex realise where she was. Ok, either I'm having a really weird dream, this is all real and I've jumped dimensions or I'm really starting to finally lose my mind. Hex thought that the last option was the most probably going by the fact that her back really hurt from lying on the ground in the weird position. You can't feel pain in dreams right? Just to make sure, Hex pinched her arm, only to find that it really did hurt and to instantly regret the decision because of the light stinging sensation it left her with.

That was when she realised that all of her scars were gone. Well at least there is something positive about the whole situation. With nowhere else to go, Hex made her way through the apartment complex, keeping her eyes peeled for a cat flap that would mark the door to the Tyler residence. Only once she found the door did she wonder what she was going to tell the person who would open the door. "Hi my name is Alexis and I'm probably from another universe and no your future which is why you should let me in." Yeah, cause they are totally going to believe me when I say that. I don't even know when in the time line this is. Alexis stood in front of the door for a while, debating on the best approach until she caught her reflection in the glass of the window. Then, she realised two things. The first was that her eyes had changed from a dark brown to a gold like he hair, and secondly that she looked terrible and that that might just be what she needed. After all, Hex was good at playing the poor 16 year old kid who was lost and alone after so much practise with her other boyfriends that had cheated on her.

Hex quickly messed up her hair a little before hesitantly knocking on the door. It took a while for the door to swing open to reveal Jackie Tyler in a pink robe tied tightly around her waist by a thick pink belt. "Hello sweetheart, are you alright?" Jackie asked, concern flooding her face. Showtime. "Um… no…I'm lost and…I don't know where I am. I was with my boyfriend and then… there was this other woman and…" That was when Hex broke down into tears because technically it wasn't really a lie. It hadn't been longer than a couple of hours since she had been texting with her boyfriend after the phone call and thinking about it made the teas flow easily down her cheeks. This was supposed to be and act. I wasn't actually supposed to break down. Stupid emotions.

"Oh sweetheart… How about you come in and I make you a nice cup of tea?" Jackie kindly offered. Of course she would. She thinks I'm just a little kid so there's no harm I could do. Hex shakily nodded her head and allowed Jackie to pull her into the apartment and sit her onto the couch. Rose must either still be asleep, at a friend's place or she's already travelling with the Doctor. That it, if this whole thing is even real. While Jackie busied herself in the kitchen with making tea, Hex took the chance to look around. The apartment looked exactly like it did in the series. It was so detailed that Hex had to conclude that it was real because she was sure that her mind wasn't capable of coming up with the strange magazine covers and the design of the carpet. It all just seemed far too real.

Hex was disturbed out of her thoughts by Jackie placing a warm mug of tea on the table in front of her. "Thanks" Hex said quietly, picking up the mug to warm her hands. She took a sip of the warm beverage, not caring that she lightly burnt her tongue by doing so. There was too much going on in her mind to really care.