So I decided to rewrite My Fault... Hope this is better!

It was all fine and sunny day in Kalos for Serena. She didn't remind herself what happened a long time ago with Ash...

She was just taking a stroll surveying the shops lined across the block... It was her second allowance this month and she's been saving money for a Holo Caster.

"Right... there!" she said as she approached the store that had a poster that said "Holo Casters for sale here!"

That was when she bumped into someone. As she turned around 'sorry' became a tear as the man he bumped into is none other than Ash Ketchum, whose heart was broken by her.

Ash only nodded, eyes invisible from the cap he was wearing. She only heard him say "Let's go."

'Let's go?' Why?' Serena immediately thought. The next sight when she looked back was what broke her;

Ash was with a girl.

That reminded her of everything. Tears ran down her cheek. She then sat down. She cried. She didn't care if people saw her. She might have rejected Ash, but the feelings deep inside her won't leave. She still loves him. But for Ash, it wasn't mutual.


She left without buying the Holo Caster. She lost faith in the world. Why did she reject Ash in the first place? Because of a boy she didn't love? She now regrets all of her actions.

'If only I returned the feeling...' she thought as more tears ran down her face.

She wasn't aware where she was heading... all she wanted was a friend. She walked towards the center of Lumiose City, where Prism Tower stands. That's where Clemont, the Gym leader, and his little sister Bonnie, resides.

"Welcome to Lumiose Gym. Would you like to challenge the Gym leader?" she heard a familiar voice say.

"No actually..." she said in between tears.

"... Serena? Come in!" it was now Clemont, not Clembot, who was speaking.

The doors opened with a worried Clemont and Bonnie who rushed to Serena.

"Serena are you okay?!" the lemon blonde siblings asked, voice full of concern.

"I'm fine." Serena replied.

"No you're not! Obviously!" Bonnie, the new Gym leader, pouted.

"Bonnie, pipe down!" Clemont whispered to his little sister. "She's crying already."

"What happened?"

"You see... Ash..."

"So Hilda, where do you want to eat? I heard Cloyster Cafe serves good food." Ash asked the Unova native.

"Then Cloyster Cafe it is!" she said with enthusiasm.

Ash and Hilda first met in Unova during Ash's first trip there. Hilda developed a little schoolgirl crush on him, and when he returned after the 'incident', she finally asked him out.

Ash, of course, said yes. Who would say no to Hilda; she was attractive, and had a very charming personality.

What started out as little dates became the starting point of their relatuonship. They would go to movies together, have picnics, and occasionally invite Iris and Cilan to come along. Iris has definitely changed... her hair was more neat, and of course, she matured.

After Unova, the two started retravelling the regions; they travelled through Kanto where Ash told his mom personally about the relationship, Hoenn to find out that Drew and May were dating as well, Sinnoh to learn that Dawn was now a Top Coordinator, and on this fine day, through Kalos.

Ash was actually not really looking forward to Kalos, as it reminded him of what happened between him and Serena...

The couple were now seated at the Cloyster Cafe. There was a romantic atmosphere to it; it was dimly lit, and there were Litwick-themed candles at the center of each table. Chandellures were also the theme of each chandellier.

"So Ash... that girl earlier, she seemed to know you... do you know her?" Hilda asked.

"Oh her... I knew her..." Ash replied.

"What do you mean?" Hilda asked with a puzzled voice.

"We had a history... but I don't think now's the time to talk about that..."

"If you say so..."

Ash and Hilda just smiled sweetly at each other. Ash just hoped Serena won't get in his way again...

"Oh gosh that's bad!" Bonnie told Serena, shocked at the news.

"I'm so sorry, Serena." Clemont added and told her apologetically.

Serena thought that they could just be friends. Right? She prayed that Ash and that girl were just friends. Not anything more.

She's going to find out soon...

So I hope you like it! I will keep the original plot I had in mind, but change the characters involved. Also, reason why I did AshxHilda was because, I wanted to! That's not a very common pairing, but Hilda is my favorite female character (before Serena and Miette) so why not give it a shot? But anyways, I hope you like this rewritten version of My Fault! Updates the day after In the Middle is updated.