The One Where Everyone Dies

Author's Note: All credit for this story goes to the respective owners of the characters, movies, comic books, and novels on with this story was based. Thank you fore reading and I hope you enjoy the story.


The boys strained their ears as they heard heavy footsteps coming down the basement stairs. Whoever had captured them was coming closer. A moment later, a pudgy man with long red hair and side-burns appeared. He was wearing a long black coat over a Luke Skywalker-esque shirt and a weapons belt reminiscent of Han Solo. He approached the boys with a satisfied smirk and orange cheese powder on his face. "Welcome Bat-boys to the Basement of Wonder! The ultimate hide out of Control Freak!" he declared rather theatrically.

Robin cast Control Freak a bacon-searing glare. Red Hood snorted. Red Robin just stood still, keeping his expression carefully blank, and slowly hid the pin he was picking the lock with out of sight. Nightwing failed to suppress a bark of laughter, so he disguised it with a cough.

"Ah, the infamous Couch Potato; your reputation and stench of month old socks precedes you, oh great slug-bed," teased Nightwing.

Control Freak bowed before he realized that he had just been insulted.

"Hey Red Robin, are you familiar with this species?" asked Nightwing, "It's a Controlus Freakus; a subspecies of Couchus Potaticus."

"Drop the humor and phony Latin," said Red Robin without humor, "rule number one of superheroes, if you get caught, don't antagonize your captor."

"I thought that was rule number two. Rule number one is don't get caught in the first place," Robin put in.

"And rule number three is shoot them in the butt if they annoy you by gloating or making flamboyant introductions," said Red Hood darkly. Robin nodded at that one and Control Freak blanched for a second until he remembered that the boys were all chained to the wall.

"I'm standing right here," Control Freak pointed out. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you want with us?" Robin demanded angrily.

"I'm glad you asked, Robin," said Control Freak taking a few steps back. He pressed a button on the remote in his right hand and the room went pitch black. Suddenly, a spotlight appeared over his head and he struck a pose.

"Uh oh, here it comes," muttered Nightwing rolling his eyes.

"He has been planning this for way too long," Red Robin observed.

"Shush, you're ruining the dramatic effect," Control Freak hissed. The boys rolled their eyes but closed their mouths. "Welcome to Control Freak's Ultimate Star Wars Survival challenge. Allow me to introduce the players; Nightwing, the acrobat of wonder. Red Hood, a marksman without equal. Red Robin, the boy genius. And Robin, the son of Batman." Control Freak pushed another button on his remote, and a beam of white light hit the boys one at a time. They disappeared from the bonds holding them to the basement wall. Seconds later, they found themselves standing on a meatal landing platform on a strange metallic planet. Coruscant, Nightwing realized.

Nightwing looked down at his clothes. He was no longer wearing his superhero costume and mask, but rather a black Jedi tunic. Where his eskrima sticks had been, there were two lightsabers. He removed one of them from his belt and a bright blue blade shone forth. He touched the tip of the blade to the deck under his feet. Metal melted. This was a real lightsaber. He had never for a moment believed that he would very see a real lightsaber that worked the way it did in the movies.

Beside him, Damien was also wearing Jedi robes. A little braid of black hair fell over his right shoulder. Damien too was inspecting his lightsaber. The emerald blade was beautiful and almost hypnotizing. On the other side of Damien, Tim was wearing soft expensive looking robes. A red velvet cloak draped over his matching embroidered jacket and black trousers. He tugged at the collar uncomfortably. Jason, who was more or less still dressed like Red Hood, was laughing at the outfit.

"Stop laughing," snapped Tim. "What happen to us? Where are we?"

"I think we're on Coruscant," said Dick gazing around the city again.

"You are indeed," said Control Freak. He appeared before them in a shimmering blue hologram. "Now allow me to explain my Star Wars Survival challenge. I have beamed you into Star Wars: Episode III with my newly developed TV Dimension Ray."

"You dirty son of a…" Jason began.

"Ah, ah, ah. You'll want to hear this," said Control Freak smugly. "In this dimension of TV, everything is real. Which means you are real characters in the story and are in real danger. Nightwing, you are a Jedi Knight. Red Hood, you are a bounty hunter. Red Robin, you are a senate aid to Bail Organa. And Robin, you are a Jedi youngling. Play along. To return to our reality, you must survive the story to the end. So, have fun."

"But this is the episode where everyone dies!" said Dick.

"Well try not to. If you die here, you die in our reality too."

Dick turned to his brothers. "I think the only way we all survive this, is to change the story."

"How do we change it?" asked Tim.

"We have to keep Anakin from turning to the dark side. We can't let him make that first step by killing Dooku. We can nip this story in the bud so to speak," Dick explained. They nodded. If Darth Vader was never born, maybe they could all pull through this. Hiding, was not an option because the characters they had been assigned to play, already had targets painted on their backs. And besides, hiding wasn't in their nature.

"God luck boys and play along." With that, Control Freak's hologram disappeared, and he himself sat back on the couch to watch a once in a lifetime performance for an audience of one.