Welcome to my my first Command & Conquer crossover.

I do not own Command & Conquer Tiberium War series or Arpeggio of The Blue Steel. They both belong to the rightful owners.

Any review and opinion is appreciated be it bad or good, to make this story better. Hope you enjoy.

LOL, I wrote this fanfic without rechecking the facts of C&C Tib series such as the main NOD force alliance with GDI during Ascension Conflict. Still, I'll try my best to fix them.

(GDSS Philadelphia)

"God, I hate Scrin and their technologies for doing this to me, losing contact with my higher up, almost getting my ass kicked, and lost our only reinforcement" muttered Parker. "I know that something was very wrong when the outdated vessel unsuited for sailing in tiberium infested zone appeared," he sighed and slumped into his chair, waiting reports of the aftermath from his subordinates.

One of the crew can be seen arranging his files containing the reports Parker wanted.

Parker's blue eyes observing him as a young man with a face every woman dreamed of, red eyes, muscular build and buzzcut haircut. He walked toward where Parker is currently sitting as he hold his reports.

The young man saluted,"William Adolf reporting, sir!"

"At ease, so?" asked Parker as he grabbed his chin.

"We are in another world sir," replied William.

"It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that we are in another world, especially after those outdated vessels almost destroyed my armoured division with graviton and laser," Parker replied to the young man as he waved his hands. "Is there another valuable?" Parker once again asked.

"Yes sir, apparently the system of this world's governments, calendar and everything is similiar to ours before The Comet impacted but some their technologies' branch are lacking in most areas such as their weapon if compared to ours during Great World War 2 or War of 3 Powers ," replied the young man as he read through his reports.

"That's one less trouble for us, anything else?"

"Based on the information we managed to gather what left of this world's satellites and into their, we are currently in year 2063. The governments of this world appear to almost being fully wiped out by an unknown fleet called Fleet of Fog compromising of WW2 vessels fielding technology the human at this current era aren't able to reproduce our infused technology of the unknown fleet. The sighting of these unknown vessels was reported during 2012. At year 2038 the reports increased and the fleet went on offensive and claiming that: Destroying Humankind is their objective though they didn't appear to attack settlements or facilities ashore. Then, the UN went on offensive. All is lost after the first and final battle of UN during the year 2039 as they cannot penetrate their force field,"

"Do you happen to know their weaknesses? This could pose a big problem to us if we meet more of them and their main battleship managed to tank our trump card's attack,"

"It appears that their force shield become most saturated when we dropped the sonic bombs over them based on the observation by one of the soldier on the ground and their shields are almost similiar to our Scrin infused tech," the young man replied.

"There appears to be a machinery recording the whole footage. The footage was originally supposed to be relayed to German though it was hacked by the Fleet of Fog and other countries that are still standing after the battle in 2039, meaning that they also watched the entire event unfolding in front of their own eyes though I don't have the regarding information on their standard procedures to this kind of situation," the young man replied.

"I don't know if that is a curse or a blessing. We know that they should not fuck with us but at the same time it might create chaos and tension to the human side in this world..," Parker muttered.

"Anyway, did you manage locate where the source of where the footage was shot from and what was being used?" replied Parker, seemingly to childishly fiddle with his fingers. One of the many side effects man like him can get from being shot.

"Yes sir, the source of the transmission came from a drone owned by the German government. Judging by the designs, the technology of the drone appears to be before the First War in our world," he replied. Confidence. Parker liked the young man already.

He thought that they should establish contact with the local and help them with their problem but when he rethinks of that plan again, he saw many flaws in it. Seemingly unknown on what to do he decided to drink some water to ease his conflicting mind.

'God, I don't know what to do right now with no higher up to take direct control of this situation,' Parker thought as he wiped his face with his hands, unknown what to do in this situation. 'I hope they are not mad when I taking half of their whole army with me,'

'What will Boyle do in this situation? Perhaps...' Parker thought as he went back to his seat to talk with this William.

Facing William,"What do you suggest in this kind of situation, boy?" asked Parker to the young crew who can be seen in his mid 20s by his body features. The age gap between them is very obvious as it can be seen by Parker's greying hair.

"I suggest we reveal ourselves to this weird world/dimension to gain resources that are needed to build some of our powerful weapon that need materials from the blue zone back in our world/dimension like the Orca and possibly, we might need to find another power source before we run out of tiberium to harvest,"

"Also, sooner or later we will have to deal with our governments counterparts. Because of our unique consequences...If we do not contact the governments after they saw after what we did to those vessels, it will increase the risk they will also declare war on us because they might think that we are siding with The Fleet of Fog, We can offer alliance and solution to problems they are facing to lesser the risk though mistrust, greed and paranoia will still be the issues here as they will try to acquire our warfare technologies," replied the young crew.

The young man was expecting as he prepared to answer this question from his CO after the crews found out that they lost contact with the higher up. His COs might be lost or whatever you call it. After all, a soldier takes order from a commanding officer and a commanding officer takes order from the higher up because an army commander is not trained with diplomacy and nobody's perfect.

'...That was unexpected..' Parker thought as he looked at him in awe. William smirked/smiled from Parker's reaction.

"With your intelligence and confidence, why are you still working under me with that rank? You are suppose to be a high ranking officer with that those kind of attitudes!" remarked Parker for his ability.

"The only reason why I am not a full fledged general right now is because I want to work under one of the greatest general during the Third War one of the Heroes of GDI. I want to be recognized by one them for my helpfulness not fame by media coverage for assisting them," came the answer.

Ruby coloured eyes meet cold blues. Time seemed to stop as they both stared at each other eyes. The sound of people working on computers and walking can be heard as they go on doing their jobs. Suddenly, energy spikes can be detected from the tower.

"Ah, I guess our friend from NOD just arrived. Let's go give them a greeting. You are dismissed," Parker said to William.

William saluted his CO before leaving.

"Oh, William," said Parker to William as he remembered something he forgotten.

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to be my permanent Personal Assistance."

(Present time)

'...' Alexei sighed as he filed through the reports that Parker gave him. The only sentence he manage to come out from the shock is: "The fuck?,"

"Ahahaha, I know right. They almost destroyed MY whole armored division," Parker said to the man with Russian ancestry.

"So what do you suggest on our course of action? We lost contact with the higher ups, that's for sure and the Ichor Hub seems to be one-way only,"

"Perhaps we should reveal ourselves to the world? The Fleet of Fog might have the tech to return us to our world as they bloody can create gravitons from somnium. Also, we must not rely on tiberium too much because of obvious reasons. One of my subordinate suggested that we reveal ourselves to the world, perhaps helping them in pushing back the Fog to regain their ocean," Parker replied as he sipped plain water inside a glass. Parker is an open minded person as he seems to consider William's advice.

"I... don't know. Yes, we are the commander of army but we are not trained for this kind of stuff. We leave diplomatic to those people back in the UN," Alexei is basically is the same age as Parker.

"Perhaps, we should build our FOB at Japan? Apparently, there seems to be less of those so-called Fogs' vessels in the area. How about we start from there?" Parker suggested. Parker is a quite charismatic old man even with his old age.

Alexei went silence. Staring into nothingness as he tapped his head with his index finger.

Minutes passed. He then make his choice

"I'll have to agree with this decision. We doesn't have much choice anyway because sooner or later we will have to remade our decision if we decided to be on the fence," Alexei gave his answer.

"The choice is made then," replied Parker. He tapped his wrist watch establishing contact with the AI.

"EVA, prepare my transport" came the order. "I wanna have a lively chat with the Japanese Prime Minister with my friend Alexei here at their ."

(Japanese Primer Minister Office)

The Prime Minister is having a heated discussion with his ministers about Japan well being until a man dressed in business suit came in forcing the meeting to stop abruptly.

"Sir!" The man saluted. "We hacked into the German drone."


"Its a footage depicting a battle The Fleet of Fog and unknown army."

"Da, we already know that it will be one sided battle in the favor of the Fog. It is a waste of time, we need to finish this meeting as soon as possible, Noboyushi, sir. We can settle with this later after the meeting is over," the Vice Prime Minister said to the current Prime Minister of Japan, Kaede Nobuyoshi.

"No...Its different matter, sir and important. Even I don't believe it myself," The man replied.

"Give him a chance, Akio. Perhaps, discussion about the army engagement in this meeting might help us planning battle plan in our battle against the Fog in the future," Nobuyashi the Prime Minister replied to the Vice Prime Minister remark. "We can't fully rely on the I-401's Blue Steel Fleet under the command of Chihaya Gunzhou. There will be something that need to be taken care of without them such as our "

Kaede Nobuyoshi have military service record serving as First mate on Akitsuki-Maru Guided Missile Destroyer before and during the Great Naval Battle. He faced the Fog during the battle which forced him to be wheelchair bound. Kaeder went into politic 11 years after the battle as he was recovering from his injuried thus leading him to his current position in the government.

"Ahhh...you better make our time worthwhile."

"Of course sir," the man saluted.

"Bring in the projector," the man ordered his subordinate that was standing near the door.

2 men dressed similarly to their leader came into the room bringing a projector and a laptop. They closed the curtain in the officer and setting the projector on the table. They turned on the projector. As the projector came to life illuminating the wall with white light, they played the footage by the laptop they brought.


After the footage finished playing, the agents opened the curtain and

"Do you see why we should give him a chance now, Akio?" Nobuyashi teased his Vice PM.

"..." the man just stared at the wall.

"Wow, damn!" Herman Cruz the man in charge of JMSDF Special Force exclaimed. He was stuck with the Japanese since the Great Naval battle forcing him to server under them as he can't return to his homeland, The United States of America.

"They managed to defeat them with pure strength! The amount of firepower they brought upon the Fog is like American giving her Freedom to Osama's thugs."

"Calm down and enough with Merica, Cruz. We don't know anything about them. The last thing I want is the army ganging up with the Fog to destroy us," replied Nobuyoshi with the synthesizer voice which makes it hard to determine his emotion.

Out of the blue, a telephone in the office rang.

Akio picked up the phone.

"Order your military to stand down...

Send in review if you think this type of writings is better than previous one though it's still bad. :/

This will be the last update for this and next month. Why? Its simple, really. Living in a boarding school is a pain in the ass.

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I really am.

In September or October I will try my best to upload an update with less plot hole and grammatical mistake.