Heylo all,

I want to start this off with something I want to get off my chest. I honestly don't feel that I'm that great of a writer (still don't even after re-reading what I've written), and in the overall scheme of things I am definitely not. But, to my utter shock and bewilderment (pleasantly btws), people actually like this story. Over 4000 views, 37 mostly posivite reviews, 71 followers and 61 favorites (as of me writing this up), and several mentions in the Life is Strange reddit (When I found that out it blew my freaking mind). You guys are the reason why I want to continue writing this story for better or for worse and I cannot thank you enough. So I wanted to write this for you all to clear the air.

What got me into writing were the endings of Life is Strange, which pissed me off so bad I wanted to write my own ending which ended up being this story. I did actually complete this story, but I was unhappy with it and decided to rewrite it. Then Before the Storm came out and I thought it was going to be great (spoiler alert: it was okay at best), but after playing that I started to get fatigue with the series as a whole, which lead to me leaving the story as it is now.

My friends weren't and still aren't very supportive of me writting stories because they've never been into books or reading and they aren't exactly creative thinkers, so finding someone to talk to about the story or to bounce ideas off of was a deterant. So I slacked off and let it go. A few months of gaming later and my drive to write again came back and I was determined to finish this series (if nothing else to get it out of my mind since it was constantly nagging me and yes I meant series since my other story LiS Awakening will be connected with this, but have its own story) so I set back to work to finish it all.

Then the universe decided to make my computer crap out entirely (either as a sign to give up or just the big middle finger life tends to throw us, not entirely sure which). I'm in the process of getting a new computer, but the wait wasn't all bad as it gave me time to come up with ideas to make the story better (again, this is just my opinion)

So to anyone who sees this message, please be patient and forgive me for I'm about to make another rewrite of the story (I can hear any fan of this story groaning and saying "Again? Seriously?" And I don't blame you whatsoever for that, that's totally on me, but I'm just not happy with what I'm writing and how I'm writing it. Please bear with me for a little while because I will be finishing this story with this last rewrite, I swear. So the next time you see a new chapter on this story the narrative will be different, so I apologize for any re-reading you guys will have to do to understand what goes on after the previous chapter. I'm super sorry, but some ideas came that were too good to pass up and require some changes here and there.

Thank you in advance for you patience and understanding.

Until next time, peace out!

Evan trails