Hey guys here's another chapter for Near Miss!

Titanic 11912:

Jack took Rose in his arms. They escaped Cal's bedroom. They made a run for it down the corridor. Cal then appeared.

"Dawson what are you doing with my fiancee?!"

"Rose is not your fiancee Cal! She is my wife"

"You have stolen Rose from me" Cal walked up to them and he grabbed Rose from the arm.

"Jack! Help me!" cried Rose. Jack acted quickly. He pushed Cal in the face and stomach. Cal fell to the floor. After that Jack and Rose ran out the house. Hand in hand they ran to the police station.

"Sir can you help us. My wife has been abused"

The police man turned to Rose. "What happened to you miss?"

"Yesterday I was kidnapped. Cal forced me into his car. I woke up on his bed tied up with rope all over me. I couldn't more. He hit me and tried to make love to me but I refused" Rose cried. Jack put his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

"Do you know the name of this man?"

"Caledon Hockey"

The police arrived at Cal's house.

"Are you Cal?" asked the police man.

"Yes I am"

"Your under arrest"

"What!? Why?"

The police man put the handcuffs on Cal. "For kidnapping Rose Dawson"

"That's not true!"

"Then explain to me why she has bruises all over her body?"

"That was the gutter rat Dawson"

"Shut up. Mr Dawson had nothing to do with it. Rose is his wife"

Later that night Rose was struggling to get some sleep. She couldn't forget what Cal had done to her. Rose sat up and tried to wake Jack up.


Jack opened up his eyes and sat up. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. "What's wrong?" He asked in a sweet whisper.

"I can't sleep. What Cal did to me I can't stop thinking about. What should I do?"

"Just relax" Jack kissed her and Rose felt much safer. Rose started to build a more passionate kiss. "I love you Rose and I will do anything to keep you safe and away from Cal"

"Thank you Jack. I love you too."