Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or Sword Art Online; this work falls under the principle of Fair Use under the Copyright act of 1976. I am not making any money off of this.

Author's Note: I had to go through a complete rewrite for this chapter. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, consider leaving a favorite! I want to improve as a writer, so if you are so inclined, please write a review! :)

Chapter 1: "Zero's Return"

June 7th, 2022

Lelouch awoke to a pleasant ray of sunshine through the window. Slowly at first, he opened his eyes, and took in the view that he met for the last four years. Sunlight streamed from the window, making the floor and the opposite wall glow. The sunshine curved his lips into a small smile. The trees outside rustled in the morning wind, and the grass reflected beautifully in the sunshine. After such a long time of chaos and suffering, a certain peace came over Lelouch in the four years that he stayed in the cabin. For a time, he even drowned out the noise from the world as it was now; no country oppressed its citizens like Britannia used to discriminate against the Elevens, and no wars tore apart nations, but he still remained locked, isolated within his own silence.

He still had the ability to see world affairs; a little after the Zero Requiem took place, he managed to have Lloyd install for him a router, with all the extra securities and hiding algorithms that the scientist had up his sleeve. There was a definite trust in Lloyd that Lelouch rarely allowed in his subordinates. Indeed, Lloyd was one of the only ones on whom Lelouch never used his Geass to assure their oath to secrecy.

However, Lelouch saw less and less use for making plans to interfere with the progression that the world was taking. He already set the stage perfectly for Suzaku, and with Nunnally as the 100th Emperor of Britannia, the once malevolent empire now used its resources to aid other countries. The war with the EU came to an end, and the Areas were liberated. Since most of the world's hatred rested with Lelouch, not Britannia itself, little grudge was left with the new government, and with its now drastically lowered population (due to the huge loss of territories from liberating the Areas), Britannia took its place in the United Federation of Nations. Still, he had C.C. bring him a supply of information through an intricate information network, and thus received regular updates on the state of the world.

Lelouch rose from the bed and stood up, then left his room. He entered a short hallway, which was divided in a diagonal by the stream of light over the walls. Facing him were two rooms: a bathroom, and a separate bedroom reserved for C.C. when she arrived. The room had been vacant for weeks.

He eyed the opposite bedroom for a moment, then turned and made for the exit of the hallway. Beyond lay an area akin to a living room with a couch, and on its right was a kitchen. Lelouch went first to the bookshelf next to the couch and browsed its contents: he picked out a book that wasn't marked on its spine and opened it where a bookmark left its pages, then began reading. He slowly made his way to the couch, eyes fixed on the volume he held. Sunlight poured out of the facing window, and the rugged floor glowed in its presence. By the time the sunlight reached his feet, he heard a knocking on the door. Lifting his eyes from the page, he glanced at the door behind him. Then, placing the book on the coffee table in front of him, he made his way to the door.

"Ah, you finally arrived," he said to the visitor after he opened the door.

"I'm sorry; I was delayed. There was a piece of news worth investigating," said the visitor as she walked in, her green hair flowing after her footsteps.

Lelouch closed the door behind her and made his way to the dining table. "News worth investigating? Something to do with Sakuradite rights in the United Federation of Nations?" he asked.

C.C. sat down on the dining chair closest to the door. "No," she said, as Lelouch sat down in a chair opposite her. A short pause followed. Then she looked up at him, golden eyes gleaming. "A new virtual reality technology, called the NerveGear, was released almost two months ago, of which you are already aware. I was told by a source that an anonymous person informed them of a plan to 'throw the world back into chaos.' It was hinted that this plan, whatever it is, is related to the NerveGear." Her eyes didn't waver as she recounted what her source told her.

"'A plan to throw the world back into chaos?'" Lelouch questioned, but C.C. continued.

"When pressed for more information, the person did give a clue as to who may be involved in the plan: they gave the name 'Argus.' After that, my source said, they were unwilling to say more. Before I had a chance to investigate further, the source said that the person left and added that they'll try to be in touch before they hung up. I haven't heard from them since," she finished.

Lelouch contemplated what he had heard. A 'plan to throw the world back into chaos?' Through a NerveGear? He thought. It sounds dubious. Only one source, and anonymous at that. But C.C. wouldn't bring me this information if she was unsure about it. If this plan exists, then the source had to be close to the project leaders. Is the source trying to spread rumors out of a business rivalry, which in turn incriminates them as a spy? Or, are they trying to lead C.C. into a trap? He continued, calculating in his mind. No, both aren't possible. If they wanted to spread rumors, they would go to someone who would release the information, and C.C.'s information network is completely confidential. They must be close enough to the project leaders to know about the plan but also not too close to be the project leaders themselves. "C.C., do you know who is heading the NerveGear project?" he asked. She nodded.

"Yes: Kayaba Akihiko is the creator of the NerveGear. I was also told that he is the head programmer of Sword Art Online, the first VRMMORPG for the NerveGear," she answered.

Lelouch rose from the dinner table, calculating silently as he made for his room.

"What are you doing?" C.C. asked, turning to face him.

"Researching this further," he replied, "if your source isn't lying, then they have to be someone close to the project leaders," he finished as he entered the hallway.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts," he heard her say before he entered his room.

"Of course," he said back, then closed the door behind him.

Lelouch turned on the light and walked to the desk, then removed from it a pile of books that obscured his view. Behind them lay his old laptop, covered with a layer of dust, which he wiped off. A determined expression appeared on his face as he looked at it. The world I shut out seeks me yet again, and I cannot deny its call. He sat down, opened the laptop, and, as he scoured the internet for information, a plan formed in the back of his mind. The plan that would later be known as Zero's Return.

. . .

C.C. sat at the dinner table for a long time before she got up from her seat and went to her room. By this time, the sun diminished to face the wall, and a fading orange stream of light entered the window. Outside, the trees rustled quietly, their green leaves sparkling in the sun's benign rays. C.C. took little notice of the view; she had already seen many like it, although few were fairer. Still, her steps didn't falter as they came closer to the window and into the hallway. Before her hand reached the doorknob of her room, she halted, and looked at the opposite door. Faint keyboard presses emanated from the room. For some reason, she smiled. Then she turned and gave it no more attention as she opened the door and closed it behind her.

. . .

Lelouch looked over the files that were open on his computer screen. His eyes wandered over a Wikipedia page about Argus and Kayaba Akihiko, then jumped to a site describing all the details, few as they were, about the upcoming Sword Art Online. It offered a sparse description of the game, stating that it is "the first VRMMORPG for the NerveGear console, a new commercial Full-Dive technology," and that a "beta is schedule for August, 2022," among many user comments declaring their anticipation for the game to come out, and an Amazon link to buy a NerveGear.

There's not enough information about Kayaba or Argus to know who works closely on the NerveGear project itself, only small pieces of information stating that Kayaba works in a team and that he is the "Head Programmer" of Sword Art Online… but their plan has to begin at some point. Damn that vague hint! He slammed the desk with his fist. When will their plan initialize? And how? He scrolled through the Wikipedia page. "The NerveGear was released in May 2022, and has accumulated 5.36 million sales (updated June 5th, 2022)… the most awaited VRMMORPG for the NerveGear, Sword Art Online, is scheduled to debut in November 6, 2022..." That's it! He thought. If their plan relies on the NerveGear, then when Sword Art Online debuts, they'll have 10,000 people under their control! Lelouch sat back in his chair, then rested his head on his hand and closed his eyes in concentration.

If I'm right, then I can't investigate directly: my identity would be compromised. Even C.C.'s resources are limited… He frowned. If the project leaders know about the plan, then Kayaba must know as well. If I can't reach him from the outside world, then the only way to figure this out is from within. His eyes flashed open as he said, "from within Sword Art Online!"

November 6th, 2022

Lelouch heard a passing wind as he waited, his expression clear but his hands tense. The cabin's interior was faded, the objects within almost devoid of color, encompassed in a gray shadow. Outside, the trees swayed in the breeze, standing amid a pile of corpses. He didn't turn when the wind swept the corpses from the ground, nor when it claimed its next victims, who fell, one by one, in a whirlwind of red and orange. Their deaths didn't bother him, his gaze not faltering from the wall. But then, one of them caught his eye. A green among the yellow, brilliant even in the weakest sun. He watched, enchanted, as it glowed, as if it were made of gold. Then the wind came through the trees, a hollow shriek of terror. The leaf bent, fighting the wind, holding on against the tide. Then, in a moment, it failed. He almost felt a pang of grief as it, like the others, was torn from the branch, and fell upon the grass below. He thought he saw a final glimmer of light reflecting from its body before it rested upon the others in silence. A veil of darkness came over it, and it glowed no more.

Lelouch looked at the lifeless leaf, his hands still tense and one curled into a fist, but this time his expression failed him. He stood there for a long time, watching the green leaf, whose time was too soon. It wasn't withered like the others, nor stained with disease, and yet it still fell. Fairer than the rest in life, it was as still as they were in death.

When he heard the knock on the door Lelouch turned away, his expression clear once more, yet riddled with a touch of sorrow. He opened the door and C.C. entered, followed by Lloyd, who carried a gray helmet covered with buttons and wrapped in cords. A NerveGear.

They didn't speak, and even Lloyd's casual demeanor was missing. He still appeared somewhat surprised, perhaps almost afraid, in the presence of Lelouch, but followed him nonetheless as he led them to his room. Lloyd immediately got to work, unraveling the cords around the NerveGear and setting it up, silent all the while. Lelouch watched, his eyes speaking of a sadness that never left his mouth. When Lloyd finished, he nodded to Lelouch and C.C., then left the room.

Lelouch sat on the bed and looked up at C.C. Her expression was much like his.

"You mean to go forth with your plan?" She asked. He nodded. "You've already sacrificed yourself for the world. Your happiness, your future. Yet you still wish to burden yourself with more suffering?" she continued. He nodded again.

"I can't stop now, for all those I've killed before the Zero Requiem. If I ignore this, my efforts would all have been in vain," he said.

Her expression wavered for a moment, but she resisted. "Then you realize, that if you go in there, you cannot return. If Kayaba wants to control the people who enter Sword Art Online, I doubt he will let you leave it. And if he does, you will already be under his control," she said.

Lelouch nodded. "I know."

He held the NerveGear in his hands, and looked at it for a moment. Then, he placed it on his head, and lay upon the bed. He wasn't sure, but he thought he saw C.C.'s lips tremble.

"Thank you," he told her, then said her name. Her eyes widened, and with a final smile, he left her.

"Link Start!"