Hello, sorry for the long wait. Anyway, I'll admit last chapter was kind of boring, though I was satisfied with the scene with Lillie. After much debating, I've decided to make this a multiple POV fic. But it will start mainly with Trey and Lillie later on.

Chapter 02

Elsewhere, in another part of Alola, another child was fast asleep as well.

But… not for long. Though he was still barely awake, Trey could hear mewling of a certain catlike Pokémon. This was nothing new to him. Ever since his family had gotten Meowth it had served as a living alarm clock to him. And each time it woke him up, Trey wondered exactly what made his mother think getting it was a good idea.

Ignoring Meowth's first cry, Trey moaned then turned over, away from Meowth.

This only frustrated it even further. Trey could hear a hiss coming from behind him. The next thing he knew, a cold, stinging sensation began radiating through his right calf.

He honestly hated it when Meowth resorted to this.

"All right, I'm awake," he said, yawning. As he stretched his arms, he made a mental note: Talk Mom into getting Meowth a real scratching post.

Trey looked out the window at his new home. It was beautiful, he had to admit. He took note of the clear blue sky up above him. He could feel the warmth of the sun shining through his window, he could hear the crash of the waves on the beach.

He always liked listening to the ocean. Ever since he was little, he could remember heading with his family to Cinnabar Island each summer. Of course, that was before…

"So," he commented to Meowth. "You like it here?"

Of course, it didn't answer. Although it let out a small meow, Trey couldn't understand it. But he had a good idea of what it was trying to say.

Trey gave a small smile. "Yeah, it's beautiful, but it's just not Cerulean City."

Still, he had to admit, it was nicer than most of the places he had seen in Kanto or anywhere else, for that matter.

Not that he had been outside of Kanto before. He once made plans to visit Kalos with his father four years ago, but those plans were postponed due to the threat of a terrorist group called Team Flare. And even after that crisis was resolved, well, Trey didn't like to think about it too much.

Rising from his bed, he slipped on his shoes and made his way out the door.

As he entered the living room, he noticed his mother making her way in from the porch.

His mother was a woman in her mid-thirties, with tan skin, brown hair, and her face almost always carried a warm smile.

Like his father, Trey's mother was born in Kanto, but had ancestors who were from Alola.

"Morning," she said sweetly.

"Morning," Trey said back, still a little tired.

Going to the fridge, he poured some orange juice into a glass.

"You were out like a light, weren't you?" his mother said. "You ought to be full of energy by now!"

"Not really," Trey responded. "I would've been if somebody had been more considerate." He indicated Meowth.

Meowth let out a hiss in defense.

Picking Meowth up, his mother just laughed.

"Did Meowth use its claws on you again?"

Finishing his juice, Trey walked over to the sink.

"Yes. For the fifteenth time this year."

"You kept count?"

Trey put his glass in the sink.

Making his way back toward his mother, he shot the catlike Pokémon a glare.

"Well," his mother said, reassuringly. "It could be worse. It could be a Persian."

Trey let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

His mother put Meowth down. "So, Trey… are you pumped to meet some Alolan Pokémon?"

Trey thought about her question. He wasn't quite sure. On one hand he had recently left behind the only home he'd ever known. On the other, he was a little excited to learn what kind of Pokémon inhabited Alola.

"I guess," he responded. It was the best answer he could come up with.

"Oh you!" his mother playfully scolded. "Someday you're going to learn to have a little wonder in your life! We're living in the Alola region now! The beautiful islands everyone wants to visit! I'm sure the Pokémon living in a place like this must be friendly, right?"

"Maybe you're right. I guess this just makes me wish Dad—"

"I know," his mother cut him off. "I miss him too. But he wouldn't have wanted you to feel sad forever."

She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

The boy smiled. "Thanks, Mom."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Trey, could you get that? That's got to be Professor Kukui."

But before Trey could even get to the front door, it swung wide open.

Into the house, stepped a man Trey could only assume was Professor Kukui. In person, he appeared younger and even more energetic. Even more striking, however, was that Kukui wore a lab coat, yet no shirt.

"Hey there, Trey!" Kukui beamed. "The name's Kukui. Good to meet you, cousin!"

He extended his hand to the young boy. "Nice to meet you, too."

As Trey shook the professor's hand, he could barely stop a yawn from erupting from his throat.

"You gotta be tired after that long trip all the way out here to Alola!" Kukui observed. "You feelin' any jet lag?"

Trey could only yawn again and say, "Maybe a little. And of course, Meowth wasn't helping any."

Meowth, who had hidden itself behind Trey's mother, hissed again, still annoyed.

Kukui only laughed. "Yeah. We sure are a long way from Kanto out here in Alola. It's still daytime out here, yeah!"

Trey's mother made her way over to them.

"Professor Kukui!" she said, greeting him. From what Trey had remembered from her stories, his mother and Kukui had met each other back in Kanto, when he went there researching the region's native Pokémon, but along the way, he wound up challenging the Indigo League.

"Hey there," Kukui greeted. "I just let myself in. Oh, and call me Kukui, would you? Welcome to Alola!"

Trey's mother closed her eyes, remembering.

"Of course. I still remember seeing you battle the Indigo Gym Leaders back in Kanto all those years ago! I've been in love with Alolan Pokémon ever since, so I finally decided to come here myself!"

Trey couldn't tell if Kukui was humbled or flattered. But he laughed fondly at the memory.

"Ha! I was supposed to be visiting there to research Kanto Pokémon moves and all. I thought I knew a thing or two about battling, but those Kanto Gym Leaders proved me wrong!"

Upon hearing this, Trey looked down. Hearing about the Indigo League was the last thing he needed right now. Especially after… no. He couldn't remind himself. He could not live through that painful moment of his life again.

But since he was in a new region now, maybe now might be good chance to start over. After all, that was why his mother decided to move in the first place.

"Hey now, Trey!" Kukui said, interrupting the boy's thoughts. Trey snapped to attention.

"Let's get a move on to the next town over, cousin!" Kukui continued. "Time for you to meet the Island Kahuna and get yourself a Pokémon, yeah!"

Trey's bright blue eyes blinked in confusion.

"Kahuna?" he asked. "What's—"

"The kahunas are crazy-strong Pokémon trainers here in Alola, cousin! They're unbeatable for folks like me and you!"

"So, they're like Gym Leaders?"

"Well, yes and no. For starters, there are just four of 'em. And not just anyone can be a kahuna, they've gotta be chosen."

"Chosen? By who?"

"You'll find out later. Anyway, the kahuna who lives in Iki Town is always happy to give any kid who wants to have an adventure their first Pokémon, yeah."

"Wait," Trey cut in. "I get my starter from them? I thought I was supposed to get it from you."

"Well, things are a little different in Alola," Kukui explained.

Before Trey could ask any more questions, his mother interjected.

"They'll simply give my boy a Pokémon? Then those kahunas really are worth meeting!"

Trey nodded in agreement. "Alright. Let's do it."

Kukui gave Trey a thumbs-up sign in response.

As for Trey, he didn't know what to make of this. Before he'd left Kanto, he made plans to challenge the Indigo League. He'd even picked out what his starter would be: Squirtle. But all those plans fell by the wayside when… Trey shook his head repressing the memory yet again.

Still, now that he was living in a new region, he figured maybe he could go on a journey after all. And in spite of what had happened, he couldn't help but feeling a little… well, excited.

Not that anyone could tell. While Trey was an overall caring person, those who knew him best would tell you that he often kept to himself. Thus, he often had difficulty connecting with people, let alone Pokémon.

But now, he figured this was a chance to change all that.

However, as he took his first step towards the door…

"Trey," his mother rang out. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hmm? Oh!" he jolted to a stop. "I forgot. I left my bag and hat in my room."

He quickly made a beeline for his room. As soon as he was out of sight, Professor Kukui let out a small sigh.

"He's a good kid."

"Yes," Trey's mother said. "But I worry about him sometimes."

Kukui gave her an inquisitive look.

"I mean, ever since his father died, he's just never recovered. And even before then, he's never had any real friends. Or at least, none his own age. I thought moving here would give him a chance to start over. But I still don't know how he'd do on Pokémon journey."

Kukui just smiled, and said, "Don't worry. I'll look out for him. Me or my assistant."

"Thanks. Just don't ask him about his father. He doesn't like to talk about that."

A moment later, Trey walked out wearing a black baseball cap with a blue brim. Draped over his back was a backpack with the same color scheme as his hat.

"Okay," he said. "I'm ready."

He resumed his steps toward the door.

"Have a good time out there," his mother said. "I'll have everything unpacked by the time you get back with your new Pokémon!"

"Thanks, Mom. I'll be back in a few hours."

As Trey turned the knob for the front door, he took a deep breath.

"Well, here goes."

He swung the door open, taking what he knew would be his first steps on a journey through a brand-new world.

As he and Professor Kukui stepped down the front porch, Kukui quickly decided now was the time to break the ice.

"Your mom is sure looking forward to you getting your first Pokémon, yeah?"

"Yeah," Trey responded. "Before we moved I wanted to challenge the Indigo League. But I guess this is good too."

"Hey! 'You guess'?"

"Well, I've only been here one day. I can't say I like Alola right away."

"Hey, don't sweat it, cousin. It's pretty normal to feel unsure when you're in a new place."

That felt a little reassuring, but he had been unsure since getting off the plane. Kanto was the only home he'd ever known. But still, his mother had moved them there for a fresh start. So maybe…

"Still, I guess I could keep an open mind."

"That's the spirit, cousin!" Kukui beamed. "Anyway, welcome to paradise! This is the Alola region!"

He gestured around, indicating the wide fields of green grass, pristine white beaches, and clear blue skies.

As Trey drank it all in, he knew he had a point in what he had told Kukui. If he was going to have a new start here, he would have to keep an open mind.

It's about time I got back to working on this story. I would have spent more time on it, but I was too busy with Ho-Oh and the Battle for Pallet Town. Now, I've put that story on temporary hiatus to focus on this.

Anyway, this chapter was meant to start the main story, as well as establish Trey's personality. Specifically, that he's an introvert who has difficulty making friends.

So, in addition to the Island Challenge, part of Trey's journey will be about learning to connect with the world around him.

Well, that's all for now. Read and review!