A/N: This is just a "little" introduction to my fic here. How I have it written may be a bit confusing, and this is to just clear it up some. This intro may be a bit lengthy, but in the long run, it'll help the story make more sense—as I see it in my head.

This fic is written after my own playthrough of Fallout 4. The relationships, the major plot events, all of it is modeled after my version of the game. However, this being said, I have included some other aspects. There will be canon, my own personal—as well as influenced—headcanons, and some AU in this tale. Some of the AU things included are how I wished some particular things would have been, or maybe I like the canon version, but I felt it needed improvement.

And… what if the concept of… "magic," was real in this universe? Let's just propose, for a moment, that the whole cryo process adds a bit of a magic-like ability to the Sole Survivor. Things that happen, although they probably shouldn't have, or maybe even the time of certain experiences are sped up? Nobody really credits these small changes to "magic." I mean, magic isn't even real, right? But… what if?

Also, I will—in some chapters—be switching perspectives. It may be a little disorienting, but in these chapters, I felt like a certain perspective should be expressed—I wanted to show how that person saw what was happening at that time. So, bear with me when I switch on you. To me, it helps the story progression.

I, myself, fancy MacCready a lot. I've known him since Fallout 3, and was super excited to see him in Fallout 4. The backstory he was given is extremely unfortunate, but I feel like it makes him into who he is: a strong, family man that is willing to put his life on the line to protect those he calls his loved ones. So, if it seems like the line between my F!SS and myself cross, this may be the reason. Jury's still out on that one.

As for smut… Sorry, erotica readers. I am not one for writing it. Reading it may or may not be another story… Anyway, considering this fic is following a romantic plot line, there will be a bit of sexy stuffs included, just not super detailed. Two reasons. One: As I mentioned, I'm not a smut writer. And two: I like to leave it up to the imagination, as I like to do with other details. This is why I typically do not express whether the left or right hand is performing a task, or what side somebody is on—I only do this when I feel it is important. There's nothing more annoying than reading, and imagining, something one way in your head, just for it to be flipped upside down later on, due to the writer leaving those details out earlier on. It bugs the crap out of me, so I try my best to stay away from writing like that myself.

Anyway, sorry for making this so long. But if you made it this far, and still plan on reading my fic: Congratulations! You're my favourite person in the world! :)
