Hey Everybody.

Want to thank all of you for your support during the course of this story. Couldnt have done it without you.

But sadly, it is time to move on. Making this the second fanfic of mine that has been completed (and not somewhat abandoned XD)

However, you can catch the continued quest of my OC in the Transformers fanfic It is time...TO TERRORIZE. Same general plot idea, only this time it was the Beast Wars Predacons. From the metalic tyrant who says yes all the time, to the bug that can never catch a break.

Hopefully all of you will check it out. And don't worry. Will do some stand alone stories/one shots of the disney villains that I missed, but couldnt figure out at the time how to go about 'helping them'. Always something to look forward to.

Anyways, hopefully you all had fun with this story. I had fun writing it.

But for now, time to help prevent the trajedgy that is Beast Machines XD