Update is long overdue but here y'all go!




"Hurry up were going to miss breakfast!" Draco grumbled as he sped up.

"We wouldn't be running late if your dumb arse hadn't overslept!" Theo said as he sped up to match Draco's speed.

Boys, Dahlia thought as she ran to catch up with them and linking her arm through theirs, succeeding in slowing them both down.

They entered the Great Hall and found their way to their seats.

Dahlia in the middle with Draco to her right and Theo to her left. Sitting across from Blaise who was sitting in between Daphne and Pansy.

"Morning" Daphne said distractedly as she stirred her tea.

Dahlia, Draco and Theo nodded their head to a acknowledge her greeting and dug into their breakfast.

As they were finishing Dahlia felt someone kick her knee underneath the table and gazed up to lock eyes with Blaise.

"Why is ur foot attacking my knee?" She asked grumpily, rubbing her knee.

"Why has Granger been starring at you since you walked in?" He asked back swiftly.

Dahlia turned around and indeed saw Granger starring at her, but when she noticed Dahlia was looking back at her she quickly turned back around.

"Why should I know? She's probably trying to admire the view" Dahlia said ignoring the curious looks from Draco and Theo.

"Mhmm okay" Blaise said.

Pansy smirked and said, "This wouldn't have to do with some silly rumor going around school that you three defended her from a Troll, last night?"

Draco's eyes widened and he sneered,

"We weren't defending the filthy mudblood"

Dahlia groaned and put her hands over her face as Theo shot Draco a glare.

"Ah ha! So you don't deny that it was you three that knocked the Troll out, last night!" Pansy said excitedly.

"Well, we didn't knock him out" Theo said as he pointed at himself and Dahlia. "Draco
style="font-size: 16pt;"here, was the one to levitate its club over its head and knock it" he finished smirking at the outraged look Draco's face.

"Dahlia jumped on its back and hung on it like some sort of monkey!" Draco spat out trying to diffuse the attention from him to someone else.

Dahlia elbowed him in the stomach.

"I did not hang on it's back like a monkey! I'm way more elegant than that!" Dahlia said glaring coolly at Draco.

Pansy spit her tea all over Draco, at hearing what Dahlia had supposedly done.

Draco yelled in disgust but was quieted by Daphne who had started paying attention.

"Tsk, tsk, such a Brave and Noble thing for you to do, Dahlia" she said smirking slightly.

Dahlia rolled her eyes and rose from her seat pulling up Draco and Theo with her.

"Noble enough to earn our house 65 points" she casually said and enjoyed the look of shock on Daphne's face. "Now, come on boys we've got a stuttering fool to listen to"

Dahlia left with a satisfied smirk on her face.




"Wel—welcome, class. Pull ou–out your boo–books to page 273 andd begin t–to read the cha—chapter" Professor Quirrel said as he stumbled his way to his desk.

Daphne turned to Draco and said, "if he stutters one more time, I might just lose it"

Draco sniggered and pulled out his book and began to read. Dahlia grudgingly followed his lead and pulled out hers as well.

Quirrell was going around the room placing bottles of garlic at every corner and when he walked near Dahlia, she looked up to stare at his turban and felt a sharp pain on her forehead.

She gasped in pain, clutched her forehead and turned away.

"Are you alright?" Asked Theo as he looked at Dahlia with a look of concern.

Dahlia smiled weakly and said, "yea, just a headache"

Theo nodded not looking quiet convinced but continued to read the chapter they were assigned.

Dahlia looked back up to the front of the room to where Quirrel was sitting and found him starring at her.

He gave her a cold smile and went back to grade some papers.

Dahlia had never felt more uncomfortable around a teacher before. Something about him made her skin crawl.

And she swore to find out exactly what that was.




When class ended Dahlia gathered her things and turned to leave the classroom when she was cornered by none other than Granger.

"Dahlia, can we talk?" Granger asked hesitantly.

Dahlia saw Draco and Theo approaching them and motioned for them to go on without her.

Draco glared at Granger and opened his mouth to most likely throw an insult at her before Theo pulled him out of the class.

I'll have to thank him, Dahlia thought.

She looked at Granger and said, "sure, Granger. But make it quick I don't fancy myself getting late to potions."

Granger nodded rapidly and began to blabber,

"well, just wanted to thank you properly for last night. I understand that you got hurt and I apologize about that. I can tell you probably dragged Malfoy and Nott, with you but could you thank them for me as well? I hope this turn of events can result in us becoming friends because I can tell you're not as stuck up as everyone thinks you are—"

Dahlia interrupted her outraged.

"Excuse me? Friends? You and I will never be friends, Granger. And you don't call someone 'stuck up' if your attempting to become their friend." She spat out glaring slightly.

Granger blushed and tried to apologize once again but was shushed by Dahlia.

"If you must know, I had to use the loo and Draco and Theo just so happened to follow me. I didn't go searching for your pathetic self. Why would I, a Slytherin, help you? A low filthy Gryffindor?" Dahlia spat lying through her teeth, highly annoyed at the whole conversation.

And with that she turned and left for potions, leaving Granger frowning, clearly not buying Dahlia's lie at all.




A couple weeks passed and Dahlia had managed to avoid Granger at all costs, something that made her truly happy.

She still didn't trust Quirrel and was getting sick of the pathetic little act that he put on in front of the whole school, she didn't buy it at all.

Quidditch practices were becoming harder and longer, beginning earlier than the crack of dawn, but there was no denying that the Slytherin team was looking unbeatable as they approached their first game.

Dahlia had managed to find the snitch every time in a matter of less than ten minutes each time.

Unsurprisingly the fact that Dahlia was the seeker, remained a secret. No one wanted to give away their secret weapon to success.

Dahlia got along with everyone of her teammates and even tolerated the cocky, arrogant Leo Lestrange.

He always seemed to be around her when they practiced, if he caught her looking his way he would attempt to show off some complicated throw or catch, this made her laugh because he looked ridiculous overdoing every single move.

He had even begun to sit near her during meal times, something that irritated Draco and Theo to no end.

"Doesn't he have other friends to sit with?" Draco asked one day during dinner.

Dahlia rolled her eyes, used to these sort of questions from Draco.

"He is one of my friends, Draco" she said tiredly.

"Can't he hang out with some of his friends, in his year?" Theo grumbled as Draco nodded along with him.

At this, Leo stopped eating and turned to smirk at both of them.

"I'll sit wherever and with whomever I want, and I just enjoy Dahlia's company. Her quick tongue and delightful personality will definitely keep me around" he said winking at Dahlia with the last part.

Dahlia blushed slightly and threw a piece of bread at him, which he caught swiftly and took a bite out of.

She ignored the looks she got from her fellow first years, she ignored Draco's and Theo's glare and Daphne and Pansy's raised intrigued eyebrows.




One day, she arrived to potions earlier than everyone else and as she entered she overheard two voices whispering.

Snape's and Quirrel's.

She remained hidden as she eavesdropped.

"I know what your looking for and so does Dumbledore, Quirinus." Snape's voice sneered.

"I—I don't know what y—you are talking a—about" she heard Quirrel stutter back.

"Do not treat me like a fool!" Snape said roughly as he shoved Quirrel out of his office.

They both saw Dahlia standing by the door and Quirrel made a quick getaway while Snape simply nodded at her arrival.

"Good evening, Potter" he said with a curious look in his eye.

Dahlia sat in her seat and said, "Evening, Professor"

Snape began to write instructions on the board and without turning around to look at her as he said,

"What brings you to class so early? Besides eavesdropping on people's private conversations"

Dahlia laughed slightly and she saw Snape had stopped writing for a brief second before he continued swiftly.

"Professor Quirrel dismissed us early, and while everyone went back to the common room, I decided to come here instead"

Snape nodded and told her that they would be working on a forgetfulness potion that day and that she should pay extra attention to it.

"I always do, Professor" Dahlia replied as she began to get her caldron and ingredients set up.

Students began to walk in and she waved at Draco as Theo as they walked over to sit next to her.

She barely heard him say,





The night before the first Quidditch game, which just so happened to be against Gryffindor, Dahlia laid on the sofa in the common room, in her unofficial spot.

Draco and Theo were sitting besides her, working on their Transfiguration essay, which she had long gone finished.

Daphne and Pansy sat on the floor braiding each others hair. While Blaise stared at them in utter confusion.

"Why the hell are you doing that to your hair?" Blaise asked out loud.

Daphne and Pansy turned to look at him and Pansy said, "because we want to?"

Blaise rolled his eyes, stood up and headed to his room.

"Bloody girls" he murmured as he waved everyone goodnight.

Eventually Pansy and Daphne headed to bed as well and they asked Dahlia if she wanted to come with them, but she turned them down choosing to stay with Draco and Theo instead.

She remained silent until both Draco and Theo finished writing their essays, then she snatched it out of their hands.

"Hey!" Draco said.

"What are you doing?" Asked Theo

Dahlia rolled her eyes and grabbed her quill, "I'm correcting it, dimwits"

They both smiled sheepishly at her and said thanks.

When she was done she threw herself back on the couch.

"Oh Merlin, the games tomorrow" Dahlia said covering her face with her hands.

"So? You're bloody fantastic we can't lose" Draco said pulling her hands away from her face.

Dahlia sat up in half a second.

"I bloody well know we won't lose tomorrow! It's just an early game, so I'm dreading getting up so early!" Dahlia snapped back.

She saw the hurt expression on Draco's face and grabbed his hand quickly.

"Sorry, that was the nerves talking" she said.

"Hate to see the way you would talk, if you did end up losing" Theo said jokingly.

Dahlia groaned and smacked him in the head.

"I hate you" she said teasingly.

"Sure you do" he replied back smirking.

Draco leaned forward and asked, "So, how are the Gryffindor's looking?"

Dahlia plopped back down resting her head on Draco's lap and her feet on Theo's lap.

"Well, the captain is Oliver Wood and from what I've heard he's one hell of keeper. The three chasers are all girls and they work really well together. The beaters are, don't scream Draco, the Weasley twins, they're in their third year. And their seeker is McCormach, second year, he's a decent flier but I've got him beat by miles" she said laughing by the end.

Theo raised his eyebrows and whistled, "My, my, you're cocky aren't you?"

Draco bursted out laughing and Dahlia crossed her arms glaring at them both.

"Gits" she said getting up, all her nerves gone thanks to her favorite boys.

She pulled them up and hugged them both.

"Goodnight" Dahlia said.

"Night Dahlia" Theo said.

"Sweet dreams" Draco added jokingly.

She began walking up the stairs and turned around to catch both of them still starting at her.

She chuckled and said "if you both aren't covered in green and silver tomorrow, I'm banning you both from the game"

And with that she ran up the stairs ignoring their cries of outrage.

Yes, tomorrow was going to be good, Dahlia thought.

Oh, how wrong she was.




SHORT UPDATE BUT THERE Y'ALL GO! Next chapter will be the Quidditch game and you all know what happens there.

Correct me if I made a mistake somewhere! Please and thank you!

Sorry this might be a boring chapter to read but I wanted to show certain events happening before I wrap up Dahlia's first year.