Using his flying, it was a quick trip to get to the well, Kagome attempted to sit up but Sesshoumaru stopped her.

"You can't pass through the well Sesshoumaru, I have to go alone." she said flatly

"You are in no condition to walk, you will not make it." He said

She laid her head back against his chest, too exhausted to fight, with no time to waste he fell into the well holding onto her tightly. Blue encased them and she smirked softly, "Go figure you would be the one to prove me wrong."

His feet touched earth once more, he looked up and softly jumped and landed on the wood platform. He opened the sliding door and outside her grandfather was sweeping, "Welcome back Kagome, how long do you plan on sta-..." He stopped his sentence when he looked up finding someone, who was no Inuyasha holding a bloodied Kagome.

"What happened!?" He studdered in shock, while the broom dropped from his hand.

He glared at him for a moment before Kagome took a deep staggered breath, "She needs a healer." Sesshoumaru said as he glanced down

Kagome's eyes shifted to her grandfather and reached out to him, he began yelling for Kagome's mother to get the car and hurry. Mrs. Higurashi came running out the door, keys in hand, Sesshoumaru followed behind her and placed her in the back seat as instructed by her mother, running his hands through her hair once more before stepping back and the door shutting.

He stood and watched as Mrs. Higurashi sped off with Kagome, he would wait at the Shrine til he knew of her fate, Rin was in Jakens care and if she did pass he would recieve notice of it by morning.

"Now demon tell me who you are and what happened to Kagome!" Her grandfather yelled.

Sota came running outside, "Grandpa, whats all the yelling about?"

He stopped before he reached his grandfathers side,"Who are you?" Sota asked, Sesshoumaru's eyes shifted from the grandfather to him but stayed silent.

"Hey wait, you're Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's older brother." Sota said

Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed red at the mention of Inuyasha, "I have never considered that half-demon my brother." Sota looked at him questioningly but offered him to come inside and stay for the night, or atleast til he heard about Kagome's condition,

Sesshoumaru nodded then proceeded to follow Sota and his grandfather inside, once inside Sota sat on the couch and his grandpa went into the kitchen for some tea.

After bringing the tea out, he sat it on the living room table, "Now, what can you tell me about the condition of my granddaughter."

Sesshoumaru took a small whiff of the tea, deeming it safe before taking a small sip and sitting it back down, making eye contact with her grandfather he began, "Inuyasha's pack was attacked by Naraku while he was not there to protect them."

Sota looked at him confused, "Where was Inuyasha?"

Sesshoumaru glanced at Sota, "I am not aware, I arrived after the fighting had already began."

Sota's eyes turned to the floor and hardened, 'where would he have gone, why did he leave Kagome unprotected.'

Standing up, Sota walked outside and shut the door, his grandfather watched him walk out then turned his eyes to Sesshoumaru. "I suppose then I owe you a debt of graditude for saving my grand daughter."

Sesshoumaru only nodded.