Lauren's condo.

Kenzi sat staring at the circle. She had been waiting for hours. Trick and Dyson went back to the Dal so Trick could do some research.

"The Blood King. Why must he research everything? Dude is like millions of years old", Kenzi thought to herself.

She tried calling Lauren and Bo again and still no answer.


Lauren still had Hades in her grip as she nodded towards Bo. Bo nodded back.

"You can't hold on forever Dr", Hades said.

"Long enough for you to pass out", Lauren answered.

Bo fell to her knees so Lauren had no choice but to walk over to her.


"Dumb move letting me go Dr.", Hades said.

Lauren turned turned to face him.

"I've come for the Succubus", Lauren said.

"You're a doctor. Does your patient look well? Hades laughed.

"Lauren...Lauren stop", Bo pleaded.

"It's alright Bo. I'm not afraid", Lauren said.

"See Isabeau I told you. This girl is gutsy", Hades mocked as he and Lauren started to size each other up.

"What have you done to her? Lauren asked staring at him coldly.

"I have done nothing. I was just sitting around and poof, she dropped right in for a visit. Rude. She didn't even call", He laughed.

"I am sure she didn't call you. But you called her, Hades", Lauren said.

"Careful with your tone Dr.", He said.

"Oh I know all about you. You're a coward within these walls", She said.

"And I know all about you. You have a weakness when it comes to Isabeau", Hades fired back.

"I just came to get her", Lauren said.

"She's not going anywhere", Hades said.

"We'll see about that", Lauren said walking towards him slowly.

"Dr. Dr. Dr.", Hades mocked.

"Hades. Hades. Hades", Lauren said matching him.

They stared at each other walking in a circle.

"Lauren...please Don't, Bo said.

"He's nothing Bo", Lauren said turning to Bo.

Just then Hades lunged at Lauren grabbing her by her neck.

"Stupid human", He said.

Lauren kicked him in the stomach pushing him away.

"Is that all you got? She mocked.

They lunged at each other locking hands. Lauren wasn't as strong as him but her military training helped her stand her ground. She was finally able to push him off again.

"I'm getting tired of waiting for you Isabeau", Hades said almost out of breath.

"Let...let Her go", Bo said.

"You're ready now? Hades asked.

"I will never succumb to your demands", Bo said.

"Then I shall not succumb to yours regarding the good doctor here", Hades laughed.

"I am more than a doctor", Lauren said.

"Oh I know all about you Captain Lewis. But what can a medical soldier do to me? He laughed.

"This", Lauren said executing a roundhouse kick to his face.

He grabbed his mouth.

" Lauren asked laughing.

"Lauren he will kill you. Please stop", Bo said.

"He can't Bo. Down here, he's barely stronger than a human", Lauren said.

Hades had enough. He walked to Lauren and pinned her against the wall.

"You have gotten your kicks...

"Yes I see that by your bleeding mouth", Lauren said pointing to it.

"Enough! He snapped.

"Yes you're right. I've had enough", Lauren said using the wall behind her arms as leverage to push him off her.

"Isabeau I've had enough of your human", He said walking to a desk.

Lauren ran up behind him and grabbed him by his neck.

"And I've had enough of this funky place", Lauren said walking him over to Bo.

"Open the door", Lauren bristled.

"I will not. You can't hurt me", Hades said.

"Bo. Get up", Lauren said.

"Lauren. I...I'm weak", Bo said embarrassed.

"Isabeau get up! Lauren said .


"Just get up for a minute", Lauren said softly.

"Ok. I'm up. Now what? Bo asked.

"When I push his head through a square, twist his neck", Lauren said.

"You can't hold me that long", Hades mocked.

"It won't be long at all. Bo are you ready? Lauren asked.

"I'm ready. Which hole? Bo asked.

"This one", Lauren said as she kicked Hades in the back of his legs and bent him over.

Hades struggled to get free.

Lauren grabbed a needle from inside her sleeve.

"Your human needles won't hurt me", Hades said almost out of breath.

"Perhaps but it will be strong enough to subdue you while we do this..Bo now! Lauren said.

Bo turned her head when she snapped his neck. She wasn't a killer but this needed to be done.

Lauren retreated to the wall to grab an axe. She pulled Hades body away from the cage and chopped off his head.

They both stood silent. Lauren was a bit devastated. She didn't like having to kill anyone. She walked over to Bo and told her to stand back while she swung the axe numerous times at the locks to free her.

Lauren stood back while Bo walked out. She was so weak she was stumbling.

"Bo you need to feed", Lauren said.

"Yeah. Yeah I will do that when we get out of here", Bo said.

"You need to feed now Bo", Lauren said.

"No. No Lauren I won't do that", Bo said.

"So stubborn", Lauren said walking over to kiss Bo.

"Feed! Lauren said.

Bo decided she would feed just enough to gain some strength. But when she started her Succubus wanted more and took it.

"Wow. That was..Unexpected", Bo said when her strength returned.

Lauren checked her pulse.


"Freyja", Lauren said pushing the button on her necklace.

The next thing Bo knew they were in Valhalla.

"Dr. Lewis. Isabeau", Freyja said.

"Who the hell are you and why are we here? Bo asked.

Lauren cleared her throat. "Freyja, how do we go back?.

"I will have Stacey escort you to our gates", Freyja said.

"Back where? Who the hell is that Lauren? Bo asked.

Lauren turned to her. "She helped me get to Tartarus Bo".


"Yes. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", Lauren said.

Bo half smiled.

"Freyja thank you for all of your help", Lauren smiled.

"You're welcome and Stacey here will take you now.

Lauren said her final goodbye and followed Stacey. Internally she shook her head wondering how she could have fallen for such a hot headed Succubus. Nothing she did seemed to matter to Bo. Everything and everyone she was suspect of. Perhaps she needed to spell every action out letter by letter for Bo to understand the who, what and why's. Lauren was tired. Tired of the fighting. Tired of the misunderstandings. But how do you talk to someone that assumes every word out of your mouth is a lie?

For her part Bo was at a loss. For thoughts. For words. Lauren had risked her life again to save the Succubus. Hades could have killed her on the spot. Bo almost thought he had slight affection for the Doctor. But this wasn't about Hades. This was about them. Wait. Them? What them? She knew they had a lot to talk about and Lauren was deathly quiet right now and almost didn't talk to her much at all even when she was battling Hades.

"Ladies we are here", Stacey said.

"Thank you", Lauren smiled warmly.

"Yes thank you Stacey", Bo said.

Lauren pulled her phone to call Dyson.

"Lauren? He answered.

"We are safe but tired", Lauren said.

"Where are you guys? He asked.

"At the Valhalla gates. Tamsin should know how to find us", Lauren said.

"She's right here with me. We'll be right there", Dyson said.

"So...what do you want to do now? Bo asked.

"I don't feel much like walking. So we wait for Dyson, I guess", Lauren answered taking a seat on a rock.


"Bo don't", Lauren said softly.

"Lauren..", Bo said softly moving towards her.

"What? You want to go at it right here on these rocks? Lauren snapped.

"Lauren! Bo said.

"That's all you want me for right? Lauren asked.

"Lauren it's never been like that and you know it", Bo said softly.

"No Bo I don't know. I don't think I know you anymore", Lauren said.

"Maybe we can try to get to know each other again", Bo said.

"How? You running off to play cops and robbers with Dyson? Make out with Tamsin? Lauren asked bitterly.

"Lauren please...

"You don't have time for me Bo, so how are we supposed to get to know each other? Lauren asked.

"Lauren when you saved me I thought...

"I did that for Kenzi and Trick and...your lovers..

"No you didn't Lauren! Bo snapped.

"Yes I did. Kenzi just lost Hale or have you forgotten? Lauren asked.

"No of course I haven't forgotten", Bo said bowing her head.

"I told you Bo, old Lauren is gone. I'd rather be by myself than be alone in a relationship", Lauren said.

Bo had nothing to say. That one stung but she knew it was true. She didn't put a lot of time in their relationship around the time of her Dawning. But the Dawning had come and gone. Rainer had come and gone. Hades tried to come and he was gone now too.

Dyson and Tamsin finally pulled up.

"Well you guys look like shit that's been double flushed", Tamsin said.

Lauren half smiled as she got up to walk to the car. "Good to see you too Tamsin".

"Are you coming or not? Dyson asked Bo from his car.

Bo slowly walked to the car. Lauren had picked the front seat. "She doesn't even want to sit near me".

"So Bo am I dropping you off at the Dal or the clubhouse? Dyson asked.

"You can drop us both off at my place", Lauren said.

Bo smiled.

"I'm sure Kenzi wants to see her", Lauren said.

Bo's smile disappeared. "C'mon Lauren!

Lauren looked coldly at Bo through the rearview mirror.

Lauren's condo

"Oh thank goodness", Kenzi said as they both walked in the door.

"It's good to see you too Kenzi. Are you ok? Lauren asked.

"I am now. D-Man called and said he found you guys. I ordered a couple of pizza's and they should be here soon", Kenzi said.

"Good. Then I will run up and shower before it gets here", Lauren smiled giving Kenzi a high five.

Bo had slowly taken a seat on the couch.

"She might be taking a hot shower but there are chills in this room", Kenzi said.


"She didn't hop in your arms huh? Kenzi asked.

"No. She can barely look at me", Bo said.

"But she saved you right? Kenzi asked.

"Yeah but she said that was for you, Trick and...


"And nothing. Look nothing happened between me and Dyson or Tamsin..

"Bo. This is me you're talking to. You sleep with Dyson whenever you feel rejected and we both know about the kiss with Tamsin which I'm sure you haven't discussed with Lauren", Kenzi said.

"It meant nothing!

"I'm not the one you need to convince Bo and it's been way past time for you to grow up", Kenzi said.


"You heard me. Grow up. Yeah you're a succubus but you can't be in a relationship with her or anyone if you are going to kiss people without it being a feed. Oh and stop sleeping with Dyson too. He loves you and that's cruel", Kenzi said.

"I know he loves me but I love Lauren", Bo said.

"Again I'm not the one you need to convince. Maybe you need to convince both of them of that because we all know each other and you sleeping and making out with people we all know is bound to get back to Lauren if you really want a relationship with her to work", Kenzi said.

"Kenzi I'm sorry about Hale", Bo said.

Kenzi turned her head. That was still a fresh wound.

"You know I wanted to tell Hale yes. I would give anything to go back and tell him yes when he asked me. But it's too late to fix that. Remember that the next time you are sitting on your ass whining about a relationship when they are still alive to fix it", Kenzi said getting up to answer the door.

Lauren had come down after her shower.

"Bo I have some extra clothes if you want to shower", Lauren said.

"No thanks I should be heading home. See you guys tomorrow", Bo said.

"What? What was that about? Lauren asked.

"Bo's still edgy about you guys and I think she needs to feed", Kenzi said.

"What she could have fed from Dyson or Tamsin", Lauren said looking worried.

"That's a no on Dyson. Not sure about Tam Tam though", Kenzi said picking up a slice of pizza.

Lauren looked at Kenzi waiting for an explanation.

After Kenzi finished her bite "Dyson told her she needs to find someone else to feed from".

"What? When? Lauren asked.

"That night at the Dal when future boy died", Kenzi said.

"Oh...", Lauren said grabbing her own slice of pizza.

"She will be ok Doc", Kenzi said.

"So...tell me what happened to you guys", Kenzi said when Lauren didn't respond.

Lauren took a deep breath and they both walked over to the couch to talk.

The clubhouse

Bo had gone home after she found random Fae to feed from. She didn't kill them but she almost felt dead inside. There was so much that had happened lately and she didn't quite know how to repair her relationships with her once close friends. She went into the kitchen to grab a bottle but changed her mind at the last minute.

"No I'm going to bed. No lovers. I'd fed enough. Just sleep", Bo said.

Lauren's condo the next morning.

Lauren turned over with her hair in her eyes. She heard a knocking and assumed it was Kenzi banging on something. She turned over in the other direction, and when it didn't stop, she got up to investigate.

"Kenzi? She called knocking on Kenzi's bedroom door, but she didn't hear a sound but the knocking again.

Lauren laughed. She and Kenzi had tied one on last night after talking about Hades and downing their liquor and pizza. Here it was early morning and Lauren's head was feeling the effects of the knocking.

She finally went downstairs when the knocking became louder. Someone was at the door.

"What? Lauren asked opening it.

"Good morning. May I come in? Bo asked.

"It's early even for you but come on in", Lauren said.

Lauren and Bo both looked shocked when Kenzi was standing in her robe on the stairs wielding Geraldine.

"It's just Bo, Kenzi", Lauren said.

"Good morning Kenzi", Bo said smiling.

"Morning", Kenzi said folding her arms across her chest.

"So..ladies...I thought I'd stop by and take you both to breakfast", Bo said.

"Oh...well I have a meeting in an hour with Evony", Lauren said looking at the time.

"Oh..", Bo said.

"Sorry", Lauren said heading upstairs to shower.

"I can go with you Bo", Kenzi said softly.

"Cool. I'll wait for you to get dressed", Bo said.

After twenty minutes Kenzi was ready so she and Bo headed out. Lauren was still getting ready for her meeting.

Bo and Kenzi were driving down the road in almost silence until Bo broke it.

"I bet she doesn't even have a meeting", Bo said bitterly.

"Bo! Keni said rolling her eyes.


"She does have a meeting. Evony called her late last night and it has to do with you b t dubs", Kenzi said.

"Me? What? Bo asked.

"Sister Epona wanted the Pyrripus hair back and Lauren had to come up with a way to give it back to them without them suspecting she was giving them a fraud", Kenzi said.

"Oh...ok", Bo said.

"I just wanted to surprise you guys", Bo said.

"Umm with this group surprises don't always work. But you seriously have to check your attitude or you will wreck your chance at getting back together with Lauren", Kenzi said.

"It's hard Kenzi", Bo said.

"If it makes it a little easier, I think she's free tonight", Kenzi said.

"Yeah but I can't cook for shit", Bo said.

"Um hello...order in or take her out", Kenzi said.

"Oh duh", Bo said.

"Geez Bo, never get up this early again", Kenzi laughed.

"So...what do you say you and I hang out for the day? Bo asked.

"All I heard was breakfast and the Dal", Kenzi said.

Bo laughed. "Ok. Breakfast and the Dal".

Bo was still bummed about Lauren not joining them for breakfast but she was determined to spend time with her that night and the next night and the night after that.

The Dal

"Bo it's almost dinner time. You better go and get ready. I will try my best to make sure Lauren is home and free", Kenzi said.

"Shit...I've drank so much I smell like it", Bo said.

"So scoot home and shower", Kenzi said.

Lauren's condo.

"So Lauren.. want to watch a movie with me? Kenzi asked.

"Let me guess Star Wars? Lauren laughed.

"Not the one I was thinking of but good idea", Kenzi said.

"Popcorn? Beer? Lauren asked.

"Pop some and I'll get the beers", Kenzi said.

Lauren started the popcorn when there was a knock at the door.

"Kenzi can you get that? Lauren called to her.

"What's up Dyson? Kenzi asked him.

"They're not gone yet? He whispered.

"No Bo hasn't arrived yet", Kenzi said.

There was another knock at the door.

"Lauren I'm showing Dyson your Star Wars collection, can you get the door? Kenzi asked.

Lauren laughed. She had dressed to the nines thinking she and Kenzi were going to the Dal for a special dinner Trick was hosting but instead she opted to stay in. She found it funny because at least Kenzi was getting back to enjoying life again.

"Can I come in? Bo asked.

Lauren froze looking at Bo. The woman was stunning and she apparently had dressed to the nines too.

"Ok", Lauren said stepping back to allow her in.

Kenzi and Dyson had come back down and walked to the couch. The popcorn was ready and Kenzi grabbed a big bowl to pour it in.

"Bo...", Kenzi and Dyson said in unison.

"Hey guys", Bo said waving as she turned to Lauren.

"Wow Lauren. You look beautiful", Bo said breathlessly.

"Thank you, so you do", Lauren smiled.

"I mean it. Sea breeze. I like it", Bo smiled.

"I was wondering if you would join me for dinner tonight? Bo asked shyly after she had finished ogling Lauren

Lauren laughed again. "Well since I'm already dressed for it. Thank you Kenzi!

"You're welcome Doc", Kenzi yelled across the room.

"Shall we? Bo asked pointing towards the door.

"Enjoy yourselves ladies", Dyson said looking at them as they walked out.

"Enjoy the movie", Lauren said.

"Bye guys", Kenzi said.

"Are you sure you're ok with that? Kenzi asked.

"I meant what I said. I will fight beside Bo but I won't allow her to use me to heal or hurt Lauren again", Dyson said.

"Look at you D-man", Kenzi mocked.

"Lauren loves her. She may be still hurting like we all are. But the love is still there", Dyson.

"And you love Bo too", Kenzi said.

Dyson sighed. "I do but it's more like a brother sister love now".

"Heres to friendship", Kenzi said holding her beer up waiting for Dyson to respond.

"To friendship", Dyson said.

When Lauren and Bo made it outside Lauren's mouth dropped.

"You first", Bo said gesturing towards the Limo Bo had rented.

"What did you do? Lauren asked.

"Just get in Doctor", Bo said smiling.

Bo poured two glasses of Champagne.

"Umm you said dinner", Lauren said.

"We're going", Bo laughed.

They drove for almost 20 minutes. They engaged in small talk. The tension was still a little thick.

"Ladies we're here", The driver announced.

Bo ran over and opened Lauren's door for her.

"Dr. Lewis", She said extending her hand.

"Thank you Ms. Dennis", She said getting out.

"Are you coming? Bo asked watching Lauren size up the building.

"Bo this is a hotel", Lauren said.

"Just come with me Lauren", Bo said.

Lauren hesitantly followed Bo in. They made their way to the elevators and it went all the way up to the top floor.

"Ladies. Follow me", A gentlemen said.

They followed him through several doors. Once he stopped walking Lauren's eyes lit up.


"It's just dinner Lauren", Bo said softly.

Bo had arranged for them to have dinner in a suite with a table set for two and a hot tub.

The room was decorated with candles and flowers.


"It's a friends suite Lauren", Bo said.

"Umm are they here? Lauren laughed.

"No. I called in a favor. Now please sit", Bo said pulling out a chair for Lauren.

"What will you be having ma'am? The server asked Lauren.

"I don't see a menu", Lauren said.

"They will cook whatever you order", Bo smiled.


"There is a chef on standby so please order what you'd like", Bo said.

"Ok well I'll have Pan-Seared Steak au Poivre", Lauren smiled.

"Of course madam", He said writing down her order.

Bo joked. "All I understood was steak".

"And for your madam?

"Oh I'll have Lobster drawn with butter and a baked potato", Bo said.

"Of course ma'am. I will be back shortly", He smiled walking out of the room.

"Hope you don't think you're getting a backrub with that Lobster", Lauren said.

"We'll see", Bo smiled back.

"Bo listen...

"Lauren I was kidding. This really is just dinner", Bo said.

"Yeah and what's the hot tub for? Lauren asked warmly.

"That is for you. For later", Bo said.


"Yes. It's for you to relax in after dinner", Bo said.


"Lauren I promise I will take you home aferwards", Bo said. If you want.

"Ok", Lauren said pouring them both a glass of wine.

Almost an hour had passed and they had finished eating. Bo offered dessert but Lauren had declined to her disappointment. Bo wanted the night to last a little longer but at least Lauren hadn't used the hot tub yet.

They rose from the table and took a seat on the couch facing the fireplace. Lauren was staring into the flames lost in thought.


"Oh sorry Bo?

"The hot tub is ready if you are", Bo smiled handing Lauren a robe for her to go and change out of her dress.

"Oh ok", Lauren smiled.

Bo laughed watching Lauren walk into the bathroom.

Almost ten minutes had passed before Lauren emerged

"I was starting to worry", Bo teased.

Lauren half smiled walking to the hot tub. She didn't know why she was so nervous Bo had seen all of her many times.

"Don't be so shy Dr. I've seen all of you many times", Bo said.

Lauren almost laughed as she dropped her robe and stepped into the tub.

Bo walked over after she had poured Lauren another glass of wine.


"Sit back and relax Dr", Bo smiled.

"No I was going to ask if you wanted to join me", Lauren said.


"I was just going to ask you to join me for your backrub", Lauren said.

They had spent the next hour giving each other backrub's.

Bo was first to get out of the tub. She went to into the bathroom to gather her clothes.


"I'll be right out", Bo yelled back.

Lauren picked up the phone and dialed the front desk.

When Bo finally emerged she was fully dressed.

"Sorry I took so long. You can go in and get dressed now", Bo said.

"Yeah. Yeah I think I'm going to freshen up and go to bed", Lauren said.

"What? Bo asked.

"I booked the suite for the weekend", Lauren said.

"What? Bo asked again. "Lauren this is a really expensive hotel", Bo said.

"Bo I said I booked the suite for the weekend. It's on Evony's dime. You don't have to stay if you don't want to", Lauren said heading to the bathroom.

The hotel was so fancy they had a complete stock of toiletries for two

When Lauren came out Bo was in bed with her head propped up on her arm.

"You said sleep right? Bo asked smiling as she patted the bed.

"Yes. Sleep", Lauren said crawling into the bed.

"What about clean clothes? Bo asked.

"Well I hadn't planned on leaving the room", Lauren said. I will have to call Kenzi though.

"I already handled that", Bo said softly into Lauren's ear.

"I can handle you too you know", Bo whispered.

Lauren turned over to Bo pulling her close "We'll see", she smiled.


After their weekend together Lauren had agreed to date Bo. Bo wanted a relationship again but knew she could lose Lauren if she pushed.

Evony was upset with the hotel bill but Lauren had insisted her condo had flooded and was unlivable.

Bo spent a lot of time at Lauren's as Kenzi had not moved back to the clubhouse yet. Their friendship was close to being back to normal.

Dyson stuck to his decision and didn't allow Bo to sleep with or feed from him again. He did find her a suitable replacement with a no strings attached agreement.

Bo for her part didn't sleep with anyone else. She would feed but she never touched lips.

For her part in saving all Fae and humans, Evony and acting Ash Trick had agreed that Lauren would be officially free but she would remain protected under the Dark Fae. She was offered and accepted a paying position as acting Medical Examiner with the freedom to research both L and D archives. Lauren made sure she got the agreement in writing and that it was binding even after they selected a new official Ash. Bo would make sure that rule stuck.

Months had passed and Lauren had finally agreed to make it official with Bo again.

"This time's for good. Get out those earphones Kenzi", Bo smiled her eyes turning blue as she hung up the phone heading to Lauren's.