So the finale inspired me…it pissed me off at moments too, but it inspired me all the same. I only ever did Paige and Emily story before, but I'm rolling with Ali and Emily since it's canon. Again, don't read this unless you've watched the finale, or just don't care. This might be a two shot or a long one-shot, we shall see.

Pam was sitting in the dining room of her home with her friends sitting around the table with her. All of them having a glass of wine and talking about work or their kids, anything at all really. Pam had been distracted most of the night and had been drifting in and out of the conversation. She was pulled back into reality when she heard her name being called.

"Pam. Pam!" Finally she looked up to see Ashley Marin trying to get her attention.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought for a minute there, what were we talking about?"

"We were asking you how Emily was doing, you on the other hand were in outer space." Ella pointed out with a smile and Pam offered a smile in return.

"I'm sorry ladies, really, my mind is just somewhere else. Emily was supposed to call me today after Ali's doctor appointment and she never did. Now I'm worried about w?"

"We were asking you how Emily was doing, you on the other hand were in outer space." Ella pointed out with a smile and Pam offered a smile in return.

"I'm sorry ladies, really, my mind is just somewhere else. Emily was supposed to call me today after Ali's doctor appointment and she never did. Now I'm worried about why I haven't heard from either of them."

"Maybe they got home from the appointment and fell asleep Pam. You said Ali had been more tired lately and I'm sure Emily has been awake whenever Ali is, they probably are exhausted." Veronica offered a plausible explanation, because of course she did, but Pam still felt uneasy.

"It's just not like Emily to not call after their appointments. After all the others she's called in states of panic about raising a baby and asking questions on what to do and what to buy. I just…don't like waiting for the phone to ring." Ashley rubbed her friend's hand and smiled.

"You are just an excited grandmother and Emily is a nervous first time mom. Maybe she is beginning to find her sea legs and feel more confident. I didn't feel ready to handle Hanna until I was at least 7 months pregnant, hell I'm still not sure I can handle Hanna." The mothers all laughed and that seemed to break the tension slightly, but the laughter was silenced when Pam's cell phone rang and the screen clearly said Ali.

"Alison? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine. We were about to go grab dinner, but thought we should call you first since we forgot to call after the appointment."

"Where's Emily, is she alright?" Alison sighed and Pam got worried. "She fine Pam, just a little shocked is all."

"What do you mean shocked? What was there to be shocked about? Are you ok, is the baby ok?" Ashley grabbed Pam's hand and tried to calm her down. If she got worked up, there would be no chance in calming Emily down.

"I'm fine, everything is fine…it's just…you know what, can we swing by the house and see you. I think it'll be easier to explain in person and maybe you can get Emily to blink again." Alison laughed, which made Pam relax a little, surely she wouldn't be laughing if something were seriously wrong.

"Of course you can come by. I'm just here with Ella, Ashley and Veronica."

"Great, maybe they can help, we'll be there in a few minutes." Alison hung up and Pam launched straight into worrying.

"Why would Emily be shocked by something if it wasn't bad? Ali seemed so calm so it can't be too serious, right?" Ella added more wine to Pam's glass and smiled.

"Pam, I doubt Alison would be calm if something were truly wrong. Maybe they found out the sex of the baby today and it took Emily by surprise. It can be a little shocking." Pam nursed the wine in front of her and her friends tried to offer words of comfort, but nothing really helped until she heard the front door open and then shut right away. Alison walked into the dining room with Emily a few steps behind her and Pam noticed that her daughter seemed happy, but also seemed to be in a state of shock. Emily took a seat next to her mother and Ali went to the kitchen to grab herself some water while Veronica poured another glass of wine for Emily who took a healthy swig from it before Alison returned to the table.

"Em, want to tell your mom what we learned today?" Emily smiled and laughed a little and Pam got all the more confused.

"Emmy, is everything alright, cuz you seem happy, but you also seem mildly terrified. If something happened at the doctor you can tell me. I'm sure the baby will be fine and so will Ali." Emily finished the rest of her wine and reached into her purse and pulled out a sonogram, the one they had had done earlier this morning. She handed the picture to her mother and Pam promptly teared up as she had whenever she saw pictures of her grandchild, but none of this answered her question. Ella held out her hand for Pam to hand over the picture and when she did, it was Ashley who broke the silence first.

"Pam, she's not worried about Alison and something tells me that her pregnancy is going just fine." Alison nodded and smiled as she rubbed her belly. "We are just fine." Emily put her hand over Alison's and they smiled at each other, further confusing Pam.

"If you are fine, then why is Emily acting so shocked?" Alison looked to Ella and nodded her approval.

"Pam, I think it's safe to say that Emily is a little caught up in her head, trying to multiply everything by two." The other mothers looked at the picture and smiled before Ella turned the photo back to Pam and pointed to a spot on the picture.

"Here is the baby." Ella moved her finger an inch to the left. "And here is the other one." Pam's eyes grew big as she took the photo from Ella.

"Other one? That's why you're acting so weird? Ali's having twins?" Emily finally snapped out of her stupor and turned to her mother with a huge grin on her face and fresh tears in her eyes.

"Twin girls. Doctor confirmed it today." Pam dropped the photo on the table and wrapped Emily in a tight hug.

"Your dad would have been so thrilled for you Emily." This of course prompted more tears from both mother and daughter and this time Ali rubbed Emily's back as she cried, cuz these tears were different. Emily eventually calmed down and let go of her mother.

"Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to be this freaked out about it, it just, took us both by surprise. We didn't mean to disrupt your evening." Veronica waved Emily's apology away. "Honey, this you don't have to apologize for, this is very welcome news. Congratulations, you two must be over the moon right now." Emily smiled up at Alison and Ali offered her a quick kiss before turning back to the table.

"We are very happy and a littler terrified, but we spent all afternoon playing around with names and the shock is finally wearing off…I think." Emily smiled at Ali and that was enough to tell her that she was calm and back in reality with the rest of them.

"I'm gonna go call the girls and see if they want to join us for a late dinner so we can tell them." Ali excused herself to go make the phone call, leaving Emily alone with her mom and the rest of the group of mothers.

"Anyone have any advice on raising daughters, cuz I have a feeling these two are gonna run circles around Ali and I?" Ashely grabbed the bottle of wine and put it in front of Emily. "Buy wine, lots of wine and drink it when they go to sleep." Everyone at the table laughed, but agreed and they launched into talking about tips for newborns and the challenges that both mothers will face when the babies arrive. Pam decided that this news was much better than anything she had expected and she was going to enjoy this time with her daughter and the woman she assumed would be her daughter in law at some point.

So it's gonna be a two shot and I'm gonna try and finish it tomorrow because I have other stories on the burner. I like stories that involve the other moms so I wanted them in this one. The second part will have the babies being born and will have most of the major characters so I hope to have that up tomorrow night.