A/N: Set season 6. After homeland but before Christmas.

When Gibbs got the call from security that Kelly Watson was there to speak to his team about finding out about her father he got up to visit Jenny in her office. Gibbs knew it was silly but he couldn't see how helping someone find their father would be any good since him and Jenny just found out they couldn't have any kids. After her illness and return to NCIS Gibbs knew he was lucky to get her back but he couldn't help but want another kid. The fact that the girls name was Kelly wasn't great either.

"DiNozzo, that was Bob Motts in security. There's a girl Kelly Watson who called wanting to find out about her dad is on her way up. I'm going to visit with the director so just have her fill out the paperwork and find out what you can about her dad." Tony nods,

"Okay, tell Jenny we said hi and remember to come up for air." Gibbs went to head smack him when he heard Tim and Ziva chuckling. "Just kidding boss." Gibbs kept going and Tony lets himself laugh while Ziva and Tim shake their heads..

"That was close."

"I know and I don't know where that came from." Tim shakes his head.

"I thought we were going to have to pick your head off the ground for that." The elevator dings and a young woman and small boy walk out. "Uh here they come."

"Hi, I was told to ask for an Agent DiNozzo?" Tony smiles,

"I'm Agent DiNozzo, Ms …"

"Watson but please just call me Kelly. I'm sorry to be bothering you but when I called I was told to just come in." Tony gestures to to the chair next to his desk and Kelly sat down while the boy looks at Tony around his mom.

"It's not a problem and we actually have nothing going on right now. That can change at any minute though so for now we're just going to get some information just in case so we can continue later." Kelly nods opening her purse as Tony gets the forms.

"Of course. Where do we start?"

"Why don't you tell me what led you to NCIS to look for your dad?"

"Well … he died when I was young. We were in hiding and they told us he was killed overseas. We never found out exactly what happened to him and whenever I do searches for him it always leads back to here but the files are confidential so ..."

"Yeah that could be because of whatever happened to him. Why don't you fill out these forms and then we'll see what we can find out. If it's confidential I don't know how much we can tell you but we'll try." Kelly nods,

"Mom's sick and wants to be buried with him or near him if possible. We don't even know that much or how he died." She started to fill out the forms while her son poked around on Tony's desk and he discreetly takes out a sucker he kept for when they had young visitors and let him discover it.

"Mommy, look what I found." Kelly groans.

"Jet, that's not yours. Please put it back." Tony smiles,

"If it's okay he can have it. I put it there for him to find." Kelly smiles at him and Tony notices she has a nice smile.

"Thank you," She unwrapped it and put the wrapper in her purse finding something. "Oh I almost forgot. My mom … she had a copy of his dog tags. I guess it has some of his information on it." Tim takes them,

"I can look it up with those." He takes the dog tags before sitting down at his desk. "Uh Tony … you need to come look at these." Tony who was having a funny face contest with Jet frowns.

"What probie? I'm having fun with Jet." Tim gets up,

"Tony, you really need to look at these."Jenny had a meeting so she walked him out but couldn't resist giving him a kiss that Jet saw and he suddenly calls out.

"Mommy, look there's Papa." Kelly looks up to where Jet's pointing to see Gibbs and Jenny on the catwalk kissing. Gibbs heard the Papa comment but figured they found the girls dad.

"Dad?" This catches Gibbs' attention for some reason and he looks down.

"Kelly?" He races down the stairs past a stunned Jenny to meet Kelly who was racing up the stairs.

"Dad, what … how …?" Gibbs hugs her.

"I don't … I could say the same. How is this possible? What …?" Jet joins them tugging on Gibbs' leg. "Hello there." Jet looks at him.

"Are you my Papa?" Gibbs looks at Kelly who nods.

"This is your grandson Jethro Jackson but we call him Jet." Gibbs picks him up.

"Yeah, I'm your Papa." Jet hugs him as Tony, Ziva and Tim look on and Jenny comes down the stairs.

"Jethro ..." Gibbs had temporarily forgotten about her but knows she must be full of questions.

"Jenny, this is my daughter Kelly and grandson Jet. Kel, Jet this is ..." He had no idea how to introduce Jenny.

"I'm Jenny Sheppard, director of NCIS." Jet looks at her.

"You were kissing my papa." Kelly turns pink as does Jenny and Gibbs smiles.

"Yes we were but that's something grownups sometimes do. Jenny I uh ..." Jenny smiles but he can see she's hurting.

"Why don't you take some time off? I'm sure that you want to spend time with Kelly and Jet and they with you." Jet nods eagerly and grins at him.

"Nana says she misses you a lot." This startles Gibbs who looks at Kelly.

"Your mom …?" Kelly nods still stunned to see him there.

"She's sick and we wanted to know what happened to you. We heard you died in Afghanistan but ..." She figured that Gibbs had moved on since seeing him kissing Jenny but knew Shannon wanted to see him too.

"Jethro, go on and go see her. Tony can run things for a few days or however long you need." Gibbs nods looking at the team watching him.,

"Thanks Jen," They start back down the stairs when Jenny calls out.

"Don't forget to introduce them to the others. Ducky might not be so understanding this time."

"McGee, call Abby, Ducky and Palmer up here please." When he hangs up he hands Kelly back the dog tags.

"Here, I saw the name and knew ..." Kelly nods,

"I was afraid it was worse." Gibbs frowns not understanding and Kelly chuckles. "I had the dog tags you gave mom and he kind of freaked out over them."

"I didn't know how to tell Tony or you without causing chaos but then Jet spotted you." Gibbs was still holding Jet who was hugging him and fully content and Kelly rubs his back.

"Well then I guess you met the team." Kelly shakes her head.

"Just Tony and when I was filling out some form I gave that agent your dog tags and then Jet saw you and Dir. Sheppard." Gibbs could see she was uncertain and he gives her a hug.

"I'll introduce you when the others come up." Abby and Ducky get off the elevator surprised to see him holding Jet but figure he was someone who worked there's kid.

"Gibbs, Timmy said to come because you had some news. Did you and Jenny decide to get married right away?" This startles Gibbs and Kelly while Ducky just shakes his head.

"She's sure you're going to elope without telling anyone until after the fact." Abby glares at Ducky.

"And you wouldn't do that would you? I mean you two said you would have a real wedding not just at city hall." Gibbs chuckles,

"No Abs, I wanted you to meet someone. Kelly, Jet these are the people I work with. Abby Scuito, Dr. Mallard, Agent Tony DiNozzo, Agent Tim McGee and Officer Ziva David. Guys this is my daughter Kelly and my grandson Jet." Abby and Ducky were shocked but Tony smiles.

"It's good to officially meet you Kelly. Sorry if we were being weird earlier." Kelly shakes her head.

"I think we were acting weirder. It's nice to meet everyone but ..." Her phone rings and she walks off to the side to answer it.

"Does mommy have a boyfriend?" Jet shakes his head.

"Nuh uh, that's probably Nana, she's sick." Gibbs looks over at Kelly who was staring out the window while talking to someone. "Papa, can I have another sucker? I dropped mine." Gibbs smiles as Tony gets him one.

"There make sure to tell Tony thank you." Gibbs puts him down and goes to Kelly.

"I know mom and it's kind of a long story. I don't know how to start to explain this over the phone … yeah I found something out. We're leaving in a few minutes then it's about 15 minutes … okay the usual? Okay see you soon." She saw Gibbs standing there. "Mom's missed you a lot and wanted to find out what happened to you."

"Jet says she's sick? Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's been sick for a couple of years now. At one point she wanted … the doctors said to start making final arrangements. That was two years ago but she wanted to visit your grave first or be buried by you if possible. All my searched led me here so ..." Kelly hugs him. "She will want to see you. We thought you were dead since we had to go into hiding.

"I thought you and Shannon died too. Look things are kind of crazy but I do want to see your mom and spend time with you and Jet." Kelly nods,

"I'd like that and I know she would too. What about the director? You guys looked serious and Abby said you're getting married." Gibbs sighs glancing towards Jenny's office to see her watching them and he waves to her before she turns to go back inside.

"Yeah well … it'll work itself out Kel. Let's get Jet before the team has him spoiled." They look to see Ducky had blown up a glove into a balloon and Tony hitting it back and forth with Jet. "I'm taking some time off to spend time with Kelly, Shannon and Jet so you're in charge Tony. Call if anything happens but otherwise I will see you guys later." Ziva doesn't say anything for a minute.

"I'm going to go check on Jenny."

"Thanks Ziver," Gibbs grabs his bag and Jet holds his hand.

"I wanna go with Papa." Kelly sighs and Gibbs smiles handing Tony his keys.

"I'm going to ride with them. Can you take my truck home and then lock up my gun?"

"Sure, we'll be fine." They leave with Jet talking fast to Gibbs but he doesn't look like he minds. Tony wondered what the reunion with Shannon would be like but hoped it wouldn't turn into a disaster.