Connie does not wear glasses, and wears varied summer outfits like in the show, though each with a star insignia visible.

(I just came here bc of a ship tbh when does it begin)

Connverse begins in 4: Making Friends (though their relationship is not explicitly romantic yet.)

Pearlmethyst begins in 7: Interlude: Confused.

Connie befriends a magical mirror that can mysteriously communicate with her through recordings of what it has seen.

"Don't worry. We'll call for you whenever Connie needs you."

He would wait a decade in Beach City to answer that call.

It would never come.

After a decade or so, he would realize this.

As the world turned a new page, so would he, forcing him to move on from Beach City.

But his thoughts became plagued with regrets, and dreams of a another life, had he made a different decision, a different choice, infested his mind without end until he had nearly fallen into despair.

It was only when he realized that it was always meant to be, did he finally accept his loss.

That it would be the price he paid in the end, for having fallen in love with Rose Quartz.

Such is the strange and twisted hand of fate.


When she feels the cool ocean breeze tickling her nose, the girl named Connie Quartz finally stirs from her nap and awakens, finding herself resting upon a grassy knoll overlooking Beach City.

She is alone save for her copy of Unfamiliar Familiar, though it was not the adventures of Lisa the witch and her familiar Archimicarus which had made her drowsier earlier. She distinctly remembers what she had been doing before falling asleep; a familiar game where she would debate whether to go down and try to make friends in Beach City, or head back home. Naturally, her body had opted for the 'abstention' option.

Her bones and muscles protest as she tries to pick herself off the ground and stretch, her joints cracking sharply. As she stretches however, she finds a familiar tune stuck in her head once more.

"He's a frozen treat with an all new taste-"

"-cause he came to this planet from outer space-"

"-A refugee of an interstellar war-"

"-But now he's at your local grocery store."

She finds it strange that she had been reminded of the theme song of the tasty (though not special) Cookie Cat when there really wasn't anything special in particular behind the confectionery brand (save for the awfully cute design of the ice cream sandwiches.) Maybe she was hungry for sweets? (When is she not?)

It was flat out obvious the backstory behind Cookie Cat didn't have too much thought put into it, him just serving his purpose as a corporate mascot, a tool used to create an 'image' in the minds of adolescent children everywhere. Such that, when thoughts of frozen dairy confectioneries invaded the minds of adolescents, the image of Cookie Cat would spring up leading them to Cookie Cat vendors… alongside their parents' hard earned money. An effective method of subliminal messaging.

...According to Pearl, anyway. Memories of a stern lecture a few years back (when Cookie Cats had still been in production) from Pearl floods her mind, when the Gems had gotten her an entire box full of Cookie Cats for her birthday. Long story short, she had gotten over excitable that day and had eaten them all in one night, earning her a very upset stomach, and an exasperated lecture from Pearl. (Alongside a high-five from Amethyst.)

Speaking of Pearl, she and Connie hadn't really talked this morning. Pearl had excused herself after making breakfast as she always did, this time saying she was working on something involving a "Red Eye" of the sort. Once again, a matter much too dangerous for Connie to take part in. (Or even know any details about for that matter.)

A weary sigh escapes from her lips. These days, whenever Pearl wasn't on a mission, doing housework, or keeping Connie up with her homeschooling (which Pearl was in complete charge of,) she would always make herself busy working on her gadgets and projects in her own room, leaving little time for... friend or mom stuff. Same with Garnet and her missions, especially of lately. Or Amethyst with her parties.

Leaving Connie with only the citizens of Beach City as her only chance of social interaction. She had made friends with Lars and Sadie from the Big Donut at the very least, though it was mostly a relationship of necessity, since Connie needed a source of sweets independent from the Gems.

Now, Connie was finding herself back in that oh so familiar dilemma she had become so accustomed to; to head back home, or to go down to Beach City to make more friends.

In the end, she would find herself walking alongside the path she had grown so familiar with over the years, back towards Beach House.


Making her way up the familiar steps onto the patio, Connie had anticipated the presence of the gems once she made her way home. She hadn't been anticipating being ambushed by a gem monster upon stepping inside, making her heart leap out of her throat. "Gyah!" She screams, panicking.

Struggling to hold back the Connie-sized, centipedal chitin with her arms, she finds herself staring the green abomination in the eye (which was strangely located within the maw.) "W-what… are… you…" She grunts out whilst struggling to keep what she believes is the mouth from clamping on her head.

Whatever the result of the struggle would turn out to be, will never be found out. Amethyst's whip intervenes, wrapping around the body of the gem monster. A yank from Amethyst sends it hurtling away from Connie, at a velocity which poofs it on impact.

Connie had been right about the presence of the gems at the very least. The battle between the gems and the monsters is plainly one-sided, the only factor prolonging the battle are the sheer numbers of the monsters, and their propensity to hide as a tactic.

"Connie! I thought we told you to stay outside until the problem was taken care of!" Pearl says, mildly irked with Connie's earlier than expected arrival.

"W-what are those?" Connie asks, out of mildly horrified curiosity.

Lifting up the monster, Pearl groans out of revulsion. "They're called Centipeetles. We think they were trying to get into the temple."

"Huh. Centipeetles. Interesting…" Connie muses, taking interest in their strange form whilst keeping a generous distance between her and the fight, just how the gems liked it.

"Um, you guys?" Amethyst calls, her voice raised from the other room. "These things don't have gems."

"Then that means there must be a mother somewhere nearby." Garnet muses, before smashing her fist into the jaw of the Centipeetle attempting to sneak up behind her, poofing it on impact.

"Then we should find it before anyone gets hurt." Pearl follows.

Noticing that the skirmish is almost over, Connie nervously clears her throat. "That means it's just one gem monster right? That means it'll be safe for me to come with you guys then!"

Still handling her Centipeetle, Pearl gives her a look which indicates a weariness with the familiar question, before explaining. "Connie, until you learn to control the powers in your gem, we'll take care of protecting humanity, okay?"

An expected response. "But you guys always say that! My powers don't look like they'll come in anytime soon! At least let me watch you guys so I can learn, maybe that'll help my powers grow in faster-"

"Connie." It's Garnet's voice. "I understand you're excited to be a Crystal Gem, but bear with us. We'll know when you'll be ready. And when you are, you'll know as well."

Though Garnet's presence and words were soothing, always feeling genuine, it doesn't soften the feeling of disappointment..But…"

Garnet smiles, putting her hand on her shoulder as a comforting gesture. " I promise Connie, that we'll be ready when you are."

Realizing that was Garnet's (and by extension, the Gems') final answer, Connie sighs in defeat. Yet her foot begins tapping anxiously, meaning there is another question she has, ready to fire. "So…Pearl…?"

"Yes Connie?" Pearl replies, handing her Centipeetle off to Garnet (who promptly took care of it.)

"I was wondering… if there were other ways I could learn faster? To help me gain control over my powers quicker?" Connie asks, her eyes full of stars.

Pearl, suddenly feeling a bit more excitable, smiled, clapping her hands together. "I suppose… I have been considering a gift for you since our lessons together have been remarkably successful..."

The half-gem feels a wave of magical energy exude from the alabaster gem's physical form. Her gemstone projects a beam of light, and within it is a form of matter that takes on a corporeal form, falling safely into her hands.

It forms a mirror, with silver-blue metal forming the frame. On the back, a cracked tear. "We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp. It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history. It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture."

Her eyes look like they're full of stars and about to cry, while her right foot has started tapping uncontrollably. "May… I see?" She asks.

"Yo Connie, you're doing the whole 'Pearl thing' again." Amethyst comments, referring to Connie's appearance, which is resemblant of Pearl whenever she gets too excited.

"Am not!" Connie puffs back.

"So are." Amethyst replies.

"You definitely were." Garnet adds, embarrassing the poor girl.

"That's enough Amethyst." Pearl smiles, handing over the mirror. "Of course you can see, Connie."

Careful to handle the mirror with utmost care, she readily accepts Pearl's gift. Being foreign to gem technology however, means that she has absolutely no idea how to use it, other than being able to stare at her own reflection. "Um… so how does it work?" she asks.

"Ah, let me demonstrate." Pearl says, bending down to Connie's level before clearing her throat. "Ahem. Show us the Galaxy Warp."


"Show us the Galaxy Warp." Pearl asks again.

Again, nothing save for the reflection of Pearl's confused face.

"Must be busted P." Amethyst comments, before heading off. "I'm gonna go check the front patio for any more of those Centipeetle things. You coming G?"

"Right behind you." The two take their leave. Signaling their departure, are the creaky hinges of the door squeaking in protest, signalling they'll need to be oiled once more.

"I know you've seen it…" Pearl sighs in disappointment. "It is in pretty rough shape… It must finally be broken. What a shame."

"Even if it's busted, may I still have it?" Connie asks, grateful to receive any hand-me down gem technology from Pearl.

Sighing, Pearl nodded. "No harm done I suppose."

Squealing in delight, the plucky girl runs outside of the beach house with the mirror, made excited by her new gem tool.

"...Does she really look like me when she gets excited?…" Pearl wonders out loud to herself.


Realizing she was still hungry for something with… sugar from her Cookie Cat train of thought from earlier, she finds herself approaching the familiar donut shop, mirror in hand.

She receives an enthusiastic greeting on arrival, by Lars, who is asleep and snoring loudly, all while slumping onto the cash register.

"Lars!" His co-worker scolds, causing him to jolt.

"Wha-didn't do it!" Once he properly identifies who is threatening him and his space, he grumbles. Oh… it's you again… what's her face." He mutters out loud, rubbing his groggy eyes.

"Connie. Connie Quartz." She clarifies, undeterred by his usual attitude.

"Right, the 'half-gem' hero who really likes our donuts for whatever reason." Lars replies, mimicking air quotes around the word half-gem.

"Lars, be nice. Don't make me report you to the boss." Sadie scolds. "Hey Connie. Nice mirror." She was refilling the soda machine when Connie came in, and upon greeting her, receiving a smile and a thanks in return.

"Oh nooooo." Lars groans, sarcasm in full force. "Like the boss-man ever comes in here, lazy f-look, what do you want kid?"

"I'm not just a kid. I'm a Crystal Gem, and I'm thirteen you know." Connie replies, arms crossed, shoulders up in an attempt to imitate Garnet.

"Oooh, middle school." Lars taunts, earning him a confused look from Connie, who has never heard someone use that word before. "Yeah yeah, magic-belly-button and all that magic-blah... You gonna buy something or what? If not, then quit bothering me and let me lounge." Lars spits back, armed only with an extreme lack of engagement with… everything, in general.

"Lars." Sadie scolds.

It was easy to get used to Lars and his typical mannerisms, with enough exposure of course, and Connie is no exception. "One chocolate glazed donut please." She orders, undeterred.

"Sprinkles or no? Cream filling as well?"

"Sure. And why not."

"Here. Don't give yourself a heart attack with this stuff kid."


"Look come on, that's a fair warning alright? Don't pretend the food we're selling is health food!"

A groan escapes from Sadie's lips (though Lars does have a point,) before she walks over to Connie to hand her a cup of water. "Here Connie. Just for you. Don't inhale the whole thing in one bite." She teases.

"Thanks! And I won't." Connie calls back, before leaving out the door, earning a wave-goodbye from the two employees. Once she safely outside, she congratulates herself for her successful social interaction, before unwrapping her reward. "Oh delicious mass-produced fried dough confectionery treat. How you comfort me in these difficult times so-" Connie muses, before inhaling the entire thing in three bites.


And thus, whilst distracted by her treat, she runs into someone whilst walking, and spills her water as she falls backwards onto the ground.

"Nooooo! Who spilled water all over my outfit!?"

Cringing but still scared, she recognizes the voice. Though she didn't 'know' people in Beach City (despite having lived here her whole life,) there was one voice that anyone, even a hermit like her, could recognize, for reasons infamous.

Kevin looks like he's about to explode. "Yo kid, you gonna do something about ruining my clothes or what!?"

Before she had the chance to explain and stammer out an apology, the mirror's image morphed into Lars, erupting with a sharp, painful sound that caused Connie's ears to recoil out of pain. "Leave."

"Yo twerp, you spilled water on me, I demand an explanation-"

Lars' image appeared within the mirror's reflection still, though there was a pause between words, the sound being low and distorted, and just as painful to hear for both parties. "Warning-Leave."

Grumbling, confused, and unwilling to figure out what exactly is going on here, he picks himself up, still steaming, and stomps his way past Connie. "This is messed up, you're lucky I don't hurt kids."

Lars' image again, though three times. "Blah-Blah-Blah."

"Screw you kid!"

"Wait… what just happened?" Connie asks herself, dazed and staring at the mirror's morphing image. "You... you… work?"

The Mirror's image morphed into that of Sadie. "Hey Connie."

"Whoa… this… is… so… cool! How do you work!? I have to find out!"

The mirror began flashing between the captured images of Sadie and Lars, with brief pauses in between. "Mirror-Look-Mirror-Look-Mirror-Look."

She scratches her head, and adopts a 'Thinker-esque' pose. "Oh I see, so you just repeat whatever you've been around to see and hear?"

Lars. "Yeah."

She can feel her pride swell up from her first hypothesis being correct. "So you can really think… and communicate like… an actual person?"

Lars still. "Yeah."

"Oh my stars. This… this is… this is just like Unfamiliar Familiar! You, you're my familiar Archimicarus, and I can be Lisa. This is amazing! I… we can go places… and go on adventures… and maybe meet new people… alright I might not be ready for the meet new people thing but I am so ready for the places and adventures and oh-gosh-I'm-excited-"

The mirror's image shifted into that of Connie, complete with stars in her eyes. "Cool!"

"Oh my stars. I really do look like Pearl when I'm excited."


Connie would spend an hour talking to the mirror about the Spirit Morph Saga, starting with the dynamics of the relationship between Lisa and Archimicarus, and how the two characters allowed the author to explore the power dynamic within master-servant like relationships. She loved how the Spirit Morph Saga series explored the themes of anti-authoritarianism (dedicating an entire fifteen minutes to that topic) but in the end she didn't mention anything about Destiny's End however, for that was a story for… well... never, really.

"I bet since the books got so popular, the publisher put pressure on the author to water down the end for a larger audience appeal. J mean I would be lying if I said the whole wedding wasn't heartwarming because anyone could see it coming. Especially that moment in book three when Archimicarus cried because Lisa fell into the volcano, I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy for them but… it was a total deus ex machina how he turned into a falcon! Plus they completely dropped all the anti-authoritarian stuff and described a wedding cake for fifty pages!" She puffs, seething with distaste for the disrespect and waste of the reader's time.

The mirror's image and sounds shifted to one of Connie laughing from earlier.

A brief pause, just long enough to knock her from her rant and make her self-conscious about herself. "That's… that's what I think about the Spirit Morph Saga...I...I'm sorry talking so much about the series. I mean, I just met you and I just ranted for nearly an hour talking about it and…"

The mirror's image shifted to that of Lars, nearly asleep at the front desk, complete with snoring.

Connie stifles a laugh. "Oh come on, I wasn't that boring was I?"

The mirror's image and sounds shifted to one of Connie with a "No." then to another one of Connie, laughing from earlier.

"So you have a sense of humor as well…" The more she talked to the mirror, the more she found it certain that it really was a sentient being, one with emotions and desires. "Hey, I just had an idea. What if I take you up to my favorite spot in all of Beach City? It would guess that a mirror like you doesn't really get out to see much."

Connie. "Cool!"


After a short walk, she would make her way back to the same grassy knoll nestled on the outskirts of the town that overlooked Beach City, the same one where she had woken up earlier. Taking a seat in her familiar spot, she laid down on her back and let out a tired yarn.

"Well, this is it. Beach City in it's entirety. It's… wow, it's never looked so beautiful like this before…"

Late afternoon in Beach City. The sun was about to set, indicating that the passage from day to night was finally completing itself. Downtown Beach City bathing in radiant orange light, the city readying itself for the arrival of the night sky.

By this point the mirror had gathered enough images of Connie to avoid using the ones gathered earlier. Connie. "It's-wow."

"I mean…" Connie pauses. A giggle turns into a chuckle, and soon she starts laughing at herself. "Isn't… isn't this kinda sad?"

Connie's image. "What do you mean."

"I mean… here I am, talking to a mirror thinking like it's someone. It's kind of sad isn't it?" Connie muses, still laughing at herself.


Connie's laughter falters, leading to her raising an eyebrow. "Really?"


"Thanks for comforting me mirror-bud. But-"


She scoffs at the flattery, taking amusement that a mirror was going to such lengths to comfort her. "Thank you. Really. I mean it. I'm just… I'm just not sure why I keep thinking these things. I mean, I am a Crystal Gem! Even if they won't trust me to go on missions with them. I also technically have three moms even though I haven't spending much time with them lately, so I just don't feel like I have much of a reason to feel lonely you know?"

When the mirror fails to respond, she continues.

"I mean, they still haven't taken me on a mission, and every time I fulfill one set of requirements they give to me that they say serve as 'training' for becoming a Crystal Gem," Connie mutters, feeling her irritation growing, her fingers forming air quotes around 'training.' "They're always raising the goalposts over and over and over again, so I'm always stuck home."

"And… Garnet always feels so distant for whatever reason whenever we're together, which hasn't been very often recently since the Gems have gotten so busy with missions lately. And Pearl… ever since I've grown older, she's always been keeping herself busy inside her room, always working on some new project. And when she is with all of us, she's always bickering with Amethyst, who's always off doing her own thing whenever she's free. I wish I could make friends outside of the Crystal Gems but all I have are Lars and Sadie at the Big Donut, and even then we never really talk outside of whenever I go over to buy food. Plus, Lars is always rude to me. W-well, he's rude to everyone but maybe he thinks I'm especially annoying and Sadie I'm not sure what she thinks of me since the whole never talking thing and what if she's making fun of me behind my back and…"

Her train of thought fades away into nothingness when she feels a cold, empty breeze scraping her cheeks. "I… I don't mean to be like a cliche character and embody the 'I have no friends' trope... but… even with three moms… I guess I still feel lonely all the time for whatever reason."

"Connie— is— a new friend."

The girl shakes her head in disbelief. "R-really?"

Lars' image. "Yeah."

A pause.

"Really?" She asks again.

Lars' image again. "Yeah."

Another pause.


The mirror took a moment this time to reform its image, until deciding on Lars asleep again, complete with snoring sound effects.

Connie snorts, and laughs uncontrollably. "I… you… you know what, I don't care what others think. You are a sentient being, and you're my friend too."

An image, and the sound of Connie laughing.

"I… I have to tell the gems about all of this, they'll be so excited!"

Kevin's image. "Noooo!"

"Maybe... if I show you to them, they'll finally believe I'm smart enough to take care of myself and be useful on missions!" Connie muses to herself, having started back towards Beach House, the mirror's earlier protests going over her head.


"Oh come on, what are you so worried about? I know they can be flawed like I said, but they're still my family, and I'm sure you'll love them."


Having run halfway across Beach City, she briefly stops to collect her breath on the patio before opening the door to let herself in, finding the gems lounging in the living room. "Hey guys! Take care of that Centipeetle mother yet!?"

Garnet adjusts her visor. "Not yet Connie. We're just taking a moment to regroup and plan."

"It's hiding somewhere in Amethyst's room, which wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't gotten hungry in the middle of the search." Pearl comments.

"Yeah shove off P. It's not my fault you guys couldn't catch it earlier-"

"Well, if it's safe in here," Connie interrupts, "I was wondering if I could show you guys something big!"

"Of course Connie." Pearl responds, sighing.

"I fixed the mirror!" She declares, holding it up.

That gets everyone fully engaged. "E-excellent work Connie! How did you figure that one out?" Pearl asks, gleaming with praise for her student.

"I just talked to it like it was a person. It's my new friend, see?"

Interest turns to shock. "Wait. What?" Pearl asks in disbelief.

Say "hi!" Connie commands, only to receive no response from the mirror.

"...Mirror buddy? ... Umm... please?" She asks, shaking the mirror, only to receive the sound and image of Lars snoring on high blast.

Connie laughs. "Oh come on mirror-bud, take this seriously, they're my family you know?"


"It's taking to her? It shouldn't be able to do that. I-it should just be following orders…" Pearl stutters in panic.

"Garnet, do something." Amethyst says, obviously discomforted by the whole situation.

"Connie…" Garnet says calmly as she begins approaching her.

The mirror morphed into Kevin's image. "Nooooo!"

"What is that horrible sound coming from the mirror?" Pearl asks.

"I dunno, but make it stop." Amethyst says.

"You should just give us back the mirror. It will be safer where we can watch it." Garnet says.

"Yeah, let's bubble it!" Amethyst proclaims excitedly.

"Nooooo! Nooooo!"

Connie to the mirror begging for her help, then back at Garnet's stoic eyes. She feels a knot twist in her stomach. "What…"

Garnet kneels down, deciding she will use diplomacy to coax the tool from the girl. "Connie. Don't make me have to take it from you."



"Connie, it's just a mirror, a tool. It can't want anything."


"I… I suppose you're right." She admits reluctantly, allowing Garnet to grasp the mirror. But then she feels a hot tear drip down her cheek, and hands lock up, refusing to let go.

Garnet realizes the girl is being stubborn, so she smiles in a move to ease the situation. "Connie... I know what you're thinking. But please, let us handle it. We know more about it than you do."


"I…I thought you would understand..." Something breaks inside of her.


It is like a game of tug-of war now, only it is one that Garnet could easily win at any time of her choosing, but chooses not to so she can be patient and diplomatic with the girl. "Come on now Connie. Just let go-"


"I… I can't...I won't! You might think that this mirror can't feel anything, but I know it better than any of you!" Pulling the mirror back as hard as she can, Connie feels only Garnet's immense strength on the other end as the gem does her best to keep the situation under control.

"Connie, you're acting ridiculous-" Garnet states, still opting for a diplomatic solution.

"N-no you're acting ridiculous !" Keeping her eyes level with Garnet, Connie stomps her foot onto the floor with enough force to make the entire beach house creak. " You guys never trust me! You never let me go on missions! You never let me do anything cool with magic! Why can't you guys just trust me for once!"

"Connie please-" Pearl attempts to plead.

"I know what the mirror wants!" She cries. "The mirror is my friend, and it wants to be with me!"

And suddenly from the gem embedded within her navel, a shining light reveals itself.

It is a vision of a dream, a promise for a new tomorrow. What forms from the light flowing from her gem is the manifestation of the very idea of hopes, dreams, ideals into reality. The corporeal state takes the form of a straight bladed saber, pink with a red handle, with vines etched in the guard connected with a rose shaped pommel.

Her eyes grow wide as saucers in disbelief. She feels wary... but excited. So very excited. "My... my powers..."

"That's... Rose's sword..." Pearl mutters, in disbelief. Even Garnet's mouth hangs slightly open in surprise, a rare occasion in of itself.

The projection of the blade manifests into reality, embedding itself within the mirror, and shattering the glass embedded in it.

"Oh no!" Connie cries. Panicking and scrambling to grab it, she watches helplessly as the mirror explodes, releasing a wave of magical energy that knocks Garnet away, leaving only the cracked teardrop stone behind. The room starts glowing brightly from under her, and she notices the snowflake-like pattern that has formed on the floor underneath her. The source of this water being the pipage of the house, which groans and rumbles with pressure, causing the pipes to leak.

"W-what's happening!?" Amethyst cries out, stumbling backwards.

Levitating itself into the air, the blue teardrop encases itself within a vibrant blue light, which births the corporeal form of what is undeniably a gem. She possesses a slim figure, cyan skin, and blue hair arranged almost in the same style as Pearl, though messier and with longer bangs. Wearing a flowing blue skirt alongside her blue halter top, her gem is embedded into her back.

Her name is Lapis Lazuli.