Chapter 1 when we were young.

Olivia's POV



Olivia let out a frustrated sigh she was getting the rest of her things ready for her first day of school in a new town. Olivia is only 10 years old however she is used to moving about from town to town same routine start new school make new friends few months down the line they pack up and leave. However this time her parents had promised her there would be no more moving. Her parents didn't agree on a lot of things but Olivia's education they did agree on. Olivia took one last look around her room to ensure she had everything she needed for the day and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Olivia i swear to god if i have to shout you one more time."

"Ok ok i'm coming Dad."

Olivia left her room and ran down stairs dropping her backpack near the front door and walked towards the kitchen.

"Please don't let them be fighting again today, i'm not asking for much just want one morning to be a happy family morning without all the shouting and screaming."

Olivia sighed to herself before walking into the kitchen. Her mum was stood with her back to Olivia and talking on the phone. Her dad was reading the paper sat at the table eating his breakfast. He looked up when he saw Olivia enter the room.

"Morning Olivia we have 5 minutes before we have to leave so you better get yourself some breakfast."

"Morning Daddy."

Olivia walked over to her dad and kissed him on his cheek before taking a seat next to him and picked up a slice of toast. Olivia wasn't that hungry she never was in a morning but she knew better than to fight with her dad. So she took a bite of her toast and swallowed it. Her mother came off the phone and walked over to Olivia and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Have a good first day at school honey, i'm sorry i can't take you but something at work as come up and i have to go away for a few days."

"It's ok mom i will…."

Olivia was cut off by had dad's booming voice.


"Eli don't take that tone with me…"

Olivia blocked out her parents screams and left the kitchen and went and sat on the stairs put her hand over her ears and let a single tear fall from her eyes. Olivia wasn't sure how long she was sat there but suddenly the kitchen door flew open and her mum came walking out. She walked to the front door walked through it and slammed it behind her.

"Bye mom"

Olivia quickly stood up and wiped her eyes she couldn't show her dad that she been crying he would see that as a weakness.

"Come on Olivia were going to be late you have your mother to thank for that."

Olivia picked up her backpack and followed her dad out of the house and to the car. The car ride to school was a quiet one you would of been able to hear a pin drop. Olivia had tried to talk on a couple of occasions but she stopped herself when she looked over at her dad. She could see he was still angry he had the look in is eyes and he was holding on to the steering wheel so tight his knuckles had turned what. Instead Olivia looked out the window left wondering what today would bring.

20 minutes later Olivia was all checked in at school and was saying goodbye to her dad before being shown to her new class.

" remember Oliver you …."

"I know i have to be twice as good as them to have half of what they have!."

"That's my girl i love you Olivia."

"Love you too daddy."

Olivia watched her dad leave the school and then followed the school secretary to her new classroom. She took a deep breath and walked inside. Her new teacher was talking to the class suddenly it all went quiet when Olivia walked in. this happened to her every time it still hurt but she wasn't going to show them that. So she put her best fake smile on her face she knew no one would notice they never had before. Her teacher came over to her and smiled.

" you must be Olivia im Mrs Cooper it's nice to meet you."

Mrs Cooper then turned towards the class.

"Class this is your new classmate Olivia i want you all to make her welcome."

"Hello Olivia" all the cass spoke at the same time.

Olivia didn't miss the strange looks and whispers she was getting she just made sure her smile was bigger.

"Why don't you go take a seat right over there."

"Yes miss."

Olivia went over to the empty desk that Mr Cooper had pointed to. She put her backpack on the floor next to the desk and slid into her seat. She could still hear the whispers on her left hand side. However to her right she could feel a set of eyes looking at her she turned slightly to look at the person looking at her. She didn't know who it was however he was looking at her differently to everyone else. It was like he could see through her fake smile and see the real Olivia pope. She gave him a shy smile and he smiled back



"Mr Grant have you done your homework?"

Olivia broke eye contact and looked over at her teacher that was looking at the boy next to her. He clearly hadn't heard her as he was still looking at Olivia. Olivia couldn't help but let a small laugh escape her mouth.

"Fitzgerald Thomas Grant?"

Fitz's POV

Fits suddenly jumped at the sound of his teacher voice and reluctantly moved his focus of Olivia and her big brown eyes.

"Sorry miss?"

"I asked you have you completed your homework?"

"Yes miss."

"Well then Mr Grant do you want to read out your homework or you could go back to looking at Miss Pope if you like?"

Fitz heard all his classmates laughing at him but he could feel Olivia watching him as much as he wanted to take a peek at her he never did. He slowly rose of his seat and the laughing stopped when they got a look from there teacher. Her eyes then landed back onto Fitz.

"That what i through proceed when you ready Mr Grant"

Fitz cleared his throat to say he was a little nervous was a understatement he didn't like talking in front of his classmates but he knew he had to overcome his fare.

"When I grow up i'm going to be President of the united states of America."

Once again the class room erupted into laughter. Mrs Cooper folded her arms and gave Fitz a stern look and shook her head.

"What are we going to do with you young man? If you can't take your homework assignment seriously and can't complete it then it's off to detention for you after school."

"But Miss i have done it and one day i will be President you just wait and see."

Fitz picked up his homework and walked up to the teacher desk and dropped his homework on the desk and walked out of the classroom he managed to take one last look at Olivia before he walked out the door and gave her a wink.

Fitz walked to the school library he knew not many people would be in there at this time of day. He quickly found his corner that he always sat in and got his book out of his backpack and started to read. Or at least tried to read it but his thoughts kept going back to what happened in class, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Why won't anyone take me seriously? My dad has always said you have to dream big son to get anywhere in life. Sure i could've said i want to be a doctor or lawyer all the normal things people say when they're young but that would be a lie. I want to make a difference in the world and what the best way to do that then be the President. Then again maybe they are alright i could still help people doing a regular job maybe thats what im meant to do with my life. Who knows? I have just turned 11 years old i have plenty of time to make up my mind. Who knows what path my life will take me down?"

Fitz wasn't sure how long he had been sat in the library lost in his own thoughts but when he opened his eyes he couldn't help but smile when he saw Olivia at the other side of the library looking through the rows of books. Fitz put his book in his backpack and stood up making his way over to Olivia.


Olivia turned and smiled when she saw it was him.


"Im fitz."

Fitz stuck out his hand in front of him and waited for Olivia to shake his hand and when she did it was so quick anyone would think that just touching his hand had burnt her but he knew why. Soon has her sink had touched he felt a spark. He wasn't sure what it was he just knew it had never happened to him before with anyone else.

" I'm Olivia but you know that already."

Fitz saw Olivia smile at him but it was a smile that didn't reach her eyes he wanted to ask her about it but thought better of it he didn't want to push her away.

"Well it's nice to me you Livvie".

Fitz noticed the way she looked at him when he shortened her name it was like he could see her walls being built up around her.

"I'm sorry Olivia it is."

"Oh no it's ok really it's just no one has ever called me that before always been Olivia."

"You must be joking right? not even your family?"

"Where not that type of family it's complicated."

"Oh i understand complicated. I'm sorry i will just call you Olivia from now on."

"No please don't i kind of like Livvie."

"Are you sure Olivia is a lovely name."

"Thanks but i think we're going to be friends so you can call me Livvie."

"Ok then but you're wrong you know we're not going to be friends."


Fitz saw the disappointed look on her face and gave her his famous cheeky smile.

"Were already friends best of friends. You're stuck with me now Livvie we're always going to be in each others lives no matter what."

Fitz took Olivia by her hand

"Come on a will walk you to our next class we don't want to be late."

"Whatever you say Mr President."