Okay, finally, I have gotten around to writing a different Disney AU. This is going to be a Gramander Pocahontas AU and I hope everyone enjoys it.

Please read and review ?


"Percival!... EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

A familiar winged creature burst out of Newt's wand and charged at the Dementor, knocking the dark creature back towards the exit of the execution chambers.

Once the threat of the Dementor was gone, the Hippogriff turned to face the rest of the room, before disappearing into silver mist.

Before anyone could say anything, Newt turned to his brother (not lowering his wand) and glared at him. "If you want to kill him, you'll have to kill me too."

"Newton. Stand aside!"

"NO! I WON'T!"

Everyone who was a member of the British Ministry gasped slightly in shock…. They had never heard Newt raise his voice to that level.

"… I love him Theseus!"

The voice had lowered in volume, but everyone still heard him.

Slowly, the British Aurors lowered their wands as Newt continued. "Look around you Theseus! This is where hatred has brought us!" Slowly backing away, Newt cast the spell that un-bound Percival and took a hold of the American's hand, "This is the path I've chosen Theseus… what will you choose?"

There was a brief moment of silence, before Theseus lowered his wand fully and turned to the Minister, shaking his head slightly.

Noticing this, the majority of the American Aurors also started to lower their wands, sensing that the threat of a duel was over.

Nobody noticed how the President remained tense… and Newt placed his suitcase on the ground, tapping it as the Minister took a step forwards.

"This young man…" the Minister gestured to Newt, "… speaks with a wisdom beyond his years. We are all here with anger in our hearts, but he came with courage and understanding! From this day forwards, if there is to be a war, the first attack will not come from my aurors."

The Minister nodded at Newt, a gentle smile on his face as Newt beamed and threw his arms around Percival, prompting Percival to return the hug (and sigh in utter relief).

On the American side, wands were sheathed…. Well, almost all of them.

"Now's our chance!" announced Picquery, keeping her wand aimed at the Minister and Theseus, "Attack!"


The President turned to Credence (who had Tina and Queenie behind him) in shock. "I beg your pardon?!"

Credence was shaking at the look the President was giving him, so Tina took over. "They let Director Graves go Madame President."

"Yeah!" agreed Fontaine, "They don't want to fight."

"It's a trick! Don't you realise that! ATTACK!"

None of the American Aurors obeyed, all glaring at their President. Percival couldn't help but stare at his old friend in shock… what had gotten into her?!

"Fine…" Picquery snarled, "… I'll take care of this myself!"

Before anyone could react, she cast a Non-verbal spell (probably Stupefy, judging by the red light coming from the wand) at the Minister, who could only stand there in shock.

Just before Theseus could dive to the Minister's safety, a shield charm suddenly appeared in front of the man, sending the Stunning spell in a completely different direction.

"How dare you!"

Everyone span around in shock at the familiar voice, with Percival pulling away from Newt and growing pale at the sight.

Dressed in a simple white shirt and a black skirt, her hair loose and a wand out-stretched in front of her… was another President Picquery.

"You've made a grave mistake Mister Grindelward…" she stated, keeping her eyes focused on her double, "… did you really think you would get away with starting a war between England and America?"

The other Picquery snarled as she flung another spell at the new threat, which was easily deflected.

Nobody knew what to do.

Nobody knew for certain that the second Picquery was the right one, and joining one side or the other, could have meant political suicide. Instead, everyone drew their wands, preparing to defend themselves if the duel got out of hand.

They didn't have to worry for too long though.

A strange, green horned creature suddenly flew over their heads, heading straight for the first Picquery. Before she could react, the creature wrapped itself around her arms, trapping them to her side."

"Accio!" cried out Tina, catching the wand as she watched Newt stride over to her President.

"Revelio." he whispered

Picquery hissed slightly, her skin lightening, muscle mass increasing as her hair turned blonde and seemed to shrink back into her head.

Once the transformation was complete, everyone found themselves staring at Gellert Grindelward himself.

"Merlin's beard!" exclaimed the Minster as the real President Picquery strode up to the criminal, "How on Earth did- "

"- If I may Minister?" Newt interrupted, "It seems as though Mister Grindelward trapped President Picquery inside her own necklace, using her hair for Polyjuice potion."

"So how did you find out?"

Newt shuffled nervously from side to side, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his Niffler, keeping a tight hold of it as the creature's eyes lit up at the sight of all the shiny objects it could steal. "It spears as though he managed to steal the necklace. I think he knew something was wrong with it, because he brought it to me… eventually. When I opened it, I found the President."

"And I am more than grateful for that." Stated the real President Picquery, a warm smile on her face, "I don't suppose he can be spared Minister? I could use men like him in America."

"I am sorry Madam President, but Newt belongs here."

"As you wish… Director Graves?"

Percival straightened up when he was addressed.

"I think a meeting is in order. I need to know exactly what Grindelward has been up to in the time that I've been away."

Giving Newt an apologetic look, Graves nodded. "Yes… Madame President."

As Grindelward was dragged out of the execution chamber (no matter how many people muttered that they should just bring the Dementor back in), he turned to Newt and smirked at him.

"Will we die, just a little?"

Newt couldn't help but frown, watching as Grindelward was dragged away, followed by the MACUSA aurors.


Seraphina was understandably shocked.

Not only had Grindelward almost started a war and taken in an obscurus (who had confessed to Auror Lestrange's death, and was now being taken care of by Tina), no-one from MACUSA even knew that she'd been replaced.

Not even one of her oldest friends had realised, despite his worry at her changing attitude.

Everything was a mess, therefore the President cut their trip short, apologising to the Minister and making an agreement to stay in contact with one another for the trial of Gellert Grindelward.

But she didn't want to stay in England any longer than she had to…. Hence why they were here… at the docks.

"Do we have to leave right now?" asked Percival, stalling for time as he glanced around.

Surely Newt had heard about them leaving?

"The ship is leaving Director…" sighed the President, "… I believe we have caused the British Government enough problems for one decade."

Percival couldn't stop his face from falling at that, and Picquery quickly picked up on that.

"You seem… unhappy to leave Percival? After our last trip here last year, I thought you said you never wanted to come here again?"


"I sense a certain hero of mine is the reason you want to stay?"

"… I was merely hoping to say goodbye Madam President."

Seraphina smiled at him in sympathy, until she spotted something behind him. "I think you may get that chance."

At the sly grin on her face, Percival span around and grinned at the sight of Newt, the Minister, Theseus and Newt's friend, Jacob walking towards them.

"Newt…" he greeted, walking to meet the young man, "… I didn't think I'd see you again?"

Newt smiled shyly at the older agent, "I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye…. I hope everything is alright with Credence and the President."

"One of my Aurors has agreed to take him in. She's good with him, so I'm hopeful. And President Picquery will be fine… she's a strong woman."

Before Newt could say anything, the Minister stepped forwards and smiled at the American group, focusing on Percival briefly. "Know that you are always welcome here, and I hope you can forgive us for the confusion and the… almost execution."

Seeing that the Minister was clearly disappointed in himself for not spotting Grindelward in disguise, Percival was quick to reassure him that everything was forgiven.

His worries soothed, the Minister took a step back (taking a protesting Theseus with him), leaving Newt and Percival alone.

Before Newt could say anything however, there was an excited female squeal from behind Percival and Queenie came rushing forwards.

"Jacob!" she squealed, leaping into the muggles' arms and kissing him on the mouth, "I can't believe it's you!"


Newt watched the happy reunion, smiling softly as one of his oldest friends spun the girl of his dreams around in happiness. "I knew he had to run from America because he fell in love with a witch…" he sighed, "… He was always worried that he would never see her again."

Percival felt a pang of sympathy for the nice muggle and Queenie. No-one could win in their situation, because if Jacob chose to go back to America, then Newt would lose his best friend. If Queenie decided to stay in England, then Tina would lose her sister.

The happily reunited pair wouldn't want to hurt their friends and family like that.

Newt however, had a different perspective.

"Jacob…" he sighed, "… if you really want to go back to America, I won't stop you. I'm sure MACUSA can make an exception for you two."

As he said this, he glanced at Picquery, who seemed to realise that Newt wasn't just being hopeful… he was stating a fact. MACUSA would make an exception for Queenie and Jacob, even if it meant that Newt would be losing his best friend.

"I think we can work around that." Stated Picquery, who glanced over at Queenie and Jacob, "Whatever you two decide, MACUSA will work with you."

As Queenie and Jacob moved over to the rest of the American Aurors, followed by the Minister and Theseus, Percival and Newt turned their attentions back to one another.

"Well…" sighed Newt, suddenly nervous, "… It's been, ummmm- "

"- Hasn't it?" interrupted Percival, chuckling slightly as he thought back on the previous week. It had certainly been something. There was a brief moment of silence, before he continued, "Listen Newt…. I wanted to thank you."

"What on earth for?"

"You know…. The dramatic entrance when you came to save my life? Without your help, I wouldn't be here right now."

Newt flushed slightly at the memory, "I-I usually don't like to… stand out like that. B-but I couldn't let you be killed."

"Well… My job can be very dangerous. Maybe I'll need your help in the future?"

Newt's flush darkened, "W-well, I'll have to take Frank to America soon…. Try not to get into trouble until then?"

"I suddenly see a holiday in my future… I can show you around New York and America maybe?"

Nodding slightly, Newt beamed at Percival. "I would like that."

There was a brief moment of silence, before Percival glanced back at the ship. "I-I should really get going."


"C-can I write to you?"

"Of course."

Nodding and grinning at Newt, Percival turned and headed onto the ship…. But before, he could step onboard, he span around and raced back to Newt. "I really want to kiss you…" he whispered, "…. Hold still."

Stealthily, he pulled his wand out of its' sheath and cast a Disillusionment charm on the both of them. Thankfully, Muggles very rarely pay attention to what was right in front of their nose, so no-one really noticed how two people seemed to vanish into mid-air.

Keeping a hold of Newt, Percival gently tugged him closer and leaned in (hoping his aim was accurate) as he kissed the younger man on the lips.

When they eventually separated (because Picquery was starting to get impatient and clear her throat a little too much), Percival cast the counter-charm and slowly backed away.

"I'll see you soon?"

Newt beamed and nodded, "Of course"

"… Goodbye Newt."

"Farewell Percival."

As Percival and the rest of MACUSA (minus Queenie, who seemed to have decided to stay for a little bit longer) disappeared onto the ship, Newt felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"So…" Theseus began, "… I'm assuming you're going to reject Leta's proposal?"

Newt nodded, sighing as the ship pulled over from the docks. "Do you think Mum and Dad would be proud?"

"Yes Newt… I think they would be so proud of you."