Summary: Prompt: Anne and Gilbert playing spin the bottle.

Notes: I took the liberty of having the prompts exist in the same AU :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

"Okay, I'm officially going to blow my brains out if we don't do something sane for once, instead of killing ourselves with eating contests," Billy Andrews announces to the group, confidently strutting into the basement where we were all situated. I speedily informed him of our game of Uno, which he shrugged to, bringing my attention to the shiny bottle of Coca-Cola in his hand. Josie Pyre followed suit behind him, she wore a teasing smirk when she plopped down next to Gilbert at my side, and she surely was a part of the flawed inception of this plan.

Diana interjected, "Oh come on, we aren't little kids anymore guys."

"Seriously? Do you have a better idea?" Josie jeered, handing Diana the bottle, as if bestowing her the honor of being the first to spin. Diana sent it back towards Billy's direction across from her, "You're such a—"

"If we're going to play, we should let people decide if they'd rather sit it out," Gilbert proposed, seemingly ready to play along with Billy and Josie's dull foolery.

Diana immediately removed herself from the group and Anne was tempted to follow, but after having experiencing the rush from beating the boys at the eating contest, she wasn't about to step down from this challenge. However, she was unclear about exactly how to win at spin the bottle, just don't turn anyone down?

Charlie, Moody, and Ruby all nudged their way into the circle, effectively ready to play.

Anne felt Gilbert playfully nudge her side with his arm, he was smiling at her and motioned for Anne to check her phone.

Under the text she had sent him was a smiley face emoji from him, to which she rolled her eyes and tried to conceal her blush.

Anne: "You're going down :P"

She sent, biting her lip in anticipation to Gilbert's response. He laughed at his screen, the corners of his eyes crinkling in their boyish way and instead of texting her, Gilbert leaned down to whisper, "How does one win at this sort of game?"

Anne only shrugged, senselessly beaming back at her friend, but Ruby attempting to hide behind her phone distracted her from him. Especially since she appeared to be taking a picture of her and Gilbert.

"What was that?" She asked a pink cheeked Ruby, her eyes wide in feigned innocence, "Delete that!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, hiding her phone under her thigh, giggling to herself beside an unimpressed Billy.

"You little!" Anne glared at Ruby and was now crawling across the circle to tackle the phone away herself, when she felt Gilbert's hands on her shoulders, pulling her back towards her seat, "Let me go this instant, Gilbert Blythe!" Anne cried heatedly over her shoulder.

"Yeah, show her whose boss Gilbert!" Anne was positively fuming now, struggling against her captor in the direction of Billy Andrews. Gilbert said something about how Billy deserves whatever is coming for him and released Anne.

Billy immediately jumped from his seat, covering his face with his forearm, but Anne couldn't bring herself to dignify his little spat.

"I won't smack the sense back into you if you accept a dare," Anne offered, hearing the rest of the room snickering. Billy slowly lowered his arms and showed his face once more, "I dare you to kiss the boy of your choosing."

All the blood from Billy's face drained away before their eyes as the look of utmost terror arose to his once blank expression, "But the boys don't have to kiss each other!"

"I don't remember that being a part of the rules…" Anne said, fueled by Diana's incessant laughter, "Gilbert, you can attest to the ferocity of my hand, what would you advice Billy to do?"

Anne turned to Gilbert, whose cheeks were a pleasant pale pink color, a permanent grin on his face. His eyes were on hers, but they were reflective, conjuring his memories from that infamous slap, "I would without a doubt take the bet."

Billy took a few seconds while Anne went back to her seat, trying to control her own giggles from bubbling up to the surface, it didn't help that the whole room were beside themselves just from observing Billy urgently evaluate his male peers.

"Fuck," Billy groaned, while taking his time crawling in Gilbert's direction, insuring the hollering from the group, "Buddy, I'm sorry," Billy pleaded before crushing his lips onto Gilbert's, who had no time to react before Billy secured his head into place within his hands.

Anne was aghast along with the rest of the group, who had grown quiet in utter surprise, watching Gilbert reciprocate the kiss. The girls were flushed a scandalous red color and even Moody had to advert his eyes, but Charlie seemed to be more entertained than anything. In a matter of two seconds, the shock had dissipated with calls of "get it Gilbert and Billy!" Even Anne joined the chorus along with Diana, she honestly hadn't expected Billy to actually follow through, but this was better than anything she could've imagined.

This was the stuff of legends to be immortalized for generations to come and if their friend group ended up growing old together, their children would undoubtedly be sharing in this most bizarre occurrence.

Long after the two boys had separated from their embrace, no one could bare look them in the eye, not since they caught Gilbert sending a very much flustered Billy a pert wink as soon as Billy regained his composure, effectively triggering him back into a fit of flipping Gilbert off.

"You know we'll never let you two live this down, right?" Moody said, bumping Billy on his shoulder.

"Totally fine with me," Gilbert replied, clearly proud of himself and incredibly sure of his own masculinity, enough to be so carefree, "I think I'd consider myself the winner," he said to Anne now, who shook her head, astounded by Gilbert's attitude.

"Yeah, that was the best kiss you've ever had. Right, Blythe?" Billy said, easing into the lighthearted atmosphere in the room. Gilbert's only reply was to teasingly pucker his lips back at Billy, "I'm sure that was to your satisfaction, Anne."

"Oh yes…Well, it's getting late," Anne sighed, rubbing tears of laughter from her eyes, reminded of how Marilla would have her neck if she didn't return by her curfew.

Gilbert, Ruby, and Diana stood with Anne to accompany her to the door and the rest waved their goodbyes.

Ruby playfully nudged Gilbert and Anne together, "Why don't you be a gentleman walk Anne home, Gilbert?"

Anne narrowed her eyes, "Why don't you mind your business and hand over your pho—"

"Actually, I was just going to offer," Gilbert interrupted, reaching for his red coat, "It's dark out and it's no trouble."

"Perfect!" Diana exclaimed, hugging Anne on her way out the door, "I know no reasons why Anne should have to walk on her own."

Anne thought of a few reasons why to deny his company: Diana appears to have selective memory when it comes to the multiple instances in which Anne had already walked home on her own in the dark before, it wasn't fair for Gilbert to have to walk back alone, no one else was offering to accompany them, what if something happened on his way back, what if they receded back into their old ways of uncomfortable silences and misinterpreted words?

In the end, Gilbert's expectantly hopeful gaze deterred any further objections on Anne's part, "Okay… but I'm racing you there!"


Notes: Thanks for reading! Remember to bookmark, leave kudos, and or a comment! :) I know, I know... it got weird, but it often does when playing spin the bottle hehe

Notes: Phew, not my best, but it was fun to write at least and hopefully fun to read as well!
Please leave kudos and or a comment to let me know if you want me to continue.
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