It had been a rather tiring day. Another added to the list of tiring days of Regina Mills. She had stayed late at the office, signing more than a thousand papers and correcting another set of them because some people wasn't competent enough to do it right or so it seemed. Then Henry was throwing an attitude at her, something he certainly had picked up from her but now was using against her.

As soon as she had crossed the threshold, she had caught him sitting on the stairs, the straps of his bagpack on his shoulder. He looked like he had been waiting for a while, and he hid the walkie talkie he carried almost everywhere –even to the bathroom –seriously, does this kid need to tell Emma everything he does?– when he though she wasn't looking.

After he had begged her to go for an ice cream with Emma, she had just let him, not without reminding him to be home by 9 sharp to go to bed. When the front door closed behind him, not even thanking her or kissing her goodbye, Regina closed her eyes and her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. She remembered when it was good, when Henry loved her and didn't treat her like if she was nothing in his life.

She had taken advantage of her solitude and prepared a bath while she poured herself a glass of wine, filled to the top. It was only Tuesday but she couldn't find an ounce of guilt in her body as she sipped from the reddish liquid. She didn't wait for the tub to be full when she stripped her clothes and dipped inside, relaxing as she felt the level of water increase around her body and hugging her curves. She had laid back, closing her eyes while the glass danced in her fingers. It had been a long time since she hadn't had the opportunity to enjoy a good bath.

Regina had skipped dinner, promising it would only be that time. She was getting ready to go to bed when she heard the front door opening and closing, followed by the stomps of her son. She walked out of her bedroom and caught him just when he emerged from the stairs.

"Mom," he had breathed as he jumped startled. He looked scared and guilty and Regina raised an eyebrow. She glanced at a clock and then at him; it was past 10. She crossed her arms on her chest.

"You're an hour late, Henry."

"Emma and I got caught up with uh…at Granny's and we didn't realise the time. It won't happen again, I promise."

Regina had sighed and looked at Henry. She was tired both physically and emotionally, and seeing Henry scared of her was doing her no good. It was destroying her how he couldn't see she only tried to protect him and did what was best for him. Instead, he only saw her as the Evil Queen who only tried to make his life impossible.

"Your sleep is very important Henry. You're growing up." He had nodded but kept quiet, his big brown eyes looking up at her and she had smiled. "Go to bed and get some rest. I'll wake you up tomorrow for school."

He had blinked at her, surprised he had just gotten away with it that easily without a punishment. Regina had got to see a little smile before he disappeared behind his door. She had stared at it for a moment before retreating to her own bedroom to get into bed.

And there she was now, after more than –she guessed– two hours without being able to sleep. Her mind was going over everything she could think of. The grocery list. Bread, cheese, Henry's favourite juice, healthy cereals, carrots, batteries. She had to make an appointment with the hairdresser for both her and Henry soon. The council meeting tomorrow. The member that would attend. Emma.

That woman. Her body reacted automatically at the thought of her, so cocky, so much feeling like she owned the place. Like she owned Henry. But also her casual sex partner since a few months. It had started one drunk night, and Regina had promised it would only be that night when she had found Emma on her garden after she was talking to Henry on her walkie. They had argued, spit venom at each other and somehow they had ended up against the back door of her house, devouring each other's mouths. Yes, she hated Emma, but god did that woman know how to use her fingers and tongue.

At the thought of their previous encounters, Regina's body tingled with a very familiar sensation and she sighed. After that day she could really use a way to get all the frustration out and what better, she thought, than a mind-blowing orgasm.

Regina reached for her phone on her night stand and hesitated for a moment when she noticed the hour. It was late and if Emma wasn't awake, it would look like a lame booty call full of desperation and Regina was not up to look like that to anyone, even less to Emma.

It was a long shot. She felt the frustration growing inside her and she huffed, opening the texts. The conversation with Emma was short and to the point. Drop Henry at 5. I expect this report to be done by tomorrow. Henry is asleep. Emma's answers were just as dry as hers to Emma, they barely changed.

Are you awake? She tried. Regina bit her lower lip, considering the idea and deciding it probably was a bad one, but it was too late when Emma's answer came in a few seconds later.

I'm on patrol.

You shouldn't text while you're working.

Regina could never pass a moment without scolding the town's Sheriff.

You started.

Emma could never pass a moment without throwing the ball back to the Mayor.

Henry is asleep.

I am working. I definitely can't skip this.

Regina blinked at the device. Out of everyone she knew, Emma was the person who would first jump into an opportunity to skip a shift. And even more if it was because of sex. She gritted her teeth and then released a huff.

Fine. What are you wearing?

Are you seriously sexting me?

I don't know what that means.

There was no answer for a minute and Regina frowned. She was about to search what sexting meant when her phone buzzed in her hand, pulling her out of her thoughts.

I'm wearing jeans and a tank top with the blue leather jacket. It's getting warmer.

I hate that leather jacket.

You hate all my jackets.

Take it off.

It's getting warmer but it's still chilly.

Take it off.

Okay but only if you tell me what you are wearing.

Regina raised an eyebrow.

You are working, dear. I am not.

The jacket stays on. Such a shame you would love to see I'm not wearing a bra today.

As her eyes read the text, Regina felt a blush appearing on her cheeks and thanked she was alone in the dark for anyone to notice. She smirked at the thought of Emma's perky nipples slightly visible through the tank top with the cool air of the night.

A satin nightgown.

The black one that looks like luxury lingerie?

It is luxury lingerie.

You got me warm enough for the jacket to go off. Is your nightgown off?


Oh come on. She could almost hear Emma's groan across town and smirked.

Earn it.

Regina waited for the next text to come, but after a while her phone remained still, its screen black like the sky that night and Regina's nightgown. She was starting to think either Emma had found something worth distracting her from this or she just didn't accept the challenge. It took a while longer, until the phone finally sprang to life.

I would love to take that nightgown off or maybe not and I could just kneel before you, spread your legs open and inhale the most bittersweet scent ever. I would lick up slowly at first a few times before staying in your clit and sucking and lapping, watching you squirm beneath me like you fucking need it because you do and you push against my mouth because you can't just get enough. And before you can come I would lay back and watch you look up at me with fire in your eyes but before you can say anything I would shove two fingers inside you and you're so tight every time I fuck you, you feel so good.

Regina stared at the screen and swallowed before she licked her suddenly dry lips which were parted as she read. She had never read what her lovers would like to do to her but while she had been reading a hand had snuck down her waist and she could feel the drenched spot between her thighs. Before she could muster another thought, her phone lit up again.

I fucking hate you but god I love when you come undone to my fingers or my mouth or my thigh. I swear I could drink you up for hours fuck I'm wet wish you were here.

Was Emma…?

Fuck im gonna come

Regina could almost hear the blood rush in her ear as her heartbeat sped up so fast she thought she might collapse. The thought of Emma touching herself on the Sheriff's car while texting Regina what she would like to do to her was making her breath shallow with desire. And in that moment Regina finally understood what sexting meant.

I want you here now.

I am on patrol.


Regina dropped her phone somewhere on the nightstand, her hands flying to her breasts to knead there. She sighed with pleasure and her eyes closed; god, she needed that release so much. But waiting for Emma would be worth it, so she waited.

She had to keep repeating that to herself when, after 10 minutes, she was still alone in her bed. Regina was now pacing the room, seriously contemplating to just take a cold shower and go to bed while her mind kept playing images of Emma's face beneath her as she rode that filthy mouth of hers, when she heard a knock on her window.

Regina opened the window in one swift motion and, without waiting for an invitation, Emma started to climb inside. Once she was almost in the room, except from her left leg, she looked up, breathless.

"Sorry, I was—"

Regina closed the window quietly and grabbed a fistful of Emma's jacket, which for some reason was back on her body again. She pushed her against the wall, tugging at the leather to get rid of the piece of clothes.

"I don't fucking care," she growled possessively as she hastily ripped Emma's tank top out of her body. "Next time I say I want you here now I mean it."

There was no answer nor possibility of one when she crashed her lips against Emma's, kissing her furiously. Emma kissed back, her hands tugging at Regina's nightgown to take it off, but the Mayor's hands stopped her.

"I might recall you planned on leaving it on?" she whispered to avoid being heard by their son sleeping at the far end of the hallway. Emma raised an eyebrow and Regina could see all the smugness that hid a slight blush of embarrassment wash over the blonde's face.

Emma pushed her roughly until Regina landed on the bed and the Sheriff crawled over her, straddling her thighs as she attacked the other woman's neck. Regina growled, grabbing a fistful of impossibly golden locks to force Emma away and squinted her eyes.

"I swear if you leave a mark," she threatened.

Emma, far from scared by that threat, smirked as she dipped her head down to lick at her neck. "Wouldn't dream of it, Your Majesty."

Regina whipped her head at the title, slightly taken aback by it but she relaxed when she realised Emma wasn't serious and was only mocking her. She threw her head back, granting more access to Emma's mouth now drawing a known path to both of them with her lips, down her collarbone.

But before she could go further down, Regina wrapped her legs around Emma's slender figure and used her strength to turn them over. She looked at a surprised Emma from above and her lips curved into a predatory smile. Without a word, she lifted her short nightgown, not too much but enough to be able to maneuver on top of her. When Regina started to climb up her body, Emma finally understood and Regina glimpsed a smirk on pink lips as she accommodated on the pillow. There was no warning, no asking nor words. Regina just stood there and Emma got the message and attacked, darting out her tongue to lick the feast that was presented in front of her.

They had been doing this for a while, lots of nights over the past few weeks, but even the first time Emma knew how to read Regina perfectly to give her the greatest pleasure she could. By then, Emma knew every spot, ever flick of her tongue that would drive Regina over the edge and it wasn't long until Regina was riding wildly Emma's face. She looked down and Emma seemed to read her mind when she looked up to meet her gaze. Seeing Emma beneath her, the ghost of a smile on her lips as she licked and sucked when Regina needed the most was enough to make her tremble over Emma.

The Sheriff helped her to come down the intense ecstasy of the orgasm and when Regina placed her hand on blonde tresses, Emma got the message and stopped, looking up like expecting Regina to tell her what to do next. Regina smirked; Emma was so cocky and smug but in bed she was at her mercy.

She climbed down and without wasting another second, her fingers worked the zip of the ever present tight jeans. Once they were off, Regina opened Emma's legs and without warning she plugged in two fingers, knowing the wetness coating the other woman's entrance would be lubricant enough. She was rewarded by a deep throaty moan, and she slid up to put her hand over Emma's mouth. However, she was so into fucking Emma, instead of fully covering her mouth with her hand, her fingers brushed Emma's lips, her ragged breathing sneaking through them. It was enough though and Emma bit her lip to keep from moaning.

Regina glanced down to see Emma's eyes rolling to the back of her head and decided that eyeroll was definitely better than the sarcastic one she usually received during their bickering.

Emma took a minute to recover her breath after the fourth orgasm she had had that night. She knew she would be kicked out soon, but she enjoyed a moment of bliss just laying there in a post-orgasmic haze. When she thought she was walking on thin ice, she stood up from the bed and started to pick up her clothes that were scattered on the floor. She found her panties and slid them back on place, grimacing at the still wet spot on them.

Regina slid inside her bed and covered her body with the soft sheets as she sat, leaning back and crossing her arms. "You kept Henry up past his bedtime. I told him to be here by 9."

Emma was zipping up her jeans and didn't look up when she shrugged. "He'll be fine. It's just half an hour."

"Do I really need to tell you how important it is for children to have a bedtime?"

After putting on her tank top, Emma bent down to reach for her jacket, "No thanks. You've lectured me enough. I'll bring him on time next time."


Regina watched Emma walk over the window and nodding as she pulled the window open, her biceps straining for the momentary strength used to do it. Before she could go out into Storybrooke's dark night though, Regina spoke behind her.


"Madame Mayor," Emma answered turning.

"I hope no crime was committed while you were not doing your job or I'll make sure to fins a more competent sheriff."

Emma rolled her eyes but before she turned completely away, Regina glimpsed the start of a smile. Without further word or goodbye, Emma jumped out and closed the window behind her, but Regina had already turned in bed and missed Emma glancing one last time at the brunette curled up in bed.

Notes: this is meant to be a one-shot of our ladies' session of sexting –or what Regina understands as such– but I'm not closed to continue this. Tell me what you think of this and how you would like it to go from here in the reviews!