I was standing there, covered head to toe in Minotaur blood, when I first felt the rush of my heart beating faster than I'd ever known before, and it was then that I fell in love.

I knew it from the nervousness that flooded my veins, the awe I felt as I stared up at her, and the racing of my frantic heartbeat that I'd fallen head over heels in love with her.

I hadn't came here to be the damsel in distress; I wasn't even a girl! I'd came to be an adventurer, a hero, and to try my chance at love, but instead I'd found someone that left my heart racing, filled my veins with a kind of desire that my grandfather hadn't really talked about, and I'd found myself staring up at my savior before embarrassment caved in, and I ran like never before.

I still felt my heart race in an echo of that moment, still found my mind trained on her, and I longed more than ever to be strong enough for her to long for me the way that I did for her.

I bit my lip and stared ahead, imagining what we could be saying in the future, feeling that dusting of 'I love you' barely touch our lips before we kissed.

I wonder when I'll finally work up the nerve to tell her how I feel or when I'll finally catch up to her.

I still feel rushing in my head, mind numbing blankness when I see her, and the racing of my heart that still keeps up with that frantic pace, I'd first felt when I'd laid eyes on her on the day that she'd saved my life so easily.