DISCLAIMER: I own nothing from the usage of music and lyrics to be shown throughout in this story, so please do not claim any copyright and enjoy the following.


Vol. 1, Ch. 3 – Leap

Sunset has come and Anzu recently left to head home as Yugi waved her goodbye before getting yanked back inside by his collar from Mrs. Mutou's grasp. Around the time Yugi came home, he received one hell of a scolding from his mother, reprehending him for ever actually participating in a fight and stooping so low at the level of a "lowlife thug." In spite of Yugi explaining that he never intended to get himself caught up in one, he understood why it was wrong, apologized and hoped she'd forgive him for causing so much trouble. Mrs. Mutou accepted it, knowing her son to be humble, but she still had to make sure he'd never pull off this sort thing again by grounding him for a least a month, twice than how long the school has suspended him. Mrs. Mutou made sure he'd only focus on his education, discipline him with chores and so on for the remainder of that time.

However, he is allowed to make contact with his friends, but will not be allowed to watch TV and especially will have his games taken away for that remainder of time, which Yugi (in comic fashion 'cause he really loves his games) begged her to "show some kindness from her soul" before she bonked him with her ladle and told him to go to his room for bed since it's getting late. He complied by heading upstairs and later shuts his door that he rests against, just glad that this was all said and done after a long day at school.

"Phew… Kind of went better than I expected," Yugi sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes, I really thought your mother could've torn you a new one," Atem quips as he appears sitting on Yugi's bed with a leg resting over his other.

"She might as well after what you did," Yugi glares at the spirit.

"Why are you now bitching about what I've 'done' when I barely did anything but dodge those stupid monkeys and simply defeated Joseph with just one finger to the forehead?" Atem questions. "Either be proud of what you've done like a man or bitch about it like some melodramatic pussy. Seriously, make up your mind."

"You—!" Yugi stops himself from yelling loudly for how his mother and grandfather may hear him, proceeding to whisper instead as he walks up to Atem. "You're the one who used my body in the first place…!"

"After you granted me permission to, and I quote, 'humiliate those bastards'," Atem glares. "Were those not your words, Yugi Mutou? I did exactly what you expected me to follow; I made sure I didn't fight back the best I could, letting those jackasses take the hits on each other long enough before Joseph involved himself to get hit by his lackeys as well and put on the finishing touches. You have no idea how unsatisfied I felt after that so-called 'fight' that could've changed everything for you, Yugi."

"…Well, what's it worth if it means scaring Anzu?" Yugi lowers his head.

Atem only rolls his eyes, "Tch, Anzu this, Anzu that—what is so damn important about that woman?"

"She's my best friend, Atem…!"

"Oh, really? Is she your best friend or perhaps someone whom you wish to be more than friends with?"

Yugi grew a light blush, stuttering, "W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh, please, you make it so obvious, Yugi; if there is anything else in the world that makes you happy in life other than your family, your games and even your friends, it would happen to be your precious Anzu. You've been smitten by this vixen since you two were only children. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out."

"Yeah, well…so what? And don't call her a 'vixen'; she's nothing like that."

"'So what? And blah-blah' he replies. She's holding you back, boy—can't you see that for your own sake if you really want to become strong in order to protect her and your friends?"

"I already told you, what's it worth if it means scaring Anzu? I don't want to become some revenge-driven monster that'll just turn my friends away? I just…I just don't want to lose Anzu… She was my very first friend…and I owe her so much…and it'd break my heart and literally kill me if she's gone from my life…"

Atem can only growl softly under his closed mouth, thinking, 'Damn it… The boy has fallen deep for the cerulean eyes of that brunette and it's obvious that the love he has for her is strong within him. As beautiful as she is, I can admit, she stands in the way of my goals. Unless I do something about this, I'm screwed…'

"…I see… Then please let me apologize for this argument that I caused," Atem bows.

"No, it's okay… I'm just gonna go lie down now; I'm exhausted…" the boy sighs as he walks over to his bed and lies down…then grows a deadpan face upon seeing Atem next to him with his hands behind his head and staring at the ceiling. "…Atem…please get off my bed."

"Nah, I'm good here. Besides, this bed is surprisingly comfortable," Atem smirks.

"You're literally a spirit; you are in no way to feel anything."

"Your point?" Atem forms a wisecracking grin before getting kicked off by Yugi, who smirks knowing he can make physical contact with the spirit. "Oomph! …I'm gonna pay you back for that."

Yugi completely ignores him, seen putting on his earbuds and turning on MP3 player. Atem takes note as he pops up back to his feet to glare, but Yugi hasn't noticed him yet. He was too busy lightly strumming an imaginary guitar in his hands for a few good seconds before softly singing the lyrics that are now heard through the headphones. Curious, Atem discreetly sits down next to his host to get a better listen; of course, Yugi actually notices and removes one earbud for the moment.

"It's called 'music', in case you were wondering," Yugi smirks, being a wisecrack himself now.

"I know what it is, boy; I've had heard plenty of it from my time," Atem glares. "I'm just curious to know what exactly you were listening."

"Well, if you must know…" Yugi unplugs the audio jack and turns the volume down enough to where only Yugi and Atem hear it, the song being recognized as "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam…and Atem was instantly hooked.

[Daddy didn't give attention

Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care!

King Jeremy the Wicked…

Oh, ruled his world!

Jeremy spoke in class today…!

Jeremy spoke in class today…!]

"…W…What is—whose voice is this…?" Atem asks, astounded as if his breath was taken away.

"That…would be Eddie Vedder of the popular grudge rock band from America, Pearl Jam," Yugi answers confidently.

"'Pearl Jam'? …What a strange, yet interestingly catchy moniker…" he rubs his chin.

"Well, glad you like 'em," Yugi nods as he lets the music play on for both of them to hear together, softly whispering the lyrics.

"What is the song that is playing, though?"

Yugi stops to answer, "It's called 'Jeremy', a very big hit of a song…though, controversial when the music video came out; got quite a story behind it, too…"

"…Do tell."

Yugi blinks with a raised brow, but complies, "Well, if you listen to the song as a whole, you'll hear two different true stories it is based on. The first part and the rest after the second part is takes inspiration from a newspaper article Eddie read about a 16-year-old boy named Jeremy Delle…who shot himself in front of his teacher and his entire class that morning."

Atem's reaction? Actual shock with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "I…w…WHAT? …Why would he just end his life like that? How is it that this song is popular as you say with that kind of story…?"

"Getting to it…" Yugi says. "Jeremy was described by his schoolmates as 'real quiet' and known for 'acting sad.' Reality of it was that he was constantly bullied and from what I assume, is he has his own little world to rule…mom and dad never there for him…and it lead to that point. He came late to class on purpose so he can get an admittance slip from the office when really, he came to get a .357 Magnum revolver from home so he can kill himself with it. So…it went according to plan…got the gun…handed his slip to the teacher and announced 'Miss, I got what I really went for'…pulled the trigger in his mouth…and that was it. Jeremy killed himself right in front of those students…for vengeance…"

The pharaoh had that concept in mind for Yugi since he was reborn…but no way has he had the intention to pull that off. His plans are ruined if it did come to that. Though, still apparently intrigued, he asks, "Vengeance? Against whom?"

"Those who tormented him, of course. Jeremy really thought if he killed himself, those bullies would learn their lesson and never torture anyone again…but really, it wouldn't solve anything. Nothing would change as much. Poor Jeremy simply ended up on a paragraph in a newspaper; suicide to 'take vengeance' on the bullies does nothing—nothing changes other than the anti-suicide posters. Even when they're gone, the world is just going to keep on rotating… And Eddie said it best, 'The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself. Be stronger than those people. And then you can come back.' …It's why I used to listen to this song all the time to remind myself about that incident every day…at least before grandpa found that puzzle and I decided to make it my goal to complete it so I can gain my wishes."

Atem blinks, "Hm? What do you mean by…?" he drifts off from his sentence…and realizes with eyes widening. "…You…thought to commit suicide…?"

"…On occasion, sometimes every day if the bullying gets worse," Yugi responses, without even hesitating nor blinking. "All my life…I was bullied to no end because I was weak and easily taken advantage of…and I tried so hard not to end it all…especially with people like my grandpa, my mom, Anzu, and now Jonouchi and Honda…those people that meant so much to me… What good would suicide do if I'd left them behind for my own selfish reasons of getting back at those people? Jeremy was unfortunately alone…but I was lucky to come home to a loving mother, a caring grandfather and a wonderful friend in Anzu since elementary school… It's thanks to this song that I remind myself that as desperately as I want to kill myself, it isn't worth leaving the world with my friends and family to mourn for me. I have to live and prove myself to those who doubt me. Nowadays…I'm glad I don't feel that need that often with who I have in my life so far."

"…Does anyone else know about this?" he asks, breaking his silence.

"Hmm…other than Anzu when she asked why I liked 'Jeremy' so much… Nope. Just you and Anzu know about this."

Atem then turns his head away, lost in thought over Yugi's love for this song and learning a lot more about his host. He suggests that after a long day, they both should get some sleep now as he disappears into the Millennium Puzzle. The young teen plugs his earbuds back into the device and simply stares up at the ceiling before closing his eyes to softly vocalize "Jeremy" as it reaches the climatic chorus.

During so, Atem hears the song within the item while sitting on his throne in his soul room, lightly bobbing his head with a small smirk and soon humming the lyrics to express how much he actually enjoys this.

"…Times has surely changed in over three thousand years while I was sealed away in the puzzle…especially the music. Likely for the better since Yugi is still alive thanks to this…'Pearl Jam'. …It's a shame that I'm trying to envision Yugi in my own way; I've just gotten to liking this kind of melody," Atem admits. "For now, the focus is to get him be more…anti-Yugi in a sense…so he can willingly accept my power. A lot of things stand in the way…but in time, they will be worth dealing with in the end."

It didn't take long for Yugi to fall asleep listening to his MP3 as it now plays Pearl Jam's "Alive"…and hearing the lyrics long enough gave Atem an idea. A very crazy idea as he takes control of Yugi's body, appearing wide awake and smirks. He takes his time sneaking out through the window and downward to the ground so no one notices him running off.

An hour later, Atem has brought Yugi's body on top of a building which was at least twenty-five feet across from another. The surrounding environment is yet to be known as Atem nods and closes his eyes to wake his host up…

"Yugi…wake up…" Atem calls softly, nudging the boy.

The young teen groans lightly as he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes from grogginess. "Mmgh…Atem? What is it? I was sleeping…"

"I am sorry for disrupting you, but I'd like to speak about our talk earlier…"


"Please…listen. I understand you're not wanting to take a path where Anzu won't recognize you again…but you're missing the point," Atem explains. "When you completed our puzzle, I had to make sure everything in your life is filled with happiness. In order to do that, there were people that had to be taken down like Ushio and Grimes. After what Ushio did and seeing through your memories of the Syndicate's wrongdoings against you, it sickened me. I wasn't going to let people like them keep abusing you for so long. I did what I could in my own power to resist laying a fist on Grimes and his monkeys for your sake, and lo and behold…they were mortified because they lost a 'little midget' without him lifting a finger minus that flick to Grimes' forehead. Tell me, Yugi…after all that…are you really still angry with me over how I nearly made you look bad in front of your Anzu?

"Or perhaps the truth is…you've enjoyed the very sight of those bastards lying on the ground injured by their own hands…and you've felt like as if a huge part of that weight has been lifted off your shoulders with a discreet smile you've had plastered on your face without anyone knowing except me. You are so tired of these people mocking you and taking advantage because of your weak stature and your kindness, being too damn soft… And that taste of vengeance for the first time…it did feel so damn good, didn't it?"

Yugi remained seated after hearing all of that from the spirit of his puzzle, digesting those words into his head and getting himself to think back the whole day that went down for him. To be honest, Yugi was sad about the reality of Yugi being too soft for his own good, something that Anzu and Jonouchi have been trying to tell him this entire time. And thinking back to the public humiliation of the Downfall Syndicate, he did remembered that as after he was told to head to the principal's office…he formed a satisfied grin without ever realizing it. That scared him…but at the same time, hearing Atem about the first-ever taste of vengeance reminding him of telling Anzu it has never felt so damn sweet…

"…As a matter of fact…" Yugi then looks up…with a grin of his own, "it did… It really did, Atem…"

Seeing this, the pharaoh returns the grin, hiding a psychotic feel to it, "That's what I like to hear… Now…as I'm glad we're back on the same page again…I have something to show you. A lesson of the high life that you're going to love experiencing."

"Heh, what would that be? Jumping from one building to another?" Yugi quips…and Atem only responds with a grin, which slowly worried him. "Uh…Atem…?"

"You'll be waking up momentarily," he simply states as he disappears.

"H-Hey! Ate—"

Yugi gasps as he wakes up back into reality and free of Atem's influence. He looks around to wonder where he's at and his eyes soon turn down all the way to see a busy street with lights, himself standing on the edge of an eight-story building across from another that was close to the same height. He really didn't think Atem was actually going to make him do this as he panics, nearly losing his balance until Atem took control of his legs to keep his host still.


"Just a test to give you the encouragement to be more confident and make yourself feel alive," Atem casually answers from his host's thoughts.

"ARE YOU FREAKING INSANE?!" Yugi screams, obviously terrified.

"Says the person talking to himself and predicted this would happen."

"I was JOKING!"

"Could've fooled me. Besides, this should give you he extra boost you need in your self-esteem."

"Hey, I have plenty of that…"

"Again, could've fooled me."

Yugi rolls his eyes, "This is just stupid and crazy, Atem, and you know it; I can't go through with this. I can't even make it past my own current height when long jumping in gym class!"

"Technically, a standing long jump. This would be a running long jump. Besides, for once in your life, stop acting like a little crybaby and do something exciting for yourself. We've had that talk, after all. Just trust in my power, focus strongly…and you'll make it. I know you will."

The teen thought the Pharaoh might be right about that. He was living the same thing over and over again with his life. Hesitant, he nods and starts walking the opposite direction to the other edge of the building to get enough distance for running. He stops upon arrival and inhales deeply, softly whispering to himself to "strongly trust Atem's power." Taking his time to get ready, he slightly crouches and digs his feet against the roof…once again inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly…and after a minute of waiting, Yugi turns heel and bursts out running as fast as he can.

Halfway through, Yugi takes quick breathes so he doesn't slow down, not for one second. And as soon as he reaches the edge, he jumps off the building, taking flight towards the opposite building! As if time was slowed down, Yugi felt like he was simply gliding through the skies with his breath held down for a brief moment while looking around his surroundings. Yugi checks down for a moment…and he was apparently already halfway across the gap! He couldn't believe it; Atem's power really is helping him get to his designation as his right foot makes contact with the roof and rolls forward, the momentum taking him halfway across before coming to a stop.

He felt quite a lot of pain all over his body and starts catching his breath from that insane, yet incredible experience. Yugi's heart was beating faster than a little bird…but a smile cracks across his face as he found it thrilling and exciting before beginning to laugh like crazy, so grateful he's alive and that he truly feels alive. He slowly gets up despite the pain and goes over to the corner edge of the building to hold his fists high…and howls at the top of his lungs.


"…Kids these days," chuckles a businessman in his fifties, overhearing Yugi from his car before driving off.

Yugi stands bent over with hands on knees as he takes his time to catch his breath again, "Hah…hah…that was…AWESOME!"

"I figured you'd like that. Care to go for it again?" Atem asks.


"Yes. There are plenty of buildings around us. …And you can feel it, can you?"

"Feel what…?"

"…The power… You can feel it flowing through your veins, can you? Before you answer, just try to forget everything that worries you for one minute…and meditate deeply to feel that power within…"

Yugi nods and closes his eyes. He tunes out every noise from the conversations to a few cars honking in the busy streets to search himself inside. Deeper and deeper, he thinks…and soon opens his eyes as he looks down in his hands and envisions his veins becoming filled with "black lifeblood" to symbolize the power of Atem seeping through from within. He was shocked at the sight before his hands slowly tighten up into fists.

"…Atem…I…I can see it… I feel it…"


"…and it feels pretty good…" he grins, almost wickedly. "I think…I think I can get used to this kind of thing…"

Standing aside Yugi as a spirit, Atem sees the new side of his host being revealed in his own very eyes and grins to the very sight. It seems that his plan is now slowly taken its course of guiding Yugi into a whole new path.

[BGM: "Alive" by Pearl Jam]

For hours on end, Yugi has traveled around the city from rooftop to rooftop, building to building—being able to leap between them in a single bound and simply having the time of his life in testing Atem's power to help him do the things he never thought he can do. He decides to test himself out by simply leaping and falling down in between two walls close to each other, not showing much panic as he adapts to sliding down the wall by his hands and feet before propelling himself even higher to the opposite and repeats this wall jump until reaching back up to the roof.

The boy wraps up his Le Parkour session as he stands on top of the tallest building he could find, staring out at the peak of dawn after removing his school uniform jacket and spreads both arms wide out, closing his eyes with a grin, soaking in the light and letting the wind blow past his hair with great velocity.

I…! Ohhh, I'm still alive!

Heeey, I…! Ohhh, I'm still alive!

Heeey, I…! Buuut, I'm still alive!

Yeaaah, I…ooh, I'm still alive…!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

He couldn't help but howl his heart out to the clear skies colored in various shades of red and orange due to the sunrise kissing the horizon before him as he then chuckles with a bright smile on his face. Atem can tell just how happy and alive Yugi felt tonight; this was a wild start to accomplish his goals…but it was enough for him to know that he'll reach them step by step.

Yugi arrives back at the Kame Game shop the same way Atem used for sneaking out, very glad he was home so he can receive his sleep as he kicks off his shoes and flops onto his bed.

"Home, sweet home…" he sighs in bliss, shutting his eyes for at least a good five minutes of slumber…

…until his alarm clock went off, not giving Yugi a single minute to rest as he groans and slams his fist over the snooze button.

"Damn it…!" Yugi whines with comical tears streaming down his cheeks.

To Be Continued…

(Atem: Sorry, Yugi.)

A/N: Yes, I know, short chapter than the last two, but this was the best I got; the chapter's name does focus on what Yugi has done here and I had no other idea how to continue on from there. Don't like it? Sue me. XP

'Member to review, fave, follow and so on as this story progresses, and I hope you've enjoyed what you read so far!

Signed by yours truly, Jesu.