Hey guys and girls.

Welcome back to the new chapter of The Black Grimoire.

So the last place we left off was where Naruto had fully taken the three former slaves in and given them what they wanted. A place to truly belong.

Giving them all names, Naruto adopts the two younger ones while the older one will be given her own room and have her status changed from slave, to noble.

But as it turned out, the one who owned them has come and decided to take them back. This angered Naruto to no extent. Having the man arrested, he charged the man with execution.

With the execution being held tomorrow, this will send a message to the North Empire, and to Naruto's father. The one that abandoned him. The one who started this all.

As well, after much debate with various followers, the following women will be added to the harem:

Vanessa - Black Clover
Rebecca Scarlet - Black Clover
Yasaka - Highscool DxD


Disclaimers: I own nothing.

Opening theme: Heavy Young Heathens - Being Evil Has A Price.

Chapter 16: Cutting Ties.

It was a chilled morning that rose upon the land. The steady bands of light slowly brought the occupants of The Black Hunter's territory out of their temporal slumber.

But on one such object that rested just outside the castle, the bands of light slowly rose the curtain upon the object. A singular blade rested in the structure. A large hole big enough for a head was seen att the bottom.

Many had already gathered before the castle as they waited patiently as to why their ruler had brought out this monsterous device out once more. Their questions were answered when Naruto was seen walking out the castle. His mistresses accompanying him along with the three girls Naruto took in. And a man that was secured by chains walked to the massive wooden beast with an iron blade.

The Guillotine patiently awaiting it's newest victim. The thirst of the beast was to be sated. Getting up to the platform, the guards that were escorting the noble set him into the Guillotine.

"On this day, this very man will be put to death for the crime of slavery and abuse." stated Naruto to the crowd.

Many of the grabbed stones from the floor and began throwing them at the man. Cursing him and verbally abusing him for what he had done. Raising a hand after a few minutes, Naruto stopped the crowd.

"It is not our place to judge him. It is our lord and master, The Blood God." said Naruto with everyone clasping their hands and offering prayers to the Blood God as they knelt.

Once they were done, Naruto turned to the man and gazed upon him with hate filled eyes.

"Any last words?" asked Naruto.

"See you in Hell." said the man.

"Like that will happen." said Naruto releasing the blade.

The blade dropped to the ground with such speed. It happened so fast. The blade was at the top, but soon the head of the noble rolled about on the floor of the platform.

But before anyone could cheer at the death of another man who would treat others as objects, the skies turned black and two flaming orbs burst forth before Naruto.

Everyone was instantly on their knees and offering prayers like mantras.

"Master, what is your desire?" asked Naruto bowing as well.

"My champion. You have just delivered me such a delicious soul. You have given me so many souls of nobles before. But this one tasted so much better than the others. As a reward, I shall bestow upon you the most powerful weapon ever created by those before you. The Staff Of Eternal Darkness." said the Blood God.

Instantly a portal on the wooden platform opened with a black soul coming out. In its hands rested a very powerful looking staff. Taking the weapon from the soul, Naruto watched the soul retreat into the portal before looking back to his master. Four blades protuded out from the top while two blades were seen coming out from the sides which pointed down. A purple coloured gem rested at the top while the bottom had a glass tube with purple lightning flowing through it. (A.N. Nercon Lord Staff Of Light. Just tweaked to how it looks here.)

Reaching a hand out, Naruto found the weapon to amplify his powers to amazing heights. Looking to the one whom he served, Naruto placed the staff next to him as he bowed once more.

"Thank you my lord." said Naruto.

"This very weapon was forged in the deepest pits of the Abyss. Together with the souls of those sacrificed during the Witch Hunts, the weapon has become extremely deadly in more ways than one. A weapon I would only bestow to those who have earned my blessing. And you have earned it more than my previous Champions. This weappon also holds a powerful transformation. You will be able to turn yourself into a towering being who has dominion over death. The Nightbringer." stated the deity with Naruto lowering his head.

"I shall use this glorious weapon to spread your name to the corners of the world and etch your name into the heavens, so all shall bear witness to your magnificence." said Naruto.

"Know that I will be watching you no matter what happens. I shall be watching with great interest." said The Blood God before vanishing and everything returning to what it was.

Looking to everyone, Naruto tightened his grip on the Staff Of Eternal Darkness. The purple gem at the top where the prongs were glowed more brightly.

"The time is upon us. We shall gain the relics of the Witch Hunts. We shall gain them no matter what. We shall stand against this nightmare. We will unite. I shall set our beloved and malevonent master free and he shall grant us our reward. The days of watching people die for just living are over. The Eternal Night is upon us." called Naruto with everyone raising their fists to the air.

"Long live The Blood God. Our lord and master." the crowd cheered.

Nodding his head and reaching down to grab the severed head of the one kill by the Guillotine.

"I shall go and leave this at the North Empire's King's doorstep. This will send them a message. Showing that we are not to be taken lightly."

"Good luck husband." said Tyuule bowing her head with the others doing the same.

"Albedo and Tyuule shall be in charge in my absence." said Naruto slamming the Staff on the ground with shadows swallowing up and disappearing as if he wasn't there.

Naruto reappeared outside the walls of the Northen Empire. Using his magic, he turned himself into a regular peasant. Overing the head with a cloth that soon became soaked in blood, he acted as if he was running in fear.

The guards stopped him and asked what he was doing.

"Please, you have to take me to the King." begged Naruto.

"It's the King's brother."

Taking him to the palace, Naruto smiled in subtlty at how naive these people were. But he knew massacring them would incure the wrath of his master. The Blood God gave him specific instructions to leave the North Empire alone for now. On the day of the Blood Moon would be the time Naruto could act and attack the North Empire.

Walking into the throne room of the palace, Naruto knelt to the King and Queen. But he soon felt something regarding the Queen. This feeling he felt when the people pledged aliegance to The Blood God. Smiling under his hood he began plotting another plan. The Queen had been tainted. Excellent.

"What is it?" barked Minato.

"My lord. I bring grave news. Your brother has been killed. A person calling himself The Black Hunter did it. He gave me this head and told me to deliver it to you. He said that your time will come soon." said Naruto holding out the head of the man.

Minato instantly lost his cool and shot up from his throne.

"Send as many troops to The South Empire. Kill The Black Hunter. No matter how many times it takes to break open the doors, destroy them all." ordered Minato with the guards in the room leaving to mobilise the forces.

Looking down to the man before him, Minato sat back down.

"Thank you for bringing this knowledge to me. And the head of my brother. Head down to the tavern for food and rest." said Minato with Naruto lowering his head.

"Thank you lord." said Naruto getting up and leaving.

Something to drink would be nice right now. He had only been in the North Empire twice in his life. This makes it the third time. The first one was to retrieve the documents Sena had managed to copy on enemy movements. The second was for more...unmentioned methods. Mainly spending time with Kamiyura who was under the disguise as a prostitute working in the local brothel. Which led to a very heated sex marathon with Kamiyura and the other hookers.

But here he was again. Under another disguise to deliver his warning to the King of the North Empire. Finally making it to a tavern, Naruto found it to be already noon. Getting inside and getting a drink, Naruto looked about to the various people there was.

But one such woman caught his eye. Her long flowing scarlet red hair and piercing green eyes. She was sitting further down from the counter he was at. A plate of food before her as she looked down. But before he could do anything, The Blood God spoke into his mind.

"Before you do anything. Tell me, what do you sense from her?"stated the god.

'I sense...something dark within her.' stated Naruto feeling the similar feeling from the Queen.

"Very good. Her name is Rebecca Scarlet. She has been secretly worshipping me. She along with your childhood friend and the Queen of the North Empire. Rebecca here has been asking me for assistance in helping to raise her brothers and sisters. I shall give you this command. Take her to your territory. Give her what she craves. Ensure she has a new life. One that doesn't involve back breaking labor. Approach her and tell her these words: When dawn alights, the souls of the damned shall stir." instructed The Blood God.

'It shall be done.' said Naruto getting up.

Walking over to the woman, Naruto tapped her shoulder. Leaning close to her ear, Naruto whispered.

"When dawn alights, the souls of the damned shall stir." he whispered making Rebecca's eyes widen.

"How do you know the words my master said to me?" whispered back Rebecca.

"I am The Black Hunter. And I have been told by my master to take you to my territory and give you a new life. Along with your siblings." replied Naruto.

"I don't believe you." hissed Rebecca.

Subtly showing her his left hand, Narutp flashed her his mark. Her eyes widened in disbelief at what she just saw.

"You're, the Champion of The Blood God." stated the woman with Naruto nodding his head.

"I am." stated Naruto. "Do you wish for a new life? Along with your siblings?"

Rebecca meerly nodded her head fast. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her prayers had been answered. She previously prayed to The God Of Life. But he didn't bother responding. Only recently did she turn her gaze upon The Blood God. And not even a month of listening to him say to her that someone will take her away, here was the man he told her about. This was absolutely incredible.

"Please, take myself and my siblings away from this nightmare. Please give us a new way of living. I will give you everything you want. My soul, my heart. Even my body." begged Rebecca.

"Then let us adjorn to your home. Once you have your siblings, I will teleport you to my castle." said Naruto with Rebecca nodding her head and getting up to leave after paying for her meal.

And scene.

Now it begins.

The day when The Blood God is released draws close. The day in which the land they see is completely destroyed and reshaped into something else is drawing closer.

Not only that, but Minato doesn't realize that his beloved wife, Kushina has turned her back on The God Of Life and is now worshipping a dark god.

What will become of this?

Chapter 17: Demonic Union.

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

Please rate and review.

BlackSpirit101 out. ;)