Hello lovelies! Here is a new story that I have been working on for some time. I just wanted to get this story up and going so that I can get some feedback on how it's going so far. Please feel free to leave a review or shoot me a pm to help me make it better. So, on with the quote!

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford

o0o0o0o0o0o TheDaughter of Aslan o0o0o0o0o0o0o

The sound of the air raid sirens flooded the house as Mum, Peter, Susan, and I ran about putting supplies together for the bomb shelter. Lucy was trying to help where she could, but for the most part she stuck to Mum in fright.

"Anna, I want you to wait for us in the shelter," Mum told me as blankets were piled into my empty arms.

"But I can help," I protested at once. What was she thinking? I needed to help get everything out to the shelter. It was my job as one of the eldest to help Mum out around the house.

"I need you to get the shelter ready for us darling," Mum countered softly, cupping my cheeks in each of her hands. "We'll need someone to calm us down when we get there."

Mum's earthy brown eyes stared into my bright blue ones. In her eyes I could see the fear she had for all of us and the desperation of her plea for me to do what she asked of me. A deep sigh escaped me as I gave in.

"Alright Mum," I agreed reluctantly. "I'll be waiting in the shelter."

I pressed a soft peck to her pale cheek before I slipped out of our house then slid into our bomb shelter. Every fear and worry I had for my family sped through my mind in rapid succession while I busied myself with turning on the lamps and heaters. After that I made the beds for everyone and put on some tea to help calm their nerves. Ooh, maybe I could make use of the extra pillows and make a makeshift sofa for us to sit on. My fussing over the makeshift furniture was interrupted by Mum,Lucy, my twin Susan,nas elder brother Peter flew into the shelter. I quickly noticed the absence of my younger brother Edmund. No, I realized with shock before my body raced out of the shelter and back into the house.

"Anna!" four voices shouted in shock and anger at my leaving the safety of the shelter. I ignored them all as I ran to Edmund's side. When I reached him, he was going for a picture of Dad that we had put on the fireplace mantle. Relief to see him safe was quickly dashed away when I saw the impending shadow of a falling bomb.

"Ed! Look out!" I yelled, launching myself at him. He looked at me in surprise with the picture frame in his hand before I pushed him to the ground and covered him with my body before the bomb struck. It must have been close to the wall the fireplace was on because it toppled down around us. I bit back a cry of pain as I felt the bricks hit my back and head so that I could prop myself up and look down at Edmund.

"Are you alright?!" I asked over the blaring of the sirens while my eyes raked over his from. I could see that he was slightly shaken up, but besides that he looked fine. Thank goodness.

"Anna?" Edmund said in shock up at me as if he wasn't grasping the situation fully.

"We have to go!"

With that I struggled to my feet, pulled Edmund to his, and ran us both back to the safety of the bomb shelter where the rest of our family was waiting for us. I made sure Edmund went first before I rushed in and pulled the door shut tightly after myself.

"Ed!Anna!" Mum exclaimed in joy and relief as she threw her arms around us both.

"Ow! Mum, be careful," I winced at the bone crushing hug she had me in. Mum quickly let us go then directed her attention solely on me. The first place her eyes went was my forehead.

"Anna! What happened?! Your head-,"

It was at that moment that the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins had dried up, which meant that I could feel the blossoming pain that throbbed in my skull, the soreness all over my back, and the warm wetness of blood making a track down my temple. Bloody fucking hell this hurts, I hissed in my head at the incoming pain. To try to distract myself, I thought of what Mum would say if she heard me say this aloud. No doubt she would wash my mouth out with soap.

"Anna shielded me from the wall that fell down," Ed told Mum, looking angry yet thankful towards me. Even though he was younger than me, he always thought to try to protect me from anything that could cause me harm. He fancies himself my little protector.

"This is all your fault Ed," Peter accused, rounding on Edmund with a red face. "If you hadn't run back in then-,"

"Stop it right there Peter James Pevensie," I interrupted with a stern voice despite the receding pounding. "The only reason Ed went back was to save the picture of Dad."

At the news, everyone quieted in shock that Ed had risked his life for a picture of Dad.

"Let's get your head treated," Mum insisted as she tried her best to diffuse the tense situation. I muttered a 'thank you' with a weak smile to Mum who was now looking for the first aid kit. Susan on the other hand busied herself making me a cup of tea. Once I took a sip of the comforting warmth, I found that my head didn't hurt anymore nor did my back. I only felt extremely tired.

"Thanks Sue."

"Susan dear, will you help me check through Anna's hair to see where the bleeding is coming from?" Mum requested once she had all of the first aid gathered up.

Susan didn't hesitate to join Mum's side to sort through my thick curls. Hmm, that feels good, I sighed in my mind as their hands gently scratched against my scalp while they moved my hair about.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Lucy piped up from Peter's side, wide eyes taking me in.

"Honestly, it hurt a lot at first, but it doesn't anymore."

"C'mon Anna," Peter chuckled nervously. "You may be be made of sterner stuff, but you're making me look like a pansy."

"She's not lying," Mum whispered in shock when her hands stilled from moving my hair.

"We can't find where the blood in coming from," Susan explained in frustration.

"Really," I breathed out, half surprised at the quick recovery and half relieved that I wouldn't have to wait weeks for any injuries to heal.

"Anna," Mum scolded me. "That injury should have taken weeks to heal at least for the most part."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Mum sighed in frustration at my refusal to take the, what she thought, situation seriously as she filled a wash basin with water.

"Here Anna, let's get your hair and head washed."

I sat obediently still so that Mum and Susan could wash away all of the now dried blood that had gathered in my hair and on my temple. Once everything was clean, Susan took a towel and dried my hair for me.

"Alright Lu and Ed," I said when Susan was done. "It's time for bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

They both looked confused as my words, but they nonetheless climbed into their beds and pulled their covers up over themselves. Forgetting about my damp hair for a moment, I walked over to my younger siblings and made sure to tuck them both in.

"Can you sing us a lullaby?" Lucy requested from under her blanket. "I always sleep better when you sing for us."

"Sure Luc," I smiled fondly at my youngest sibling. "What about you Ed?"

"I don't care," he huffed as he turned on his side away from me. Even though he was coming off as mean, I knew he that he wanted the lullaby just as much as Lucy did. Why can't he just speak plainly, I thought to myself. But then again, it is in his nature. Before I opened my mouth to sing, Susan popped up behind me so that she could start brushing my hair. Peter then decided that my lap on the floor would be an excellent pillow so he rested his head on my legs.

"You comfortable Peter?" I teased my elder brother.

"Very," he sassed back. Once he had settled down, I began singing the lullaby I had made for them when I was younger.

"Lay down your head

And I'll sing you a lullaby

Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay

And I'll sing you to sleep

And I'll sing you tomorrow

Bless you with love

For the road that you go

May you sail fair

To the far fields of fortune

With diamonds and pearls

At your head and your feet

And may you need never

To banish misfortune

May you find kindness

In all that you meet

May there always be

Angels to watch over you

To guide you each step of the way

To guard you and keep you safe from all harm




I hummed for a bit as Susan finished brushing my now dry hair and moved to lean against my left side as I continued on with the lullaby.

"May you bring love

And may you bring happiness

Be loved in return

To the end of your days

Now fall off to sleep

I'm not meaning to keep you

I'll just sit for a while

And sing loo-li lai-lay

May there always be angels

To watch over you

To guide you each step of the way

To guard you and keep you safe from all harm

Loo-li loo-li


Loo-li loo-li

Lai-lay." (Sleepsong by Secret Garden)

Before I even sang the last note, Lucy and Edmund were both snoozing away while Peter and Susan were in a peaceful doze that was right between wakefulness and sleep.

"Thank you Anna," Mum let out in a gust. "I need to talk to the eldest children without Lucy and Edmund listening."

"What is it Mum?" Peter asked while letting out a breath, his peaceful bubble popping when he heard the distress in Mum's voice.

"You've all heard of the relocation project, haven't you?"

"Yes," Susan answered hesitantly. Why would Mum be asking these questions? Unless...

"We're leaving through the project tomorrow morning, aren't we?" I voiced out loud once I connected the dots.

"Yes," she admitted sadly. "All five of you are."

"But Mum!" Peter protested at once.

"Shh!" Susan and I hissed at the same time.

"You'll wake Lucy and Edmund," I reminded him. His jaw worked in irritation but he didn't try to make another outburst. "Think about it Peter. This is not a healthy environment for Lucy and Edmund to grow up in. Do you want them to wake up everyday to death and destruction?"

All of the anger that he had acquired from the injustice of having to be ripped away from Mum seemed to dissipate when my words registered.

"Well no..," Peter deflated at my logic.

"This also helps keep Mum safe," I threw in for good measure. "If we are safe and away from the fighting, she will have peace of mind and can focus on keeping herself safe. So we can have a Mum to come back home to."

Mum looked beyond grateful that I gave such strong reasons for her to do what she was planning to of.

"Alright Mum," Susan agreed with sad blue eyes. "We'll go without a fuss."

Peter looked like he still wanted to argue against Mum's decision, but he resigned to silence. He just let out a deep sigh then lay back down on my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. Susan on the other hand lay her head on my shoulder. She could feel my fears, doubts, and worries I had about all of us packing up and leaving to God knows constant warmth and comfort I felt from my twin at my side and my older brother laying on my lap was enough to calm my thoughts enough to where I could get to sleep.

Unfortunately Mum took it upon herself to wake me up every hour on the hour to make sure that I didn't die in my sleep due to a concussion. This continued on until the last time I woke at eight in the morning when we were woken up to pack for the trip. Seeing as though we three eldest knew of the trip first, we were the quickest to have our trunks packed. As soon as the two youngest found out we were leaving home, they both had polar opposite reactions to the news. Lucy grew very scared and lost at the thought of leaving the most stable and safe thing she has known since she was born while Edmund lashed out violently in what he thought was injustice.

"Why are we leaving?! Why can't you come with us?! How can you just send us away?!"

"Edmund," I interrupted with my hands held out in a placating manner. "Just try to see things from Mum's perspective."

"No!" he exploded at once, his brown eyes turned from warm brown to dark cocoa. "She just wants to send us off! And you! I can't believe you'd go along with this!"

That was all Edmund had to say before he stormed off to finish his packing in his room.

"I'm sorry Mum," I offered her after Ed's little tantrum.

"It's alright Anna," she assured me with watery eyes and a hitch in her throat. "He's just upset that he has to uproot amongst this war."

Susan's and my eyebrows furrowed in concern as the same time for what Mum has to go through. She had once told us that when she had each of us, she had found people who were more important to her than her life. Just to imagine having to give them up, even if it was to protect them, must be heartbreaking. My concern for Mum quickly turned into anger about the war. Why would the enemy attack civilians instead of focusing on the soldiers who signed up to fight this bloody war. Who volunteered to put their lives on the line. My anger then devolved into sadness at having to leave my Mum. She was the one who supported us all whole heartedly right along with Dad and comforted us when we needed it. To leave her would be akin to casting us into the dark without any light. I could feel the pinpricks of tears in the corners of my eyes due to my emotional state, but I kept them under tight lock and key so that they wouldn't fall. I knew Peter and Susan would need all the help they could get keeping our family together and lightening our situation so that we wouldn't be in a constant state of despair.

Once we had all our our trunks packed and our coats on, Mum ushered us all out into the street where piles of rubble lined the street where houses once stood. I was quick to cover Lucy's eyes when we came upon corpses that had yet to be removed from their final resting places by medical personnel. To comfort each other we all sought out each others hands to cement ourselves amongst the horrors we would pass along the street on our way to the station. Edmund, however, chose to hang back from our group and wouldn't join us. All he did was walk close to my back and stare down at the ground. The first thing Mum did when we reached the station was grab our IDs from one of the station agents then passed Susan, Peter, and I our own IDs so that we could put them on ourselves.

"You need to keep this on darling," Mum told Lucy while she pinned her ID to her coat. "Alright? You warm enough?"

Lucy nodded vigorously to which Mum smiled at. When she turned to Ed on the other hand, he looked less than impressed.

"If Dad were here, he wouldn't make us go," Ed grumbled up at Mum.

"Ed," I began before Peter could retort back at him with something hurtful. Mum looked displeased with Ed's attitude but she pushed it to the back of her mind to stand up and give Ed a kiss on his cheek goodbye. Though when Mum leaned in, Ed turned his face away from her. Ed, I thought when I saw the small flash of pain on Mum's face that she hastened to hide when she instead placed a kiss on his forehead. Mum then moved on to Peter when she pulled away.

"Promise me you'll look after your brothers and sisters," Mum pleaded, hugging Peter tightly.

"I will Mum," Peter promised through a choked up throat.

"Good man," Mum tried to smile bravely for Peter when she pulled away.

"All aboard!" the station master called in the background as Mum turned to Susan and I.

"Susan, Anna," Mum breathed into our hair during our hug. "Be big girls for me. Make sure the boys don't tear each other's throats out."

"We promise Mum."

Mum then pulled away to look at all five of us.

"Alright. Off you go."

The final call for boarding the train sounded which prompted all of us to take up all our trunks and head for the train. Lucy still shook slightly as we walked so I took her hand in mine and followed behind Peter.

"C'mon Ed," Susan encouraged our younger brother as we walked through the crowd.

"I can board a train by myself," he snapped back. I let out a sigh while I readied our papers while Peter was staring at the passing soldiers with longing. How could he want to be a part of that when he had witnessed what just a byproduct of the war can do to people?

"Peter," I said to snap him out of his daydream, handing over our papers to the station agent who stood at one of the doors to the train. "Don't you even think about it."

After I had shown them our papers we were led to where we needed to board, but I was stopped a few meters by Lucy.

"It's alright Luc," I assured her softly with a squeeze to her hand. "All five of us are staying together. We can get through this."

"You promise?" she sniffed, looking up at me with tears threatening to fall down her freckled cheeks.

"Of course Luc. When have I ever lied to you or said anything I didn't mean?"

"No," she giggled."

"Then you have nothing to worry about Luc. You have all of us with you."

Now that she was calm, we we able to quickly board the train and catch up with the other three who had found a mostly empty compartment that had only two children occupying the space. They said that everywhere else was full. Before the train could take off fully, we all crowded around the windows to say goodbye to Mum.

"Bye bye dears," she called after us as the train began its journey. Edmund was the only one who was silent while the rest of us voiced our goodbyes.

"How long until we reach our station," Edmund groaned in exasperation after about an hour of travel, watching the scenery go by from the window.

"I don't know ED," I told him. "But I do have something that could help pass the time."

Everyone in the compartment was confused at my words until I pulled out two decks of cards I had put in my coat pocket when we were leaving the house.

"You brought cards?!" Lucy exclaimed with joy, clapping her hands together.

"Sure did," I winked before I turned to the two other children who were sharing our compartment. The oldest who was a girl with braided hair loops looked uneasy at my offer while she held on to the younger boy who I guessed to be her younger brother. They both looked scared out of their minds, so I relented my offer.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. You can just watch. Peter, would you fancy a game of Go Fish?"

"I'd love to," he smiled happily.

"Lu? Suzzie? Ed?"

"I'll play," Susan agreed while Lucy nodded and Ed ignored the invitation in favor of looking out the window. I let the could action roll off my back as I put the two packs of cards together and shuffled them. I dealt five cards to everyone then placed two card decks next to each other so that everyone could reach a deck easily. We all let Lucy go first and I decided that some music would be perfect to further raise our spirits.

"Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny

How you can love?

Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny

Heavens above

You make my sad heart jump with joy

And When you're near I just can't…

Sit still a minute

I'm so

Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny

Please tell me dear

What makes me love you so?

You're not handsome

It's true

But when I look at you…

I just

Oh Johnny Oh johnny Oh






All the girls are crazy

About a certain little lad

Although her's very, very bad…

He could be oh so good

When he wanted to

Bad or good he understood

About love and other things

For every girl in town

Followed him around

Just to hold his hand and sing

Oh Johnny

Oh J-Johnny Johnny

How you can love?

Oh Johnny

Oh J-Johnny Johnny

Heaven up above

Way above

You make my sad heart jump with joy

And when you're near

I just can't…

Sit still another minute

Oh Johnny

Oh J-Johnny Johnny

Please tell me dear

What makes me love you so?

You're not handsome

And it's true

But when I look at you

I just

Oh Johnny Johnny Johnny


Da-da-da da-da-daaa,"

While I hummed the instrumental of the song, I noticed that the siblings who were sharing our compartment were a little bit more at ease and were watching us play with fascination. They were also giving me side glances as if they couldn't understand my calmness about the situation. From what I gathered from the game now, Lucy was beating all of our butts that had my shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Edmund, on the other hand, was trying and failing to hide his contentment at the sight of us playing cards by keeping his gaze turned outside of the window. It was times like these that I really appreciated my family and my world seemed like a little slice of heaven.

"Johnny, Oh!

Johnny, Oh!

J-J-J-J-Johnny, Oh!

Johnny, Oh!

Johnny, Oh!

Johnny, Oh!

J-J-J-J-Johnny, Oh!

Johnyy, Oh!

Oh-Oh, J-Johnny


Please tell me, dear

What makes me…

What makes me love you so?

You're not handsome

And it's true

But when I look at you

I just

Oh Johnny

Oh Johnny

Oohh JOHNNY!" (Oh Johnny Oh- The Andrews Sisters)

I sang five more songs for everyone, taking a break between the second and third songs to talk to the other siblings in the compartment. It turned out that their names were Elizabeth and William and they lived a few blocks down from us. Just like I had observed from their actions, they were scared out of their minds with what is going to happen when they get to their temporary home. The thing they were the most afraid of was being separated from each other. I could sympathize with them easily. I would be absolutely gutted if I was to be separated from my other siblings. When I finished the fifth song, the train stopped and the two children riding with us were dropped off.

"I hope everything works out for you two," I told the two before they left the compartment.

"Thank you Susanna," Elizabeth smiled weakly towards me. "My brother and I would have been a lot more nervous had we not sat with you for the ride."

"Think nothing of it," I waved off with a smile. We all watched them leave the train and be approached by different people, all picking up their IDs and eyeing them like cattle.

"What song should I sing next?" I asked everyone in hopes to get their minds off of the display they had just witnessed. My hops were dashed when I saw the disheartened looks they all had. "How about we all take a nice little nap before we get there? I'm sure we'll feel better after."

They said nothing against my idea so I made myself comfortable and began to sing.

"Lay down your head

And I'll sing you a lullaby

Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay…"

Hours passed us by before we finally stopped at our depot. I made sure everyone had their luggage before I ushered them out of the compartment and off the train. The first thing I saw about the depot was a huge green sign with white wording Coombe Halt above a fence that used to be white. This little 'station' we had stopped at left a little to be desired. All it was was a raised platform for people to get on and off the train with two benches for sitting. After letting the depressing thoughts linger for just a few moments, I made myself focus on what to do next. The professor knows we are coming, so someone should be coming to get us. That is when we heard the sound of a car and my siblings hastened down the little steps that led down to the ground.

"That's not our ride," I called out to them while I took my time coming down the stairs. True to my word, the car continued on its way without even slowing down.

"The professor knew we were coming?" Susan questioned while looking down the road back where the car had come from.

"He does," I told her.

"How did you-," Peter began to try to ask me about my 'guess' about the care when we heard the sound of a horse drawn carriage reached us just before it round the corner with a woman as the driver.

"Call it woman's intuition," I answered Peter without taking my eyes off the carriage that was approaching us. "Now that is our ride."

The older woman driving the carriage then slowed down until she stopped right in front of us.

"Mrs. Macready, I presume," I said to the elderly woman.

"I'm afraid so," she replied back in a no nonsense tone. "Is this is it then? Haven't you brought anything else?"

"No, Ma'am," Peter answered back politely. "It's just us."

"Small favors," she commented while her eyebrows rose in pleasant surprise before she motioned with her head for us to climb in the back. Peter helped Susan and I onto the carriage first so that we could take all of the luggage and put it on before we helped Lucy and Edmund up onto the back with the two of us pulling Peter on last. Once we were settled, Mrs. Macready gave a click of her tongue and we were off. Now that we had been claimed by our guardians for the duration of our stay, I felt a great amount of my anxiety and worry fell off my shoulders in a great rush that gave me great relief. It was as I gave a sigh that I felt something akin to my intuition rising in my chest. What in the world? While I admired the scenery around us on our drive to where we were to stay, I felt the feeling grow stronger the closer we came to a large manor amongst acres of nature. Why do I feel so drawn to this place, I mused to myself. It kind of felt like I was coming home even though we had left our home in London. I could tell we were all gobsmacked with the view of the beautiful home on front of us and we need Mrs. Macready to call to us to get us back on track. Peter was the first one off so that he could help the two youngest off the carriage that was followed by the luggage. Susan and I were the last ones off so Peter told us to come down one at a time so that he could help us down, but I didn't listen to him. In my gut I knew that I could jump down by myself and be alright. So when Susan jumped down for Peter to catch her, I jumped at the same time. Peter's and Edmund's eyes widened when they saw me coming down from the back of the carriage. Peter already had Susan in his arms so Edmund tried to hurry to my side to catch me, but I could feel my body slow in its descent until my feet touched the ground with a soft 'tap'. All of my siblings looked shocked at my feat and I tried to brush it off with humor.

"And she sticks the landing," I joked even though I could feel Peter's anger rising at what he thought to be recklessly endangering my life.

"Anna-," he began only to be cut off by Mrs. Macready.

"If you five will follow me. Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house. And as such there are a few rules we need to follow. There is to be no shouting or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter."

When we had followed our primary caretaker up the middle steps from the foyer, I could see that Susan was drawn to this beautiful statue to the left of the little stairway.

"No, touching of the historical artifacts. And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the professor."

Without another word, Mrs. Macready led us to our own rooms so that we could all unpack while listing mealtimes as she went. Unpacking seemed to be over in a flash and then it was time for dinner with our caretaker, but it was boring to say the least. I bet she could take the fun out of everything. After the very awkward dinner, we all took a bath then dressed for bed. Everyone wore the typical pajamas, the boys in matching pajama shirts and pants while the girls in long sleeved nightgowns. I on the other hand opted for something else. I chose to wear a chemise that revealed my shoulder and ended right above my knee. Peter and Edmund had first been appalled by my sleepwear, but every time they tried to nag me about it, it went in one ear and out the other. They had long ago learned that it was a lost cause. The first one we settled in for the night was Lucy.

"The sheet feels scratchy," she complained softly as I sat on the bed beside her over her covers. Susan and Peter weren't that far behind me with Edmund at the doorway.

"It'll be alright Lucy," Susan offered.

"We won't be here forever," I finished for my twin.

'We'll be home soon," Susan added.

"Don't say a word Ed," I told him, not having to look up from Lucy to know that he was going to say something insensitive.

"You saw outside," Peter prompted to keep Lucy's spirits up. "It's huge. We can do whatever we want here."

"And we have the inside too," I told her. "There is just as much space to explore in here as there is outside.

"Anna is right," Susan admitted.

"I'm always right," I interjected.

"And she has no humility," Peter chuckled that earned a giggle from Lucy.

"There you go Lucy Lou," I smiled down and my now brightened little sister.

"You haven't called me that in ages," Lucy beamed up at me.

"Maybe it's time I started both shared a smiled before I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"And now it's time for sleep. Goodnight Lucy Lou."

"Goodnight Princess Anna."

Everyone else said their 'good night's before we left Lucy to sleep. Susan and Peter ventured off to their rooms while I followed Edmund to his. He said nothing to me the whole way there until he lay down and covered himself up.

"What do you want Anna?" he demanded sharply with his back to me.

"I just wanted to talk with you," I replied, leaning against his door frame. It's alright if I talk with you, right?"

"Yeah, Anna," he sighed in defeat while turning to face me and sitting up. "I can never stay mad at you like the others."

"That's because I'm so lovable," I smiled, waltzing further into the room and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Do you have anything you want to talk about?"

"No," he shot me down as soon as the last word was said.

"C'mon Eddy. You can tell me."

At the sound of his nickname, I could see him almost cave.

"If you think I'm going to talk just because you used my old nickname, you are sorely mistaken."

"Okay," I gave in while crossing my legs. "I'll stop asking."

A few minutes of silence was all that was needed for Edmund to slowly but surely wear down to where he would answer me.

"Oh alright," he huffed in exasperation. "Only because no one could say no to that face."

"What can I say, it's a curse."

He gave me a look so I shut my mouth and let him talk.

"Why are you all acting so cheerful during this war? People are dying everyday and who says we'll have a home to go back to when we get back?"

"We're trying to be cheerful because you can't focus on the negative things all the time," I explained softly. "If you do then it will only make you bitter. As for our home, our home is wherever we are together."

Ed said nothing so i left the matter alone and turned to face him more.

"Good night Sir Eddymund," I said while placing a kiss on his forehead. His arms snaked around my waist to hold me to him with a strength I didn't know he had. I quickly shook off my surprise and moved my arms so that one arm was around his back and the other moved to stroke his head.

"Good night Princess Anna," he mumbled. I gave the crown of his head a kiss and he slowly let me go. My next stop was Susan who didn't have to say anything for us to communicate our worries to each other. We simply embraced the other and then bod the other good night. Peter was my last stop.

"Do you need to be tucked in Sir Peter," I teased him when I walked through his doorway when I saw him laying down.

"Ha ha, very funny Anna," he answered dryly with an eyeroll. "You're such a laugh."

I gave a little laugh at his reaction as I came to sit on the edge of his bed.

"Is there anything you want to talk about? Nothing has to be said to the others."

"I'm fine Anna," he said quickly. "You should be worrying over Ed and Lucy."

"I've already talked with them Peter. It's you I have to focus on right now. You can't just keep all of your emotions to yourself. It will end up giving you ulcers."

He looked at me like he didn't believe me, but I kept my face and he eventually relented.

"How do I get Edmund to listen to me," he sighed while running a hand through his hair. "All he does is give sass and snap at us."

"Don't force him to follow your orders or give him options that leave him no choice," I offered while rubbing his back. "He keeps most of his emotions inside and I'm lucky if he tells me even one of his thoughts. Putting pressure on that much suppressed feelings will only result in unsavory ends. It's best to just give him your support and let him come to you when he feels he is ready. All you need to do is tell him you're there for him."

A weight seemed to drop from his shoulders at my words, leaving his face a little more relaxed.

"Thanks Anna. Talking with you always helps."

"That's what I'm here for Pete."

I gave him a kiss on his forehead before he lay back down.

"Goodnight Sir Peter."

"Goodnight Princess Anna."

Satisfied that my rounds were completed, I ventured back to my room where I settled myself down for bed. At first I found it hard to sleep, but before I knew it I was plunged into a bizarre dream. I was in the most beautiful spring land with the wind singing through the trees and the grass sighing in the breeze. This is spectacular, I thought to myself while a complete and utter feeling of home settled in my heart. This is where I am meant to be. This is where I belong. With every beat of my heart, I could feel what I could only describe as magic pulse along with it.

"Adelia," a strong male voice called out that struck a feeling of familiarity within me. Who is this, I wondered while my body instinctively turned to face a large lion that dwarfed other lions I had previously seen at the zoo. Where did he come from? Where exactly am I?

"Who are you?" I voiced after my shock had worn away.

"I am your father," he told me with a wise and kind voice, his jaws moving easily to form the words. "I have been waiting for this moment since you were born."

"But my father went to fight in a war," I protested in confusion.

"He was the father of your body, but when you were on the brink of death when you were but a babe, I gave you new life as my daughter."

My mind was reeling at that point. What exactly is all this? Mum didn't tell me that I almost died as a baby. She only told me that I was very sickly and by my first birthday, I made a recovery. She said I had simply grown out of it.

"I can see that what I have said is overwhelming you. I shall let you rest, but I shall return. I cannot wait to see you in Narnia."

"Wait," I called out as the world around me seemed to blur around me. "I have other questions? Please,wait!"

My pleas fell on deaf ears and I was left alone to drift in a dreamless sleep for the rest of the night.

o0o0o0o0o0o0o The Daughter of Aslan o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o

So there we have it. I'm sorry that updating my older stories are taking so long, I have a job for the summer so between working and having inspiration for new stories, I'm having a low amount of time to work on them. Nonetheless I will be working on the others and will have them up as soon as possible. Please give me some feedback for this story and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Remember,reviews are magic!

-White Wolf