Chapter 1

Important Notes:

· Plots from the other seasons will integrate into this story

· The plots from the season will not be a particular order

· Characters from other seasons will be in this story

· Piper's relationship with the other inmates will develop, for better or for worse

Author's note: This is my first Orange is the New Black fanfiction so please feel free to suggest any new ideas or character development you would like to see. I have a general idea of where I want this story to go, but it's basically a rewrite of Season 2- Season 5

Piper had handcuffs that were digging into her wrist, she and a few other inmates were currently sitting in a bus that were transferring them to god knows where.

"Where do you think they're transferring us?", a middle-aged woman named Lolly asked. Piper looked at the women sitting next to her with a blank face.

Piper shrugged her shoulders, "Does it matter? It's the same shitty cycle either way", her voice was emotionless.

Lolly looked at her with a hurt look on her face, for some reason she had taken personal offence to Piper's emotionless tone, "Jesus, you are just a bundle of sunshine" Lolly muttered sarcastically, "You see, I never understood that phrase. How can you have a bundle of sunshine? Like that can't physically happen"

Piper rolled her eyes in annoyance, she shifted in her seat uncomfortably and resisted against the handcuffs, causing it to dig into her skin painfully. She let out a sigh as she listened to Lolly ramble about how sunshine isn't tangible hence, you can't physically have a bundle of it.

The bus suddenly came to a stop, Piper made a silent pray as Lolly's rant came to a sudden halt.

"Inmates" A guard shouted as she walked onto the bus with a baton in her hand. Piper has been on the receiving end of that fucked up stick, and she can definitely say that it wasn't a pleasant experience. "When your name is called out, form a single and orderly line as you exit the bus. If there is any funny business then you will automatically be sent back to MAX"

Piper heard a few inmates chuckle from behind, "Are we in fucking kindergarten now?", Piper shook her head, she knew exactly where this was going.

"Inmate! What did you just say?" The female guard shouted as she started to walk to the back of the bus.

The inmate's smile only grew, "My name is Brandy, B-R-A-N-D-Y", Brandy's head was shaved and she had a tattoo on her neck. "Sorry, that I had to spell my name out for you. I just wanted to let you know that I knew how to spell my name and that I'm not fucking 6 years old"

The guards grip on her baton only tightened, Piper knew this could go 2 ways; the guard could either lose all her shit and beat the crap out of the inmate or, the guard will give the inmate a warning and forever hold a grudge against her.

The guard pointed her baton at Brandy, but before she could do anything, another guard came in with a list in hand, he gestured to the guard with the baton to come over to where he was.

"Let's make this process as fast as possible. When I call out your name, stand up and leave the bus, you will form a line and then be escorted to a van. You will enter the bus and be escorted to another prison", He spoke in a mono tone, it sounded as though he had done this roll call thing, one too many time.

"Brandy Epps, Stephanie Hapakuka, Brook Soso, Lolly Whitehill, Stella Carlin and Piper Chapman"

Piper looked up when her name was called, she let out another annoyed sighed and stood up. She completely forgot about the chains on her feet and almost tripped over. She walked down the bus steps carefully, making sure not to trip.

A familiar, looking guard checked her over before taking the hand cuffs and the chains on her feet off. "Holy shit Chapman, didn't think I would see you again" the guard spoke, her dirty blond hair was tired up into a bun.

Piper looked up from her feet to the guard, she looked familiar but couldn't understand why. The guard smirked like she knew her or something, "Do I know you?" Piper asked, she didn't mean to sound disrespectful well…. she honestly didn't care that she sounded disrespectful.

"Already forgotten. That's harsh" The guard replied, "Wanda Bell", Piper still looked confused.

"Wander what?" Piper asked with confusion. Bell chuckled at this, Piper instantly knew that she wasn't getting transferred to another max prison. The guards aren't usually this nice.

"Here's your badge of honour" Bell said as she gave Piper her name tag that had a prisoner code, "Welcome back to Litchfield". Piper looked at her with confusion before she could reply Bell and another guard dragged her to a familiar look van.

"Oh Fuck" Piper muttered under her breath. This was the last place that she wanted to be, considering the fact that she has been in supermax for over 12 months. At Litchfield, people could interact with other people, which ultimately meant drama and getting into another people's shit. Literally.

Piper climbed into the back of the van, god must hate her because she was one again, sitting next to Lolly.

"Howdy Partner" Lolly said as she recognised a familiar face. She smiled happily at Piper, and as much as Piper wanted to be a bitch, she decided that she didn't want to make enemies here. She decided to give a small smile to her.

"Hi Lolly", her voice sounded genuine, she surprised herself with how genuine she sounded. The driver of the van immediately recognised the voice.

"Oh my god Chapman it's you" the voice had a thick accent and Piper immediately knew who it was. Lorna Morello.

"Morello" Piper spoke with as much excitement she could muster, "How are you?" Piper felt like she was back in highschool, except this was prison, What the fuck do you say when you see someone again from prison. 'Hey, how's prison life treating you? Shit? Well, that's good. I'm sure prison life can only get easier'. Piper thought about saying that out loud but decided not to.

"Good-Good…well, I'm not getting married to Christopher anymore" Morello said with a tinge of sadness, she truly loved him with all of her heart. Piper thought that Christopher was made up, but nobody can fake a broken heart. "But that's old news. How bout you? Nobody knew what happened to you after the fight with Pennsatucky". Morello purposely didn't mention Vause. Alex in particular didn't handle Piper's disappearance very well, she was a nervous wreck, but over time, she finally got her shit together.

Morello also noticed the dark circle around Piper's eyes that suggested that she didn't sleep very well. Piper not only had dark circle surrounding her eyes, but she was also thinner than usual, if that was even possible. Morello looked genuinely concerned.

Piper didn't want to answer her question, more like she didn't know how to answer that question. Thankfully, she didn't have to answer as Brook Soso decided to vocalise her fears.

"You've been here before? How bad is it? Prison I mean. Do you have any tips?" Soso asked with fear, Piper looked at her, she remembered when she held the same fear in her eye. Piper nodded her head in response.

"Yeah, I've been here before. A little prison tip, just keep your head down and serve your time. Don't get into other people's shit" Piper said firmly, she ignored the look that Morello was giving her through the van mirror.

"How long have you been in here?" Stephanie Hapakuka asked nervously, she looked at Piper and was for some reason intimidated. Piper was kind of offended that she looked threatening, but she was more so confused. She knew that she was built like a stick and couldn't understand why she would look intimidating.

"Litchfield, around 3 months. Maximum prison, I think 18 months. I'm not really sure, they didn't exactly have calendars" Piper replied, Hapakuka looked at her with shock, she didn't understand why this girl was looking at her like this.

Morello gave her another look, she too looked surprise by this fact, "You've been in max for 18 months?", Piper didn't know why Morello was surprised by this fact. She thought Morello and the rest of the inmates knew of her whereabouts.

"Where do you think I was?" Piper asked with genuine interest.

"Well, some said you were dead, others said that you were sent to SHU…" Morello replied, she paused for a few seconds before speaking up again, "Particular people thought you were out already"

Piper looked at Morello who was now focusing on the road, she knew who exactly was 'particular people'. She nodded her head, she didn't respond, instead she stared out of the window and admired the green grass and flowers that were growing on the side of the road.

Before she knew it, they were at Litchfield Prison. The place she never wanted to be again.

Piper walked out of the van and breathed in the fresh air, it was refreshing, she could already feel the freedom.


Morello walked through the halls with the 'new' inmates. Piper could feel the stares of the other inmates, she heard Taystee mutter to Poussey, "Ain't that high tits?"

Poussey looked at her with confusion, "High Tits? Nah man, she's the crazy version of Taylor Swift. I thought she was dead"

"Obviously not" Taystee replied

Piper kept her head down and followed Morello as she appointed the inmates to their bunk.

"Chapman" Morello called out as she stood in front of a cubicle, "You are here. Bunked with Red. It's really good to see you again, despite the circumstance"

Piper gave her small smile, "Thanks", Lorna walked over to her and gave her a tight squeeze on the shoulder before leaving the cubicle to assign the others.

The cubicle was the same as she remembered, the bunk still looked as uncomfortable as ever. She put her pillow on her bunk and laid down on it, she was now facing the brick wall with her eyes closed. She was tired and not in the mood for reunions. She was definitely not looking forward for her reunion with her ex. The last thing Alex had said to her was to basically 'get the fuck out, stay far fucking away from me, and not to come to her when she has shit going on'.

For once in her fucked-up life, she was going to listen to Alex and actually do what she wanted. She was self-contemplating on whether or not she should speak to Nicky or not. The last time she saw Nicky, she was fucking Alex, which was an unpleasant sight may she add.

"Who the fuck is in my bunk?" A Russian voice boomed. Piper flinched at the sudden harsh tone, she was so used to being in her own room, isolated from everyone and everything. She shifted her body so she was now facing an angry looking Russian.