Chapter 9

Piper was waiting in line impatiently, her conversation with Stella was still replaying in her head. Stella was manipulative, maybe not as psychopath, but a bitch who will cause an immense amount of trouble. Someone broke her out of her train of thought when they suddenly grabbed her arm and dragged her into the kitchen's pantry.

"What the fuck?" Piper shouted as she felt herself being shoved into the pantry.

Piper got ready to punch whoever dragged her into here, but she realised that she wasn't in here alone. Alex, Nicky and Morello were in here. "Jesus Red, do you have to be so harsh?" Alex muttered as she grabbed onto Piper's shoulder.

"What the hell is going on?" Piper snapped, she felt Alex's warm hands on her shoulders but she was too pissed at Red for shoving her in here like that so she pushed Alex's hands off of her shoulders.

She was getting understandably pissed at being unexpectedly grabbed by people. The next person to grab her unexpectedly, she was going to punch them.

Red grabbed a Bible that was sitting on the counter, "What the fuck is this?" Red shouted as she waved the Bible in the air.

"It's a Bible" Piper replied calmly. She knew why Red was pissed, but she wanted to avoid this particular conversation. Nothing good can come from this.

"Cut the fucking innocent act" Nicky shouted at her, Piper was surprised that Nicky was so pissed about this. Nicky grabbed the Bible and opened it, "Why the fuck do you have cocaine on you?"

"Easy Nichols" Alex warned, she didn't like the tension in the air.

Piper couldn't think of a reason to have cocaine shoved in a Bible, so she decided to turn this back on them, "If I want to hide drugs in the fucking Bible, then I'll do it. Why the fuck were you going through my shit anyway?"

Alex felt uncomfortable, she wanted to give Piper a huge fucking lecture about this, but she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Piper planted the cocaine in the Bible.

"It is my bunk" Red shouted, Dayanara looked at the pantry to see them fighting. She shook her head and muttered something about white people, "I do not need to ask for your permission to search through my bunk when I suspect someone is trying to frame me. I will not allow any drug activates to occur in my bunk"

Piper took a step back in disbelief, "Drug activities? Fuck you", she spat angrily, "I don't need to explain shit to you. I'm staying out of your shit, so stay out of mine", Piper made a move to leave the kitchen until Nicky stood in her way, "Piss off Nicky"

"Please don't fight, we can talk this out" Morello said nervously. Alex nodded her head in agreement, she wasn't going to jump to any conclusions until Piper admitted it herself.

"You know what Morello, you are right" Piper said, Morello could hear the sarcasm but she decided to smile despite of it, "Let's talk about all of you ganging up on me"

"We're not ganging up on you" Alex stated, at least she wasn't, she just wanted to understand the facts, she now knows that Piper willing put the drugs in the bible, but she knows that Piper would never frame someone, especially not Red.

Red was ready to unleash her wraith upon the girl who she had thought tried to frame her, but Nicky beat her to it, "I thought you were good people Chapman", she muttered as she pointed her index finger at Chapman's face, Piper would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted to snap Nicky's finger.

Piper clenched her fist in anger, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you planting the fucking drugs in Red's bunk for Vee" Nicky spat maliciously, Piper never heard Nicky speak so venomously, but she was even more pissed that they thought she would do something like that.

Alex didn't want Piper to think that she had something to do with this so she tried to defend her, "We don't know that", she argued, although her voice went unheard.

Piper shook her head with anger and disbelief, "So when I say, I'm going to keep out of your shit with Vee and Red, you automatically assume that I'm working with your enemy by planting drugs in a fucking Bible?"

"We know that Vee controls the drugs around here and consequently you so happen to have drugs on you. So, if you didn't plant the fucking drugs in the Bible to get Red sent down to MAX, then why the fuck do you have cocaine hidden in a bible?" Nicky shouted angrily. Piper knew how protective Nicky was of Red, but that didn't give her the right to assume shit she didn't understand.

Piper couldn't seem to understand why people thought that she couldn't have had the drugs for herself, was it really that surprising that she went to MAX and did drugs?

"Fuck you" Piper said in a dangerous tone, she only used this tone when she was defending someone she cared about, or when she was really fucking pissed off, "You seem to have all the fucking answers in the world Nicky, so why don't you tell me why I would hide drugs in MY bible?" Piper took a few, dangerous steps towards Nicky. Her anger was flickering out of control and once again, she had the urge to punch something, but this time she wasn't going to hit something, no, she wasn't going to unleash her fucking feelings.

"I went to MAX for fucking 18 months, so fucking sue me for using drugs while I was in there. You, out of all people do not get to judge me for using and having drugs, but if you really want an explanation as to why I have cocaine stashed in the bible, it's because that fucking manipulative cunt gave it to me as a welcoming gift to Litchfield" Piper's body was shaking with anger and her intense glare made Nicky flinch, but not enough for her to back down. Alex however was shocked by the news of Piper using when she was in MAX.

"So what? You fucking hid it in the bible? Why didn't you flush it down when you had the chance?" Nicky shouted back with her fists clenched, she was just as stubborn as Chapman was, and she was blinded by anger to see straight.

Piper scoffed, "Just like you did? Oh wait, you got sent to MAX because you couldn't flush down your addiction", it was a low blow, but she didn't give a shit at this point. She was pissed at being accused by people who she specifically tried to avoid in order to not, get sucked into this drama, "and then, you decided to get back on drugs when you got a second chance to be with Morello. But you will always choose drugs over the people closest to you right?"

"Fuck you Chapman" Nicky shouted as she shoved Piper back a bit, they were now out of the pantry and in the main kitchen. "Don't talk about shit you don't understand!" Nicky practically screamed as she shoved Piper back causing her to hit her ribs on the metal table, she let out a cry of pain as she felt her ribs connecting with the cold, hard, metal.

"Fuck" Alex shouted as she ran over to Piper, all the Latino's froze as they watched the scene play out. Everyone who was waiting in line for lunch, ran into the kitchen to see what was going on while Gloria pushed pass the crowd to see Nicky shove the white girl into the metal table.

Piper could already feel her ribs aching but she didn't let that stop her, she stood right back up with Alex by her side. She too was blinded by anger and wanted nothing more than to punch the person who had just shoved her. Before Piper could retaliate, a giant guard shoved through the inmates to see what all the commotion was about.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Officer Piscatella shouted.

Nicky was looking down at her feet, all of her anger suddenly vanished when she shoved Chapman into the table. The anger was now replaced with guilt as she realised what she had done, Piper however was still pissed but she knew how to keep her emotions in check at times like this.

After a moment of silence, Piper finally answered, "I tripped"

Piscatella wasn't dumb enough to buy this load of crap, "You tripped?", Piper simply nodded her head, she never made eye contact with him, "What the fuck did you trip on that made you hit your ribs into a metal table?"

Alex flinched at the shitty excuse that Piper had used, "My own two feet, what can I say? I'm a clumsy person"

Piscatella shook his head as he grabbed his little book from his pocket and shouted, "That's 2 shot inmate!"

"For what?" Piper asked angrily

"For being a shitty liar" He said as he wrote down Chapman's name, "and for starting a fight with another inmate"

Piper scoffed angrily at this, she was the one being ganged up on and she was the one who was shoved, why the fuck was she always getting punished for shit like this. She could say that it wasn't her that started it, but she wasn't going to snitch on Nicky, despite how pissed she was.

Piscatella raised his eyebrow when he heard Chapman scoff, "Unless you're telling me that you weren't the one who started the fight".

Piper gave him a sarcastic smile, "No, sir"

"Good" He muttered, he turned his back on them and shouted at the rest of the inmates who were packed up in the kitchen, "Get back to your fucking lunch before I give everyone in this room shots". The inmates quickly dispersed like ants as Piscatella walked out of the cafeteria.

"Pipes" Alex muttered softly, she was rubbing Piper's arm soothingly, "You okay?"

Piper however wasn't paying attention to Alex. No, she was glaring at Vee who gave her a manipulative smile from a distant, "Fucking fucker" She muttered.

Piper walked back into the pantry and picked up the bible that still had the cocaine in it, Red's family gave her a wary look. They were unsure what Piper was going to do but before anyone could ask her, Piper marched out of the kitchen and out of the cafeteria.

"Oh shit" Alex muttered as she ran down the halls, despite several guards telling her to stop running, to chase after Piper.

"What the hell was that?" Gloria shouted at Red

"It's complicated, trust me, you don't want to get involved" Red said as said as she looked at Nicky.

"Are you okay?" Morello asked softly, she, put her hand on Nicky's shoulder, Nicky shrugged her hand off and muttered, "Perfect" before grabbing an apple to eat and leaving the kitchen. She took a seat next to Frieda and bit into her apple.

Morello watched Nicky with concern from the kitchen, Red grabbed her shoulder in comfort, "She's never gotten violent before"

Red raised her eyebrow at Morello, she was also concerned with Nicky's sudden outburst but she knew there was a reason for it, "She and Chapman are very much alike. Don't forget that she too, also struggled with drugs when she came back from MAX"

"That gives her a reason to shove Chapman?" Morello asked innocently, there was no judgement in her voice, only confusion.

"Nicky was so close to having someone she loved, but then she got involved with drugs and burned her opportunity to hell because she couldn't let go of her addiction" Red explained, "When she returned from MAX, she relapsed… do you remember how much shit we all went through because of that?"

Morello nodded her head, it was physically painful to watch Nicky self-destruct like she did. The drugs didn't only destroy Nicky, it was destroying her whole family, "It was terrible, I still remember when she almost overdosed and Vause had to make her purge in order to save her… we couldn't even take her to medic because she would've been sent down to MAX"

"Believe it or not, she cares about Chapman, she's worried that she will make the same mistakes as she once did"

"So Nicky pushed Chapman because she cares?" Morello was only becoming more confused by the second.

"Yes, but also because Chapman was an insensitive bitch and went too far" Red replied before serving the other inmates lunch.