Chapter 1

Blessed Be The King

"Goddammit Heathcliff! Get your ass up!" a woman's voice shouted from outside the bedroom door of a young man. This young man- obviously named Heathcliff- rose from his bed with a sigh.

"I'm up, mum!" Heathcliff called in a rough, deep voice. He was a slightly tan, tall man with short brown hair slicked back across his head. He blinked his blue eyes a bit and yawned. He stretched his muscular torso and cracked his back.

"Good. Now hurry up. School starts in an hour!" Heathcliff's mother called as she walked away from his bedroom door.

"An hour? I couldn't sleep another half-hour? Ugh…" Heathcliff sighed as he opened his closet door and pulled a uniform out.

Did those idiot's even get my size right? Being six-six is annoying when someone else has to get your clothes. Heathcliff thought as he bundled the uniform under his arm with a pair of boxers. He opened his door with a jerk and walked out into the hall, nude, excepting the boxers he had on. Heathcliff entered the Japanese bathroom and looked around it with a curious eyebrow raised.

How… how do I use this thing? Heathcliff thought with a sigh. He spent a few moments figuring the shower out before he finally washed himself and dressed himself.

Oh goddammit… Heathcliff thought as he slipped the uniform's coat on and discovered that his sleeves were too short. He sighed, again, and rolled the sleeves up over his forearms to his elbows. A large scar was present across the top of his right forearm that started near his wrist and arced up and around his arm.

"Great… now my machete scar is showing. Whatever…" Heathcliff sighed. He left the bathroom, tossing his worn boxers in a basket by his door and retrieved his black boots from inside of his room with a pair of socks. He descended the stairs and was handed a bowl of cereal by his mother.

"Here, Heath. I'll buy some groceries after I start my new design job here, alright?" his mother asked as she bustled around the kitchen. Heathcliff nodded and sat at the table. He put on and tied his boots as he ate.

"Mum, the school got my arm length wrong on the jacket." Heathcliff said as he finished his cereal and placed the dish in the sink. His mother stopped for a moment as she was cleaning up something and gave him a glare.

"Deal with it, you twit. You'll be fine. Plus, scars are handsome." His mother reassured as Heathcliff glanced at his scar.

"I'm never letting myself get jumped like that again. Rat bastards…" Heathcliff muttered. His mother slapped his arm.

"Sorry, mum." Heathcliff apologized. His mother smiled at him. She was pretty with the same hair and eyes as Heathcliff, but she was quite short.

"Now, off to school with you. I hear there's plenty of pretty girls there who'll love a foreigner with a particular accent like you." His mother teased as Heathcliff turned to leave.

"Mum… I don't think they'll care that I'm Australian." Heathcliff sighed. His mother shook her head and shooed him off. Heathcliff took the hint and headed for the door. He noticed his bag by the door and the extra-long strap on it. He grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder before walking out of the door with a click.

Heathcliff strolled up to the gates of his new school, Kuoh Academy. He stopped near the entrance when he noticed the large amount of girls entering the schoolyard.

Fuck… these girls are really spunk. And there's a lot of them! Heathcliff thought as he slowly entered the schoolyard. He noticed the stares he instantly received when he walked into everyone's view. He loosened his collar on his shirt, taking the stringy tie off and stuffing it in a pocket.

Quit looking at me… some of you are going to have a blue with me if you keep that up… Heathcliff thought as he walked. He eventually stopped as a small group of four girls approached him and blocked his path.

"Hi. I'm Mika, who are you?" Mika asked. She was a short, black haired girl with glasses. Heathcliff looked her over for a moment before answering.

"Heathcliff King." Heathcliff answered with a small wink. The girls made noises of awe.

"Wow! Where are you from?" Mika asked, giving Heathcliff a curious look. Her eyes were big.

"Australia." Heathcliff answered simply. The girls made noises again.

"That's awesome. Were there a lot of kangaroos around? Koalas?" Mika questioned. Heathcliff grinned.

"I had to wrestle my dog away from a kangaroo, once. Those bastards are mean. Something was really dodgy with that one though." Heathcliff said. The girls gasped in awe.

"No way! Did it attack you!?" one of the other girls exclaimed. Heathcliff shook his head.

"Nah, once I came running and wrestled old Dag away from the thing, it ran off. Hit a tree halfway to the river, too…" Heathcliff trailed off as he recalled his memories.

"My mum hated it when I went out in the desert. Kept me away from the idiot box though." Heathcliff added. The girls were awed again. They were going to ask more questions when the bell rang loudly from the academy.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Heathcliff! I hope to see you around!" Mika said as she and her friends headed towards the school. Heathcliff waved to them before heading inside himself.

Ah, Christ. Where am I going?

It took several minutes, but Heathcliff found his way to the room he was supposed to be in. It was near the top floor and the top of the doorway was nearly up to his forehead. He slid the door open and ducked in.

"Class, this is our transfer student from Australia. Introduce yourself, young man." An elderly man at the front of the classroom said upon Heathcliff's entrance. Heathcliff blinked for a moment before registering that he was now the center of attention.

"Oh… well. Hello there. I'm Heathcliff King, nice to meet you." Heathcliff said, turning to the class. They gave him a "Hello" back and watched him. He didn't quite like the watching part.

"Uh… sit back there… somewhere." The elderly man said, waving to the back of the classroom. Heathcliff nodded and strode to the back of the room. He collapsed in a chair in the very back with a small desk in front of him.

Damn… does everything need to be so small here? I saw a car smaller than my foot out on the highway. Heathcliff thought as he set his bag down and leaned back in his chair.

"Australia, hmm?" a voice spoke to Heathcliff's right. He rolled his head to the side and blinked in amazement. To his right was a beautiful girl with extremely long, black hair, violet eyes, and a figure like none Heathcliff had ever seen.

"Did someone handcraft you? Nothing's that perfect without something making it so." Heathcliff said suddenly. He then realized what he said.

Oh, nice going there… didn't you learn what happened last time you flirted upon meeting a girl? Heathcliff asked himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose in regret. He had just spouted the first thing that came to mind when he saw the girl. Hell, he didn't even know her name.

He opened his eyes when he heard her giggling.

"Thank you. But no, I'm all natural." The girl said, smiling at Heathcliff.

Damn… I don't think I've ever seen a girl who looks like this one. She is really rocking. Heathcliff thought as he turned a bit to face the girl.

"I… uh… sorry. I didn't quite think right there. You took me off guard." Heathcliff admitted with a sigh. The girl giggled and gave a disregarding wave.

"It's fine. I enjoyed it. I took it as a compliment." She told Heathcliff. He sighed in relief.

"That's what I was hoping you'd see it as. Last time I did that, woman thought I was too forward and slapped me. Not a fun night in Sydney." Heathcliff muttered with a sigh. The girl giggled at him again.

"You sound like you've had some adventures." She said with a smile. Heathcliff nodded.

"Yeah… some fights, some drunk nights… some… encounters with women. None of them encounters are good. I never knew what I did wrong…" Heathcliff trailed off in thought. The girl before him still smiled.

"Well, hopefully I can help that change. My name's Akeno Himejima, nice to meet you." Akeno introduced, holding out a hand to Heathcliff.

"Huh? Oh. Call me Heath." Heathcliff said, taking Akeno's hand for a moment.

Holy… her hands are really nice and soft. Never really got to touch a girl too much since they hated me so damn much. Heathcliff thought, staring at the hand in his.

"Um, Heath?" Akeno wondered, noticing him zone out. Heathcliff blinked and quickly released her hand.

"Sorry. I uh… I never really got to hold a girl's hand. Sorry." Heathcliff admitted and apologized. He felt his face flush and scratched his chin, looking off to the side as he leaned on his knees. Akeno giggled at him.

"Aw, poor thing. Did you want to hold my hand again?" Akeno asked, making Heathcliff stare in shock at her.

"Huh? Wouldn't that give everyone the wrong idea, or something? And… you'd do that just cause I'm a Bogan?" Heathcliff wondered in astonishment. Akeno giggled a bit.

"I don't mind. I'm not sure what a bogan is, but you're nice. I don't care what everyone thinks, if I want to let my new friend hold my hand then I will." Akeno declared with a smile. Heathcliff blinked in astonishment.

Well… DAMN! Heathcliff thought. Akeno continued to smile at him.

"Well? Go ahead." Akeno said, holding her hand out again. Heathcliff stared at her hand.

"Serious?" Heathcliff wondered. Akeno nodded.

Well… no one ever said I was a wuss. Heathcliff thought, tentatively taking Akeno's hand in his again.

So soft… some kind of lotion she's got on here. Heathcliff thought, putting his other hand around hers and rubbing his thumbs on the back of her hand. Akeno just smiled, watching him inspect and feel her hand.

Smells like lavender or something… Heathcliff thought as he leaned a bit closer to Akeno. She giggled as he inhaled a bit.

[Might be. I think it's vanilla!]

Heathcliff nearly jumped in his seat. That little jackass in his head hadn't spoken all morning, yet now he speaks.

Kiva, were you sleeping or something? Or were you just watching me all morning? Heathcliff asked, feeling Akeno's soft palm.

[Both! Wait… Yes. Kind of. Sorry, I was just curious as to how you would act if I vanished for a while. I'm still here, though.] Kiva explained. Heathcliff felt the small mass on the middle of his back squirm a bit.

Alright, just quit moving! I know you're there. Just let me talk to Akeno in peace. Heathcliff said in thought. He heard Kiva hum in agreement and quiet down.

"Lavender?" Heathcliff asked, looking up into Akeno's purple eyes. She nodded with a smile.

"Yes. I use some lotion on dry days. I'm surprised you could smell it, I barely use much at all." Akeno explained, watching Heathcliff feel her hand.

"I can see why. Your skin is so smooth and soft that lotion wouldn't even do much. Flawless too… You're literally perfect." Heathcliff mumbled. He blinked again, realizing that he spoke without thinking again.

Dammit! Stop that, Heath! You're a fucking- Wait, is she smiling again? Heathcliff thought, noticing Akeno's warm smile.

"Thank you, Heath. I wasn't aware that I was perfect in your eyes. I really appreciate it." Akeno said, placing her other hand on Heathcliff's flushed cheek. He glanced to the side in embarrassment.

"No worries… You really are. Sorry if I'm being so forward. I'm just a bit… dumbfounded, I guess." Heathcliff said, releasing Akeno's hand.

"Aw, done already? I was enjoying that. You're so gentle." Akeno said as she moved her hand off of Heathcliff's face.

"Oh… whoops. Should I do that again?" Heathcliff wondered. Akeno smiled and held her hand out to Heathcliff again.

"If you want." Akeno said. Heathcliff eyed her for a moment before taking her hand. He glanced at her again as she smiled.

"Can I-" Heathcliff cut off when the bell rang, signaling the next class. Was about to begin. He noticed the people in the class shift around a bit, getting out books. Heathcliff let go of Akeno's hand and turned back to face the front.

"Uh, what class is next? I forget." Heathcliff said as he unbuckled his bag and sifted through it. Akeno was a bit startled for a moment before she began to do the same.

"History, I believe." Akeno answered. She eyed him for a moment before she turned to pay attention to the man who walked into the classroom.

[She's probably wondering what you were about to ask her.] Kiva said from inside Heathcliff's mind.

Probably. I wanted to do something… but even I can't remember what it was. Damn bell startled me. Heathcliff thought with a sigh. He heard Kiva chuckle before fading into his mind. Damn symbiotic creature had enhanced all of his senses, making the bell a lot louder than it was.

[Remember, I get life and you get power. How cool is that!? Plus, I don't want you to be some evil monster like some of my kind did to other creatures. I'm probably the last, so, don't worry about it.] Kiva reassured. Heathcliff sighed.

I know.

[Oh, yeah. I keep repeating myself, don't I?]

Yeah. Now can it. I have to learn, apparently. Heathcliff thought, as if he shouted at the creature.

[Fine. I'll be quiet.] Kiva sighed from within. Heathcliff commended his partner's cooperation and began to listen to the teacher.

Fuck that guy. He's an asshole. Heathcliff thought as the history teacher left the room and the bell rang.

[Why did he glare at you so much?] Kiva asked. Heathcliff sighed for a moment.

Hopefully that news article from Sydney didn't reach this country. I'd hate to run again… Heathcliff thought. He heard Kiva sigh as well.

[Christ… that wouldn't be good. If only I was able to speak on your behalf.] Kiva growled in Heathcliff's mind.

Wouldn't have mattered. The case fell through and I was acquitted after the statement was retracted, but the damage was already done. I couldn't stay in Sydney, or anywhere in Australia without being harassed. You remember, right? Heathcliff asked in thought.

[Yeah. After what happened with your dad, I'm sure you moving was the right choice.] Kiva added. Heathcliff sighed internally for once. He then jumped when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you alright?" Akeno's voice asked as she sat down in her chair a bit closer to Heathcliff.

"Yeah. Just a little tired." Heathcliff answered. He turned to face her and blinked in surprise. Akeno was leaning close to him and looking him over.

"Really? You looked really torn about something." Akeno pointed out. Heathcliff thought for a moment.

I don't know how well I can trust her. Especially after she knows the truth. Heathcliff thought. He scratched his stubble.

"I was wondering about whether or not I picked up my schedule. Miscellaneous things find their way out of my mind if I don't think about them enough." Heathcliff said with a grin. Of course, that was a lie. He remembered the damn thing, he just needed an excuse.

"Oh. I see, I sometimes forget I even have one. I usually remember my classes anyway." Akeno said. She smiled and sat back in her seat, poised with a perfect posture. That was something Heathcliff neglected to notice.

"Huh. I never noticed that you sit like a queen on her throne, or something…" Heathcliff muttered out loud. He pinched the bridge of his nose again for his stupidity.

[Dude, you just can't keep your mouth shut, can you?] Kiva asked mockingly. Heathcliff growled internally.

"Why, thank you. I try." Akeno smiled at Heathcliff again.

"I really can't keep my thoughts to myself half the time." Heathcliff sighed. Akeno giggled.

"It's alright. I'm enjoying the compliments." Akeno told him. Heathcliff eyed her from under his hand as he palmed his face in self-inflicted agony. His loose lips bothered him.

"Oh… well, uh… want to hear more? I have myriad things to say about you. Good things." Heathcliff said with a blush. His Australian tan prevented his blush from showing, but he knew he was blushing. He could feel it.

"Sure. But wouldn't complimenting me all at once make you run out?" Akeno wondered with a playful grin.

"No. I'd come up with something." Heathcliff said with a grin. Akeno winked at him.

"Okay then…" Akeno trailed off. Heathcliff grinned and held his hand out.

"May I?" Heathcliff asked, gesturing to her long hair. Akeno nodded and Heathcliff picked up a lock of her hair from the chair.

"You hair… it reminds me of the shadowy nights where I watched the waves lap at the docks. Cool, dark… luscious… and sublime. A melding of the darkness with beauty that creates something far more amazing than any blazing star in the sky. Strands crafted from silk finer than anything produced on the Earth, colored to impress God himself." Heathcliff explained quietly as he ran his hand along the long lock of hair. He glanced up at Akeno and saw her smiling at him.

"That was beautiful. Thank you." Akeno said, placing a hand on Heathcliff's cheek again. He felt his face heat up as he glanced away from her eyes.

"I don't understand why you said you had problems with girls. You seem to be the most romantic man I've ever met." Akeno said as she ran her finger down Heathcliff's jawline. She placed her finger under his chin and he let her raise his head to face her.

"You'd be surprised." Heathcliff mumbled. Akeno shook her head and released his chin.

The bell rang again.

"Damn. I was going onto your eyes next." Heathcliff muttered as he readied himself for the next class and released Akeno's hair. She slid her seat back over to her desk and glanced at him momentarily.

[Shit, man. I think she's into you.] Kiva said suddenly. Heathcliff nearly jumped again because he'd forgotten that Kiva was still there.

Bullshit. You can see that as well as a bloke wearing sunnies at night. Heathcliff said in thought. Kiva laughed.

[Come on, man! I've been around you for years, this chick's into you!] Kiva exclaimed with a laugh. Heathcliff shook his head.

Nah. She's probably just acting like that out of pity. One of them sadistic girls. Heathcliff thought as he prepared for the next class. The teacher walked in and set a heavy math book on the podium.

[I'm not shitting you, dude. Believe me.] Kiva assured. Heathcliff sat silently.


That's some fuckin' E=MC squared shit… Heathcliff thought as he stared at the halfhearted notes he took. They were scribbled on his notebook and were just barely legible.

[Don't come to me for help with that shit. I can't understand human alphabets and writings so, that stuff's lost to me.] Kiva said. Heathcliff nodded solemnly.

I know. Hopefully someone else knows it better than I do. Heathcliff glanced to his right and noticed Akeno flipping through her notes.

Holy shit. Her handwriting is beautiful! What the fuck happened to mine? Heathcliff thought, turning back to his own paper. He noticed a random dollar sign on it and erased it.

"Get something wrong?" Akeno's voice asked as she stood over Heathcliff's desk. He jumped a bit. He ignored his sixth sense on accident.

"No… I just, uh… had a random dollar sign on it. I must've doodled it when teach was talking about something. Try not to look at my handwriting if you don't want nightmares." Heathcliff said with a self-depreciating chuckle. Akeno giggled.

"It's not bad. Well…" Akeno teased as she read his handwriting. Heathcliff grunted in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah. Yours is perfect and mine isn't." Heathcliff muttered. Akeno giggled, but suddenly stopped.

"Are you sure you understand this?" Akeno asked as she leaned down and kept reading his notes. Heathcliff kept his eyes away from her heavy breasts as they hung in front of him.

"Yeah," Heathcliff mumbled. Akeno glanced at him with a quirked eyebrow. "No." Heathcliff admitted, hanging his head in shame. Akeno sighed lightly and smiled at him.

"Well, our free period is up next. Did you want help understanding it?" Akeno asked, standing up straight. Heathcliff looked up at her hopefully.

"You'd do that? Are you prepared to be ultimately frustrated?" Heathcliff asked with a serious expression.

"I'm patient. Come on, try me." Akeno challenged with a wink. Heathcliff shrugged.

"Alright. If you think you can make my brain understand this, then be my guest…. Please." Heathcliff mumbled the last part. Akeno giggled and slid her desk over to Heathcliff's, sitting down next to him.

"I think I can. Now, listen closely…" Akeno trailed off as she opened her notebook up. Heathcliff sat up a bit and prepared himself for another fair go with math.

"See? It's easy." Akeno said as she pointed to Heathcliff's notebook. He sat there, dumbfounded with wide eyes. The classroom was empty.

I DON'T GET IT! He screamed in thought. Panic was rushing through his system as he tried to understand the problem.

"You don't get it, do you?" Akeno asked. Heathcliff shook his head and she giggled a bit.

"You poor, poor man… Alright, I'll go over it again." Akeno said with fake frustration and a playful smile. Heathcliff huffed in annoyance.

"Sure… it's easy for you…" Heathcliff muttered. He then jumped when Akeno pinched his cheek.

"Ouch! What was that for!?" Heathcliff whined. Akeno stuck her tongue out at him.

"For being lazy. Don't give up yet, Heath." Akeno assured, patting the area she pinched. Heathcliff felt his face flush again as he hunkered down in his chair a bit.


Akeno wrote out another problem, similar to the last one, and pointed to it. She leaned closer to Heathcliff and her chest pressed against his arm as she started to explain the problem.

H-Holy hell her chest is soft… and squishy… don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look… Heathcliff thought. His eyes snapped to Akeno's chest.


"Heath? Are you paying attention?" Akeno's question broke Heathcliff from his stupor.

"Huh!? Oh, yeah!" Heathcliff exclaimed, staring into Akeno's eyes with panic present in his.

I hope she didn't notice…

"Were you looking at my chest?"



"What!? No… I zoned out, sorry." Heathcliff answered Akeno with a nervous grin. His eyes flickering between the paper and her narrowing eyes.

"Nice try. Don't worry about it, I was kind of pushing them into you. I didn't really pay much attention to it. I'm the one who should apologize." Akeno admitted, leaning back in her chair.

"Huh!? Oh, no! It's fine!" Heathcliff said quickly, turning towards Akeno a bit.

Wait… ugh… Heathcliff pinched the bridge of his nose again as he realized his words. Akeno laughed a bit.

"I figured you didn't mind. Naughty boy…" Akeno teased, pinching Heathcliff's cheek lightly. He felt himself boil with embarrassment.

"Oh… I'm sorry… I… uh…" Heathcliff fell silent and looked at the ground. He was embarrassed beyond belief.

Please… God, kill me… Heathcliff thought as he felt his heart beating out of his chest. Akeno started giggling.

"It's alright, Heath," Akeno said. Heathcliff sunk into his seat a bit. "Heath…" Akeno called as she poked his forehead. Heathcliff looked up a bit and saw her smiling at him.

"It's fine. I don't care. It's only natural. Come on, I'm sorry I teased you." Akeno apologized, placing a hand on his cheek.

"You like teasing me, don't you?" Heathcliff asked, staring into her mischievous eyes. Akeno blushed a bit and giggled.

"Yeah… but I'm not trying to be mean." Akeno admitted, grinning at Heathcliff. He grinned back a bit.

"I know… I can handle it. My family used to tease me a lot back in Australia, more than most. I'm just not used to… this… technically." Heathcliff mumbled. Akeno giggled and pinched his cheek again.

"OW! Would you stop that!?" Heathcliff exclaimed, lightly batting Akeno's hand away.

"Aw, you're so cute though!" Akeno said with a giggle. Heathcliff felt his fading blush explode again.

"Huh…? Thanks… I guess." Heathcliff mumbled. Akeno smiled and patted his cheek.

"You are." Akeno assured. Heathcliff huffed and turned away in embarrassment.

Christ… she's really getting on me here… I've never had a girl act like this with me. Especially one so beautiful. Heathcliff thought. He looked into Akeno's eyes and felt himself grinning a bit.

[ASK HER OUT YOU TWIT!] Kiva's voice shouted in Heathcliff's mind.

What? I can't do that. Can I…? Heathcliff thought as he stared at Akeno. He gulped as he sat up a bit. Akeno's hand was still on his face.

"Akeno… are you, uh, free this weekend?" Heathcliff asked, scratching his head and glancing to the side.

"Most likely. Did you want to go out?" Akeno wondered. Heathcliff blinked at her.

"Well, uh… I wasn't exactly going to put it that way since… uh, I'm not sure how you'd feel about that." Heathcliff explained, scratching his cheek awkwardly. Akeno giggled and patted his cheek.

"I'd love to go out with you. All these other boys here are a little bland, but you're interesting." Akeno said, poking Heathcliff's cheek.

"You also didn't cry when I teased you a lot." She added with a giggle as she pulled her hand away. Heathcliff blinked in astonishment.

Shit… she… actually accepted? I've got a date? WHAT!? FUCK! Now what? Heathcliff wondered internally.

"Uh… I've never gotten this far so, I haven't a clue as to what to do now." Heathcliff admitted with a sigh. Akeno giggled.

"Well, I think I should know when you're picking me up and which day we're going out. How long we'll be out, etcetera." Akeno explained. Heathcliff nodded at her words.

"Yep… good idea… I certainly didn't think of that… even thought that's the logical thing to do." Heathcliff muttered as he palmed his face. Akeno giggled at him and patted his head.

"It's alright. I get it. I've never been asked out before, so I was a little surprised." Akeno admitted with a bashful grin. Heathcliff stared at her in disbelief.

No way… she's so hot… how has no one asked her out before me? Heathcliff wondered. He massaged his temples a bit as the thought tumbled in his mind.

"How? That seems impossible." Heathcliff said, still baffled. Akeno shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I intimidated people? I know I teased a few boys until they cried when they tried to be smooth with me. I knew they weren't really trying to have a relationship. You know, douchebags." Akeno explained. Heathcliff nodded.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. So, um, how does Saturday sound?" Heathcliff asked, turning his thoughts back to the date.

"For our date? Sounds perfect." Akeno said, giving Heathcliff a warm smile. He felt his face flush again.

"Good. Eleven to like… uh… sometime in the evening? Sundown?" Heathcliff wondered. Akeno sat back and thought for a moment.

"That sounds nice. Meet me by the shrine, know where it is?" Akeno asked after a moment. Heathcliff nodded. He'd seen the shrine steps when he drove into town for the first time.

"Perfect. Saturday it is, then." Akeno said with a smile. Heathcliff grinned. He really felt like celebrating.


[I thought that was a drinking song?] Kiva asked.

I don't care! LET ME CELEBRATE! Heathcliff yelled internally. Kiva laughed and faded away. Akeno giggled.

"Excited?" Akeno wondered. Heathcliff nodded.

"Yeah, sorry. I just feel celebratory. Don't mind me." Heathcliff said with a huge grin. Akeno giggled at him.

"It's fine. I'm pretty excited myself, anyway." Akeno admitted. Heathcliff grinned and buzzed in his seat. He then thought about something.

Wait, should I… dress up or something?

The bell rang.

Shit! Wait, which class is this? Heathcliff thought. Akeno noticed the bell and started to pack up her things.

"Heath, get your stuff together. Gym class is next." Akeno said with an encouraging wave of her hand. Heathcliff nodded and started to pack up.

"Okay, do I like, leave my bag here? My gym clothes are in it… I suppose I'll need them." Heathcliff muttered. He took the clothes out and noticed that his shorts weren't school issued. There was a note attached from his mother.

"School's size was wrong. They said these would work. Love, Mum." Heathcliff read from the note. He noticed Akeno looking down at him.

"Aw, how sweet. Come on, we're going to be late. Do you know where the boy's locker room is?" Akeno asked as she led Heathcliff out of the room.

"Not a damn clue."

"I figured." Akeno sighed playfully.

"Wow, thanks." Heathcliff deadpanned. She laughed, and Heathcliff reveled in it.

Heathcliff found himself walking behind a group of boys from his class as the gym teacher led them out onto the field. He towered over everyone, so he could see the volleyball net set up.

[Shit, man! If the girls are playing… then it'll just be a booby bounce-fest.] Kiva said. Heathcliff chuckled.

Why do you even care? You're not even human. Heathcliff pointed out. Kiva moved on his back. Heathcliff had to turn around when he was changing so no one noticed the black mass on his back. He now wore a white t-shirt that hugged his muscles and a pair of knee-length basketball shorts. He was thankful for the shorts since everyone else's were pretty short.

[Since I'm attached to you, I understand human emotion and sexual reproduction. I like boobs now, too.] Kiva explained. Heathcliff made a small noise of surprise. That was something that Kiva never told him before.

Huh. Learning something new every day. Now- HOLY SHIT! Heathcliff had stopped walking when the group fanned out to pick volleyball teams. He had noticed the girls joining them on the field and saw Akeno on her tight top and short-shorts.

"King! You're on this team!" the gym teacher called to Heathcliff, jabbing his thumb over to the right.

"Got it." Heathcliff said with a nod and joined a few boys on one of the courts.

"Nice, we got the transfer. Now the ball won't fly over our heads!" one of the boys exclaimed. The others cheered in agreement.

"Name's Heath by the way, if you hadn't noticed before." Heathcliff said to the boys. They paid him no heed as they talked amongst themselves. He shrugged and turned his attention to the team they were opposing. Akeno was on it and she was talking to a red haired girl who Heathcliff hadn't noticed before.

"Damn… who's the redhead?" Heathcliff wondered aloud. The boy who was joining his team turned to him.

"That's Rias Gremory. They say she's from Europe. She's one of Kuoh's Two Great Ladies along with Akeno Himejima." The boy explained to Heathcliff before joining the others on their team.

Two Great Ladies? Did… uh… did I just ask out one of the most popular girls at this Academy by just being a fuckwit? Heathcliff wondered. Kiva laughed inside his mind.

[Yep! Seems that way!] Kiva laughed. Heathcliff marveled at his own stupid stroke of luck.

Holy shit. Jesus is taking a lot of dumps today… Heathcliff thought. He chuckled at his own joke. He then noticed Akeno pointing at him, and the girl named Rias was giving him an odd look.

"Fuck… please don't approach me. I don't like being the center of attention." Heathcliff whispered under his breath as Rias eyed him. She eventually started to approach Heathcliff with Akeno trailing behind.

"Heathcliff King, correct?" Rias asked in a commanding tone. As soon as she spoke, everyone around them stopped speaking amongst each other and turned to watch the scene.

Fuck… "Yeah. You're Rias Gremory, right?" Heathcliff asked. Rias nodded. He did not like this one bit.

"I understand you're going out on a date with Akeno. I'd like to ask you something after class, if that's alright." Rias said loudly. Akeno gave Heathcliff an apologetic look and waved at him. Her sympathy did little to lessen the crushing embarrassment that was suffocating him. Everyone around him was shocked, and silence filled the air.

"S-Sure…" Heathcliff answered.





Little something I thought up. Hope you enjoy this first chapter. If there's any Australians out there that'd like to give me pointers on this character, please do so. I'm an American and I'm unfamiliar with Australian culture, so be gentle. Or call me a cunt. Whichever works.

This story will be updated because I want to continue this one. Please note that updates for this will be a bit longer and will take longer to do.

Thanks guys.

See you next time with the King of Symbiosis!