Ash and Serena

Chapter 1- the confession

Ash was sitting outside on the beach looking at the stars. Clemont, Bonnie, Pikachu and Dedenne were asleep in the pokemon center as it was quite late at night. Serena was looking down at Ash from the pokemon center while thinking.

" I need to tell him, I can't keep it locked up forever ".

So she brushed her short dark-blonde hair and started to walk down to Ash. When she got there she couldn't help thinking how much she loved him. So much she wasn't paying attention and tripped over. " woah " she said falling to the ground.

Ash looked over and saw Serena on the ground. " Serena are you okay? " Ash asked her while she sat on the soft sand.

" Oh yeah I'm fine " she said. Ash got up and handed her a handkerchief to use, the same handkerchief he gave to her as a little kid that Serena gave back to him at the start of their journey. " hear use this to wipe the dirt off ".

She got up and took the handkerchief. " thanks Ash ". She wiped herself off and they walked over to where Ash was. " you know seeing this brings back old memories to me of professor oak's summer camp " she said.

" Me too " Ash said.

" I remember when we were on our way out of the forest and I heard a voice calling " she said.

" Really what did it say? " Ash asked.

" It said Ashy-boy where did you go " she said.

" Ashy-boy?".He was thinking for a minute. "only one person calls me that, that was Gary " he said.

" Gary? " She asked.

" Yeah Gary Oak, Professor Oak's grandson, he has spiky auburn hair and black eyes " Ash said

" Oh I remember him now " she said.

" He is the only one who ever calls me Ashy-boy, its kind of his nickname for me, I've just learned to live with it" he said.

" What is he doing now? Wasn't he a trainer like you?" Serena asked.

" Yeah until the Johto league silver conference " ash said.

" Why what happened there?" She asked.

" Oh the Johto league, I will always remember it. It was the first time I ever beat Gary in a battle before" Ash said.

" Really what happened after that? " she asked.

" He decided to become a pokemon researcher like Professor Oak, he found out that he liked learning about pokemon more than he liked training them "

" Wow so he's taking after his grandfather then, two Professor Oak's, that's great " Serena said.

" Yeah I've seen him a bunch of times in Sinnoh since the Johto league, he helped me out with defeating pokemon Hunter Jay and getting Shieldon back and helping my gligar get over its fear and help it evolve into gliscor, we became best friends now " Ash said.

" Wow he really has helped you a lot, I'm glad you became best friends, what's he doing now? " Serena asked.

" He's probably doing pokemon research somewhere " Ash said

" Why don't you call and see how he is " Serena suggested.

" Yeah that's a good idea Serena thanks" Ash said and got up. " wait! " Serena said.

" What is it Serena?" Ash asked as he sat back down,.

" I need to tell you something " she said looking nervous. Ash could sense this and was a little worried about her, he usually could see when something was wrong or if something was bothering her. He cared about her so much he didn't want her to be sad it just made him sad. He always thought to himself how pretty she was, how kind and caring she was to everyone. That is why he loved her but he was too nervous to tell her how he feels. " okay" Ash said.

" I've felt like this for a while now but I was too scared to tell you, but I have enough courage to tell you now, to tell you that I-I'm in love with you " she said

Ash sat there in shock at what she just said " " w-what? " Ash asked.

" I love you Ash, I have done for ages now but I had no courage to tell you till now, I was scared you wouldn't feel the same way " she said.

Ash grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him so they were iches apart and kissed her. She was shocked at first but after a while she started to kiss back. Then they broke apart for air. " I love you too Serena " Ash told her. Then they kissed again, but this time it was was a lot more passionate than the first kiss.

" So are we a couple now? " Serena asked.

" Yes we are, you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend " Ash said.

" Great, why don't we get back to Clemont and Bonnie, they will be wondering where we got to if they woke up " Serena suggested.

" Good idea I will call Gary in the morning, want to help me? " Ash asked.

" I would love to " she said.

" Great " Ash said. They got up and walked up to the pokemon center while holding hands the whole time. When they got there they changed into their pajamas (Serena in the bathroom first and Ash after) and went to bed in Ash's bed together. " goodnight Ash " Serena said

" Goodnight Serena " Ash said.