Blurred Lines

Gerry woke up with a start. For a moment he had no idea where he was. The beige walls of his bedroom had been replaced by the off white walls of a strangers. He yawned; realising he was in Sandra's bedroom he felt himself beginning to panic. He begun to piece the events of the night before together, realising that he had allowed her to take the lead he felt ashamed he hadn't called a halt to things sooner.

He closed his eyes, remembering his shock at finding out she had cut herself, helping to dispose of the glass he had busied himself tidying her kitchen berating her for being clumsy.

Last Night

"How much wine have you had?" He watched as she looked away.

"Not enough." She had whispered as he turned to her. His shock at seeing her guard completely down vanished as he crossed the small kitchen to her.


"I close my eyes and see those kids. I can still hear every word of Kiera's testimony. She was seven! A little kid. Should have been playing hopscotch, sindy dolls. Anything! Just not living with a monster like him!" She shook her head as Gerry nodded. He knew the case had affected them all; all but Sandra were parents. They'd all been horrified at the actions of the so called father. He hadn't thought she would see the case from the point of view of the child.

"Come on." He took her hand in his. "It's over. We did it."

"Thirty years too late."

"That's what we do. Go back and find out what really happened. Those kids got justice. The only downside is, Jones will be in prison less time than if we had caught him earlier."

"He deserves to rot for what he did." She looked him in the eye, a little of the Sandra he knew returning. He touched her face, brushing blonde hair away before kissing her. Without mistletoe or imminent danger he had expected a slap when she pulled away. Instead she just looked at him.


"You meant it." She whispered.


"At the hospital when I was recovering after the crash. You said you loved me. You meant it." He blushed as she spoke. A minute later her lips were on his. He kissed her back pouring all the emotions he had for her into the kiss. She pulled back as he rested his hands on her waist.

"I meant it." He whispered as she touched his face. "You know I did."

"Stay. Tonight."

"Ok." He nodded, "you got a spare duvet? I'll kip on the sofa."

"Yes and not with your back." She smiled slightly. "That couch is not great. Bed." She tugged on his hand, her eyes filled with I shed tears. He nodded, knowing there was nothing he wouldn't do for the woman who was in front of him.



Sandra sat at the kitchen table. She knew she had no reason to get up as early as she had. It was Saturday and the whole team had the day off. She hoped Jack and the others were taking it easy. They had all worked so hard over the last few months to get the conviction the family had so desperately needed. She sipped her tea thinking about the man asleep in her bed. She knew he loved her. Gerry was many things but he was a rubbish liar. He couldn't hide his true feelings when it came to those he cared for.

"Oh Gerry." She whispered. She knew he was brash, loud, uncouth, overprotective and a bit of a dinosaur but she loved him. There was no way she would have slept with him if she hadn't felt the same way. She sighed as she thought about how the team would feel if the boss suddenly started a relationship with her subordinate.

"Hiya." Gerry caught her attention as he bounded into the kitchen. "Breakfast?"

"Kettle is on." She sighed. "Gerry."


"About last night. Work."

"What about work?" He sat at the kitchen table watching as her eyes avoided his. "Are you saying last night was a mistake? Because."

"No." She touched his hand, effectively silencing him. "No, I'm not saying that. Just thinking how we handle Sasha and the boys? I'm the boss. It might make things awkward."

"Brian, Steve, Ted and Jack have been trying to set us up for ages. Sasha can hardly say anything- she's with Strickland. An AC with a DCI. And Danny probably won't notice. Not until Fiona tells him." Gerry watched as her lips quirked into a half smile.

"Fair point." She sighed. "But it can't affect the work. What we do. What UCOS does it's too important."

"Agreed." Gerry smiled at her. Sandra shook her head. She was 54 years old acting like a soppy kid. It was ridiculously. But then, this was her Gerry. "Only thing I'd say as to change is we stop dating other people. We don't have to announce us to all and sundry but we don't deny it either."

"Ok." Sandra nodded. "I can work with that."

"Great." He kissed her quickly before standing up. "Now, I dunno about you but last night I worked up an appetite." He headed over to her fridge. Sandra shook her head, wondering what she had let herself in for.
