Crimson Moon

Author: Universal Election

Summary: Traitor of the Leaf, Sasuke Uchiha, is sent out of prison to right his wrongs. Accompanying him on his travels is the Hyuuga clan heiress, Hinata. Throughout their journey, they come across many obstacles and struggle with their feelings towards each other.

Information: Eventual SasuHina, slow burn. Alternate Timeline. Kinda OOC Sasuke but my take on how he would be if he had someone to share his tight, locked up feelings with.

Without further ado, enjoy!

"Because you're my friend!"

Those four simple words that Naruto had drilled into him time and time again, finally hit him hard like a punch to the face. Sasuke could feel his overworked and newly formed eyes begin to well with tears. Embarrassed, he swiftly turned his head away to shield what little dignity he had left and accepted the fact that he would neither attack, nor hurt, his home anymore.

As they lay in silence, Sasuke opened his mind to his surroundings. The colossal statues that had stood watch over the Final Valley for years were in ruins, both missing a head which Sasuke couldn't locate no matter how much he tried. The crashing waterfall was all he could hear- besides their aching groans- as it assaulted the river below. He could taste the blood that had been falling from his newly formed Rinnegan that he couldn't seem to turn off. He made a mental note to address this problem if he was even alive later. His lack of a left arm felt foreign and unsurprisingly painful, but that wouldn't matter if he died from blood loss soon.

Sasuke, in the distance, heard a controlled 'thump!' and wondered if death had come for him.

Quite the opposite in fact.

As if on cue, an angry and frustrated Sakura Haruno had leapt from the cliff to find them. He knew he shouldn't have put her in a genjutsu with his Rinnegan. He knew he shouldn't have said those words to her, but it was incredibly annoying when she constantly obsessed over him and would've ruined his and Naruto's fight. After a brief search for them, she found them lying next to each other, each bereft of an arm. Angry and terrified that her best friend and love interest might die, she immediately started to heal Sasuke and Naruto.

On the cliff above them, Sasuke could just make out their tired, grey-haired, sensei. Even from afar he could sense he was smiling happily at the thought of him no longer pursuing the darkness his eyes could see. To be honest, it made him feel a tinge of happiness too, like a weight on his shoulders had been lifted and he could think straight for the first time in years. He would make up for his mistakes, he swore it right then and there. Itachi and the Uchiha name wouldn't- couldn't- become worse.

After what felt like hours and hours of flesh knitting itself back together, Sakura cut off the jutsu, confident they would both be alright for the time being till they could properly be treated in a hospital.

Naruto, being the dobe he is, got up instantly, forcing his shaking body to stand and obey him. His best friend let out a long sigh and grinned. Suddenly, Naruto's arm appeared in his view, his hand open waiting for him to take it. Grateful, Sasuke took it and was hauled up with Naruto's seemingly infinite strength. They stood together using each others body to keep standing for a while. It was amazing what their dual ultimate jutsu's had done. The land around them had been ripped apart and Sasuke knew that the damage didn't end here. Granted not all of it was their fault. Madara, Obito and the Juubi played their parts in the destruction too.

Naruto's teeth clicked together beside him drawing him out of his trance. He looked to be deep in thought and saddened by the sight before them.

A sudden thought popped up in Sasuke's head, and he turned to Naruto. Grabbing his remaining hand and forming a modified Ram hand sign between them. Naruto looked to protest but quickly realised what he was attempting to do and let it happen. Both of their chakra- what little of it remained- flowed into the jutsu and their brutally hard mission finally ended.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi was released.

Immediately Sasuke could sense the multitude of chakra signatures rise as the genjutsu broke and the weird plants, that would have turned everyone into a Zetsu clone, let them all go free. Sasuke imagined what they were all thinking.

Where am I? What's happened? Is it over? It almost made him grin at their ignorance of the situation.

Hundreds of chakra signatures were racing towards their position as they managed to track down Naruto, hoping he was alright.

A few minutes later, the ninja from the Leaf and his past friends spilled over the cliff with Kakashi joining them on their descent. At the front was their current Hokage, Tsunade, leading the charge.

Behind them all, Sasuke spotted his team: The Taka. The briefly made eye contact before Sasuke shook his head gently indicating it was over. Karin looked as if she was going to burst out in tears. Thankfully, suigetsu pulled her away from the edge of the cliff and started off in the opposite direction, fearful for their leader's punishment that waited ahead.

Sasuke forced himself to move away from his ex-teammates knowing that it would be unlikely they would want to see him after his declaration of war. He quickly found refuge on a lone piece of rock and sat down giving his aching body a rest.

Eventually, everyone was surrounding Naruto singing his praises and laughing with him, beyond impressed and thankful that he had defeated Madara and Kaguya. Sasuke easily spotted the hateful eyes that landed on him, some attempting to come over to teach him a lesson, (not that they could) before Naruto told them that he was fine and no longer trying to kill them. They didn't like it, but they didn't bother him after that. Sakura tried to sit beside him but after one pointed glance at her, she closed her eyes and made her way to Naruto to join everyone else in their delight.

He knew Sakura had feelings for him but he didn't feel that way towards her nor anyone else, and he didn't think he ever would. It wasn't what he was destined for and she would have to accept that.

As Sasuke watched Naruto and everyone celebrating, he felt a pang of jealousy at his multitude of friends, but quickly shut the feeling down. He was Uchiha Sasuke. He didn't need friends. Besides after this, he'd probably spend the rest of his life in prison for his crimes. It was probably the best place for him after all.

After a while, what he had expected to happen, happened.

Tsunade turned towards him with grim expression to confront him. Her garments were in tatters and several bruises were on her face and knuckles. Madara really did a number on her.

"Uchiha Sasuke," he looked up at her, "Is what Naruto says true?"

Straight to the point. Okay. Sasuke kept his expression emotionless and replied, "If Naruto has said that I no longer want to bring more suffering and that I won't attack you or the village anymore, then yes. Naruto would only just hit me again" while rubbing his jaw. Naruto laughed. He could tell by his body language that he was thinking 'damn right'.

"Then will you come back to the village to face your punishment?", Tsunade asked while tensing, no doubt expecting him to protest violently.

Sasuke nodded once. After all, he had seen this coming.

After releasing the imprisoned tailed beasts from his jutsu and returning the Nine-Tails to Naruto, he let himself be put into a medically induced sleep by Tsunade so that they could transport him without any fault. The last thing he saw was everyone heading in the direction of what he assumed to be the land of fire, and their home.

The prison was the single most boring thing Sasuke had ever been fortunate to come across. It was damp and the air smelled pungent. The room was just big enough to accommodate two people and the pitifully itchy bed he had been oh so graciously given was horrific to sleep on. He hadn't been there for very long- a few days a most- but because there was literally nothing to do but sleep, he had grown bored fairly quickly. His previous thought of prison being the best place for him seemed to wither and die. There was no way he could stand this forever.

Awaiting his trial was what kept him sane. It was ironic. The one thing that would condemn him for the rest of his life was what was keeping him sane.

He didn't even know what time of day it was due to the thin piece of steel that had been secured to his upper face to hide his powerfully dangerous eyes. It made all his eye abilities useless.

Amaterasu: he'd burn his face off. Ouch.

Kagutsuchi: pointless without the black flames.

Amenotejikara: he needed to see something to swap places with it.

No, they were all but useless. Not that he would use them to run away again. He had accepted his fate and punishment. A seal had also been placed on him to restrict chakra flow so he couldn't use jutsu, Rinnegan abilities, or his Susanoo either. Clever Kakashi.

Just as he was about to fall to sleep for the millionth time, the unfamiliar sound of a creaking jail cell door rang across the room drawing his attention. Who could it be?

Before he had the chance to demand who it was, a bored voice interrupted him.

"Sasuke Uchiha, your trial has started", said Kakashi.

"In here?", he questioned smugly while comically looking around the small room.

"Not quite. A few cells down there is a conference room where it will take place. Moving you to a hall wouldn't be very fun for anyone. Follow me," he said cooly while grabbing his right arm and escorting him outside his personal cell.

"I know what you're thinking, but no, I won't resist. Whatever happens. I deserve this."

"Happy to hear it."

Moments later of being pulled in the same direction Kakashi stopped abruptly causing him to bump into his shoulder and scowl.

"In here," Kakashi instructed.

The room was much warmer than his cell- possibly from body heat- and the floor was softer. He could practically feel the tense atmosphere as he was led into the middle of the room and seated.

Even with his eye guard on, he could still sense the chakra of everyone in the room and make out who most of them were.

Around him were four women and three men; one of them Kakashi who surprisingly no longer had the chakra of the familiar Sharingan in his eye.

Among the women was Tsunade, whose chakra felt stable now the war had ended, Sakura whose chakra felt determined yet angry, one of the Leaf Elders who held some power over him to his dismay, and a Hyūga girl, whose Dojutsu he could faintly remember sensing before.

Among the men were the other Village Elders who probably had far too many wrinkles to be alive, and obviously, Naruto whose chakra was tense like a compressed spring. Sasuke swallowed nervously, secretly wishing for his face to be covered completely. This couldn't be good. Perhaps his cell wasn't so bad after all?

Kakashi spoke first. "This trial takes place in cell fourtyfive at three-thirty pm on Tuesday. On the stand is Uchiha Sasuke who is accused of murder, being a rogue nin, attacking the Kage on multiple occasions, and ties to the Akatsuki among other crimes. How do you plead?"

Sasuke almost laughed. Of course, he had done said crimes, they had all witnessed them at some point. Deciding to ask a question that would probably anger everyone around him, he replied, "What do you think, Sensei?"

At his answer, the village elders scoffed and threw accusations left and right to anyone who was listening to punish him greatly even execute him.

"Answer the question, Sasuke."


The room erupted once again.

"Silence!", Tsunade angrily shouted. The elders immediately shut up and started grumbling silently to themselves. Sasuke smirked quicky before washing it off his face completely.

"Sasuke is obviously aware he has done this and so are all of us in this room. But in light of Naruto's and Sakura's testimony, it has to be said that without Sasuke we would all most definitely be trapped inside some dreamworld never knowing the light of day again. He helped defeat Madara and Kaguya where none of us could do a thing about it, save Kakashi. I ask you to take this into account," Tsunade added. She certainly didn't mess around, oh no, but what did she gain from helping him?

Kakashi rubbed his chin through his deep blue mask he never took off, deep in thought. So his future was up to his sensei. He might just be able to survive execution.

Again debate started with everyone throwing around ideas at Kakashi. The only ones who were silent were the Hyūga girl and the new Hokage.

Eventually, just when Sasuke was starting to get bored again, Kakashi raised his hand silencing everyone around the table swiftly before smiling under his mask and raising an eyebrow. This couldn't be good.

"I believe I have come to a decision", he started, "I propose an unbreakable contract that binds Sasuke till he can make up for all the destruction he has caused. If he strays from the contract he will be imprisoned till... death. As his teacher, I take full responsibility for him."

"What kind of contract?" Sasuke asked curiously as he tried to ignore the fact of being imprisoned until death.

"You shall be given a month to prepare and heal in your cell. After this time is up you will be sent, by me, to several different Villages that have been ravaged by the war, and help out in any way until the Kage, or Village head is satisfied with your cooperation. Any break from this binding contract as well as any murders by your hand results in your immediate return to the leaf to be detained indefinitely," Kakashi stated.

Everyone seemed happy at the arrangement, except the elders who turned deathly pale but didn't speak up. Tsunade agreed to fashion a new arm for both him and Naruto out of Hashirama's cells so that they wouldn't be hindered by only being able to use one-handed seals. Naruto's chakra changed so that it was brighter, he was probably content with the sentence. Sakura's chakra was relieved.

Sasuke marvelled at his luck. Not only did he get out of a lifetime in prison, but he got a new arm and was allowed to help the people he had undoubtedly hurt around the world. Kakashi was as cunning as ever.

Before he could speak up, Kakashi spoke again, but not to him. "Hinata, I assume you are wondering what you're doing here?", he asked, eliciting a nod from the Hyūga, "I've asked you here as your Byakugan can be used to look at Sasuke's and Naruto's chakra pathways and help match the chakra up to the artificial arm. I have complete confidence in you."

The Hyūga's- Hinata that was her name- chakra was jumpy as if she was surprised but it quickly became solid like she was confident to complete her mission. Sasuke just nodded and was again escorted outside.

As he was moved again, he noticed that he wasn't going back in the same direction as before. He frowned. Eventually, they came across another cell and entered it.

Although Sasuke was reluctant to thank Kakashi, he supposed that he should. "Thank you, Sensei."

"Don't worry about it," Kakashi assured placing a hand on his shoulder, "Just don't let me down."

Sasuke nodded.

"I'm going to need to remove your eye guard now. You'll be needing your sight. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Kakashi warned before clicking his fingers letting the mask Sasuke wore fall away.

Sasuke's eyes immediately snapped shut from the assault of the light and his one remaining hand shot up for extra protection. Eventually, he started to test the light out with some rapid blinks. Sasuke was grateful he could still see.

The room was, thankfully, larger than his original one with a bright white light illuminating the surroundings. The bed looked considerably comfier. On the left near the wall was a weird machine and a chair with straps for the wrists. Sasuke guessed it was something to do with creating his new arm.

"Your month starts tomorrow and I hope to see you put some effort into it, Sasuke", Kakashi warned before locking the door and strolling off back to the Hokage tower.

Sasuke smiled for the first time in a long while. Discarding his prison acquired white shirt he quickly fell to sleep wanting to finish his month sentence as fast as possible so he could get outside and repair the damage he had so carelessly inflicted.

Hinata slowly walked out of the Hokage's office reflecting on Kakashi's orders. After swiftly identifying Naruto's chakra so that Sakura and Tsunade could remake his arm, causing her face to become particularly flustered, Kakashi had told her to follow him to his office at the Hokage tower.

Wondering what he would want, she hesitantly followed him back. She was surprised once again by what he told her.

First, once Sasuke was finished recovering and went on his mission, she would accompany him on his travels along with Kiba and Akumaru. Something to do with her all-seeing eyes that could identify things from nearly ten miles now, helping them stay out of trouble.

Secondly, that while she was visiting Sasuke to heal him, she would try to befriend him to truly pull him away from his darkness and give him someone to trust and share his emotions with other than Naruto. This particularly surprised her as she never really had had a conversation with Sasuke before, as he was thought of as a traitor and never talked with anyone. But she wouldn't back down from her mission, so she agreed and was dismissed soon after.

Lost in her thoughts, she realised she was now outside in the streets heading towards the Hyūga residence.

It didn't take long to reach her home as it was just a few blocks away. She was let in by the guards and strolled towards her particular abode smiling at Hanabi, her sister, who sat near the fountain also lost in her thoughts.

Shouting to her Father that she would skip dinner as she was tired after the weird day, she made her way, finally, to her room. She placed her weapons pouch on her oak desk and tied her silky, black hair in a ponytail before sliding into her relaxing bed not bothering to change.

While waiting for the darkness to take her, she began thinking of ways to help Sasuke and what to talk about over the next month. She didn't want to tell him about her accompanying him on his travels in case he got mad at having an unwanted babysitter. Perhaps just chatting friendly while looking at his chakra would suffice, she thought.

Hinata stretched to her full height. It was early dawn, and the sun could barely be made out, but she felt well rested. Dusting herself off and smoothing out the creases of her small and baggy clothes- perhaps she should've changed- Hinata exited her room pulling open the thin wooden door and headed towards the kitchen.

Surprisingly, her father was kneeling there. She gulped. She hadn't wanted to bring up the subject of her leaving soon but supposed it couldn't wait forever. She kneeled down opposite her father and began to tell him. Just as she mustered up the courage, her father cut her off.

"Hinata, I've been informed by the Hokage about your mission with the Uchiha traitor, is this true?", he asked stubbornly.

Hinata sighed, thankful for not having to break the ice but fearful about what he might say next. She replied, "Yes Father I've been ordered to accompany him on his travels".

Hiashi sighed and got up. "Good. It should be excellent practice so that you can get stronger and work on your diplomacy skills. I don't wish to be let down, but I have told the Hokage that I only want you to accompany him for a maximum of two years as you are needed in the clan. You have one last chance to prove to me that you can take over this clan".

Hinata audibly gasped at not having to argue with her father. She would have to try even harder now to make him proud.

"Yes, sir. I won't let you or the clan down. I promise to return stronger than ever"

"Good. You should be on your way to the prisons to start your mission. I wish you luck, my daughter".

Hinata nodded and scampered out of the house; eager to prove herself.

In the distance, the prison came into view. It looked very different from the other buildings that they had. It was made mostly out of metal, and thin pipes ran around it like snakes. Anbu lurked in the darkness with watchful eyes. As she approached, one such Anbu- with a mask shaped like a monkey with two red triangles on the cheeks- appeared in front of her waiting cautiously.

Hinata fumbled with her words. "H-Hyūga Hinata here to see prisoner Sasuke U-Uchiha by the Hokage's order," she recited, her stutter returning after a long time with her getting over it.

The Anbu eyed her up and down in a swift motion and then flash stepped away. Taking his absence as a yes, she entered the facility and followed the path to cell ninety-four where Sasuke was.

The interior of the prison was much the same as the exterior. Metal plating with Anbu crawling all around the place. She easily decided she didn't like it, not one bit. So she pushed on to the cell and came across it not long after.

With a fluent swipe of the guard's card, she gained access.

The first that hit her was the openness of the cell- if it could be called that. It was far bigger than the others she had passed. The walls, floor and ceiling were all gleaming white and on the left were a Chakra management machine and a chair for safety

The second was the topless Uchiha laying on the bed breathing deeply and slowly. She had never really had the chance to see him up close or very peaceful before now. His raven black hair was unkempt from the prison days but still looked ordinarily perfect. She spotted that he had grown his hair over his left eye for some reason which completed the grave Uchiha look.

She couldn't help but flush slightly as she stood there silently breathing looking him up and down. She had to admit he looked handsome despite all the scars he sported.

Just as she was debating what to say, Sasuke's right eye snapped open and fell on her with a knowing look in it.

Sasuke had awoken some time earlier than usual due to a dream about Itachi still being with him. Instead of trying to go back to sleep he decided to just rest his eyes. He was thankful his hair had finally grown long enough to cover his Rinnegan; it prevented him from having to close it all the time unless someone got frightened and lost their wits. He guessed he'd see a lot of them along his path to redemption. Idiots.


Suddenly the cell door opened and a single chakra signature came closer. He recognised it as the Hyūga girl- Hinata. If he was honest he was happy that it was her helping him and not the annoying pink haired girl. That'd be unsufferable. Though not as boring. But maybe he could make this interesting with the Hyūga?

Aware that the Hyūga had not been moving and most likely was staring at him, without saying anything, he knew exactly how to play this.

He snapped his eyes open and stared at her, unable to contain his straight face. She had a red face that was admittedly cute.

"Do you have something to tell me, Hyūga, or are you just going to stand there?".

Sasuke didn't think it possible for someone to turn so red. Now getting a good look at her, he checked her over. Her matching raven hair, with a tinge of dark blue, fell down her back and shoulders. Her bangs were just above her eyes, and her eyes- the Byakugan- were probably the most enticing eyes he had ever seen. They were mostly white with some lavender thrown into the mix. It looked like she was staring into his soul.

She wore what he assumed was her mission gear. If he had to use one word to describe it, it would be 'baggy'. The pinks and blues of her outit only served to bring more attention to her face, while they hid her body. She looked incredibly innocent with her flushed face and fumbling fingers which were tapping together.

"U-Uh I-I wasn't I s-swear. I'm here for your uh... chakra examination". She averted her gaze instantly which brang a small smile onto his face. He was used to having this effect on girls (Sakura, Karin), but while those bothered him, he didn't mind the Hyūga doing it.

He nodded awkwardly into his pillow and slid out of his far more comfy bed. At his bare chest, she flushed again.

"What do I need to do?"

"Y-you have to move your chakra into your severed part of your arm so I can examine I-it," she bit out.

He nodded again and turned to the side so his destroyed arm faced her. She turned on her Byakugan as he did so. He could see soft veins bulge at the side of her eyes, it was interesting. The all-seeing eyes of the Hyūga clan. Slowly, he closed his eyes and carefully forced his chakra just above his arm where it cut off. It was far harder than normal due to the seal not allowing him to use jutsu. He wondered when they'd take it off. Most likely when he left the village.

After a few minutes of silence, the girl cleared her throat to speak. He opened his eyes again, seeing that she had deactivated her Dojutsu too.

"Your chakra is immense, so dark and w-warm. It should be easily to make a replica of your original arm," she said, recording her findings in her head. It didn't mean anything to him, but he would greatly like his arm back.

"Is that it? I thought it would have taken longer," he asked.

The girl shook her head. Her hair waving over her pale face. "That is the main part of it, b-but I need to check up on you every now and again until the end of the month".

He walked back over to his bed and sat down. "Sure, OK, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then Hyūga. I hope you're good company."

At his statement she giggled. Her laugh sounding quite angelic if he said so himself. "Y-yes," she said nervously, "I'll be back in three days, Sasuke".

Sasuke raised his eyebrow questingly and shrugged. He would have to get to know her some more soon. This mysterious girl had intrigued him more than he'd care to admit. Moving back into bed he closed his eyes once more. The sound of the door filled the room, banging as it opened and closed. Locked in once more.

Hinata Hyūga. Hmm.