Becca groaned as she was yet again skipped on the queue for the bar, huffing she stomped her foot and stood on the rail "hello!" she yelled "I'm standing here about ten minutes!"

"What can I get you?" a barman asked as he handed off a drink to someone.

"Vodka cranberry and gin and tonic." she asked.

"Got it," he nodded and walked off to get her drinks.

"Thank you," she said when he handed them to her, handing off the money she poured her cranberry into her vodka and slid the empty bottle on the bar "thanks," she said when he handed her back her change. Taking a sip of her drink she turned around and gasped as someone knocked both drinks out of her hands and down her dress "I don't believe this!" she yelled and slammed the glasses down.

She looked up to see a guy staring back at her wide eyed "I am so sorry," he said moving quickly to her "someone pushed me from behind, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she muttered as she wiped her dress "which is more than I can say for my dress, thank you for ruining my first night out in like six months."

"I'm sorry," he said again "I'll replace your drinks, if you go into the bathroom the dryer should dry that up."

"Nah, thanks, but I think this is a sign I shouldn't have come out at all," she said and went to walk by him.

"Wait," he said stopping her "don't let what happened ruin your night…I'm Jesse by the way."

"Becca," she replied "anyway, don't worry about it…I should get back to my friend, I'm standing here ages, she'll be wondering where I am."

"Look, my dad owns this club, go back to your friend and I'll make sure you're taken care of for the rest of the night," Jesse said.

Becca rolled her eyes "really, it's okay…it was nice to meet you Jesse," she said and walked off.

"You too!" he called after her and watched her walk back to blonde haired girl "hey, Larry!" he called waving the barman down "did you serve that girl there in the blue dress?"

"Yeah, she's a feisty one," he chuckled.

Jesse watched her rant to her friend, turning back to Larry he smiled "send her over whatever she's drinking for her and her friend, tell her I sent them, she doesn't pay for anything for the rest of the night," he said and walked off.

"Sure thing boss," he chuckled and walked off to get their drinks. Walking to Becca's table he placed them down "from Jesse," he said when both girls frowned "on us for the rest of the night," he said and walked off again.

"Seems this Jesse guys is flush," Amy chuckled and picked up her drink.

"His dad is," Becca replied, "he said he owns this place, I didn't believe him."

"Wow, there are like ten clubs around here that he owns…get in there Becca," she chuckled.

Becca looked over and caught Jesse watching her, lifting her glass she tipped it in thanks and turned back to Amy "I'm sure I'm not the first girl he's tried this with, and my dad would kill me…let's just enjoy the rest of our night."

Later that night Becca and Amy were having a great night, Amy had persuaded her to move onto doubles and shots "Amy!" she giggled as she dribbled one down her chin "I cannot do another shot!"

Amy slammed her glass down "okay, I got it…how about we finish these," she said holding up two more shots "then we'll head for food before we go home."

"Deal," Becca nodded, seeing the guy Amy had been dancing with earlier she downed her shot and slammed it onto the bar "that Ray guy is coming over, I'm gonna go the bathroom then we're outta here okay?"

"Okay, okay, now go away," Amy chuckled and pushed her away as Ray slid in beside her.

Becca was gone for about ten minutes, she had to queue then she started to talk to girls, it was religious to make friends with half the girls in the toilets whilst drunk, chuckling to herself she made her way back towards Amy.

Seeing her with her tongue down Ray's throat she groaned and grabbed what was left of her drink and dropped onto a stool, she was giving her until it was gone before she pulled her away.

"Amy, time to go," she said tapping her shoulder.

Amy pulled away "Ray's invited us to a party, wanna come?"

"No, we're going home, we both have class tomorrow," Becca huffed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go…I'll walk you to a taxi first," Amy said dragging her outside.

"Party is this way!" Ray yelled and pulled her the other way.

"Amy!" Becca called after her "you can't leave me here alone!"

"Sorry shorty! Party! Wahoo!" she squealed back.

"Amy!" she yelled again "I've no money! Damn it Amy," she muttered "will you at least text me to let me know you're okay!"

Shaking her head as Amy waved her hand in the air and disappeared around the corner she sighed and started to walk the other way "oh, sorry," she said and moved to the side as she bumped into someone.

"Becca?" Jesse said.

"Oh, hey," she said and looked up.

"You're on your own?" he asked looking beyond her for Amy.

"Yep," she nodded "my friend met a guy and now here I am walking home alone."

"She just left you?" he asked, "you can't walk home alone."

Becca shrugged "she had the cash I only have my card…see ya Jesse, and thanks for the drinks," she said and walked by him.

Jesse patted his pockets, he had no cash either "hey!" he called and ran after her "you can't walk home, let me give you a ride?" he asked.

"Thanks, but you've been drinking and I just met you," she replied.

Jesse took her hand "I'm not taking no as an answer, I can't let you walk home alone."

Becca stopped at his car and looked over at him "how do I know I'm not gonna end up somewhere else?"

Jesse raised an eyebrow "because I'm a nice guy and I've to be up early tomorrow."

Becca shook her head "I don't know, I think I'd rather the walk."

Jesse held out his hand "give me your phone."

"What?" she asked clutching it closer to her chest.

Jesse leaned in and took it from her hand, going to the front of the car he took pictures of the registration, the car then turned the camera onto himself. Taking a picture, he handed the phone back to her "send that to your dad or someone, if you don't make it home they'll know you were last with me."

Becca took it back "I don't know, there's still the fact of you drinking."

Jesse chuckled and opened the door for her "I wasn't drinking, I had a few meetings my dad couldn't make, I was too busy."

"Fine," she said and climbed in "but I need food before I go home."

"No problem," he chuckled and walked around to his own side.

"So, Becca, where you from?" he asked as they drove.

"Campton street, you?" she asked.

"Jefferson boulevard," he replied quickly "McDonalds do you?"

"Yes," she giggled "hey, wait, isn't that the street with all the big massive houses on it?"

"Uh, yeah…what do you want?" he asked pulling up to the intercom.

"Fries, strawberry milkshake, chicken nuggets and two cheese burgers, and whatever you want," she rambled. She looked over to see him staring back at her "what?" she giggled.

"Nothing," he chuckled and turned back to the intercom.

"Here," Becca said handing him her card when they got to the window "no arguments, I'm paying," she said when he tried to hand it back to her.

"You're really gonna eat all that?" he asked as they pulled away.

"No," she scoffed "the cheeseburgers are for me, the rest is for Amy when she comes home tomorrow."

"You live with her?" he asked curiously.

"Yep, and my friend Chloe…we all go to college together, actually, we all live together," she chuckled.

"All?" he chuckled, she really was wasted.

"This is me," she said pointing to an apartment building.

Jesse pulled in and killed the engine, "you all live in one apartment?"

Becca pulled off her belt and turned to face him "don't laugh, okay."

"I won't," he said holding up his hands.

"I'm in an acapella group at college…I'm not a friendly person, I don't like people so the girls are all I have," she mumbled quickly.

Jesse couldn't believe his ears, he didn't think there was anything else she could say or do that would make him like her more "wow," was all he said.

"I know, lame, right?" she asked covering her face with her hands.

"No," he said and tugged her hands away "it's amazing, so who lives here?" he asked.

"Me Amy and Chloe in one apartment, Aubrey, Lilly Stacie and Cynthia rose in the next one and right across the hall are Denise Ashely and Jessica...the Barden Bella's," she chuckled.

"You go to Barden?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah, final year…why?" she asked.

"My mom went there," he said and climbed out of the car. Walking to her side he helped her out "I'll walk you up," he said.

Becca stumbled and grabbed onto his arm "so your mom went to Barden huh?"

"Yeah, she was a Bella too," he chuckled and waited for her to put in her code for the door.

"What's her name?" Becca asked "we have pictures of past Bella groups in our hall."

"Louise Swanson-but she was Taylor back then…what?" he asked when her eyes went wide.

"Nothing, sorry, she's just like, the queen, we know all about her and her Bella days."

Jesse nodded "well, she's just mom to me…this you?" he asked as she stopped at a door.

"Yep," she said and fished out her key "I'd invite you in but my roommate is crazy and I'm afraid she'll attack you…I haven't been near a guy since I broke up with my last boyfriend."

"No worries," he chucked "I gotta go anyway, just making sure you got home safe."

"Well thank you for the ride, and the drinks, and listening to me ramble," she said.

Jesse leaned in and kissed her on the cheek "night Becca, might see you in the club sometime."

Becca smiled and nodded "you might, night Jesse," she said and slipped inside.

"Who is he?" Chloe yelled jumping at her.

"Geez, Chloe!" she hissed and grabbed her chest "Amy bailed on me, he gave me a ride home that is all…why are you still up?" she asked and walked by her.

"Just in, went on a date…what's his name? where did you meet him?"

"Chloe, I am too tired for this, my hangover is already kicking in…goodnight, and do not come into my room," she said and took a bottle of water before heading on to her room.

Chloe chose to ignore her and followed her "we all have class early tomorrow so we can suffer together, it's like two am, we still have plenty of time…who owns the food you brought back with you?"

Becca pulled off her dress and grabbed her pyjamas "if I say you can have it will you leave me alone?"

"No," Chloe shrugged and dived onto her bed "so, who was the guy? Where did you meet him?"

Becca raised an eyebrow "how drunk are you?" she chuckled.

"Very, now stop changing the subject…I haven't heard you even mention a guy since Luke."

Becca groaned just what she needed before she went to bed was to be reminded of her ex "his name is Jesse, he was nice, he gave me a ride home, he walked me to the door, I won't be seeing him again, that's all, now goodnight," she said and climbed into her bed.

The next morning all the girls dragged themselves into the coffee shop beside their block, they usually met here and left when they'd all arrived and gotten their morning fix.

"Just waiting on Amy," Becca yawned "she was half dressed when I left."

Stacie chuckled "she only got home like an hour ago."

"I know," Chloe groaned "we heard her."

"I'm here!" Amy called "who's got my coffee?"

"Right here," Becca said holding it up "metro is in ten," she said and walked off.

All of the girls filed out and down to the metro track, Becca frowned as her phone beeped, who was texting her this early? Apart from her treble friends all the girls were here.

"Becca come on!" Aubrey yelled as they all got on.

"Shit!" she shrieked and jumped as the doors started to close.

Looking down at an unknown number she frowned and opened the message how's the head this morning? "What?" she said out loud and sent off a quick reply.

Jesse lay in his bed and smiled as he got a reply right away uh fine, who is this by the way? He chuckled and sent another message.

Becca rolled her eyes and glared over at Amy it's Jesse, I passed your friend on the way back and asked for your number, hope you don't mind. Sending another reply she put her phone away.

Jesse looked at her reply and smiled oh hey, no it's fine, thanks again for last night, just heading into class, I'll speak to you later. Thinking for a moment he sent a risky text and threw his phone down.

Becca scoffed and pulled her phone out again, reading the message she sucked in a breath can I see you later?

"What's with you shorty?" Amy asked.

"That Jesse guy you gave my number to just asked me out," she said wide eyed.

Amy shrugged "go for it, he was cute," she said and walked by her.

"Amy!" she hissed and ran after her "I can't, I don't know him, I just met him."

"So?" she frowned "go out with him and get to know him."

"I was with Luke for almost two years, we met in the radio station, I don't exactly know how to impress a guy, I didn't need to try with him," Becca huffed.

"Ah, so you do like him," Amy chuckled "Becca, I know you've been out of the dating game for a while but the state of you last night and he still wants to see you…just agree to a drink, or a drive, something simple."

"Why do you need to impress a guy?" Aubrey asked, "why can't you just be yourself?"

"Because I'm crazy Aubrey!" she yelled "he's this very hot well-dressed guy that lives in a mansion and drives an expensive car…what the hell does he wanna go out with me for?"

"Because he likes you maybe," Cynthia Rose said, "just be yourself Bec and if he doesn't like it, forget about him."

Jesse lay on his bed looking at the ceiling, it had been two hours since he had sent the last message, he knew she'd seen it because it came up read. Sighing he rolled onto his side "maybe it was too forward," he muttered.

He looked over at his phone as it beeped, lifting it up he opened it quickly as her name came up on the screen okay, what time? Smiling he sent a reply and threw his phone down again. Since he'd left her last night he couldn't stop thinking about her, it was faith that he ran into that Amy chick, he didn't think she'd give it so easily. All he had to say was he liked Becca and he wanted to ask her out and she was calling the number out to him.

"Jesse?" his mom called sticking her head in "your father and I are off to Milan now, we'll be back on Sunday. Do you have enough money to get you by?"

"Don't worry about me mom, I'm sorted," he replied in a daze with a dopey grin on his face.

His mom walked to the bed and sat on the side "what's that smile for?"

Jesse smiled and turned to face her "I met this amazing girl last night."

"Really?" She smiled "tell me about her."

"She's gorgeous, she's funny, she's smart, she's real down to earth, and-she goes to Barden university, she's a Bella too," he smiled.

His mom smiled again she liked this girl already "that's great Jesse, will you be seeing her again?"

"Yeah, tonight," he said and sat up "just one thing though…she's not like me, she's from the other side of town, she wears this ear spike and dark makeup."

His mom placed her hand on his cheek "I know your father won't approve but don't forget, I was just like her when he met me. If you want to see this girl you go right ahead."

Jesse kissed her on the cheek "thanks mom, I knew you'd understand."

"Don't mention it…I love you," she said and walked back to the door.

"Love you too, have a great trip," he replied.

"We will, I'll call you tomorrow to see how your date went, bye," she said and closed the door behind her.

On break Becca pulled out her phone "he wants to meet at seven, what do I say?"

"Yes," Chloe said, "just makes sure you make it clear you don't want a fancy dinner or anything like that."

"Okay," she nodded and shot off a text.

Jesse looked down on the message see you then, just for a drive though, can't handle food or drink tonight. He chuckled and sent a reply before rolling off his bed, guess he was eating before he went out.

Becca read his reply and sighed in relief "he's okay with a drive."

"Becca's going on a date," Ashely said excitedly and shook her.

"I just need to find something to wear now," she muttered.

Pulling up outside her place at seven Jesse climbed out and walked up to the intercom, pressing her buzzer he waited for a reply.

"Hello?" came Chloe's voice.

"Hi, I'm looking for Becca," he said.

"Sure, come on up," Chloe replied and opened the door for him.

Getting to the door he knocked and chuckled as he heard Becca yelling in a hushed voice "hey," he said tilting his head as her head appeared out the door.

"Hey, just gimme a sec," she replied.

"You okay?" he chuckled, it looked like she was trying to hold the door and push someone away.

"Uh, sorry," she said closing her eyes as the door was ripped open and all the girls stared back at him.

"Hey girls," he laughed sending them a wave.

"Hey Jesse!" they all called back.

"Okay, shows over!" Becca yelled and pulled the door back to her. Grabbing her jacket, she slipped out "I'm so sorry, they're all idiots."

"It's okay," he chuckled "ready?" he asked gesturing for her to walk.

Getting to the car he opened her door for her "thank you," she said and climbed in.

Jesse climbed in beside her and started up the car "you look amazing by the way," he said as he pulled away.

Becca looked down at her casual shirt jeans and converse "uh, thanks," she said again.

"Where to?" he asked a few minutes later.

"Um, coastline?" she asked "we could go for a walk along the pier? Maybe grab pizza or something later?"

"Sounds great," he said and took the turn "how did you get on today? You sure put away a lot last night."

"Okay," she replied, "I only had three classes today thank god."

Jesse chuckled and parked the car, pulling off his belt he turned off the engine and turned to face her "so Becca, how old are you?"

"Twenty-one this month," she replied "you?"

"Twenty-one in two weeks," he chuckled "any brothers or sisters?"

"Three older brothers and a younger sister," she replied.

Jesse nodded "I got a sister, she's abroad in medical school."

"That's cool, one of my brothers is a doctor at Kennedy hospital," she said.

"Will you be following in his footsteps?"

"Afraid not," she chuckled "I'm the family disappointment."

"I'm sure that's not true," he replied, "what do you wanna do?"

"Music, I wanna make music, I wanna finish my final year here and move out to L.A."

"Me too," he smiled "but film music, I wanna score movies…why do you think you're the family disappointment."

Becca shrugged "both parents are lawyers, my brother a doctor, my other two brothers are lawyers and my sister has just gotten her first modelling gig at sixteen."

Jesse nodded if her parents were lawyers they must have good money coming in…hopefully that would be enough to get around his father "so where is home?" he asked curiously.

Becca sighed "pacific island," she said and looked over at him "I'm nothing like my family, I don't have their money, I support myself and I'm quite proud of that."

Jesse nodded "and so you should be…let's go for that walk," he said and climbed out.


Halfway along the pier he looked over as she shivered "you cold?" he asked shrugging off his jacket.

"No, I'm okay, I thought I grabbed my heavier one," she replied.

Jesse wrapped it around her "better?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," she said awkwardly.

"You're not used to taking stuff from people, are you?" he asked.

"No," she sighed "am I that obvious?"

"A little," he chuckled "it's cool that you're independent though."

"I am," she nodded "I got two jobs and I'm putting myself through college."

"Two jobs?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah," she nodded "Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I waitress at a diner, Wednesday and Saturday I'm a barmaid at club Miami."

"Wow, so you've literally got no free time?"

"Monday nights are my nights to myself, Sunday I spend catching up with my assignments."

Jesse nodded "you amaze me you know that?"

Becca blushed "I'm just doing what I have to do to make it on my own."

"But you could be like other girls and not work at all, your parents could help you out."

"Sorry, you have me mixed up with my princess sister," she chuckled. "Everything I have is because I made it happen, I like my life, I love the people I meet in all my jobs, I love the middle-class college and all the people there."

She was caught off guard as he stepped closer to her "you're an amazing person Becca, I knew there was something about you the second I met you," he said and leaned in kissing her slowly.

Becca kissed him back and pulled back after a minute "I'm not that amazing."

"You are," he chuckled "any girl sitting on the money your parents are would choose to have everything handed to them."

Becca shrugged "I don't roll that way…what about you? Do you expect everything to be handed to you?"

"No," he replied "I asked my dad for a job because I wanted to get paid and have my own money without him just handing it to me. I bought my car myself…they do pay my college tuition though."

Becca nodded "so you're independent too?"

"Kinda," he said and sat on the ground gesturing for her to sit with him "don't worry, now that I know you a bit better I know not to arrange anything too extravagant for next time."

"Next time?" she asked sitting beside him "what makes you think there'll be a next time?" she asked with a smirk.

Jesse chuckled and looked over at her "there'll be a next time."

"Don't be so sure of yourself," she chuckled.

He chuckled and moved closer to her "I wanna see you again, and I think you do too," he said and kissed her sweetly.

Becca looked over at him "hmm, we'll see," she smiled and looked the other way.

After another walk and a pizza Jesse dropped her back home, climbing out he walked to her door and pulled it open. Becca climbed out and closed the door "you know, you don't have to do that, I can get out of a car by myself," she chuckled.

Jesse shrugged as she typed in her code "it's habit now, it's how I was raised."

"Mommy and daddy raised you right, not many guys out there like you," she chuckled as they walked up the stairs.

Jesse leaned against the wall beside her door "can you spare an hour tomorrow?"

"Sorry dude," she chuckled, "it's Saturday, I'm working until three am."

"Okay, what time do you start at?" he asked moving closer to her.

"Six," she replied, "I'll be studying until then though, my exams start Monday."

Jesse nodded "how about this, have breakfast with me? I'll drop you back and leave you to study."

Becca raised an eyebrow "you really wanna see me again so soon?"

"Yes," he replied and pushed some hair over her shoulder "you got a problem with that?"

"No," she shrugged "I just hope you know what you're letting yourself in for."

"Meaning?" he asked stepping closer to her.

"Meaning, I go to college, I study a lot, I have two jobs and a singing group that does competitions...I won't have a lot of time for you, I've so much on the next few weeks."

"Well," he said leaning in to her "I reckon you're worth the wait," he said and kissed her slowly.

Becca stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck while deepening the kiss. Stepping back, she chuckled "okay, I'll give you an hour tomorrow-two if I can."

"I'll take it," he chuckled and stepped back "I had a great time tonight Becca."

"Me too, thanks…so, I'll see you in the morning?" she asked.

He nodded "ten suit you?"

"Ten is good, I'll see you then, night Jesse," she said and opened her door.

"Night," he smiled and waited for her to close the door before walking off.

"Well?" Chloe asked looking up from her books "how'd it go? Does he make the second date?"

Becca walked over and sat beside her "yeah it was great, it was nice, it's good to just sit and talk," she chuckled "he wasn't too forward, he didn't try anything and he was totally cool with listen to me ramble."

"Did you tell him that your dad is his dads rival?" Amy asked.

Becca sighed and looked at her "why would you even bring that up?"

"Well if things take off he's gonna have to meet the parents, you'll have to meet his too, I'm sure they'll know who you both are."

Becca shook her head "no, I told him they were both lawyers, and I just worked at the club, this might not even go anywhere, I told him I'd a lot on and I wouldn't have much time for him. Maybe he'll get bored of waiting, who knows," she said and stood up.

"What did he say when you told him you wouldn't have much time for him?" Aubrey asked.

"He said I was worth the wait," she replied.

All the girl went aww and gave goofy smiles "he's a keeper," Stacie said and stood up as the door went "that's the boys with food."

"I'm gonna grab my books," Becca said and walked on to her room with a massive smile on her face.


On his way out Jesse stopped to hold the door for a group of guys "thanks man!" one of them called as they took the stairs.

"Donald?" Jesse frowned.

He stopped and looked back "Jesse Swanson? No way!" he yelled and walked back to him "how's it been man? Haven't seen you in about three years."

"Good," he said and shook his hand "I know, it's been too long…you live here?"

"No, friends do, we're on a study session, we ducked out to get pizza," Donald replied.

Jesse nodded, he'd heard that Donald had repeated his last year due to missing a few exams "I just dropped a girl off that's stressing about exams," he chuckled.

Donald raised an eyebrow "are you the Jesse that took Bec out?"

"Becca, yeah?" he chuckled "you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my best friend," Donald chuckled "we work at the club together too. So, you're into our Bec?"

Jesse chuckled "what are the chances huh? Yeah, I do like her-a lot, she's pretty amazing."

"She is," Donald nodded "you got a good one there, she has a heart of gold…she's crazy though," he chuckled.

Jesse chuckled "I can't wait to find out, I'll let you get back to your studying, it was great to see you, I'll be meeting Becca tomorrow, I'll get her number and we meet up one of the nights."

"Yeah that'll be great, it'll be good to catch up, see you soon Jesse," Donald said and gave a wave before walking off.

"See you soon, good luck in your exams!" he called after him a walked outside. Chuckling to himself he climbed into his car, he couldn't believe that he'd ran into Donald, they were best friends throughout school. Once high school was finished they went off to different colleges and lost touch, the world has funny ways of bringing people back together. Chuckling again he pulled away, he already couldn't wait to see Becca again.

Arriving home, he walked in the front door and pulled out his phone as it rang "hey mom, are you enjoying your trip?"

"I'm more interested in how that date went," she chuckled.

Jesse chuckled "mom, I'm just in the door, but it went great, she's amazing, I'm seeing her again tomorrow."

"That soon huh?" she smiled.

"Yeah, I'm making the most of it, she starts exams Monday and she has two jobs so I won't get to see much of her."

"Two jobs wow, she sounds amazing Jess, I gotta go son, your father is ready at last, I'll see you when we get home Sunday."

"Okay, you guys have a great night, I'll see you Sunday." He said and hung up.

A/N hope you all enjoy this fist instalment, chapter two is almost ready to go, JJ.