A/N: This is a little idea that came to my head, and I hope you all enjoy it! It's for my friend Sigg, so I hope they enjoy it the most!


I've always been jealous of Lukas. He's always been the best at everything, always been the perfect child. Me? I'm the fuck-up. I'm always living in my older brother's shadow, and I hate it. No one gives a shit who Emil Steilsson is, but they suddenly care when they find out I'm Lukas Bondevik's younger brother. But there was one person who was different; a true diamond in the rough. It was just too bad that he fell under my brother's spell, too.

Here I was, running later to school on the second day of my sophomore year. It was quite tragic. Lukas had to be to school early, so he didn't have time to wait on me and give me a ride, so I was stuck walking. My prematurely white hair was being blown every which-way by the wind as I ran down the street toward my school, wishing that I would have accepted my best friend Leon's offer of a ride to school with him and his brother Yao, but I just wasn't ready to listen to Wu Tang Clan that loudly that early in the morning.

So anyway, there's sweat dripping from every pore of my body, and this senior pulls over next to me and asks if I want a ride. I knew he was a senior at my school because he was one of the popular jocks from the soccer team, one of the least likely people to talk to me. I could only imagine what he wanted. For a few moments, we just stared at each other until I finally spoke.

"What?" I asked, pulling on the collar of my shirt to get some kind of air flowing over my overheating body. "Can I help you?"

"You look like you need a ride," the senior told me. He grinned at me and ran a hand through his spiky, blond hair and winked a blue eye. "Do you want one, kid?"

I knew better than to accept rides from strangers by that point in my life, but this guy went to my school. It couldn't be that bad of a choice to accept a ride from him, right? Besides, if he was on the soccer team, he was trustworthy, right? Right. If anything drastic were to happen to me, I would just blame Lukas for going to school early. No big deal.

"Sure, thanks," I said as I walked over to his car. I opened the door after he unlocked it. "And I do have a name, you know. It's Emil."

"Nice to meet you, Emil," he said, flashing me a toothy grin as I closed the door and buckled in. "I'm Mathias." He began to drive. "So what's your first period class?"

I thought for a moment. "My first period is study hall. Why do you ask?" It was weird to me that he was asking my my school schedule, of all things. Why not ask about other things.

"Did you eat breakfast this morning?" he asked, glancing over at me. "Because you look pretty hungry to me."

What was he getting at? Sure, I had skipped breakfast, but that was because I was running late for school. "Why does it matter?" I asked him. "And the answer is no, I didn't eat. I barely ever eat in the mornings. You see, my brother makes food in the mornings because our parents make night shift, but if I wake up late, he won't make any for me as punishment for sleeping in."

"Sounds rough," Mathias sighed before turning off of the road to school.

My eyes flew open wide. "W-What are you doing?!" I demanded. "We need to get to school!" My heart picked up its pace and began beating at a rapid speed. "Are you kidnapping me?! Let me out!" I reached for the door handle.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Woah, calm down there, Emil. I'm only kidnapping you for first period. Study hall doesn't matter anyway, right?"

Something about his hand on my shoulder calmed me a little more. "Okay," I softly agreed, placing my hands back in my lap over my backpack. "Then where are you taking me?"

"Just to get some breakfast," Mathias laughed. "You look starved. My parents own a cafe a few blocks from the school, just off this road. I was on my way there when I saw you. Originally, I was going to give you a ride to school, but you just look too hungry to take straight to school." He grinned over at me. "Have you ever eaten at The Danish Pastry House?"

The Danish Pastry House was Lukas's favorite place to get breakfast. I always saw him with a coffee or a donut from there, but he had never taken me with him before. He always told me that it was his "personal time" when he went there, which was stupid because he was always locked up alone in his room anyway. He had plenty of personal time at home. Why did he need even more out in public?

"I never have," I answered, eyes widening. "My brother goes there all the time, but he never takes me because he's selfish." Before I could rethink what I was doing, I smiled excitedly and asked, "Is that where we're going?"

Mathias laughed. "Yeah, that's where we're going alright." His mouth stretched into a wide grin. "I can't believe you've never had it before. I thought everyone in town had."

"Well think again," I told him. I couldn't wait to see Lukas's face when I told him that I had gone to his sacred sanctuary of coffee and pastries. It made my blood race through my veins. "I just wish my brother would bring me with him sometime. When I was younger, I used to beg him to take me places with him, but he would always refuse."

"Your brother sounds like a total tool," my handsome driver commented. Wait a sec! When did I start thinking of him as handsome? Not to say that he wasn't, because that wasn't it at all! Mathias was gorgeous, but when did I start noticing so? When did my inner gayness come out? I was hoping and praying that he wouldn't notice.

"He really is," I agreed. "I can't stand him, and he can't stand me. But I guess that's just the way it's always been." Sighing, I leaned my head against the seat belt holder. "Do you have any siblings at all, Mathias?"

He grinned at me once more. "Not exactly, but I do have a cousin who lives with me. His name is Berwald, and he's from Sweden. He's pretty cool, but he doesn't really talk much. He works as one of our bakers in the shop. Him and his boyfriend Tino."

"Boyfriend?" I asked. "Your cousin is gay?" I hoped that didn't sound as offensive as it sounded to my ears.

"Yeah," he laughed. "Berwald is a truly amazing person, though. I admire him a lot for how out and proud he is about it. He goes to Pride parades and everything."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Wow," I answered as we came to a stop outside of a small cafe. "Is this it?"

Mathias smiled proudly and gestured toward my window. "This is it!" he excitedly said. "I can't wait to see you lose your Danish Pastry House virginity!" He laughed and opened his door, getting out. "Come on, let's go inside, Emil."

I quickly followed suit, hoping that I didn't look like I was following Mathias like a lost puppy. Then again, I kinda was one, having been picked up off the road and all. My eyes widened as we walked in. There were Scandinavian flags lining the walls, and the smell of freshly baked goods was overwhelming. It was like heaven!

"Mat, you're here!" someone behind the counter cried out. As he ran out, he looked no taller than me with blond hair and long bangs that nearly covered his large, violet eyes. He was a bit on the chubbier side, but it went well with the kind of bubbly person he seemed to be. "And who do you have with you?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of us. The guy eyed me excitedly.

"This right here is my friend Emil from school," Mathias explained, clapping a hand onto my shoulder. He seemed so proud to have me around with him. Was he really proud, or was it a show? Did he really like me as a person?

"Hello, Emil!" the guy excitedly greeted. "I'm Tino! It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you as well," I answered, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. My hand went for it, only to see it was a text from Leon, asking where the hell I was. I ignored it and slipped my phone back into my pocket, hoping Mathias hadn't noticed.

"What would you like?" Tino asked. "Or I could try and guess your preference?"

"Oh, do that!" Mathias encouraged. He turned to me. "Tino has never been wrong yet! He's great at guessing what people like!"

Since Mathias seemed so excited, I couldn't refuse. "Sure, go for it," I told Tino. "Guess what I like."

And the thing is, he got it perfect.


"Dude, like, where have you been?" Leon asked as I met up with him in the hallway after first period. "Something seems off about you." He stared me up and down as if he were seeing a ghost and not a happy, butterfly-feeling Emil who was completely smitten with a senior on the soccer team.

I had said goodbye to Mathias in the parking lot and thanked him for a great morning before running to the school to meet up with Leon. He told me he had something to do real quick anyway and that he'd see me around. My heart felt lighter than air as I ran to the school. Everything about that morning was so perfect.

"What seems off?" I demanded, looking over at my best friend. "There's nothing wrong about me. I just had a great morning is all."

"You seem lovestruck," Leon answered. "Something happened, didn't it? And that's why you were late to school." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the hallway traffic and by the lockers before looking me in the eye. "Who did you fuck?" he demanded. "My little Emil is growing up and I demand to know who you lost your virginity to."

"The Danish Pastry House," I sarcastically answered. "That's legit where I was. I was eating breakfast."

"That must've been some orgasmic breakfast or something," Leon commented, leading us back into the flow of the hallway, only for me to be walking next to Lukas.

"Rumor has it that you skipped study hall," he simply said to me, staring me down with his sapphire eyes. And there went my good mood. "Do it again, and I'm going to let Mom and Dad know, got it? You're lucky I covered for you." With that, he stormed off down the hallway.

Lukas was student body president, so it was easy for him to cover for students. But then again, how did he know that I was specifically not there unless someone like Leon had tipped him off. That was weird. No one else would've known that I wasn't there, and it wouldn't have been in the school computers for Lukas to see until after.

"Did you tell him I wasn't here?" I asked Leon, shooting him a glance. If he had betrayed me to my brother….

"Why would I do something like that?" Leon asked, giving me a look of hurt and betrayal. "Your brother is a douche. I would never do something like that to you."

"Good," I answered before heading off to class.

Just as I rounded the corner to a staircase, I saw Mathias. I was about to call out to him, but then I saw something that seemed strange to me. Lukas was talking to him, and smiling. It was so weird. I had never seen Lukas smile like that before.

A knot formed in my stomach as I watched Mathias lean against a locker all cool-like. No. No, this can't be happening. There was no way! I took off running up the stairs and to the nearest bathroom. Why did Lukas have to have everything?