Never stop fighting. I know it seems like an endless, worthless struggle, but hang in there. Don't stop trying to talk to her, don't stop sneaking out at night to search for her in the woods, don't stop reliving the memories you have of her with your friends (except for those small, special moments you want to keep secret)

And never stop loving her.

Keep her fort up. Keep your Super Comm close by. Keep that little ball of hope alive.

I'll let you in on a secret.

Never stop fighting, because she hasn't either.

El needs you.



A/N: Thank you so, so much for reading! It means a lot to me that you took the time to read all the way through :) And a special thank you to everyone who reviewed-your reviews were super sweet and every single one of them made me smile!

The counterpart to this fic, Dear Eleven, is out now, so check it out! Love you guys!