In which Izuku is being chased by villains because that's good, also he does have a subtle quirk but its more like a mutation, Izuku is ooc, a bit too calm and rambly for his own good, he doesn't have one for all

Ooc Kacchan too, he's being nice because Izuku is going to die without him uwu

He negates quirks basically aka he's not affected by for example, disentegration, mind control, warping ( unless a person who's being warped is holding unto him tightly ) and stuff like that but he's also not affected by healing which is troublesome but pure offense still can get him

It all started after that sludge attack, to be honest Izuku didn't really mind getting scolded by the heroes, just hurt his little heart by a bit, or maybe by a lot but he isn't going to cry over it, after all he did manage to fight the monster despite being quirkless, all he did was grab the nearest fallen metal pole and then proceeded to stab the monster in both eyes repeatedly until it was reduced to a pulp and it slowly disintegrated, he also managed to step on Kacchan's head by a bit but it was worth it, because Izuku finally managed to defeat his own monster with no quirk and he's pretty proud of that

He still didn't get why Katsuki was the one praised though despite him being the one to stab the monster to death, was that too brutal? Adrenaline was pumping to his entire body and he just ran and did whatever he could, he saved a person but he got scolded for it and Kacchan just looked offended that Izuku stepped on his head, not even a thank you from anyone, how rude

When he got home Inko was so worried, she immediately checked for wounds and started scolding him for being too careless, he also heard a bit of the news, they decided to twist the truth and have the credit given to the heroes, it said that the heroes weakened the monster ( They didn't Izuku did all the work because they don't know anything about the monster ) and that a reckless quirkless kid stabbed the monster to death, his face was blurred out too but for some reason Inko still was able to recognize it

Honestly though even a thank you would've been nice, really

The next day Izuku started to properly train, why? Because he realized that he can't just stab every monster to death ( well maybe he can but thats impractical ), he bumped into someone, a creepy person who had a hand fetish ( or so he thought there was too many hands on that man ), the man grinned and offered the hand, he took it and stood up, for some reason the person was really really weirded out that he removed the hand face mask, it was really creepy but Izuku knew better than to judge people for their looks, he thanked the guy, exchange names and continued on running

After awhile of running he's a bit unsettled that he kept on bumping unto the same guy over and over and over again, honestly what the heck its like he's purposely making Izuku bump into him

"Sorry.. Tomura right? Are you following me?"

"... Hello"

"That's not really an answer, sorry for asking" he bowed and continued to run but his hand was pulled back


"Come with me" He started being dragged, didn't even wait for his answer, how rude, Inko told him that following strangers is bad... well she neevr said that being dragged off by strangers is bad, and he does know this person's name so he technically isn't a stranger right...?

They entered some weird bar with a weird flamey person there

"Tomura, who is that?"

"I found him, his quirk negates my quirk"

"I don't have a quirk" Izuku said with no thought, the two weird person looked at him, the weird flame person tried to do something but it didn't work

"I need to go back to training can I go out"

"No" Both men said in unison, Izuku just wanted to train, maybe this is a sign that he shouldn't

"Why not?"

"Do you have a reason to object?"

"I think being kidnapped without my permission is an enough reason to object, and I'm sure you just tried to kill me, I mean I don't mind that too much but being kidnapped without my permission is too much so can I go back?"


Izuku frowned, he just wanted to go back now mostly just to piss them off, he pulled back from the Tomura guy and started to walk towards the door, strangely none of them was following him or stopping him, that's permission to leave right? He opened the door and left

He returned back to jogging to work on his legs, Izuku knew that his arms are no good so why not work on his legs, it'll make them look better and let him go faster, he stopped by a vending machine to buy a drink, said Vending machin disintegrated the moment he got his drink, thank goodness his drink was saved, he sighed and was about to run again until he heard a faint "what the f*ck" in the back, he turned around and saw the Tomura guy again


"You aren't worried that the vending machine just crumbled to dust..?"

"I already have my drink so I don't see why I should be"

"You're a very peculiar person..."

"Thank you even though I'm not sure if that's a compliment, you're pretty weird too, bye" Izuku ran the heck away from there, weird people chasing him around was never ever a good thing

Izuku groaned when he bumped into someone again, why him!?"

"Oi watch where the f*ck you're going Deku!"

"Oh its just you, thank goodness Kacchan"

"What do you mean its just you?! You piece of shit you think I'm unimportant"

"Well compared to the person that's chasing me right now, I think you're pretty unimportant, bye Kacchan gotta run" Izuku disregarded the vulgar words thrown at him as he's running, he's sure he's getting faster since he heard someone running too, hopefully its not Tomura, Kacchan is okay he goes boom and then he's done, Tomura goes crumble and then continues to chase after him

Izuku stopped for a moment because a piece of paper got stuck on his face allowing Kacchan to also catch up who started yelling obscenities at him, he focused on the paper

"Hey this looks like the guy that's chasing me! Look Kacchan!" Izuku tugged the blonde's shirt to make him look

"What the fuck Deku, you're being chased by a f*cking villain?! What the sh*t did you do?!"

"Nothing really, he brought me into a bar though and tried to make me stay"

"What the sh*t?! Lets get out of here Inko's going to be f*cking mad if you got molested while I'm around come on you piece of useless sh*t" Izuku was dragged away again

"Kacchan why are we going to your home?"

"The weird villain guy probably knows where you live"

"What about mom?"

"I'm sure they won't do anything to her if they really are chasing you, get in you nerd!"

Izuku was roughly shoved in the house without any to say in this, Izuku felt sad that his words are a bit too much disregarded, Mitsuki, Bakugou's mom was delighted upon seeing him again and started gushing over how cute and kind Izuku is compared to Katsuki, Izuku felt a bit worried seeing Katsuki quietly nod in agreement before he was dragged upstairs and locked in Katsuki's room with said Katsuki


"I'm gonna call Inko, you stay there" Izuku was lifted up like a child and was dumped on Katsuki's bed like a mutt, Izuku pouted but nodded knowing better than to go against Kacchan

Izuku didn't want to talk about how the window was slowly crumbling, but after the man started to crawl in like a weird spider, Izuku decided that maybe its time to speak

"Hey Kacchan?"

"What the sh*t do you want, Deku?! I'm calling Inko!"

"A weird man spider entered your room"

"What the f*ck are you talking abou- What the sh*t!"

Katsuki managed to make an explosion hard enough to blow the weird man spider disentigrating man away to the expense of the wall and the window

"Okay seriously Deku I'm trying to help you here why is he following you?!

"I told you I don't know, he just likes me for some reasons!"

"A pedophile villain?!"

"No I think he just likes me Kacchan"

"A F*cking pedophile villain who disintigrates people and objects is chasing after you Deku, be serious!"

"Wait he disintegrates people?"

"Of course he does, my window and walls had to pay because of him you quirkless f*ck" Izuku tilted his head like a confused puppy

"He touched me earlier though, lots of times actually but I ever disintegrated, are you sure?"

"He did what?! F*CKING PEDOSH*T-

"Not like that! I mean grabbing my arm, bumping to me, grabbing my hair, poking my eye, stuff like that, nothing happened Kacchan"

"So he's trying to kill you?"


"I'm telling Inko you're staying with me"

"Wait what-

"I'm going to be the best f*cking hero Deku, I'm not going to let a useless quirkless f*ck get f*cked under my watch, stay in the bed"

"Kinky Kacchan"

