This week's Bonesology challenge. A series of 5 drabbles (100 words or less) that are connected in some way.

Apart I (Set between Seasons 5 and 6)


Somewhere in the Maluku Islands…

The days were filled with activity and the nights filled mosquitoes buzzing in a humid jungle. The days kept her mind busy enough but at night when activity in the camp died down and everyone else was asleep, her mind was free to roam.

Was he gazing upon the same stars that she was? Was he safe? Did he miss her as much as she missed him? Did she make a mistake turning him down?

Each night she arrived at the same conclusion. She couldn't wait to see him again.

Deceptively tough challenge. Microsoft word tells me this drabble is 95 words long. It's really hard to keep it in 100 words or less. I could probably write all 5 drabbles in one sitting!