Hey everyone! Here's another chapter! Just wanted to thank everyone for their support and reviews! You guys are so great!

This story is coming to a close *cries* and there will only be one more chapter!

Shout out to dudearizona for the idea for this chapter!

Apologies for any grammar mistakes.

Anyway, here's chapter 7!


Chapter 7

"Three Words, Eight Letters"


It was Friday. Almost the end of the hardest week imaginable, in Alison and Emily's opinion. They both made a plan to meet at The Brew before school.

Alison pulled up in her car wearing a dark blue top and white pants. She arrived at The Brew 10 minutes before she said she'd met Emily there. She wouldn't do this for anyone else, in fact, she'd probably arrive late. She did this for the brunette only because she was then able to buy her coffee and show her how much she cared for her.

She knew what they were doing was hurting her. It literally killed her to see her mermaid sad. Hanna has told her that she's been crying. She couldn't live with herself anymore. She's done just as Jason said. She'd hurt her.


All for my stupid reputation. I'd hurt the one person I swore to myself I'd never hurt. The one person I love. Yes, I love her. I don't care who knows it anymore. I just needed Emily to know that.

Prom was coming up. Yeah our school was weird and called our homecoming, prom. They only did this to save money and give it to the senior's prom. So, it sucked for us. Yet everyone still came up with amazing promposals. I was going to do that for my Emily. This would prove to her that I loved her and that I didn't care what anyone else thought.

I ordered her americano and my macchiato. I didn't wait long because she came 5 minutes early. She wanted to beat me here too, but she didn't. I'm glad because I wanted to buy her coffee and show her I loved her. But, I needed to find a way to say it.

I drove her to school and went to our classes. We didn't talk about how hard today was going to be. How hard it was not to kiss her when I saw her in between classes. How hard it was to not hold her hand when we were walking down the hall. We talked about stupid stuff like the weather or traffic. All I wanted to say were those three words. Those eight letters.

When we got to school, I had an idea.

"Em, wait." She turned around at me and smiled.

Her smile was contagious so I had to smile back.

"Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" I asked. I was nervous. What if she said no?

"Yeah, I would love that." She replied.

"I love you!" I thought. I was going to say it but I didn't want to say it for the first time in my car in front of our high school. I was just thinking of ways I could say it, more romantically.

"Awesome." I said and we headed to class.

The day went super quickly. Like lightning fast. I don't even remember most of my classes. I was daydreaming on what I could do with Emily on our date. I had so many ideas that I actually asked Hanna and Aria to help me narrow it down. Spencer and I had been on the outs since she yelled at me and Em about our relationship. She apologized saying she overreacted. Of course I accepted her apology but I don't think I was ready to ask her about this stuff yet.

Aria and Hanna finally stopped bickering and came to a conclusion.

I was taking Emily Fields on a picnic.

Then, I had to figure out how to ask her to prom. I purposely didn't ask Aria or Hanna because I think they'd probably tell Emily about my plans before I could actually ask her.

I had another person in mind. McCullers.

I met her in the backyard of the school, no one came back there anymore but I didn't care if anyone saw us. This was for Emily and I would do anything for her.

I'd been going to see Paige everyday that week after school. I offered her the letter back if she helped me with Emily.

I know what you're thinking. How cruel of Alison to be asking a person to help them out with their partner who happened to be that person's crush. But, Paige had started seeing someone recently, I forgot her name, but she assured me that she was over Emily.

Pigskin- I mean Paige (old habits) - had been giving me advice on how to come out as bi. Which meant I liked girls and boys, for those who don't know. But I was in love with Emily.

She said I needed friends who supported me and accepted me. Which I did. So, check. She also reminded me that I needed to come out to my family. My mom and dad were never home so I didn't need to come out to them. But, Jason had already caught me and Emily sooo, check. When I told her I was going to ask her to prom she told me one final thing. Write down how you feel. Even if it's the cheesiest thing in the world. Put it on a sheet of paper. Like she had did with the letter.

I quickly thanked her and handed her the letter. She tore it up and threw it out. She really was over Emily. Good. No more competition. Not like Paige ever was. But, that wasn't the point.

When I got home, I wrote everything down. At one point I started crying. Happy crying. All of this just showed me how much I needed my mermaid. Without her, I don't know what I'd do.

After hours of writing, I started to proofread. I connected sentences, cut things I didn't need out, and finally, I was done. I had the perfect promposal planned. It just started with that picnic.


It was finally Saturday after the hardest week of my life. I actually tried to avoid Alison. Whenever I saw her at school, it would remind that I couldn't hold her hand or do anything an open couple could do.

Luckily for me, Ali said she take me on a date today. Hopefully, we were going to a place where we could actually go on date.

It was about 9:00AM when I started to get ready. She'd be here about 10:15AM. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing so I had no idea what I should wear. I shot Ali a text.

To Ali – anything specific i should wear today? :)) -Em

As I waited for a response, I kept thinking about Hanna. All week, she'd been there when I needed to vent about my feelings. God, what would I do without her?


"Han, I don't know what to do." I said, I had just stopped crying.

"Em, I don't know either.." She trailed off. I knew she wanted to say something but she didn't.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally said what she was thinking.

"I mean if Alison...if she makes you this upset, is it worth it?" She asked me. She was right. I didn't know how long I could do this.

"Love is worth fighting for. Even if the fight is just to wait." I finally say. I never thought of myself as a romantic, but I had to admit, that was pretty romantic.

"So, you love her?" She asked with a sweet smile.

Yeah, I guess I did. I loved Alison DiLaurentis. I don't know why it took me this long to admit it. But, she didn't love me back. Wouldn't we open about our relationship if she did?

"Yeah, I do. But.. she doesn't love me back." I looked down at my hands. I didn't want pity or anything. It was just a bad situation.

Hanna really knew me too well. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Hey.." She lifted my chin up with her hand.

"Just because she doesn't want to be a public couple, doesn't mean she doesn't love you." She said, trying to make me feel better. It wasn't working.

"I love you, Han." I said. I did so much. She was always there for me exactly when I needed her.

"I love you too, Em." She said, wrapping me in a tight hug.


My thoughts were interrupted when I got a text back.

To Em – something casual. nothing too fancy, babe. ;)) -Ali

My heart fluttered when I heard 'babe' in my head. I hated myself because my second thought was that she was only calling me that in text was because no one else would see it. Ugh, why is everything so hard?

Anyway, I replied sweetly.

To Ali – kk thx. see u soon xx -Em

I threw my phone on the bed and didn't bother to check for a response until I was changed.

I put on a dark red tank top and grey jeans. It was finally 10:00AM when I finished my hair and make-up. I was really nervous. Technically, this would be our first date and I didn't even know what I was doing.

I kept thinking about it. I didn't know how long I could do this anymore. I was going to ask her if she wanted to go public today. If she said no, I don't know if I could deal with this.


Saying I was nervous was an understatement. I'm freaking out. This would be our first date and I literally was shaking. I wanted – no- needed everything to be perfect. I was asking her to prom and telling her that I loved her. It had to go well.

My hand started to shake as I rang her doorbell. I was wearing a white sundress. Nothing to fancy. But, she would always look better than me. Then, she opened the door. I was right.

She was flawless. My jaw dropped. She blushed.

"You look flawless." I had to say what I was thinking. I mean, I wasn't wrong.

"Thanks. You look gorgeous." She said. She was still more beautiful than me.


Alison was just stunning. As we walked to her car, I couldn't help but look her up and down. Multiple times. She was just. Wow.

After a few minutes in the car, my curiosity was getting the better of me.

"Sooo, where are going?" I said, trying to act casual when I was dying to know.

"You'll see." Of course. She knew I was getting impatient about it.

It was a pretty quite ride. We talked about simple stuff. We talked about how Caleb had asked Hanna to prom. He did it in a really cute way where he gave her balloons and a huge poster in front of the school.

Toby also asked out Spencer. We talked about them too. He spelt the question out on the white board and he had this test tube. Whatever he had in it exploded, and the smoke made the shape of a heart. I don't know how he did that but it was beautiful. He had done it in the science room because they were lab partners when they first met.

Alison just talked about how great it was for them and how happy we were for them. The whole time we were talking she just had this smile on her face. I had no idea why, but I was glad it was there. She was beautiful when she smiled. It lit up the world.

We finally got there. But I had no idea where we were.

"Somewhere in Philly." Ali said when I asked her.

That wasn't helpful.

As I looked around, I felt a hand entangle in mine. Ali smiled at me and led me into a huge meadow. Green grass, blue sky. The view was breathtaking. I had no idea this even existed.

"Whoa." Is all I could breath out. I can't believe Ali was taking me here.

There was a small hill and once we quickly climbed it, I saw picnic basket and a red and white cloth under it. It was like one of those things you see in a romance movie. Now that I think about it, it was exactly like that.

Ali sat down, crossed her legs, and put her hand up. I grabbed it and sat down. This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

"Ali.. this is beautiful." I said. I was still stunned this was happening.

"Not as beautiful as you." She said, looking up from the picnic basket.

"Thank you.. for all of this." I said.

I leaned in to kiss her. I really wanted to thank her for this. I know this kind of stuff isn't easy to put together.

This kiss wasn't heated or desperate but sweet. Just showing that I loved her.

The kiss lasted for a while. We finally broke apart, due to oxygen needs.

"Well, if I get a kiss like every time I do something like this, we can go on a picnic everyday." She smirked.

I was going to say something along the lines of 'Well we can't do it all the time because we're not a public couple' but I decided against it. I couldn't ruin the moment.

The picnic was quiet but I wouldn't have it any other way. I was awkward. I mean, we were eating. We both stole glances at each other one in a while. She would be staring at me and then she would always look down and blush when I caught her.

We then walked around the meadow. Hand in hand. This was literally like one of my dreams. We kissed, talked and laughed. Then it was around 5:00PM. Wow we had been together all day. Again, like one of my dreams.

We got in the car and headed home. Well, that's what I thought. When we got back to Rosewood, we turned before we were supposed to. I furrowed my brows. Where were we going?

"Ali, my house is the other way.." I said. Maybe she made a wrong turn. But, she had lived here her whole life.

"I know." She said. That's all she said.

I just had to trust her. I did trust her. Sometimes she would just be so secretive. I just wanted her to tell me where we were going.


The blonde couldn't tell the brunette where they were going. It was a surprise.

They finally reached the school. Rosewood High. The place Alison had fallen in love with Emily.

The blonde stopped the car, got out, and opened the door for the swimmer.

"Ali, its Saturday." Emily said, dumbfounded.

"I know, silly." Alison said as she grabbed Emily's hand and led her inside.

The brunette stared at their intertwined hands. The school was open on the weekends for extra sports practices, games, and clubs. There were people here. In the open.

"What was Alison doing? People could see us." The brunette thought.

The blonde continued to hold Emily's hand and led them to the French classroom.

That's when Alison started.

"This is where I fell in love with you. We were here for detention because of that stupid French teacher. You were studying and I wasn't. I was looking at pictures of France, blabbering on about taking you to Paris. I meant every word. I mean, Paris is the city of love." She said. The memory came back to Emily as well.

"In French, you don't say 'I miss you.' You say 'tu me manques.' The straight translation means 'you are missing from me.'" The blonde said as she gestured for Emily to sit down.

The brunette's mouth opened a little. Alison DiLaurentis…

"Em, without you I just exist. And when I say this next thing, it's not out of want to make conversation or to be cool or boost my reputation. It's because you, Emily Fields, are the best thing that has ever happened to me." She says as she walks towards Emily, holds her hand, and gets down on one knee.

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you Emily, that was beyond my control." She says. Emily feels a tear, a happy tear, fall down her face.

At that moment she sees her friends, Aria, Caleb, Toby, Spencer, and Hanna along other classmates, walking in with a rose in their hand. They circle the room.

"Like I can't even fall asleep at night. My reality, being with you, right now, is better than my dreams. Everyday, Emily, I still fall for you. You make me a better person because you see the good in me." She says, standing up and offering her hand to Emily.

Emily takes her hand and stands up. Alison walks over to Hanna and takes her rose. Emily swear she sees Hanna mouth 'she's gonna say yes, go!' but she's not quite sure.

Alison gets back to standing in front of Emily.

"I don't care what people say or think. It doesn't matter. We're a couple and well, I don't really know how else to say it, but, Emily Fields.. I love you. Will you go to prom with me?" The blonde says as she holds out the rose.

Emily is absolutely speechless. Alison wanted to be an open couple. She was asking her to prom. The next question she wanted Alison to ask was to marry her. But, they were young. Still, she would've said yes.

"Yes! A million times yes!" The brunette squeals as she leans to kiss her girlfriend.

Out in the open – girlfriend.

The kiss. It was really like one of those in the movies. The fireworks, the electricity, everything.

When the broke apart, Alison grabbed Emily into a tight hug. Then, Emily spun Alison around. As the blonde landed, Emily had to say it back. She needed her girlfriend to know her love wasn't one sided.

"I love you too." Emily whispered into the crook of Alison's neck.


Don't worry! There will be one more chapter! I mean, there's still prom, right?

I'm coming up with ideas for my next story (probably Emison but maybe Spemily).

Comment some prompts or a synopsis and it will help me get started! I will take a vote at the end of the next chapter.

Also, give any tips/ideas for the next (and final) chapter!

'Till next time!
