This is a rewrite and repost of this story and it comes along with its very own beta :) *OQFaith* thank you so much xxx

The storyline will mainly be the same, some different, especially Emma's story. I originally had a different plan for her but it didn't work out that way. :( so I'm doing it now.

Some reviews and messages that I got were not nice and I lost my motivation for writing this story, which I loved sooo much. But now that I have a beta I'm hoping it will help me to continue this story, but first I want to correct any mistakes that I have made so far. I really hope you will all read it again xxx

*I do not own Once nor any of its characters, sadly they belong to Adam and Eddie*

So here it is...


Beep Beep Beep Beep.

Her alarm was going off, it was now the end of August and the first day back to school. Well it wasn't even really a day back at school, they just had to go to get their class schedules, books, and maps that would help guide them around the school. So why? Why did she have to go? It was her last year and she knows the school back to front.

Regina reached over and turned her alarm off then pulled the duvet over her head going back to sleep.

Truth was she didn't really want to face her best friend.

Regina the beautiful dark haired, dark eyed woman had made a promise to her best friend. Well best girl friend, because her true best friend was Robin Jones. She had known him since playschool and had falling madly in love with him, but of course she couldn't tell him her true feelings.

She was afraid that it would ruin their friendship. Robin had told her once that he loved her, but of course she was afraid and she lied and told him that she didn't feel the same way. Even though it killed her to do so.'

"Regina, Regina, Regina, Regina, Regina" was her second alarm as her older sister sat beside her on the bed and repeated her name into her ear.

"Shut up Zelena" Regina mumbled into her pillow "You know that annoys me" Regina mumbled with an annoyed tone.

"Come on sis, I already told mother that you're up" Her red-headed half sister said as she pulled her younger sister's duvet from her body.

Zelena was a beautiful woman with long red hair and blue eyes unlike Regina who had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. Cora had had a child before she met her now husband (and Regina's father) she had felt so ashamed for what she had done by giving her child up, but back then she was trying to do what was best for her child.


One day four years ago a young girl knocked just when the family was about to sit down to dinner, Cora was then forced to tell the truth to her family as it was her then 17 year old daughter that had knocked on her door.

Regina and her father Henry had forgiven Cora as it had happened a long time ago. Cora had explained to her husband and daughters that she was fooled by a man that she thought loved her, she was dating Zelena's father for five months then she had decided to take their relationship to the next level, so she had spent a night with him and he broke her heart two days later.

When Cora had told him that she was pregnant, he just laughed and said that it probably wasn't even his. When she told her parents, they were not happy at all. Her parents shipped her off to boarding school until she had the child, then they forced her to give her up for adoption. Cora had never wanted to give up her child but her parents told her that if she kept the child they would disown her.

Cora was only 16 and there was no way she would of been able to look after a baby on her own, so she had agreed with the hope that she was well taken cared of.

Regina and Zelena had grown really close over the last four years.

Regina's sister Zelena was now 21 and had taking a job in the popular bar and nightclub known as The Rabbit Hole, just after her 21st birthday. She really liked working there, especially because of her boss, she had started to develop strong feelings for him almost straight away.

Zelena was sitting on her little sister's bed while the dark haired young woman was getting ready for her first day in senior year.

"Did you just get home?" Regina asked her big sister as she was pulling on a pair of skinny jeans.

"A couple hours ago."

"Well why aren't you in bed" It wasn't a question "Aren't you due back in later?" Regina then asked her sister knowing she needed her rest, as she would be working the whole night again.

"I wanted to see you go off on your first day as a senior" Zelena said then continued to speak before her sister could say anything "You've gone further than I've ever gone and I am so proud that you've made it this far" Zelena had tears.

Zelena never really liked school so she spent most of her time skipping or spending it in detention.

"I love you" Regina said as she pulled her sister into a tight embrace.

"I love you too" Her red headed sister simply replied. "Do you need a lift to school?" Zelena then asked her little sister.

"No, it's cool I have a lift" Regina answered.

"Robin" Zelena gave a knowing look.

"No, Emma" Regina said as she was brushing her hair "Wish me luck" she said as Emma was the worst driver you could ever meet, how she got her licence Regina will never know.

"So are you going to honour the promise that you made to Emma?" Zelena then asked her sister.

"How do you know about that?" Regina asked in confusion while raising a brow.

"You told me last Saturday night when I was carrying you to bed after having a little too much to drink" Zelena laughed.

"Oh, right" Regina laughed as well.

"So, are you?"

"I don't know Lenny, we've been friends a long time and I don't want to lose that" Regina explained.

"Gina babe, you're in love with him-" Zelena started.

"What about you? When are you going to tell Walsh how you feel about him?" Regina cut in with a raised brow.

"That's different Regina-"

"How?" Regina asked cutting her sister off.

"Because Walsh is my boss, whereas Robin is a friend" Zelena explained. "If I told Walsh that I liked him and he didn't feel the same, can you imagine how awkward that would be to have to work with him?"

"Well imagine how awkward it would be for me and Robin" Regina raised a brow.

"You guys worked through it before you'll do it again" Zelena deadpanned.

"Well it's... it's complicated now" Regina then said in annoyance.

"Because of Marian? Regina he's only been with her like two months."

"It's not just Marian, there's also Daniel" Regina frowned at the thought of her boyfriend, which she still had to have a chat with over what happened on Saturday night. She had been avoiding him for the last two days.

"Well I'm gonna head off to bed now, but I do think you should tell him how you feel" Zelena simply said with a roll of her eyes at the mention of her little sisters boyfriend.


When Regina was ready she headed downstairs to have her breakfast. She had just finished when her phone buzzed on the table beside her, sliding her finger across the screen she saw she had a text from her friend Emma.

- Outside babe x ;) - Emma texted.

- On my way x. - Regina quickly replied.

As she exited her house Emma screamed at her from her car in excitement. "So... You ready to face our last year?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" Regina just said while climbing into her friend's car and fastening her seat-belt.

Emma just looked at her friend and smiled as she pulled away from the curb.

"These airbags work, right?" Regina questioned while checking her seat-belt again to make sure it was closed.

Emma just rolled her eyes "Drama Queen" Emma would always call her "So Regina it's our last year, and I think that you made me a promise sometime ago".

"Emma I can't tell him. I don't want things to turn bad between us and besides he's with Marian now". Regina told her friend.

"Babe I know but you can't keep doing what you're doing" Emma tried to make Regina see reason. "You re going out with Daniel and in love with another."

"You re one to talk" Regina then said.

"What are you on about?" Emma asked a question with a raised brow.

"Emma you've been dating the same guy for the last two years and now you re seeing Killian behind his back" Regina simply said.

"I'm not seeing Killian" Emma defended.

"Okay" Regina rolled her eyes.

"I'm not" she was starting to get annoyed.

"Well I don't know what I'm going to do." Regina just said changing the subject as she looked out the window.


Regina and Emma arrived at Storybrooke high and got their class schedules, then made their way to the school's canteen so they could sit down and have a soda while they looked over their schedule.

"Have you got Science?" Regina asked her blonde friend.

"Nope, have you got Business?" Emma answered and asked a question.

"For fuck s sake, have we any classes together?" Regina was pissed.

"Relax... I have English and Math with ya" Emma just said.

"Emma Math is with Gold and English is with Hyde, they are hard asses, we're not going to be able to have a chat or anything" Regina frowned at not been able to spend time with her best friend in her last year.

"Oh wait" Emma almost shouted as she looked at the schedule sheet that she was holding in her hands "I have Art and P.E."

"Well that's two" Regina simply replied, but still with the same frown as before.

"Regina babe they are dos classes, we can hang out a lot" Emma was trying to reassure her dark haired friend.

"Please tell me one of you have Science?" Robin spoke as he approached his friend's table and sat by Regina.

"Regina has" Emma smirked.

"Really?" Robin's smile was huge "Please tell me you'll be my partner" Robin begged.

"Won't Marian want to be your partner?" Regina questioned.

"She doesn't have Science, she got Business instead" Robin simply answered.

"Well" Emma still had that smirk "Since Marian can't be your lab partner, I'm sure Gina will be happy to be."

"Really? Cause that would be awesome" Robin looked at the dark haired woman.

"Ok" Was all she could say as she threw her blonde haired friend a death glare which Emma just chuckled at.

"Do you not want to be my partner? You don't look very happy about it" Robin asked as he had seen the look she was giving Emma.

"It's not that Robin" Emma jumped in before Regina could respond. "She's just pissed that we don't have many classes together".

"Regina you do remember the test we all had to take a couple of months ago right" Robin asked not as a question.

"What about it?" Regina asked with a question mark.

"Babe" Emma jumped in "For a smart woman you can be really stupid sometimes".

Regina gave another glare to her blonde friend causing Robin to jump in and explain. "That test showed us what subjects are best for us, so the school then gives the ones that basically match us and well let's face it" Robin laughed then continued after a minute of laughter "You and Emma have totally different personalities".

Emma quickly pulled Robin's schedule sheet from his hand and before he could complain Emma spoke "Oh would you look at that, you and Robin are in almost every class together" Emma looked at her dark haired friend with that smirk again.

Robin smiled then said playfully as he bumped his shoulder with Regina's "Because we're soulmates Emma."

"Yes you are" Emma whispered to herself.

"I'm not happy" A dark brown haired woman with caramel skin said as she arrived at their table and set down beside Robin, they shared a quick kiss then she continued "Have you seen this?" Marian held up her hand that was holding her schedule.

"Yes... We're all not happy about it, but sadly there's nothing we can do" Emma frowned this time.

"I have no classes with Robin" Marian almost shouted in frustration.

"Really?" Emma said with a smile towards Regina.

The test that they had a couple of months ago showed what they would excel in and well... Robin and Regina had almost every subject together and to Emma that should be a perfect match.

Regina and Robin had known each other for a long time. They had first met in preschool, Robin was Regina's first friend even though he had only moved there and Regina had lived there all her life. (Well she was only four years old, but well that was all her life)

Her first day at school, well... It wasn't really school as it was only preschool, but she was still terrified.

'What if they don't like me? What if because my mommy has power they won't want to talk to me?'

At four years of age it was simple to say that Regina Mills was terrified. She was terrified because no one was going to talk to her and become her friend because of her mother.

Regina was the cutest little girl that you would ever see, she had jet black hair that came down to her shoulders but always held them back in two little pigtails but a few strands would always fall loose from her pigtails. She was paled skin with eyes that were wide and dark brown and sometimes looked black. (Well It would always depend on the light).

But her mother was the Mayor, and basically her job was to strike fear into the hearts of others, but they didn't know her as she was the sweetest person you could ever meet, well that was according to Regina... But the other children would never listen as they would treat Regina like a leopard.

Regina's mother had brought her daughter to the park plenty of times, but her mother was the Mayor of this small town of Storybrooke and all the kids were afraid to befriend Regina because some of them had overheard their parents talk about how scary Cora was.

They were totally wrong, as Cora, Regina's mother was the nicest woman you could ever meet.

But yet the parents and kids wouldn't choose to see that, when all Cora was doing was her job.

"You ready sweetheart?" Her mother asked as she poked her head into her daughter's bedroom.

Regina just nodded and picked up her back-pack and followed her mother out the door and down the stairs and out to her mother's car. They drove to the school in silence and when they arrived, Cora dropped her daughter of and watched as she stepped into her line and started talking to a little boy with bright blue eyes that had appeared behind her.


He was terrified, he had never really had any friends... Well he didn't really know how to talk to people as he had always been a very shy child. But it was hard for him to trust people as at only four years of age he had been betrayed a lot.

Robin had no surname because no one knew it, but then three months ago he got adopted by a couple, a nice couple that had adopted a little boy two years ago by the name Killian.

Robin was a really cute little boy, he had sky blue eyes and big huge dimples and dirty blonde hair. While Killian at the age of four wanted to be a pirate, so well he was dressed in leather pants and a leather jacket. (His parents are hoping that he'll grow out of that phase soon)

Killian and Robin had become best friends as there was only a little under two months between them.

Their parents, after driving them to school, watched as they both stepped into their line.

"Hi" Robin just said as he stood behind the young girl with jet black hair and dark eyes.

"Hi" Regina repeated.

"I'm... I'm Robin Jones" The little boy said.

Robin was a really shy child as he would also shut himself out from people, but that wasn't only it, he had been through a lot in his young years before Ruth and Brian Jones had adopted him. But as his mother and father stood there and watched him introduce himself to a complete stranger. They had hope.

'He's gonna be okay' Both parents thought at the same time.

"I- I'm- I'm... Regina Mills" Regina stammered giving her own name. As it had felt a bit weird that this Robin didn't know who she was. "It - It's an honour to meet you milady" Robin said with a wide smile. He was smitten, and he was determined to make friends with this dark haired little girl.

And well... Things have worked out for them as they have been best friends now for the last 12 years.

"Yeah it sucks" Marian said pouting like a four year old.

"Mar I told you it'll be ok" Robin rubbed his hand up and down Marian's back trying to reassure his girlfriend.

"Regina" A voice called.

"Oh great, he's here" Robin mumbled to himself.

It was no secret that Robin hated Daniel, he would always see him and Regina argue and he never liked to see Regina upset or unhappy.

Regina closed her eyes tight as she was hoping that she was hearing things, she so wasn't ready to talk to him yet after what happened Saturday night. But then she opened her eyes and realized that she wasn't hearing things as she had seen Daniel walking towards their table.

"Daniel" Regina just said but not in her usual way causing Emma, Robin and Marian to glare her way.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Daniel asked his girlfriend.

Regina stood up with a sigh and moved away from the table her friends were sitting at. Daniel following her while ignoring the glares.

"So are you going to tell me what was wrong Saturday?" Daniel questioned.

"Are you serious?" Regina asked as a little chuckle escaped her throat.

"Well... yeah, we were kind of getting hot and heavy and then you just left" Daniel explained.

"Just left" Regina said with a nod of the head then said "Daniel I told you that I wasn't ready for that, and even if I was ready, I certainly wouldn't do it in the backseat of your car-"

"Regina I've been with you for a year and a half and you've only let me get to second base, so you can kinda understand where I'm coming from" Daniel simply said.

"I told you I was waiting until I got married" But of course that was a lie, Regina was waiting until it felt right and well if she was honest it had never felt like the right time with Daniel.

There was only one man that Regina wanted to give herself to and that was Robin Jones.

"Look Regina I love you and one day I am going to marry you... So why can't we just do it now?" Daniel asked.

"Because I'm not ready" That was another lie cause she'd totally do Robin right now.

"Ok fine... Whenever you're ready then" Daniel said in an annoyed tone.

"You really don't mind waiting?" Regina asked skeptically.

"No of course not" Daniel pulled his girlfriend into an embrace and kissed her on the side of the head.

'This is new' she thought to herself.

"Break it up you two" A voice came from behind them. "You both have your class schedules, so why are you still here?" The voice then asked.

"Sorry Mr. Gold" Daniel gave his teacher a fake smile. "We were just leaving".

Regina and Daniel then made their way to the exit of the cafeteria where their friends were waiting as they had seen Gold approach the teenagers. Regina had told her boyfriend that Emma would drive her home as that s what they had planned.

So that's what happened, Emma drove Regina home said goodbye that she'd see her tomorrow to go shopping so that they could get any last minute things they might need and having forgotten.

They had to get ready for their first day of their Senior Year.



Please let me know your thought's.