Title: "The Day He Came Home" Author: Collaboration project by Wolverine6Claws and WolviesLover Rating: PG for now. Subject to change. Disclaimer: They don't belong to us. You know the drill. Notes : From Ororo's point of view.

The blizzard that hit New York state two days ago had dropped 27 inches of snow in less than eighteen hours. It's hard to believe, standing here now, watching the students enjoying their Saturday outside. A winter wonderland surrounds us, so beautiful and pristine, and yet the temperature is close to fifty degrees, making it feel more like spring. The children were running around, having snowball fights or building snowmen.

Scott, the ever stoic and much disciplined leader of the X-Men seemed to find their play an utter waste of time. He stepped outside several times throughout the morning to give them a disapproving look. He'd caught the eye of several students who dismissed his glare with barely any notice and continued their play, shoving each other into the fluffy drifts with joyful shouts and bursts of laughter. Even I managed to keep my eyes averted from his glare, yet despite that, he wandered over in my direction and I braced myself with a small sigh of irritation.

"So, Ororo." he started, and I gave him a sidelong glance. "Don't you think their time would be better off spent inside studying?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me through his ruby-tinted lenses.

"Oh, Scott." I laughed merrily, not allowing him to sullen my mood and letting my emotions feed off the children's own merriment. "Have a heart. let them play for once. It is Saturday, after all, and the bright lady has seen fit to give us this glorious day. Let them enjoy it." With his arms still folded across his chest, he tilted his head and I could just see his eyes narrowing behind the colored lens. "And do not look at me that way, Scott Summers. I had nothing to do with this lovely weather, I assure you." I smiled back.

He merely gave me a sullen look before wandering off. As he left the 'field of play' a snowball whizzed in his direction, startling him and causing him to stumble forward and I could not help but laugh along with the children.

Jean ran up and tackled him, right after the snowball nearly grazed his head, and dropped him face first in the snow. Laughing, she crawled up his body with fists full of snow, obviously intending to shove the wintry fluff down his collar. For once, Scott laughed along with her and he allowed himself to have some fun as he rolled over and tried to fend her off. As they wrestled in the snow, I turned my back to them, not wanting to intrude on their play, and I couldn't help but smile.

As I turned back toward the children I caught sight of a motorcycle winding its way up the driveway towards the mansion. My smile faltered even as my breath caught in my throat.' He's come home', I thought with mild excitement even knowing that his presence would not abide well with the peace that has settled within these walls since his departure.

Logan was a force of nature, a free spirit, a roughneck. a maverick with the hots for Scott's lifelong sweetheart, Jean Grey. It was a pity that he'd returned just as Scott and Jean had gotten their relationship back on the track it'd been on before Wolverine came on the scene and tried his best to derail it. And now, he's back and I cannot help but cringe with the thought of the chaos he would cause.

Oh, yes. everyone and everything will be thrown into chaos. Well.everyone but me, of course. I am Ororo Monroe. I am goddess of the elements. The very winds obey my command and thunder roars my fury. I do not get thrown into chaos. When I am calm I am barely noticed in the whisper of a mild breeze. I stay in the shadows, where no one notices me. My eyes follow the motorcycle as it is steered toward the garage and I chide myself for feeling bitter.

Then I notice that my eyes are not alone in their surveillance. Two, huge, doe-like brown eyes were the second to lock upon the motorcycle, believed to have been stolen so many months ago. And other eyes were soon to follow.

Jean's grew a touch shyer and Scott's, even hidden by the ruby glasses I imagine had darkened in anger at Logan's return. Noticing Jean's reaction, he turned and stormed off. And, after a long moment, Jean turned on her heel and followed suit.

The children openly gawked at the man who was the source of many rumors around the mansion as the bike came to a stop beside the garage. Its rider sat astride it, seemingly oblivious to all the attention his mere presence had garnered from students and staff alike.

He just sat there for a moment and, soon enough, he tugged off his helmet and ran a rough hand through his unruly locks of dark hair. His hair was thick, and looked unkempt and formed two points on either side of his head, which made him look ridiculous.

I watched him as he sat there, and it appeared as though he was waiting for something. And, strangely enough, he would not be disappointed. Rogue ran up and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He embraced her in return, with a grin that revealed lengthened canines and yet softened his rugged features. Almost immediately he realized the display he was making, and quickly pulled himself together and hid the softer emotion away. I smiled to see it, that unguarded show of affection, as quick as it was, but never let my mind forget about the trouble he could cause.

I watched him with Marie, as they spoke in low, soft tones and it wasn't too long before she danced away happily, to resume her playful antics in the snow with the other children.

His eyes followed her for a moment and then he seemed to feel my own eyes upon him and he turned his head to meet my gaze. I suddenly felt like a deer in headlights as my cat-like blues were now staring into intense steely gray. Then he gave his head the slightest tilt as he offered me a crooked grin, his eyes never leaving mine as he swung his leg over the seat and started towards me with a cocky stride and a devil-may-care attitude.

I wanted to smile a greeting, but instead I offered him an amused expression and one raised eyebrow. As he stopped in front of me, he scanned the area quickly. obviously looking for someone in particular. Then he gave me a nod.

"Storm." He offered by way of a greeting, and I scowled at him in return.

"Wolverine." I replied and he seemed slightly surprised at my use of his code name, instead of the usual 'Logan'. But I simply thought it rude of him to call me that, and in truth it hurt my feelings, for he quite obviously knows my true name.

"So." he said trailing off, as he looked over my shoulder at the front door of the mansion, and running his tongue over the front of his teeth like a carnivore tasting a scent on the air. "So, where's Jeannie?" he finally asked straight out, just like that.

I stared at him for quite some time. And my silent stare, of indignation and suppressed anger at his flippant attitude, must've started to bore a hole in his skull because he finally turned to look at me with a confused look. I merely stared back at him and he shifted his stance uncomfortably.

Satisfied, I gave him a slightly smug look and turned to leave without answering his question. I was stopped with a hand on my arm and I turned to give it a withering glance. Then raising my eyes again to meet his, it was my turn to be surprised.

He stared at me with an expression I was unable to place, but I could swear I saw. regret? Perhaps a wishful thought.

With a somewhat sad grin, he nodded his head and released me. Then he copped his arrogant attitude and headed for the mansion's front entrance at a loping trot. Looking back at me over his shoulder, he stopped and gave me a wink.

"S'nice ta be back, 'Ro. I'll hafta make it a point ta see ya' 'round." Then he flashed that wicked grin at me and continued on his way. And now it was my turn to stare at him unsure. A mixture of anticipation and of dread washed over me, and through me, as I wondered what exactly he meant by that.

'Oooh', I huffed angrily, and stomped my foot, 'Damn him!'