I'm back!

No, I'm not dead.

I got a promotion at work and had no idea what I was doing. So I had to get training and then actually start doing the work and it was just all round BAD!

But things have settled down for now and I can focus on my writing (and fans) again.

Really hope you guys are not that angry.

So without further ado, ENJOY!

I roll over onto my stomach and wince at the headache starting behind my eyes. Oh my god what was I thinking last night? How could I ever think that I could outdrink a werewolf, let alone two? I roll back onto my back and rub at my eyes. The headache is slowly getting worse the more awake I become.

I groan and throw my arms out. My left hand makes a smack noise as it connects with something that is not covers on a bed. I bolt upright and look to my left. Laying without a shirt on is none other than Derek Sourwolf Hale.

I scramble out of the bed but in typical Stiles fashion my feet get tangled in the sheets and I fall flat on my ass, and said ass is in the air. A groan leaves my lips again and the headache gets increasingly stronger.

I feel strong hands gripping my hips and suddenly I'm on the bed again. "What is wrong with you Stiles?" Derek asks as he releases my hips. "There is so many things I can say to that question but I will not give you the satisfaction of having something to taunt me with," I say and untangle my feet from the sheets. Derek snorts and the bed shifts as he gets up from it.

"Don't need to worry about you making a list, I have one of my own and I'm sure that mine is longer than yours is," he says from behind me. I swivel around and give him my best fake shock and hurt face. "I take offence to that," I say putting my hand on my chest for extra drama. Derek snorts again.

He's standing by his dresser and rummaging around in it. He pulls out a shirt and some jogging pants and turns around to face me. He throws the cloths at me and it hits me in the face. It falls into my lap and I glare at Derek. He has the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen. And oh my god is that bunny teeth I see?

"Go take a shower and put on those. You smell like stale alcohol and sweat. I've had to have that smell in my nose all night long and I can't take it anymore," he says and walks back to the bed.

All night? Wait how long was I in in his bed? Why was I in his bed? Why was I with him in his bed? Why was I with him in his bed with him not having a shirt on? What was going on?

"First of all, I don't smell, I always smell like a fresh daisy-" he snorts again, "- Secondly I will not be wearing your cloths, I don't know where's it's been-" "I washed those yesterday before you guys came over." "-Thirdly I don't wear pants without underwear-" "I don't wear them at all." My brain short circuits for a minute there. "-Fourthly that should not be as hot as it sounds. Like you don't wear them at all? At all times?" I ask and turn my body toward him. He smirks at me and arches one of those perfect eyebrows. I stare back him waiting for him to answer when it hits me what I said.

My face warms all over, actually my whole body does. Did I just tell Derek that I thought him not wearing underwear was hot? My eyes widen with every seconds that passes.

Luckily for me Derek takes pity on me and answers my question. "I wear them when I go out in jeans, for two reasons. My mom always said to wear underwear when going out because you never know what's going to happen and the other reason is that it chaffs," he says. My brain short circuits again as I think of that image.

That's enough of that! I chide myself as I feel hot all over again. I jump up from the bed and make a bee line for the bathroom. As I'm about the round the corner of his room I stop and turn back around to face him. "Just one more thing, how did I end up in bed with you?" I ask.

Derek smiles at me as he gets up from the bed and walks over to me. "You begged me last night to let me sleep with you," he says and walks past me. My mouth falls open as I look after him.

I walk to the bathroom in a daze and close the door behind me. I put Derek's cloths down on the toilet and strip down to my birthday suit.

Did I really ask Derek if he would sleep with me? If I did I really need to stop drinking because that is so not right on so many levels. I turn on the shower and test the temperature. Once it's on the level of scolding hot, I climb under the spray.

Thoughts of Derek shirtless invade my mind as I start to scrub my body raw. My cock slowly lifts his head the more I think of Derek. I look down at it and frown. Not now! Derek would definitely hear if I did anything right now.

I ignore my cock for as long as I can and rinse off my body. I grab Derek's shampoo and wash my hair methodically. I stop when a thought suddenly springs into my brain.
Derek was smirking and smiling when we had the whole awkward conversation. Does that mean he might feel the same way or is he just humoring me? Did he actually want to sleep with me or did he just let me sleep in his bed because he felt bad for me? Did he like it when I said he think it's hot that he doesn't wear underwear or did he just smile because it's totally something I would say?

I need to find the answers to these questions otherwise I'm going to make myself crazy. I stand under the water and let the shampoo rinse from my hair. The water makes little rivers down my body. But before all of that I need to take a cold shower.

I'm about to turn off the hot water when I stop myself. A cold shower is only going to help so much with my little problem. I might as well deal with it. Derek and his hearing be damned. Maybe I might just find out if Derek feels the same way if I do this.

My right hand travels down my body and grips the base of my cock. I slowly start to tug on it as more images of Derek enter my mind.

Derek shirtless this morning.

The muscles of his six pack rippling as he gets up from the bed.

The muscles in his arms as he throws his clothes at me.

On another day, Derek shirtless as he trains the pack.

The sweat glistening on his chest.

His hands gripping me tight as he shows me how to fend off a werewolf.

I imagine his hand where mine is right now, slowly working up and down on my cock.

Feel him grip me ever so tightly and move ever so slightly faster. My breath quickens with his pace.

In the back of my head I hear the bathroom door open but I'm so preoccupied with the feeling of being slowly stroked to completion. The shower door opens and I feel hands on my body. I startle, my eyes popping open.

"Did you think I wasn't going to hear you in here? Quietly moaning like a bitch in heat. Saying my name with every upstroke on your cock. Gasping as you grip yourself tighter? What were you thinking about?" Derek asks in my ear. His hands roam over my chest, flicking my nipples and then going lower and stretching out on my stomach. I can feel his hot breath on my ear and his stubble scratching me just below it. One of his hands replaces mine on my cock and his grip is so much better than I ever could have imagined it. I throw my head back as he speeds up his hand so fast I feel lightheaded. Suddenly he stops and grips me so, so tightly at my base. "You didn't answer my question Stiles. What were you thinking about?" his words are mere whispers and breathless on the shell of my ear. A long stripe of his tongue follow his words. "I… I… Jesus Fuck me… If you want… ugh… if you want me to answer you're gonna have to stop that," I manage to stutter out as his teeth nibble on my ear. He stops, going completely still. "I was thinking about you. Shirtless. Training us. And in bed just now," I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my dear Brother, I did not need to see this or hear what you just said. I might be Death but I'm still innocent," D's Voice breaks through the haze in my brain.
You have got to be fucking me?!

Derek growls as his arms lock protectively around me. "It's okay big guy, it's just D," I try to reassure Derek. I look out of the shower, or try to at least. The shower door glass is extremely fogged up. I wipe it down and look straight in D's eyes. I jump back and lose my footing. If it wasn't for Derek having such a tight grip on me, and my cock might I add, I would have been flat on my ass right now. I gasp as the whole incident makes shivers run across my body, starting from my cock. I let out a blissful moan or gasp, I don't know. Lust clouds my brain so quickly causing me to stop breathing for a second.

"Stiles if I wasn't so freaked out by the smell from the hospital and you calling it D right now I might have enjoyed the sound you just made," Derek says with a voice so filled with lust and concern it kinda makes my knees go weak again.

"Boys, if you could possibly stop with whatever you are doing right now, I would greatly appreciate it. My eyes are gonna have to be bleached after this whole business," D says and walks away from the shower and promptly turns his back on us.

I turn off the water to the shower and roll my eyes. "Can I just mention that you are the one that decided it was a good idea to just pop in? It's not our fault you popped in at this very moment. I have half a mind to just continue to let Derek ravish me in any way he sees fit. So would you mind telling me what you are doing here?" I ask D as I get out of the shower, much to my own chagrin.

"Stiles, are you talking to Death?" Derek asks as he gets out of the shower as well. He wraps me in a towel and then wraps himself in one as well. Where the hell did the towels come from?

"Are the two of you decent yet? My brain can only take so much of nude men," D mutters the last part under his breath. I snort and tell him that we are covered up if that is decent enough for him. He turns around peeking at us with one eye, trying to make sure that I'm telling the truth.


"I would prefer cloths actually."

"Why don't you just magic them on us?"

"Cause I'm Death and not a fucking magician."

Eye roll from both of us.

"You can walk through walls and make yourself invisible to those that you want. Kind of sounds like you're a magician to me."

"My dear boy-"

"Stiles are you arguing with Death right now? Over magic?" Derek asks incredulous.

"Get dressed please. I will wait for you in the living room. It's time that you give me an answer and you are running out of time. So if you haven't decided yet, I suggest you think about it while you guys get dressed," D says, sauntering over to the door and then through it.

I sigh and rub at my temples. The headache was coming back and with much more force than it did previously. I turn to face Derek to tell him what Death said, when I see Mister Sourwolf getting dressed. I try to commit as much of him to memory as I can.

"So what did he have to say? And why was he here for such a short time?" Derek asks as he pulls his shirt over his head. No, don't hide that body away. Let me ogle it for the rest of eternity. I sigh again, grab the cloths from the toilet and start to get dressed as well.

"He's in the living room right now. He's giving us time to get dressed because the man of how many years old can't stand to see two young men getting frisky in the shower. I mean really he's probably seen worse over the years yet he's acting like we are the worst of them all. Any way he said he's here for an answer from me and that I don't have a lot of time to give him one. I wonder what would happen if just refuse to give him an answer. Would he kill me? Or would he just get really pissed off and hex me? Or would he force me to become his reaper? And another thing, he's given me so little information on what being his reaper entails and I wond-" Derek smacks a hand over my mouth.

"Breath Stiles! Take a deep breath and finish getting dressed," Derek instructs taking his hand from my mouth. "Fine and then what? I don't have an answer for him. I don't want to be a reaper Derek."

Derek just stares at me. Once I'm dressed, Derek takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom.

Hope you guys liked that.

I'm going to try to make the chapters a bit longer, so bare with me please.

And I will stop talking now.

Love From The Wolfiest Girl You Will Ever Meet...

BYE! (waves hand like a maniac)