Just another take on a Tonks is a werewolf story. And I can not deny, I love the idea of mates among werewolves and have seen it often in fics with these two.

It'll hopefully span from OoTP-DH.

Remus had always assumed it was a myth, it certainly sounded like one. To him, it seemed as ridiculous as the myth that silver killed werewolves. He couldn't believe that there'd be another wolf drawn to him just as he was drawn to her in return, some other werewolf he was meant to simply drop everything to be with- or was it that he'd be willing to drop everything to be with his life mate? He had disregarded the fact so much, he honestly didn't even fully understand the details.

The fact that he disregarded it, claiming it to be nothing but a myth, meant that he almost missed when he did meet her.

It had been the first time he had been able to try Wolfsbane, after Dumbledore had sent some to him for the August full moon. He had doubted the Wolfsbane actually worked, but he was genuinely surprised to find that it did. Suddenly, teaching at Hogwarts seemed like it would be safe. If he had this every month, he wouldn't be a danger to students or other teachers.

He had been in the woods near his rundown Yorkshire cottage, at first unsure as to why he felt the need to actually be outside during this transformation. He wandered through the trees, enjoying the feeling that he was still himself, he had control over every single movement and decision he made. When he realised there were humans nearby, he was able to continue deeper into the woods without even feeling the need to attack them.

It was deep in the woods when he felt the pull, something telling him to continue heading in the direction he was going. He smelled another werewolf before he spotted her, and was surprised that there was nothing telling him to attack the other werewolf. Instead, the two wolves paused, staring at each other.

The dark brown female wolf had been smaller than him, as most females generally were. She must have also taken Wolfsbane, he figured later. She eyed him suspiciously, her human-like eyes watching his every move, her body tense as if waiting for some kind of attack from him. Either she hadn't been a werewolf for more than a few moons, or she had been in a lot of fights with other werewolves and expected every werewolf to be violent.

She was so skittish around him that she was gone long before the moon even waned, and he realised he had no idea who she was as a human. He tried to follow her, but she was surprisingly fast, and he still hadn't found her again by the time his transformation back to a human began.

Unfortunately, the only time he had Wolfsbane after that had been while teaching at Hogwarts, so he hadn't had a chance to revisit the woods where he met the female wolf. After he resigned from Hogwarts, he didn't risk going back to the forest once he knew he wouldn't have Wolfsbane. He didn't want to risk being fully controlled by his instincts, because he didn't know what would happen.

When he joined the Order, he felt a similar pull during one of the meetings, but wasn't aware there were any other werewolves among the Order. He tried to listen to the meeting, to Dumbledore's voice, but there was a small voice in the back of his mind, repeating the same phrase over and over.

She's here.

After the meeting, while most of them were talking, he tried to figure out which of the female members were the werewolf, but none of them seemed obvious to him. He knew Emmeline and Hestia, and they definitely weren't werewolves. There was the young Auror, but she wouldn't be an Auror if she was a werewolf. That left Molly, but Remus definitely knew she wasn't a werewolf.

The only new female Order member was the Auror, but she couldn't be a werewolf. She wouldn't be employed by the Ministry if she was, and Sirius would have told Remus that Tonks was a werewolf, considering he was her cousin and would probably know such a thing.

She didn't even seem like a werewolf, either. She didn't look older than she was, which many werewolves did. The full moon was a week away, and she didn't seem ill. He wondered if it was because she was a Metamorphmagus. Maybe it was easier on her because of that.

However, she still wouldn't be an Auror. There was no way a werewolf could hide their condition for so long without someone finding out.

Once the Order left, Remus decided he had to know if Sirius knew. Sirius was still sitting at the table, a bottle of firewhiskey in front of him. Remus sat down across from him.

"Are there other werewolves in the Order?" Remus asked. "That you know of, I mean."

Sirius thought for a moment. "I thought werewolves could tell if another werewolf is around them?"

"I can, that's why I'm asking. Someone who was here tonight is a werewolf, but I don't know who."

Sirius shrugged. "As far as I know, you're the only one, mate."

Remus frowned.

"What is this about, anyway?" Sirius asked.

"I'm just wondering who it is." Remus said casually.

Sirius was quiet for another moment. "Does this have anything to do with that wolf you told me about?" Sirius asked, and when Remus didn't answer, Sirius grinned. "Ah, so she was here, then!"

"I think so, yes."

"And you don't know who it was?"


"So, let me get this straight. You know you have a mate, something you thought was a rumour to begin with, but you don't know who it is?"

Remus nodded. "I was trying to figure out who it was, but none of the women who were here tonight- well, I don't think any of them are werewolves. Except, perhaps your cousin. Nymphadora, was it? She's the only one I'm not sure about, but she's an Auror-"

"No, she's not." Sirius said. "I told you when I introduced you two. She went through training, she never qualified."

Remus was quiet for a moment. "Why didn't she qualify?"

Sirius shrugged. "I don't know, I didn't ask her." Sirius said. "Either way, she's not an Auror, Moony."

Remus stared at the table. "Do you happen to know if she's a werewolf?"

"I don't go around asking people if they're werewolves." Sirius said.

"You asked me." Remus pointed out.

"James asked you, technically." Sirius said. "And that was only because we already knew. Why? You don't think she's the wolf you saw, do you? Your mate?"

"Unless Hestia or Emmeline have become werewolves, she's the only one left." Remus said. "But it can't be-"

"You already admitted this mate thing couldn't be false, because you had felt it before." Sirius said. "Now, unless werewolves have multiple mates-"

"Kind of negates the point of a life mate."

"-then I would say there's a chance it is her." Sirius said. "Just think of it this way, Moony- you could be my cousin in law."

"Werewolves don't get married."

"Humans do."

Remus sighed. "Why are we even talking about this? If it is your cousin, shouldn't you be more concerned about the fact she's nearly half my age?"

"She's not half your age." Sirius said calmly. "Besides, you brought it up, Moony."

As Tonks opened the front door, she waited for her mother's usual greeting.

"Dora, is that you?"

She smiled to herself, letting the door shut behind her. "Yes, Mum, it's just me." She answered as her mother appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"How was your day?" Andromeda asked, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

"The usual.'' Tonks said. "When the Ministry knows you're a werewolf, so does everyone else."

Andromeda sighed softly. "Well, it's always the victims who suffer, isn't it?"

"To be fair, the werewolf that bit me probably doesn't have a job either."

"Well, I suppose it's just more reason for you to stay at home with us." Andromeda saism "The idea that our only child would one day move out..."

It was her turn to sigh. "I don't like the idea of staying home forever, Mum. The treatment of werewolves needs to change-"

"And the Order is supposed to do help fix that." Andromeda said. "Yes, yes, I know. I suppose it's good you have something to do, anyway."

"And I can hopefully put the Auror training to work." Tonks said. "I spent two and a half years training, it's a shame I never get to use it."

June 1993

Nymphadora Tonks had only been in this office once before, and that had been to meet her mentor. Now, however, she was pretty sure she was in the office to be told she couldn't be an Auror.

Alastor Moody had spent the last two and a half years training her, it'd be a shame for it to be for no reason. He had told her when they first met that he'd be very upset if she didn't qualify after he wasted three years training her.

She wasn't surprised when Scrimgeour said that there was no place among the ranks for a werewolf, they just simply couldn't have her working with them.

"I'm sure you understand the Ministry's position." He added, as if that would somehow make it hurt less.

"The Ministry's position is medieval." Moody said gruffly. "You're giving up the opportunity to have one Hell of an Auror working for you, simply because she decided to take a walk with her father."

"Werewolves are violent, and have been known to be a threat." Scrimgeour said. "We can't have one working for us when our kind is arresting the rest of her kind."

"Our kind?" Moody asked. "You're willing to lose the chance at having a Metamorphmagus in the ranks, just because she's not 'our kind'? She was never one of 'our kind', you acknowledged that Metamorphmagi are different from us from the beginning-"

"Auror Moody, there are other opportunities for werewolves-"

"There is not, and you know it. You're asking her to step back from two and a half years of Auror training, because the Ministry is full of judgemental wizards who haven't progressed since the 1700s."

Tonks had been surprised he had tried to stand up for her, even if it was pointless and she still lost her job anyway, but it felt strangely nice. He had never acted as if they were friends, perhaps they weren't. It was interesting to her, though, that he had chosen to stand up for her.

Three days later, he had taken her for lunch the Leaky Cauldron to see how she was handling it and to tell her he was retiring a year early.

The way Moody had said it made her believe he hadn't chosen to retire.

"Is it because you stood up for me?" She had asked, but the grizzled Auror had merely shrugged.

"Someone had to."

So, while I do love that Tonks was a badass Auror, unfortunately, the ministry probably wouldn't let a werewolf be an Auror.